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Isaac Baelish


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Character Name: Isaac Kamura
Nicknames: N/A
Age: Thirty seven

Gender: Male
Race: Mali
Description: His body frame is somewhat slim but toned and strong from wearing armour and weaponry practice. His face is rather angular but subtly round in places. His eyes are a forest-green colour and appear alert most of the time. His skin is fair and a set of well-cut red hair is  swept back preventing any locks irritating him in a fight.


Height: 5'10"
Weight: 196lb
Eyes: Forest-green
Hair: Red
Skin: Fair
Markings/Tattoos: None aside from several small scars stationed around his body.
Health: Remarkable. He is in his youth.
Personality: Quirky yet not exactly charismatic. He takes a fairly light-hearted approach to many situations but when concerned is not afraid to get his 'war face' on. 

Life Style

Alignment*: True Neutral
Job/Class: Former nobility
Special Skill(s): Highly perceptive, able to play a violin.
Flaw(s): Naive, childish at times, emotionally conflicted, fears rational things, somewhat expectant. Struggles to communicate with others as well as show empathy.

Current Status
Current Spell(s): 

Fighting Style: Offensive, Chivalrous.
Trained Weapon[s]: Longsword, Pollaxe, Sabre, Broadsword
Favored Weapon: Broadsword
Archery: Self-taught winch crossbow use but doesn't carry it on him.

Biography: Isaac Baelish was born a cousin of House Baelish to a Celestia Whitewater. Least that's the name she chose to go by. He saw very little of his father at a young age who would often return from long durations abroad, only to disappear a couple of days later.


Despite his father's short visits and unfriendly nature his mother still spoke of him with praise. Isaac grew up with this, choosing to delve into the arts of music and intellectual pursuits as his mother wanted him too.


Yet being his father's son, he soon sought to find his own way and thus left home to study engineering somewhere far from his home.


At the age of 15, he took up residence with his Baelish cousins and thus took the name for his own. Eventually the Baelish were married into the Kamura house and thus he did the same.





Extended Family: Baelish, Kamura.




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