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[Idea]The Magic Of The Crystallinum


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The magic of the crystallinum


Starting intro to lore

Albinec walks into the mountains, miles out into the cold north. He is fully clothed in a fur coat, and leather boots to stay warm. He Searches for a small cave within the barren land, glancing around to make sure nothing has followed him. Entering the cave, he notices the native carvings on the wall, and they depict images of the past. Of his people. For Albinec was an albino not out of rarity, but from a tribal group of individuals, whom resided within the north. They were men and women, venturing into the icy tundra. Originally, they had gotten lost in their search of an outlaw. But some may say otherwise. Anyhow, Albinec strided into the darkness that was the cave’s darkest corners. White bats flew out of the cave as beady, red eyes glowed in the shadows. Touching a single stone within the wall, a doorway appeared into a larger cave. A tear ran down Albinec’s cheek as the cave preserved the massacre of his past. The torch revealed white bodies that lie within pools of dried blood. The eyes of the fallen remain open in their last moments of terror. But what lay in the center was a case of rock, polished by the many generations of craftsmen within the tribe. It was the one spot without any blood or remains. The one thing that stood out within the dark cave of men, women, and children. Albinec walked to the case, seeing the ruins marked many a decade ago as the fire danced within its polished reflection. Undoing the latch, a book, preserved for a so many generations lies within. The teachings of his people, of the magic they had found. Albinec grasps the diamond pennant that he wears under the fur coat. A single mark lies upon it, allowing for the diamond to appear like ice. This book was a guide, years upon years of teachings of the magic his people had found. The magic of the crystallinum. The arts of the winter powers.



Long ago, an outlaw by no record of any name, had stolen from countless merchants, artisans, and common folk of a village not far from the boarder of the north. Outraged, the townsfolk arranged a party to set out into the icy tundra of the dark north. For days, the small town prepared with food and supplies needed for such a journey. On the last day of preparation, word of the outlaw taking residence within a northern village had flown to the townsfolk. They cheered at the news, and set off immediately. Leading the group was Albinar Mountainwalker, a skilled journey man and traveler. He knew the terrain and stories go as him having the skill to walk on the highest peak of mountains without fear of the cold, or of the height.

The company traveled for many days, which soon turned into weeks. Weeks became months and the supplies were running low. After so many countless miles of walking, they needed rest for the night. The ice storm raged on, yet through this, Albinar spotted a small cave on the side of a towering mountain and ventured within it. The party settled in, and made fires to stay warm. Many died from the cold, and the group that had survived was sick or frostbitten.
But as a simple miner began leaning on the wall of the darkest corner in the cave, he felt a shift in the air. Looking to the stone wall, he began mining. Everyone yelled at his nonsense, but he man was determined. He felt warm air pass by from the shift. Eagerly striking the stone, the wall caved into a larger room. One where systems of growth thrived in the subterranean area. Wild berries and fruit grew, while white animals scurried around. Looking at such a sight, the group stormed in, eating what they could find and discovering more and more of the cave as their fires lined the walls to light the darkness.
Albinar strided in, gazing around at the people and their excitement. But something caught his eye. A glint of light shown, it was a bright sparkle. With this, his eyes sparkled with it. He walked over to the small patch of bushes and cleared away the growth. Within it, there was a diamond, as clear as ice. It sparkled under the light in a magnificent show. Albinar had to get a better look, and reached for it. To his surprise, the area felt like an icy chill. Regardless, he touched the gem.
As the moment occurred with Albinar’s hand and the gem, His eyes went a pale shade of blue, like the ice of the frozen tundra. Knowledge flooded his mind of the gem’s importance as his fingers laced the mark of the diamond. The knowledge caused him to had a seizure, and for his body to turn white like snow. The power seep within his bones as the knowledge inhabited his mind. The party rushed to their guied, and tried to help him. But upon touching his skin or being close to him in any way, they turned as white as snow. Their eyes either a bright red or a pale blue, they panicked with the oncoming changes.
Albinar soon awoke to see himself and the others pale, or seemingly albino. But he could not talk or explain why, for he needed to write what was transferred into his mind. Grabbing ink and a blank book that was for the use of a log journal for the journey, he wrote down everything that there was to the magic of the crystallinum. For the rest of his life, he would write his teachings, every use and every rule to the magic. He would teach the others as he progressed, showing them how to transfer the power of the void into the power of the winter storms.
So, for many generations to come, the people of the cave thrived. They prospered as a community and taught their teachings to all. But the creatures of the north came. These…beings came demanding for valuables. They were savages, and killed many. The leader, Albinar VI, hid his only child, Albinec the first, with the gem. The child reacted strangely with the gem, for he did not seizure as others would, but embraced it. His eyes glowed an icy blue as his descendent, Albinar’s, had upon the first contact of the gem. This shoed a great bond between the gem and its new holder. And with it a new age of its magic.
The beings attacked, and massacred the entire populace within the cave. All but one, single child hidden under the brush of the cave. The gem had given the child the same knowledge it had for his forefathers, and allowed him to begin taking his first steps. Yet, an incoming fur trader had found the child playing at the mouth of the cave. Taking him to raise as his own, Albinec learned the arts of business and of being a gentlemen. But he knew from that age that he would need to return for the pennant that had been left behind with the book. And so our story continues with the present of Albinec and now of the magic that has been found once again…..


About the Magic


The magic of the crystallinum is a complex one, used for more survival than attacks. It allows you to control the aspects of winter such as ice and snow. This may lead others to think it is a sub form of magic similar to water evocation, but it in itself is an entirely different thing. The Art consists of the same aspects as any evocation but in its own way. There are, however, some skills that can be learned in addition to the magic itself.

To begin with one’s training; you do not have to be in contact with the diamond. It is just a way of allowing the magic to be connected to the void, hence its importance to Albinec. For without the diamond, the magic cannot be used to its full power, or just merely a single form of it can be used. This would include something along the lines of a being able to just make a room or atmosphere cold like a winter storm. Besides that nothing else without the diamond.

The magic is much like any other evocation for the most part. You can summon shards of ice that you can form into various things such as a wall, a blockade, or simply a way to trap someone. It can take the form of whatever you imagine, yet requires much concentration. Mainly this includes the thoughts of the cold winter storms and the cool chill of ice to instill within your mind. This will allow you to use the magic freely without the stress of concentration. But you may wield the magic for a limited time or you will either get sick, frostbitten, or freeze yourself. The time you can wield the magic will increase with each progression or more practice. The longest would be roughly fifteen minutes, but at that point you must release it to prevent any harm. Other thins that will happen with the magic is you can use the microscopic ice crystals to make attacks or walls a distance away from you. Of course the crystals will form on the surface but regardless it can allow you to freeze an area down the street with much concentration. This is one of the few that requires it. The other ability is the one that requires the most concentration. It is the ability to make yourself transparent; including the cloths that you wear for it is also the strongest. The ability renders yourself to be clear as ice, and on nights it will be very affective, however, the area around you will be freezing cold, and while using any of the magical abilities, your eyes will glow a pale blue. (Eyes will be closed for this ability) These are the hints in which one would find such a magic user. 


Red Lines:

-You cannot be completely invisible and if your eyes are open they can see the blue light

-You cannot freeze people into giant ice cubes. Just freeze them enough to slow them down

-You cannot have your own diamond for Albinec has it, so no fakes and it will do nothing

-You cannot use it for longer than a few minutes unless you are extremely skilled. That means you can’t hold a giant wall around a town for days to protect it from raids

-This is a more defensive magic, yes spears can be made but not sets of armor. But daggers or icicle swords can. They will be very weak like a wooden sword but still able to kill

-Your eyes will turn blue when using the magic and they will glow

-You cannot summon ice storms but you can make the place feel like one

-users cannot use their magic, and then stop for a minute, anmd start again. It takes a few minutes to start, and maybe a day to recover and use it again because when you finish, you are freezing cold

-Walls are only as strong as the user, so yes someone can break it   


Rp examples

*Magic user is trying to make an escape, and runs into an abandoned ally. He concentrates and focuses on the winter storm, and soon his eyes begin to glow a pale blue. As soon as they do, he closes them, and slips into the shadows. The men chasing him run into the ally. They shiver at the cold atmosphere and run away. The magic user opens his eyes and the glow goes away, yet he too shivers as his skin is a bit pale from the cold.*

*In the darkness, the magic user’s eyes begin to glow as his concentration increase. He places a hand on the wall and soon a line of ice crystals grow. It continues until the user directs it into a wall that expands on both dies. He remains concentrated as the wall thickens, and releases the power. Without the power supporting it, the wall is vulnerable, yet still strong. A fire mage comes behind and burns a hole through the wall to get through*
-Alternate ending-
*In the darkness, the magic user’s eyes begin to glow as his concentration increase. He places a hand on the wall and soon a line of ice crystals grow. It continues until the user directs it into a wall that expands on both dies. He remains concentrated as the wall thickens, and releases the power. Without the power supporting it, the wall is vulnerable, yet still strong. A warrior sees the wall and bases at it with his hammer. The ice begins to crack from the persistent blows. As soon as the wall shatters, the man sighs, knowing that the magic user escaped*
*The magic user focuses his/her mind on the winter storm. Their eyes begin to glow a pale blue as shards of ice form in the air. They begin to connect and create a spear. Soon, the man run and catch up to the user, now holding the fully formed spear and throws it. It pierces the man and allows for the user to release the energy and escape.*(You can just send many shards of ice at the men if you wish and you do not have to hold it if you are using the power. But holding it without the power can freeze your hands)



Tier 1- The user is able to create a small atmosphere of a lesser storm. They are unable to do much of the abilities and can only hold the power for a minute or so

Tier 2-The user can hold the magic longer, now able to form objects with the ice shards. They are weak but able to protect none the less

Tier 3-The user now can hold the magic for up to five minutes or longer. They have control over the creation of objects, but create weak walls that collapse under itself upon creation

Tier 4-The user can use the magic for up to ten minutes, and have mastered the basic abilities. They can become transparent for a moment or so at this point

Tier 5- The user has full control and can hold the magic for exceedingly long periods of time without harming themselves. They can become transparent and mastered the abilities fully.


((Thank you all and please try to give me as much feedback, tips, and other things i would need to make this as solid as it can be))

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Many of the things that this magic can do is already things you can do currently to my knowledge.

Creating ice and using it for stuff: Ice evo.
Creating cold air: Air Evo.
The hiding ability: Illusion. 

So in short, this is basicly. I see this as some kind of mix of all 3 + shade magic about the Diamond thingy.

For my taste, not quite original enough.

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Guest Guest

No point in having new lore to do something that can already be done in RP with creativity and mixing currently existing magical subtypes... as the person above said.

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I do have to note I do like the lore :3

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Lore Team isn't accepting new magics except in exceptional circumstances pending news on the state of the magic plugin with Telanir's departure. The magics you want to do are possible with existing magics though.

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Many of the things that this magic can do is already things you can do currently to my knowledge.

Creating ice and using it for stuff: Ice evo.

Creating cold air: Air Evo.

The hiding ability: Illusion.

So in short, this is basicly. I see this as some kind of mix of all 3 + shade magic about the Diamond thingy.

For my taste, not quite original enough.

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