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  1. Past hour
  2. I feel as though these perks should be provided to coal vip along with the other chat perks such as italicizing and bolding their emotes. People shouldn't have to drop around $50 in order to gain access to the chat perks when they could be readily available to a wider margin of players.
  3. IGN: Tharmekhul DISCORD: norgeth_ CATEGORY: Figura NAME OF PIECE: Frankish Chieftain - A Community Leader [This Piece has a good few emotes that would be good to share, so I’ll put a zip of the figura in this submission, hold an item renamed to "Cʜᴏꜱᴇɴꜱ' Gʀᴇᴀᴛꜱᴡᴏʀᴅ" to view the sword] - LINK
  4. In regards to Hex codes!!! I have some ideas Please know this is not all the custom colors I have mind. I can think of at least a dozen or so more
  5. IGN: Tharmekhul DISCORD: norgeth_ CATEGORY: Visual Art NAME OF PIECE: FIGHT FOR REINMAR! - A Propaganda Image
  6. Today
  7. pastel yellow enjoyers rise up? admin approval for this pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @Llir @Telanir
  8. I'm so hungry fr

  9. Yes!! New chat colors are a great addition to the server!
  10. First post in forever with only good ideas on it. Take notes Telanir.
  11. I, High Princess Idril Sylvaeri of The Crown of Amathine, hereby endorse and affirm my approval of this treaty. SIGNED, el’malaurir Idril Sylvaeri High Princess of Amathine Taliyna el’Tennallar’leh, Warden of the Wild, Shepherd of the Elder Blood “Uell ito Maruthiran”
  12. Cool idea! I'll see how I can get that implemented, no promises. CT -62 160 14 /aviary Noted! One war at a time. I personally agree, but this requires further discussion. Yes, it would be cool, I'll work on it.
  13. Would love to see all the suggested changes approved, those seem like an amazing idea.
  14. Hex code chat colors would be sick, but what if hex code item colors too...
  15. can we also make it so the ss pillars from CT are done by warp signs instead of having to bind/unbind whenever u wanna go somewhere as well? it'd give people more soulstone slots from city to city, be easier for noobs to figure out (and I don't want to hear anyone say it's "easy" to learn bc I had to ask for help when I did it for the first time and I've been playing for 8 years), and be less of an inconvenience overall
  16. I will kill for more chat colors, and hex code colors?! I might just have to do some commissions to get Ender...
  17. the day more emote colors get added is the day i can die happy. it would be really cool if emote colors were saved to each persona slot, but idk if that's possible or not.
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