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  1. Past hour
  2. A certain musician would smile down from the seven skies, wondering how time became this fast
  3. Today
  4. Gazhnahk'Akaal was in the middle of roasting a nice juicy elf rib over a fire when she got the missive, "Whub dah zkah?"
  5. Dragaar reading the orc newspaper with shock in his eyes, "Klog wub haz lat dun."
  6. ON THE PONTIFICAL MEETING THE MEETING The AUTARCH made his way to NEW VALDEV with promise of guest rite, it was then when he met his FRIEND, HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I in critical condition he was delivered to PATRIARCH VILLORIK to speak with him in his place. He offered retribution for the horrendous attack which took place and nearly slain the PONTIFF. He offered the OSTRACIZATION and EXECUTION of the former REX KLOG’AKAAL. It was worrying then to hear of a amassing attack upon the new government, which was friendly to Cannon, especially in its reforms. So again did the AUTARCH ride to NEW VALDEV but this time with a retinue of allies, from which he greeted the PONTIFF, his friend, at the gates. The pair spoke at length of the issues which had created such a diplomatic disaster, and about how the REXDOM might sort out the errors of previous administration. Thusly the REXDOM, already steadfast friends of many- including the church, did make agreement with HIS HOLINESS. ON THE OSTRACIZATION OF THE PUNISHED AKAAL The AUTARCH with the authority invested into him by the REX decrees a total OSTRACIZATION of PUNISHED AKAAL. ANY who associate openly or in closed doors with THE PUNISHED AKAAL will cease activity immediately. Any with information on the whereabouts of THE PUNISHED AKAAL will come forwards with haste. KLOG’AKAAL is hereby banned from all activities of GOVERNMENT, from entering LURAK without SLAUGHTER, a bounty will soon be issued upon him. ON THE AGREEMENT WITH THE CHURCH OF CANON The demands made by HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I are accepted in full. LURAK will grant a charter to the CHURCH upon discussion of location, with many selections already picked for them. LURAK will allow the CHURCH access to their resource facilities when letter is delivered as to when they might arrive. LURAK will aid the CHURCH in hunting down any aggressors who attack so freely the CHURCH its officials. AS DAAHD’LUR AUTARCH HAS BEEN STEADFSST FRIEND OF CAIUS I, LURAK DECLARES GENERAL FRIENDSHIP WITH CANON. SHOULD THE PUNISHED KLOG’AKAAL WISH TO REPRIEVE HIS SETENCE AND RESTORE HIS HONOR HE WILL COME AND DO BATTLE WITH THE AUTARCH IN AN HONORABLE DUEL, OR TURN HIMSELF IN TO THE LURAK. SIGNED, REX RUE'LUR, Master of Lurak, Wargoth of Lurakan, Scion of Daahd. @thequeennadine AUTARCH DAAHD'LUR, General Advisor, Scion of Swiv. @Sean_VEVO
  7. “Cleanliness is next to godliness, that is right and true. But, when the Lord summons His faithful for heavenly hymn, will there be any soul––be they man, calf, lamb, or bull––uninvited to His chorus? In our vanity, we have forgotten the qualities imparted on us by the saintwife Julia: Love, Charity, Mercy, and infinite Vindication, for these shall be named His horseman on earth. Not a passive love, but an active, self-denying love; to love beyond love, and that extends to the innocentest of His chorus, the lambs and calves,” Adolpha von Alstreim bridled a straggler to her profuse and ragtag drove of lambs and sheep; her tug and tussle against the infinite, all-too-human desire of the sheep to graze and be among God’s pasture brought them into her kowtow. She flashed a smile of tender dotage but of self-containment all the more, and bitterness of the petulant cowardice of bureaucracy.
  8. Spatchooli screams in dismay as his sewer-lair is discovered by military patrols of frog-men and musinians alike!
  9. Frostlor


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) A middle-aged man with weathered features and a rough-hewn demeanor, ducks into the dimly lit tent. He takes a deep breath, the scent of rotted wood and wet moss mingling with the musty air inside. He glances at the suspended candles, their flickering light casting eerie shadows on the canvas walls. "Long time no see," middle-aged man begins, his voice gravelly with the weight of years and travel. He steps further into the tent, his eyes narrowing as he studies the old hag. Recognition dawns in his eyes, a mixture of surprise and familiarity. "Time has not been kind to this town, nor to you, Meliana," he says with a weary smile. Meliana replies with a mixture of surprise and irritation, "Huh, the first thing you say is that? after all these years? Seems like you didn’t learn manners in the cities, Husid." Husid chuckles, a deep, resonant sound. "Gahaha, seems so." And then his tone shifts, tinged with sadness, "So, Meliana, you’ve read the letter?" "Indeed, I did. Aren't you going to tell Fauna, your only sibling?" "No," Husid says, shaking his head. "She doesn’t need to know. She deserves to live happily with her husband and child. No need to disrupt that." Meliana’s expression grows serious. "So, you’re really going?" “Aye...” Husid replies, his voice softening. “I march with the army of the Count. For the country, for the people. Those wretched monsters must be stopped.” He takes a step closer, his weathered hand trembling slightly as he pulls an old pendant from his pocket. Placing it gently in Meliana’s hand, he says, his voice thick with emotion, “Since I shall serve as rear-infantry and shall ne’er return, I beg thee, place this within the tomb of my parents. 'Tis all I can leave behind.” Meliana nods solemnly. "Alright, Husid." “Now I must go. Farewell, Meliana.” His voice wavers, filled with a poignant mix of resolve and sorrow. Then he turns away, lingering momentarily to survey his birthplace one last time.
  10. Invites from the Bride herself, Nicolas Murietta & Revekka Luceran plan their wedding together, 184 S.A. For the people that have been there to support Revekka from even her early youth, The following includes a special and specific invite list to honor them. Here we begin shall begin with, ‎ Even though I know you may not show, you deserve the first invite to my wedding. Even if others may not agree with this, Makaela has been with me and supported me throughout my life. I miss her dearly. She has told me what I wished to hear, and what I wished not to hear. Forever in my heart will I feel sorrow and a longing to see you once more. I hope that wherever you are, you are safe. All members of The Luceran family have a special place in my heart. These are the people who have experienced what I have, defended me when wrongly accused, and must I specify? Family. Esmeray Luceran Jahtep Luceran Trekker Luceran Bones Luceran Rakhnar Uristson Arvel Tou ‎ This category is for the people who may not be blood family, but i consider you extremely close to me. For two mentioned on this list, and you know who you are. I hope that our strained relationship will eventually flourish. Naexi of Vortice Emmerich Anarion. Iosefka Anaröré Corann Daevear Esvani of Vikela Folwin of Vikela ‎ Fear not, for may you all be in the bottom category your support will never be taken for granted. Those that have spent time to train me, preparing me for war. I have learned more than my brain can hold from you all. If not that, then our friendship is something i value dearly. (For most of you.) Bjorn Revontulet Liriel of Elverhilin Porfirio Salazar Komnotamna of Rah'tuma Ar'Malna of Everywhere Victor Rorin Malii'evarir Vicnan Hawkins-Gylldene Adelia Atmorice Eerikki Atmorice Arthur & Delphini Burke Clover of Numendil Nataya of Haense Bog shows up either way. Signed, idk when the wedding is bruh don't ask me
  11. A Saki-Gaki surface-dweller stumbled upon a crumbled up copy of the missive in a back-alley, musing to himself. "I remember an Auvergnese gaijin teaching me how to cook frog leg... it cost way too many mon but it tasted sugoi. Maybe it will be cheaper after this?"
  12. "A good course of action. Public kissing is a crime in Celia'nor already. I am glad to hear this," Concluded Raziel.
  13. y'all, owl stocks are UP with the advent of eternal night

  14. "Ah, finally. I had been waiting for this good news." John Valentinus waited for this invitation with anticipation. The grueling trials the Haensers put his brother through would surely conclude with something fruitful, and it seems to be so. The idea of having to visit a realm on the other side of the continent wasn't his favorite. Actually, he hated the distance. The rugged terrain and the scars left by The War brought memories of old that he wished would just disappear. However, it'd be unlike him if he didn't go, nor if he didn't bring a present. And so he left the letter off to the side, likely for Alicia to read later, and he would begin to ponder what a proper gift would be. @scarahpot
  15. Ivan VIII grumbles in his sleep, and his thumb wiggled upward.
  16. Stefaniya, the daughter of the mother of the daughter of the mother of the bride contemplated her actions, making a mental note to make it up to the mother of the daughter of the mother of the bride before the nuptials.
  17. Franziska, the mother of the daughter of the mother of the bride, rid herself a stray tear. "Well, now I'm not going anyway!"
  18. "Thank Godan. I remember when people used to sleep next to each other loud enough for others to hear it. This is precisely what we need," commented Friar Josef
  19. Looking for people interested in doing some Goat rp, send a letter in-game or pm on discord

    1. Laeonathan


      still traumatised from what you did to me 2018

  20. Sergei var Ruthern's mouth drops open in confusion as his painting has somehow made it onto an official letter to the royal duma "SERGEIIII!" he shouts as he realizes: his art has been copied and distributed for karma farming. He makes out the door for the nearest lawyer and prepares a suit.
  21. Belisar tried on his best suit and bowtie in anticipation for the event. As he checked himself out in the mirror, he sang a quick tune - "I'm bringing sexy back, yeah."
  22. Stefaniya, the daughter of the mother of the bride quickly rectified her grievous error, issuing invitations to the omitted pair.
  23. A wretched Widow who had fled the fight just as it began. She received the news from the safe confines of her hideaway, and upon such a revelation she too let out a dry laugh, bitter. Her own cowardice saved herself from the fate of the - to her - nameless man, and she reveled in the dishonor that kept her head secured to her neck. Regardless of any sympathy she may feel toward the fallen, selfishness and self preservation consumed The Widow. She continued onwards. This would not be the end of the war. ((I’m on my phone so excuse the formatting but I had fun watching the fight (and escaping, oops!) Great post zonty))
  24. Franziska, the mother of the bride, lamented in great pain to her husband. ”We have not received an invitation to our own daughters nuptials! Oh, the horror, the shame!”
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