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House Colin Bannermen


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House Colin Bannermen


House Colin is looking for men to fill its ranks, long have we been fighting without soldiers and gaining mina that our treasury is too full. We are now on the lookout for paying men to join our army and assist in war’s.


Ranks in the Colin Army

There are quite a lot of ranks inside our army, if you prove yourself in the field of work, we’ll promote you and you’ll receive a higher pay. The army is commanded by the lord of the house and the minister of conflict.

The Captains will have 2 sergeant’s at their command, those sergeants in turn command 4 Bannermen.

Leading Classes

[Lord of House Colin] Adarin Colin

[Minister of Conflict] Cicero Colin

[Master Smith/200Mina Pay] Open

Formation One

[Captain/150Mina Pay] Open

[sergeant/125Mina Pay] Open

[sergeant/125Mina Pay] Open

[bannermen/100Mina Pay] Open

[bannermen/100Mina Pay] Open

[bannermen/100Mina Pay] Open

[bannermen/100Mina Pay] Open


Formation Two

[Captain/150Mina Pay] Open

[sergeant/125Mina Pay] Open

[sergeant/125Mina Pay] Open

[bannermen/100Mina Pay] Open

[bannermen/100Mina Pay] Open

[bannermen/100Mina Pay] Open

[bannermen/100Mina Pay] Open



All men that join us will be given a home for their family to settle down in, they can stay there even after the man of the house dies, the widow can keep the house as it would be our just do for their husband’s service.


Each man will be given a tunic with chainmail, they will also receive a longsword with armor.


Application to the army


If you want to play a bannerman, fill out below.




How Active are you?:

Do you have teamspeak?:







Short Bio:

Bannermen Oath:



_________, swear up most loyalty to the house of Colin, and will follow its creed during my time inside of it. I am willing to die for its beliefs and its honor.

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MCNAME: Knox213

SKYPENAME: TheAlgamoreProject

How Active are you?: very i have no life.

Do you have teamspeak?: yes of course.



Name: Han Sulu

Race: human masterrace

Age: 56

Experience: a lot.

Short Bio: he kills everybody he is told to, and he just wants 200 mina a week.

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MCNAME: Knox213

SKYPENAME: TheAlgamoreProject

How Active are you?: very i have no life.

Do you have teamspeak?: yes of course.



Name: Han Sulu

Race: human masterrace

Age: 56

Experience: a lot.

Short Bio: he kills everybody he is told to, and he just wants 200 mina a week.


Denied, Please keep this serious.

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King Richard rubs his face as he sees another Colin's poster which does nothing but obstruct his view...

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