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[Idea/ Update/ Wip] Ghost-Lock And More Ghost Stuff


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I feel that ghosts have been severely de-buffed and bullied around. Sure a ghost can have some spooky RP, but it is just spooky RP, in OOC, everyone is chill and calm. You know why? Because they know ghosts can't really harm them! A halfling with a shovel would be better of scaring an angry orc! Right now your probably saying, "But this is RP, technically we are scared in RP!" sure, I guess, but true fear (and I believe fun and all other emotions in RP) come from within us IRL, because we are the persona and they are us! If ghosts had abilities that would actually affect the well-being of a person, we would be scared and thus creating REAL spooky RP.



Ghost-Lock is the ability for a ghost to interact with the other part more (this will be explained soon). Ghost-Lock, however cannot and will not ever take affect immediately, meaning a ghost should sorta "warm-up." Meaning to say that they would have to scare the victim enough that they would soil or defecate on themselves. The affects of ghost-lock isn't really very harmful, but mentally stressing to mortals, meaning they're frozen in fear, or their will to fight back is slowly (and I mean really slowly, like 20-30 minutes IRL) diminishing and they at the peak of ghost-lock may be forced into temporary insanity in which they often speak gibberish or the Black Language as they have been "infected" with a touch of malice and hate. Now, when I said "frozen in fear" doesn't mean they can't move or are literally frozen, but it means like, for example: when you were a kid and you were scared half to death you didn't want to move or you wanted to but you just couldn't. Anyways, with ghost-lock, a ghost may actually be able to do this right now if they were to scare a victim quite a bit, but at least I would rather put a name on it!


(the affects are listed in an order from which they should be)

- "frozen" in fear

- will slowly draining away from them (not immediately but over the course of 20-30 minutes IRL)

- may potentially be put insane after the high-peak of ghost-lock (usually taking 45-50 minutes IRL)

Red Lines:

- you cannot ghost lock someone immediately, it takes time and effort on a ghost, ghost-locking more than two people an elven day would be PGing, since it takes a massive toll.

- a ghost has to be in contact or near (around 15 blocks) to use this ability

- a victim can move even if they are "frozen in fear" they just need to summon up the will power and the ghost-lock will stop

- insanity is only temporary, a person if they wanted can make it permanent, but do not offer to make it permanent, let them decide!


Ghost- touch is when the victim can be affected by the ghost. However, a ghost-touch can only be in affect when ghost-lock has been put upon the victim and they are in the middle or peak of ghost-lock.

Ghost- touch may seem to be a chill or a strange feeling in the affected area, however, after a few minutes IRL the affected area will begin to bruise and hurt, a ghost- touch can range from a small slightly more painful than average bruise or a moderately serious injury if touched multiple times. Ghost- touch takes small amount of energy, but the initial "ghost-lock" takes a huge toll, meaning a powerful ghost, after a ghost-lock would only be able to use ghost- touch, four or five times.


- a small chill at first, but after a few IRL minutes, creates a small bruise, but painful bruise ( the size of the bruise is about the size of a tennis ball)

Red Lines:

- even the strongest ghost cannot do more than 6 ghost touch

- takes minimal, energy but ghost- lock, however takes a lot of energy

- ghost- touch can be minimal to moderately harmful, cannot be fatal in any way, unless a huge mass of ghosts at once inflicted ghost- touch to the point where the victim(s) may be thrust upon insanity from the sheer pain or slowly die.

The Feeding

The feeding process works in accordance to the ghost-lock, when ghost-lock takes affect and the victim begins to become more and more pulled in with the fear of malice, a ghost can feed on their fear and henceforth regain energy slowly, however, this feeding cannot be followed by ghost touch as they need to focus on keeping up the ghost- lock and feeding at the same time (plus it would be too over-powered). Feeding on a person's fear will in no way cause harmful injury or damage to them, but will be felt with a sudden chill, goosebumps, etc. depending on the ghost and the victim.


- feeds on the victim's fear and slowly regains energy

Red Lines:

- must continue ghost-lock for a ghost to essentially "feed"

- cannot use ghost- touch after or with feeding

- will never harm the victim, but will be felt

Important Thoughts:

- these abilities will never kill, but in the case of ghost- touch, if there are enough ghosts inflicting their touch to a certain person, said person would be put through temporary insanity or a slow and painful death

- ghost-lock and ghost- touch can both be easily healed by clerics and monks

- also note that ghost-lock needs to be emoted as it goes along its "stages"

- ghost-lock can be broken if the ghost stops, the victim somehow regains their will, or if the victim runs from the general vicinity of the ghost, they would quickly regain their will and courage

- I may or may not be hated in the community for this but, YOLO! :p
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I like it, but it limits what a ghost can do. I play a poltergeist, and we are generally more ruthless than your average spectral being. What you're suggesting does scare the player (or victim), but requires too much energy. This will restrict the ghost player-base into just being the biggest, baddest, and strongest ghosts out there.

Instead of just using this large amount of energy, why not limit how much a single being can do.  


Haunts can barely hold and use that energy. They cant handle the amount of stress that comes with it after recently being deceased.


Revenants can use this energy at it's minimal usage. They can Ghost lock for a short period of time, and will just startle the victim. Their ghost touch is mere scratches that go unnoticed, rather than painful bruising. Their feeding is weak, and cannot grasp the full understanding of absorbing that fear.


Spectres can wield the Ghost lock not to frighten, but to gain the player's attention. This will still use that chilled feeling, however it can still cause fear. Their Ghost touch can be almost just as they were still in their mortal shell. They can cause damage just as a poltergeist can, but do not enjoy doing so for their peaceful nature. Their feeding is hardly used for they do not look to be feared.


Poltergeists can  wield the Ghost lock for long periods of time, looking to frighten their victim. They prefer to scare and harm, rather than take the spectre's way of thinking. Their Ghost touch can cause deep scratches and small wounds. The bruising can become painful, often seen as a warning to mortals. Their feeding is no different to that of the Spectre, but rely on it more out of their hatred, or obsession with causing fear in mortals.  


(The spectre and poltergeist are nearly the same, but they use the abilities differently)

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Yes, I do understand this, but I want this not to be the main attack of the ghost but only as a way for a ghost to show their pure malice and hatred towards a person, I don't want this to be a "staple" attack of ghosts, but as a way for ghosts to show their hatred and rage. I understand how it takes strong ghosts such as poltergeists, but I would love to keep it as it is.


EDIT: also this "magic" was meant to be restricted to revenants and above only 

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 I see what you mean as just an attack (And not the main one as you stated). If you need any other help, with this, just send me a PM. I love the idea though and would like to see it IG. :thumbup:  

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I like cman's idea better, honestly. Also, mind if you take my name off the credits and all? I appreciate it, but people tend to get the wrong idea around here and I don't want the hate mail or death threats that usually accompany these things. Particularly as I took no part in making this.


Anyhow, for the generic ghost, sounds like an interesting concept. Obviously shouldn't apply to Graven, for various obvious reasons, but it sounds like it might be good, given work.


EDIT: I forgot to mention, ghosts can wield special abilities and powers and you can do this according to lore, so long as you don't make it OP.


Lemme get a linky.


SECOND EDIT!!! : Here. Ghost magic. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/98363-spectral-spiritual-connections-ghost-magic/?hl=spectral

Edited by spqrSancus
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Yeah I know about the ghost powers and stuff but I feel it is too generic, which led me to write this in hopes of making ghosts scary and actually something to avoid.

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I'm sorry to say that the lore was taken to vote by the Lore Masters and was denied. Roleplaying fear is something that can not be pushed onto a character, the creepy atmosphere of ghost roleplay has to be created by the player. I hope you understand, and happy rp'ing.

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Erm- correct me if I'm wrong, but ET creatures like apparitions, setherian-like demidieties, etc. they're very, very capable of illusioning fear.

But besides that, yeah.

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The early Harbingers were a pretty good case in point for telling people OOC they have to be scared not working. Anthos had a lot of Auras of Fear and we all know how they turned out.

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