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Dr Dovahkiins Chat Channels Guide

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Hello everyone! I've come to make a guide about a very wide problem. In this guide I will be discussing


  • What is a Channel?
  • Joining Channels
  • Leaving Channels



Part I: What is a channel?


    So, your first question if you're new is probably "What exactly is a channel?" Well the simple answer is a channel is a means of speaking in rp and ooc. On the server there exists quite a few channels all with very different uses. 


 Channels can be used to speak in, for instance typing /rp brings you to the rp channel. This is where your rp is typed or /ooc where you may chat with other players. The knowlege of using these channels is quite easy once you get the hang of it. Here are a list of channels and their uses


  • /rp - The main rp channel, directs your talking to a 32 block chat range
  • /w - The whisper channel for talking in a low volume directs your chat to a 4 block range
  • /s - The shout channel for talking to a large group or directing over a large distance 64 block range
  • /h - The help channel. This is used to ask general questions about the game and its mechanics. It's also for helping players. Players must join chat to speak
  • /looc - alternatively you can type (([text])) directs an ooc message in a 32 block chat range. This is used for asking questions about the rp and is not a means of conversation.
  • /ooc - most players do not stick in this channel. It is unlimited chat range but players must join the channel first. This is for general conversation and rp can not take place here.
  • /ws - This is the channel where wandering souls can talk to players and ask questions.


Part II: Leaving and Joining Channels

     One of the hardest parts other than remembering the channel names is learning how to talk in them. By default you want to be talking in rp so you can play. To do this you simply type /rp or if you want to be stuck in help for some reason type /h. This will set your chat so whenever you type the message will be directed to that channel. However lets say you want to ask a question but you don't want to type /looc and then /rp. To do this you'd type /looc text or ((text)) and it will send a message through that channel allowing you to continue to talk in rp.

   Joining a channel is simple. You can not leave /rp /w /looc or /s so do not worry about these. To join a channel one would type /join [channel name] to leave one would type /leave [channel name].


I'll leave this as a wip for now, more coming soon?

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We should really change it to /ch. It's a lot simpler and used frequently in MC servers so people can relate/get caught up easily.

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We should really change it to /ch. It's a lot simpler and used frequently in MC servers so people can relate/get caught up easily.

I think you can actually, I will test and report back with results.


Edit: You can not do /ch my bad!

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