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The Vardiami: The Birth Of The Weekend Warrior


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*I essentially made this because i dont have time for all the rp drama, and just want to fight every now and then




The Vardiami are not skilled swordsmen, but men with good weapons. Orei realized, skills alone to not win wars, but numbers and advanced technology. Therefor you do not need to train soldiers for years to develop a soldier, because even the greatest soldier will get swarmed if he is against five others. 


With these ideas, he then thought what makes the world go round? Gold, this is what drives all men in life, and on this he will establish this thirst. Soldiers of fortune when available, and back to their normal lives in the months in between. 


The group is a pay for hire group, being a member is an investment, and you do not need to show up to every battle, if you have a battle that is not in your interest you may opt out. Although, if you enter a battle and have second thoughts we will not spare traitors. Only members present at battles will receive lands, and items looted. 


We will not hand out anything other than that supplied to us by the hiring force, and if we are lent armor troops are to return them. In battle or raid, you are Vardiami, but when you return home you can be loyal to your state. The only thing that is recommended to speak as little about the organization as possible. 


Siege technology, small naval vessels, basic foot soldiers are what the organization provides.


Member Perks:

-We will provide vault protection for items, for free.

-We will sell members goods for them at 10% commission.

-We will lock homes for members, for free.




The simple structure is to avoid bureaucracy, because all members are essential to cause and excessive rankings will cause confrontation from within. 



Orei Vardiami

-Will personally be present if there are more than 3 squads present at one specific battle.




-Is second in command to all operations. Will be present with groups of 2 squads or more. Tactician or Assistant Tactician if General is present.


Grunt Groups

-Five soldiers chosen at random or group volunteers. Four regulars are lead by one captain who is responsible for reporting back to Marshall. The captains will be elected by the grunts in the assigned groups.


We will pay you 300 per battle/raid, and you keep what you loot.


List is Secret:

Maehr'Celia (kido122)




How to Join?:(you can sign up as an individual or a group)


Grunt Employment

Mc name:







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((Seems really cool! Hope this takes off))

"Heh remember when he tried to overthrow Malinor?"

says Ryan Darkwood

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*looks at the man, then looks in his empty pocket..

"Different day, different struggle.."

*He begins to chuckle.

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Mc name: kido122

Name: Maehr'Celia

Age: 232

Race: Elf

Skills: Farming, some sword skill

Hometown: N/A

Citizenship: N/A

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Mc name: kido122

Name: Maehr'Celia

Age: 232

Race: Elf

Skills: Farming, some sword skill

Hometown: N/A

Citizenship: N/A



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