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Found 6 results

  1. [!] This missive would be hung around as many nations’ board as this writer could go to Vikelian Military Recruitment As The Queendom of Vikela continues to strive for peace and prosperity, we continue to encounter a variety of dangers ranging from evil-doers and forces of the dark. Thus, Queendom of Vikela invites all that strive for the same goal of living in prosperity and slaying evil-doers to her military force: Chimaera Military. Join a tradition steeped in bravery, sacrifice, and unwavering loyalty, where you'll embrace the legacy of those who've paved the way before you. Uphold Vikela's honor with every breath and step on the battlefield. As you ascend the ranks of Vikela's military, your dedication, prowess, and leadership will be duly acknowledged, propelling you toward greatness. Forge bonds of camaraderie that transcend mere duty; within the company of your fellow soldiers, discover strength, support, and an unwavering solidarity that defines us as a unified force against adversity. Safeguard Vikela and its people with unwavering vigilance and dedication, and in return, reap the rewards of competitive compensation, healthcare provisions, and abundant opportunities for personal and professional growth. Recruitments In this pivotal hour, we summon forth those who possess the indomitable spirit and unwavering resolve that wish to learn the art of defending The Queendom of Vikela against any threat that dare to cast a shadow upon our land. Learn the Call, and soar high. If you wish to be enlisted, send a bird to 'Father Raven' @PhilosopherBear , Walter Blanc @6Dark , or Dame Mayan Avern @TheGayGuardian2 or step forth to the gates of The Queendom of Vikela and enlist in our ranks. Guilds of Adventurers are encouraged to enlist. Benefits If one joins, there will be guaranteed benefits. These benefits are: - A place to reside in. - Special Military Training that ranges from Combative to Magical. - Alchemical Tools and Potions at disposal (Custom Requests are allowed). - Specialized Equipment and Weapons for each soldier. - Free Healthcare from the Clinic - Free Food for all empty stomachs - Discount on Tavern Drinks (3 mina) For Vikela We Soar Signed, Son Altesse Éminente, Tèt Medic Ofisyè, Konso Walter Blanc de Vikela Tèt Chevalye nun Réyal Chevalye "The Order of The Crimson Raven" l'honnête Hemasteron ,Aserath Hemasteron Tèt Chevalye nun Chimaera Military Dame Mayan Avern
  2. RECRUITMENT DRIVE Issued at Year 168 of the Second Age With our Most Serene State constantly under new development, it has been deemed of the highest importance to expand our military capability. This military force will be used to protect our roads, vassals, allies and citizenry. TO JOIN THE CAUSE Those joining the cause will receive various benefits and as they prove themselves capable, payment. Further information can be found in the recently published restructure document. THOSE ENSLITING BEFORE 170 OF THE SECOND AGE WILL BE GRANTED A BONUS UPON THEIR FIRST PROMOTION ETERNAL WE STAND, ESHTAEL KEEPS BALANCE signed, The Former Silver Lubba, Mika “The Resourceful” Anarion, Serene Marq of The Most Serene March of Cerulia and Minister of Defense of Lurin, Protector of the Lurinite Floodplains, Lord of Lubba’s Keep, Lubba Knight of Lurin, Founder of Lurin
  3. Legacy of the Crocodile The Treacherous Seas Awaken 119 S.A. [!] A painting of the Hyspian Coast. ✧┈┈┈┈┈•♛•┈┈┈┈┈✧ [!] Missives could be found among the streets all over Almaris. We thank those that helped us defeat our last attacker, though alas it appears Hyspia has another threat. Fishermen have been going missing, the wood of shipwrecks washing up on our shores. We call you all once again to hear our plea for help. Join us. Join the Legacy of the Crocodile to discover what has plagued these fishermen and eradicate it at once. VIVA HYSPIA! [!] Another missive is attached ✧┈┈┈┈┈•♛•┈┈┈┈┈✧ The Legacy of the Crocodile is a warrior guild founded by His Highness, Francisco and Her Highness, Amity. It was started to help fend off the evil forces of Almaris and protect the lands of Hyspia from harm. With this guild, we vow to defeat anything that threatens our lands be that Spooks or Beasts out of control. Our forces will travel wherever we are needed, just bird His or Her Highness with any and all details regarding the mission. Below contains the information regarding the guild and how to join, if you have any questions bird either of the Highnesses. The Hierarchy of the Guild is as follows: Leaders: The owners of the guild Masters: Highly respected members of the guild, the highest achievable role Members: Your basic member, anyone who has passed recruitment New Recruits: Those who have yet to pass into proper membership Below you will find any and all information regarding how to join and where we are located, we hope to see you there. Join us and help protect our homes, including yours. ✧━───༺༻──━━✧ Signed by, His Highness, Francisco I, Viceroy of Hyspia, Baron of Arenisca, Lord of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Protector of the Hyspian People, Patriarch of House de Pelear Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Vicereine of Hyspia, Baroness-Consort of Arenisca, Lady of Niseep, Gereon's Hold, and Ciudad de Plata, Matriarch of House de Pelear
  4. THE GREYCLOAKS GreyCloak Ranger passing through the lands of Providence PREAMBLE In the 63rd year of the second age in the town of Arichsdorf, Frederick Di Napoli would ride into town. With the recent troubles within Almaris and the ever-growing presence of war within the continent, he would choose to establish the first guildhall of the GreyCloaks in the town. His mentor and teacher had been Hider GreyCloak, a ranger from Norland who had taught him everything about being a man of the wilderness. Now with Frederick as the newfound Captain on the spearhead of the next ranger movements in the continent, the hope is to found and spread the word of the GreyCloaks to have uniformed guilds throughout Almaris, protecting the smaller settlements and frontiers of the continent, keeping balance and peace in the world. The GreyCloak are not strictly professional soldiers. They stand in no lines or guard no gates. Nor are they mere foragers, content to eat berries and drink spring water. For the ranger, all of life is a battle. Their fight does not begin at the bark of a general, or end with the war-horn’s howl. It began when Man first felt the bite of the cold in his chest, and the sting of heat scorching their brow. When they found themselves alone and lost in a dark world- but saw for the first time the stars charting a path to the light of victory. RANKS A veteran ranger with his Cloak and longsword The extravagance of a military guild’s long ladder of ranks seems rather out of place in the ranger’s world. Every ranger is expected to have the same base set of skills as any other. Naturally, some men take to certain tasks better than others, and if a mission calls for a particular man’s expertise, the Leader will designate them to lead it. But which skills will be most essential depends on the task at hand. The best man for one assignment may be the worst man for another. Thus, the rangers free themselves from the shackles of titular bureaucracy and can award commands based on merit and the demands of their current objectives. WILDERS Wilders are members of the guild, who haven’t officially started their training, they are either often people who Rangers assess if they are beneficial to the cause. They are often picked or selected from the applications sent to the guild. Wilders are often informally tested to not only prove their loyalty to their work but to also assess their moral obligations. APPRENTICE New recruits to the guild are known as Apprentices, signifying their status as travellers on a sacred quest. Every Apprentice undergoes rigorous mental and physical training beside a class of fellows. Together, they learn to live off the land, to track men and beasts by the prints they leave behind, to read the sky, and to master the ranger’s weapon of choice- the longbow and recurve bow. Upon the successful acceptance into the guild, Apprentices are then awarded a long Cloak, which they wear and maintain for the rest of their life. RANGER They are given the same responsibilities and privileges carried by all fully initiated members, who came before them. They shall uphold the duties of the guild and cause; the rangers are loyal to the cause of the guild and shall cherish the training that they will continue to strive to gain. These Rangers are provided with assignments that they shall either work alone or with a gathering of the guild, provided by their leader. A group of rangers working on an assignment in Ebonwoods CAPTAIN The Captain is the executive head of the Greycloaks. Their main responsibilities consist of overseeing Apprentice training, delegating rangers to apprentices, planning and directing response to assignments, and maintaining discipline across the guild. The Leader’s word is final but this veto power is rarely if ever exercised. Serving Captain: Frederick Di Napoli (Ze_claus) RECRUITMENT To join the Greycloak Rangers, either seek out the Ranger Captain found in Arichsdorf or fill out the application: (Please reply with this format below!) Minecraft Username: Full Roleplay Name | Alias: Discord: Timezone (Optional): Reason you would like to join:
  5. [OOC: send me a bird in game (ColonelXepphir1) or on discord kuro#9824, we are recruiting everyone but we expecially are searching for dark elves, dm me for any questions you have or for lore and stuff about the clan]
  6. -=+=-=+=- In duty, protect the innocent, In war, fight the enemies, In life, serve the people, In death, honour the fallen. -=+=-=+=- The Fos Aspída are the guard force within the town of Aethermoor. They are a group of trained individuals who seek to protect the town from crime and many dangers that would come. They are a strong force of individuals who specialise in combat and defending, but all share the same goal: To serve and protect the town of Aethermoor which lies under the rule of Lord Neero Sarr and his family. -=+=-=+=- Main Ranks High Warden The leader of the Guard and the overseer of the military. The High Warden are the ones who make the most crucial decisions within the guard and have just about full control over the guard. They organise recruitment and handle big issues that requires the guards’ involvement. They can fire any guards if they break any rules and give positions to recruits. Captain The right hand of the High Warden and the second in command. They hold similar rights as the High Warden, such as taking in recruits and organizing troops. They too can handle with recruitment and fire any guards but must discuss this with the High Warden. Officer The common guard who manages the gate and does daily patrols around the town. They are capable of arresting people and ensuring the townspeople are safe. They must report to either the High Warden or the Captain regarding any incidents and must be loyal to the town. Watchkeepers Men and women who use bows and siege equipment on the walls. They patrol the walls and towers to ensure that the walls are protected and that any potential threats are spotted before they reach the town. They also keep an eye on the town from the walls. Recruits Men and women who wish to join the guard. They will be trained in fighting, as well as the laws of the towns and how to be a reasonable guard. Training usually takes a year or two, depending on the speed of the teachings. -=+=-=+=- Special ranks Sword of Aethermoor An individual who have proven themselves worthy to not just the guard but also to the noble family. Many times, they have done well and has deserved this title. They are appointed this title by both the High Warden and the lord. They are free to attend meetings with the High Warden, as well as also being able to recruit people within the guard. Battlemaster An individual who can work and train with others on fighting. They hold a clear understanding on how weapons work and are fine when it comes to teaching others how to use weapons. Scribe An individual who works with records and writing within the guards. They are an intelligent person who would know a few topics, such as dark beings, etc, and they keep records of all the crimes and individuals within the town. Field medic An individual who is well trained in both mundane and Alchemical healing. They tend to injured soldiers and also people as well. There can be three to four field medics around. -=+=-=+=- As a member of the Fos Aspida, you get benefits for doing your duty for the town. These benefits range from payment to small bonuses with the town's shops and taverns. These benefits serve as a reward for protecting the town. Every guard will receive their uniform after being promoted from Recruit. Field medics and the Scribe are free not to wear the armour, instead they can wear clothing that relfects the guard's colours. (Will give these skins after training is complete.) Additional benefits include: Half prices at the tavern and the shops within Aethermoor. Payment (per every OOC week and you must show activity to receive payment. Your rank can depend on how much payment you recieve.) Recruit - 50 minas (funding mostly for weapons and armour) Officer & Watchkeeper - 50 minas. Captain - 100 minas High Warden - 200 minas Sword of Aethermoor - 150 minas Battlemaster - 100 minas Scribe - 50 minas. Field Medic - 150 minas Signs of breaking rules, any disapproved behavior, or abuse of the benefits will result in these benefits being taken away. -=+=-=+=- (IC) Do not harm or kill an innocent out of cold blood or by negative emotions. Do not kill or harm another guard. Listen and obey any commands giving to you by the High Warden or the Captain. Always be ready to raise your blade to protect citizens or common travellers in the town Kill any dark beings or dark mages on sight. If need help, request the presence of a cleric, paladin, or ascended. Do not immediately kill criminals. Instead, capture them and bring them in for questioning, then trial. One officer must always manage the gate - not the same guard must always be on watch. Report any suspicious people to the High Warden or Captain. Any crimes must be reported to the Scribe to be recorded. If in need of another officer for backup, attempt to send help. Do not engage with opponents you may be unable to defeat. Do not discriminate or act racist towards another race, even if you do dislike them. (OOC) Be active - If you cannot be active for some reason, such as internet disconnections etc, let the leader of the guard know. Do not grief any buildings. Follow the server rules. Follow combat rules. Be polite and respectful towards other players. If you want to share an idea, feel free to share it with the rest of the guards. Any ideas are welcomed. Be logical at times. For example, if you are in the middle of a fight, you cannot send a bird for help as logically, you will have to write the letter down then whistle for the bird to send said letter. We do not tolerate metagaming, especially when done by one of our guards. -=+=-=+=- Want to join? Just fill this out and post this below! Also, feel free to remove the stuff in the brackets. OOC Mcname: (Self explanatory) Skype: (So that I can add you to the guard chat. PM me if you want your skype secret) Timezone: (Best to know your timezone so we know how to arrange shifts and such) IC Name: (self explanatory) Age: (We accept anyone over 20, sorry kiddos) Race: (self explanatory) Main weapon of choice: (If already trained in weaponry, which weapon does your character use most) Secondary weapon(s) of choice: (Does your character have any secondary weapons, such as bows or knives, etc.) What role do you wish to have in the guard? (Look at rankings and decide your role. Do note: High Warden, Captain, and Sword of Aethermoor are to be earned in RP, not immediately recruited into) Why do you want to be part of the Fos Aspida?: (Any particular reasons why your character wants to join the guard?) Do you currently have a home in Aethermoor? Do you swear loyalty to Aethermoor and that you will abide all of the rules? Lastly. Answer these questions truthfully (be true to how your character will react to these situations and try and be as detailed as you can, this helps us to check on your RP as well as see what your character is like): You see a woman walking down a street. The woman is old and runs a nearby bakery shop in the town, carrying a few bread packages to her shop. Suddenly, a thief darts out from a nearby alleyway and manages to take the goods. The thief speeds away with the stolen items. What will you do? You are on duty at the gate. Everything is relatively peaceful until a man comes up to your post. You recognize the man as someone who is banished from the town due to his drunken and violent behavior. He is demanding access into the town. In an attempt to persuade you, he attempts to bribe you with two hundred minas. If you refuse his offer, he will then offer you two thousand minas. What do you do? -=+=-=+=- Got any questions regarding the guard or Aethermoor? Feel free to ask me and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. - Farryn
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