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  2. Brandt couldn’t remember when he had begun, nor did he know how far he had progressed. His arm reeled back, then swung forward, digging the axe into the mountain-side, then the other one; a pattern which had long become rote, though one that did nothing to ease the aching in his limbs. The boy’s boots found purchase, and he hauled himself upward, continuing the sequence of gestures. The Reinmaren had set out in the din of a storm, unattended by any of his hirdmen, for what significance would there be in doing this with assurances? Impatience began to plague him, and so he climbed, rapidly and without due care, tearing the fabrics of his gloves, and chafing the skin beneath into the hard press of the axes’ handles. Though his view should have been obscured by the overhanging crags of the unclimbable peak, the boy could see his goal no matter where he was, formed in his mind’s eye. The wind and ice of the North battered at him, and there were many moments he found his grip wavering and strength failing. So too did colored dots form in his vision, for the higher he climbed, the more difficult it was to breath. In those moments there was only his breathing, the pressure that built in his ears and muffled the ambience, and the beating of his heart, as much a measure of time as it was exertion. Nearing what he thought was the top, he let go of one axe, replacing his grip with the pristine snows, untouched by human tread, then let go of the other. He reached upward, throwing his weight after his hand by pushing with his feet. But he had been climbing too fast and too recklessly, all so he may fulfill his task. This time, his fingers found nothing to grab onto, and he overbalanced. With a shout, the boy fell backwards, his death all but assured. But he did not fall. His body sprung upwards with a jolt, as his satchel caught onto a jagged and protruding chunk of stone, arresting his momentum. With a care and patience he suddenly rediscovered, his hands slowly reoriented themselves, and he steadied himself yet again. A final stretch, the terrain began to curve in flat, and he was able to trudge the rest of the way to the top. The Reinmaren paused, looking at the view that his efforts had afforded him, and the sight stalled his breath. With a great effort, he tore his eyes away, reached into his satchel, and pulled out a simple strip of cloth, laying it on the mountain's peak as though it were a carpet. He lowered his figure, and sat down, listening to the world around him. He let his body relax, paying no heed to the lactic burn of his muscles and the sweat baking his forehead, in spite of the cold. He closed his eyes. He cleared his thoughts. He meditated. @Gustando
  3. rannifan


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Calling upon Him was an act of belief in itself. Agnes said a silent prayer in her mind in response to His movement, and she stepped inside through the sagging flap. Her mouth was downturned. Maybe it was the stink of the tent. The air was warm and humid and abuzz with insects. Loose flesh, like an old rag, formed the humped crone, her skin mottled with sweat and brownish spots and tags that too would mar Agnes one day. In ways she couldn’t fully comprehend, His creations reflected His beauty. Out of obligation more than anything else, Agnes wore a smile of face—not of heart or of sun. Then she spoke. “God bless you.” Discomfort showed itself in the twitch of her calloused fingers against her apron. They served her well, her hands, but now had the texture of rawhide. “I worked under a seigneur as a baker,” she said, casting a sidelong glance back to where she had entered from, “but I am in search of employment elsewhere.” There was a pause. Underneath her mild demeanor, Agnes felt disgust and pity. She had forgotten patience. It had been replaced with a desire to return to her initial quest: servitude. She lived for hardship. She said, “I’m afraid I’ve not much time for… this,” and asked the Lord to grant the old woman strength and vitality, but with only Him in mind.
  4. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) My name is Samuel, I have come a long way here, do you know where the nearest town is?
  5. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” "I've been travellin' for many days now ms, forgive my appearance," I brush off some of the water that's collected on my coat, sweeping off some foliage from the outside as well. "I come seeking adventure, true knowledge of the world, and wishing to better understand nature and how to care for it. I'm sure you've met other's like me, but I am not them, I wish to accomplish more then they could, ten fold!
  6. The mentioned Robert I of Haense scratched his head in the seven skies at the clear revisionist history. "I sent a patrol to Arberrang to have them provoke them, knowing full well of their allegiance to the Rurics. I and Cassius knew that the heretics couldn't stop themselves from taking the bait. When the remaining men returned to Haense war was called, no man broke through walls, nor were citizens killed... to think one of our grandest strategic ploys would be twisted so." He shook his head and wondered who had spouted such nonsense to the later generations. "The larger Haeseni force prepared in Markev sallied out to meet the raiders and that was that, defeat at their own folly--war most just and right. We beat them blue and for my strategy I was awarded their territories."
  7. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) The weary man eyes the hag before giving into the her suggestion, thanks to the soreness of his travels. He adjusts his coat and he makes himself comfortable as he burrows his backside into the cushion. "A story of a lonesome man? Surely--, it's not that lonesome in this village." He cackles quietly to himself before coughing up into his sleeve and calming himself. "I've been dealing with a series of misfortunes for the better part of the last five years of my life. No better way for a simple sailor to live no?" He pauses briefly before speaking back up to question the hag. "Before I go deeper into my story, you wouldn't happen to have some sort of herbal teas laying within your home?"
  8. "Shut and continue nailing message to message-board." The doctor then makes a speedy getaway before being arrested for not paying rent for the past 5 years again.
  9. Concocting a system for agility would be better than simply buffing light armor somehow. When you take the physical traits of the races into consideration, which are often accepted universally even in events, you've got dwarves are hardy, orcs are strong, humans are universally average, and elves are agile. That last one, agility, seems the most power gamed and the most need of a strict definition. Once defined, light armor is more purposeful, and it likewise counteracts any future issues of *dodges*. Concocting a system for agility would be better than simply buffing light armor somehow. When you take the physical traits of the races into consideration, which are often accepted universally even in events, you've got dwarves are hardy, orcs are strong, humans are universally average, and elves are agile. That last one, agility, seems the most power gamed and the most need of a strict definition. Once defined, light armor is more purposeful, and it likewise counteracts any future issues of *dodges*. Concocting a system for agility would be better than simply buffing light armor somehow. When you take the physical traits of the races into consideration, which are often accepted universally even in events, you've got dwarves are hardy, orcs are strong, humans are universally average, and elves are agile. That last one, agility, seems the most power gamed and the most need of a strict definition. Once defined, light armor is more purposeful, and it likewise counteracts any future issues of *dodges*.
  10. "I do not work here, zkah you for forcing me to do this."
  11. Me on my way to counter eminents by putting by putting random objects in their mouths. For people interested here is my top 10 of eminent countering objects. 10 - A smelly orcish owned sock 9- Cactus Green Brownies 8- Krugtucky fried chicken 7- Cupcakes but exclusively made with out of date ingredients. 6- Spam 5- A brick. Just a random brick. 4- Flour- it doubles as a smokescreen 3- A cactus for extra damage 2- A live fish 1- A copy of the canonist scrolls. Checkmate, voidal NERDS.
  12. THE PASSING OF QUEEN CATHERINE I Atstana de Regne Petrère 123 Upon the 10th day of Tobias' Bounty, 1979 Issued and averred by Their Majesties And the office of TO ALL THE LANDS OF AEVOS The Dual Crowns are solemn to announce the passing of Catherine Arabella I, Queen of the Petra, and Monarch of the Heartlands. After a dutiful reign of thirty-one years, Her Majesty spent the final years of her life battling a wasting illness, and in the care of her loving children. She is called now to be at rest in the Skies, after the great duty and sacrifice she endured in life. The reign of Catherine I can be illustrated by the two monikers she was known by– The Little Queen, and the War Queen. Crowned at a young age after the abdication of her grandmother, Renilde of the Petra, Catherine Arabella was quick to pick up a mantle of heavy responsibility. She immersed herself in the duties of statecraft alongside her Regent, not willing to be unprepared for the day she would rule as sovereign. It would be before she even turned the age of fourteen that the Commonwealth of the Petra would be plunged into the fires of war, after suffering attempted subjugation, banditing, kidnapping and raids at the hand of their close neighbor. Catherine I, even as a child, would not take the abuse of her people lying down. It was the unbreaking resolve of their young Queen that pushed many of her people to take up arms, and under her banner, the Commonwealth of the Petra won victory upon victory in defense of their homeland. Catherine I was coronated and married in the charred St. Edmond´s Abbey, refusing to diminish her rule even in the face of atrocity. She entered the decade-long battle as a child, and exited it as a woman, becoming the mother of six children over the years that marked the end of the war. Her rule after the Covenant War’s end was characterized by reconstruction, having rebuilt the knightly order of the Petrine Laurel, and reformed the office of the Chancellor. The greatest achievement of her post-war rule was the founding of the Heartlander Confederation, born of a dream of prosperity and stability for her people. After years of ceaseless work to ensure the stable inception of the Confederation, Catherine I was struck by an illness that slowly left her bedridden. Though her children, husband, and closest council worked diligently to ensure her health, her strength gradually ebbed. The War Queen, however, would not be fated to pass quietly in her chambers. When the life of her heir was put under threat, Catherine I, in her sickened state, agreed to a duel of honor. She struck down her foe, before the Queen succumbed to her ailing health and wounds. Catherine Arabella is to be succeeded by her youngest daughter, Adalia Morgana Temesch of the Petra. Until Adalia I reaches the age of her coronation, Petra’s crown will go into a state of regency under her father, Prince-consort August Alcaeus. A funeral shall be held to commemorate the life and deeds of Catherine I, in St. Edmond´s Abbey within the city of Vallagne. All are invited to grieve, to pray, and to share memory with the people of the Petra in this time of great mourning. [OOC: Thursday the 6th, 4pm EST] Her Royal Majesty, Adalia I, Queen of the Petra, Princess of Abrana, Marquise de Val d’Estenou, Duchess of Valfleur, Countess of Temesch, Torm Marian, and Moere, Viscountess of Mies, Baroness of Garmont, Vallagne-en-Petra, Eagles Peak, Brasca, Hrenthorne, Resmore, and of the Phoenixspire His Apostolic Majesty, John I, by the Grace of GOD, Apostolic King of Aaun, Prince of Alstion, Duke of Vienne, the Lowlands, Balemena and Corazon, Count of Whitespire, Enswerp, Florentine and Talentine, Baron of Blanchet and Virdain, Protector of the Realm His Excellency, Atticus Reinhold “The Lightkeeper”, Grand Speaker of the Heartlands, Count of Anairgrid, Viscount of Stormont, Baron of Raònoir, Knight of the Petrine Laurel, Chapter of Rapids
  13. Census of Medical Professionals in Lurin Issued at Year 183 of the Second Age It is here that I announce the retirement of Orion Tsecsar as the head-medic of the Capital Hospital of Lurin, and his replacement in stead with I, Doctor H. Marrow. Upon coming into leadership of both the Capital City Hospital, and the medical office of Cerulia, it has come to my attention that there is no record of actively working medics within either clinic. All serving doctors, or trained medical professionals, within the country of Lurin, are asked to report to Doctor H. Marrow, in order to allow the creation of a record. For practiced or trained medical physicians, who are currently, previously, or are able to be, staffed at the Cerulian Clinic and Capital Hospital, I request that a letter or message is sent to Doctor H. Marrow. Those previously authorised by Orion Tsecsar, Mika Anarion, or other persons, in either clinic, will be added to an official register of medics and given access to supplies in both clinics. For those who have not previously worked at either location will be asked to undergo a short interview prior to this. Medical staff approved by Doctor H. Marrow, in both the Cerulian clinic and Capital Hospital, will be de-facto considered staff of both clinics unless otherwise specified. Medics are also encouraged to apply for positions within any vassal-state clinics of the Serene State, other than those organised by Doctor H. Marrow. The same exists vice-versa, with medics in other clinics encouraged to do the same. In-training or would-be doctors are asked to not reply at this time, and will be made known when medical lessons will be opening at either location. - Dr H. Marrow
  14. Today
  15. VE MARIAN KURSAIN THE MARIAN RETINUE EA SZALMAR TER MZIDER Issued by the HOCHMEISTERS On the 10th day of Gronna ag Droba of 532 E.S. As Stanislaw levied his blade, it was not by virtue of his own strength that the old Bogatyr held it. No; for he had lived a great many years, and fought a great many battles. From the Coup of Lahy, where his King Barbov was usurped from his throne, to the Battle of Azen Plains that restored him to it, Stanislaw could not begin to count the dead - both by his own hand, and those at this side. And so it was that he knew, with each stroke of his blade, they were watching. His friends. His foes. They watched to see what became of their deaths, and the mantle of their sacrifice rested upon his shoulders. Knowing that, he would never falter. THE SONG OF THE BLACK THE MARIAN RETINUE HAS STOOD SOME TWO CENTURIES, FORMED BY DECREE OF THE GOOD KING MARIUS, SECOND OF HIS NAME. These warriors of fierce repute are drawn from steelforged second sons, daring daughters, and those most eminent streltsy raised to honour for the deeds. Regardless of their birth, all pledge unyielding loyalty to the Dual-Kingdom and the storied line of Barbov. It was not long since past that the Marian Retinue sat aside the Order of the Crow at their great table. And then in tandem, that they might each fulfill their own noble role in defence of the Kingdom of Sigismund. Now, in the 531st year since the Ascension, with the great revival of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, is the Marian Retinue expanded, and the good Order of the Crow laid reverently to rest. Here follows a recounting of the reformation of the Marian Retinue, that all who consider it may look upon its banner with pride, or in fear. THE MARIAN RETINUE A Knighthood in Hanseti-Ruska is a most noble title earned and kept, and do all who wear it stand as equals; with no man held above another but for the wisdom he speaks or the strength of his swordhand. The Marian Retinue serve first at the behest of the crown, namely the reigning monarch(s) and their issue. Secondarily, should the Lord Palatinate and Aulic Council believe themselves in need, the Knights of the Marian shall serve expressly as their agents by extension of the crown’s authority. Otherwise, they shall act independently upon the merit of their own will in defence of the realm and the expansion of its glory. The title of ‘Knight Paramount’ shall be afforded to the most sage and senior member of the Order, provided they survive the storied Drowning of the Blades. It is they who shall attend to the maintenance of ‘Ve Laurya Kossar’ or ‘Knight’s atlas’, in which is contained all the deeds of knights living and dead, for so long as the Sers have stood. Unlike Orders of ages past, the Knight Paramount holds no true power over their brothers save for the prestige they bear. Command shall be determined as decided amongst themselves, or through the Crown and Aulic Council in accordance with the mission at hand, where might the most fitting warrior assume command of that which they are best suited. Distinct from the Order of the Crow; squires, pages and the like have no formal role amongst the retinue, though those knights of fair hand are well encouraged to take up their service. That the kingdom’s youth might one day learn, through practice at arms and histories and dutiful service to assume the place of their forebears. In this, noble scions might take up such common duties of squirehood such as the care of arms and armour, heraldry and general assistance amongst another of the realm’s great warriors. THE ROLE OF A KNIGHT Above all, the Marian Retinue stand as those foremost agents of the Crown, chiefly responsible for the well-being of the royal family and by extension, the enforcement of their will. Their duties might well encompass any aspect of the governance of the realm, be it diplomacy, command, or in more menial pursuits such as tax collection and the keeping of the peace. As well as their service to the crown, any fair knight ought to be expected to amass tales of personal triumph. No man is as fearsome in the lists as the winged knights of the Marian, nor amongst the lairs of darkspawn and devilry that plague the Kingdom of Sigismund. As guardians of the Edlervik, each knight shall be afforded a small parcel of land in which to shepherd and defend. Most commonly, towers in a fashion of the margravates of old, that they might stand vigilant upon the outer reaches of the realm or the farms and farrows at its heart. TO BECOME A KNIGHT Any trueborn Haeseni, bar those who stand to inherit land and title, might by the strength of their will ascend to knighthood amongst the Marian Retinue. Those of the nobility may be presented to the Crown at court by the heads of their house; for should their noble blood and pedigree prepare them for the charge of squirehood. The honour of knighthood is open as well to those of common blood, who have been recognized by the Crown and Aulic Council to have displayed great deeds and brave heroics in proof of the value of their character. The valour of a Marian must be proven beyond all doubt. Following their nomination, all aspirants must undertake the knightly Trial of the Bogatyr, laid upon them in court by the Crown and its most esteemed Oracle. An aspirant shall undertake a grueling quest, often into foreign lands, and by tradition must bear the cursed scabbard of Stanislaw, said to bring about great misfortune. Such an adventure may constitute a hunt for a great beast, the retrieval of some storied artifact, a service to an allied realm, or the destruction of the enemies of the Crown. Should they succeed, the aspirant must face a final trial; dubbed the ‘Iborwald’ or known to most simply as the trial of Slavomir, in which one’s own prospective comrades in the Marian Retinue shall turn on them with sword in hand. Provided they survive such an endeavor and acquit themselves with dignity, the aspirant shall be knelt before the Crown by their brothers, that they might swear the honoured Oath of the Bogatyr.
  16. Ornella sadly had never met her Aunt Firentia, however, she was saddened by her passing. She wasn't sad for herself, or mourning the relationship she had never had. She was sad for her grandfather - who just lost his daughter and for her other Aunts and Uncles who just lost their sister.
  17. "I wonder if..." The templar looked down at her dinner, some rabbit stew. She wondered if she had killed the pet of someone in her hunting. She shrugged and continued to eat "Nae, it's a mere coincidence!"
  18. A certain Mali'Fenn woman would see the letter and feel bad for her now rabbitless friend "Those damned valah, il have those responsible beheaded and place on our walls"
  19. Sitting across from her dear friend, a hot tea in her hand, Aerith scoffed. "A stolen rabbit? Ridiculous. People are getting more and more malicious by the day. I can ne believe someone would steal another person's dear pet." She sighs, setting her drink down upon the table, lofting a hand to her cheek as she thinks aloud in response to the 'ker, "Sad to say most Valah'nor are going downhill. They do ne wish to interact with anyone other than each other."
  20. Cerberus blinks- right before a scoff emits from his lips. "Hm... interesting."
  21. Ornella puffed with anger at the missive "Of course Haense would stoop so low as to steal someone's pet!" the young woman felt a bubble of hate within for the Haensti. "It shouldn't matter who the animal belonged to. The rabbit in question should be with the person that cares about it!" After thinking on it a bit, she thought it best to step back into the vial filth she thought the lands of Hanseti-Ruska in hopes of finding more out about the poor thing. Closer for the pet's parent must be had. She'd want someone to do the same for her. High up within the Vortician Karsts; a mali'ker woman sat in the plaza near the Frog fountain. A breeze blew into the city from the gates while she drank some coffee from the Talon's Roost Cafe. Her eyes danced along the words on the letter she read, sorrow felt in her heart "Surely those of Haense see the wrong in this? At least allow the man to know if rabbit is okay.. or at least alive" she shook her head as she placed the parchment down "Most the good ones in Haense are dead. I couldn't even call in a favor if I wanted to.."
  22. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) "uuuh... what do you mean you've been expecting me" taking a deep breath while a wave of unease goes over me " d-do i know u miss" (in both situations of her answering my question or repeating her question the story it) "i am a elf that has been poor most his life stealing to get by and stealing for those that alo may struggle in these times"
  23. ranged changes are good, though not sure why the increased emote count for the longbows. I still think armour is a non-issue, and people need to improve their RP quality, its not an issue with the rules. as others stated before me, there are advantages inherit in different sets of armour, like chain being better against stabs compared to plate.
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