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Gwen, "the Conductor"


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Nicknames: "The Conductor", "Sparky", "Lucyfur"

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Race: Half-elf (will never age visibly, but will die without warning one day.)

Status: Learning magikz and stuff!



Height: Five feet tall

Weight: Not much.

Body Type: Thin. Modest curves, almost anorexic.

Eyes: Green Silver, almost blind looking.

Hair: Black, with white streaks in it from electric shocks.

Skin: White, but blotchy from burns.

Markings/Tattoo's: A lot of electrical burn scars dotting her entire body. Two very large burn scars on each of her shoulders.

Health: Average. Could be better.

Personality: Is eccentric and a bit off the deep end, going to extremes to gain knowledge and skill in what interests her. She comes off as fun loving, hyperactive, and a little bit skittish at times. She's self confident, and often has an outwards mask of "happy". She is a subtle sort of sociopath. She's not evil per-say, she just does what she wants. She struggles to find any valid reason to care about someone other than in superficial senses. Usually involving appearance. She's a pervert, often cracking dirty/tasteless jokes, and also flirting overly aggressively with people. This is all a conscious effort, as well, as she's also very promiscuous. She has a thing for puns, especially involving whatever her current passion is - which is currently electricity and electrical evocation. She cares little for her own appearance, however. She's certain she's the sexiest thing alive, though she doesn't really point that out. She could be the most hideous monster on the face of the earth and would still flirt with the best looking people, male or female, in any pub or tavern like she's Meghan Fox.

Inventory: An ornate and functional golden sword, used as a conduit for much of her voidal based magics.

Further Details: She has a stutter from time to time, and it's only going to get worse, as well as muscle spasms and twitches in her face. This is a result from excessive and prolonged exposure to electrical currents and static shocks. All day every day. From time to time a loud static crackling or popping will come from her person, sometimes on her skin, other times harmlessly on her clothes, and often times a yelp will follow. It's for science!!!



Alignment*: Chaotic Evil

Deity: N/A

Religion: N/A

Aliance/Nation/Home: Immortui

Job/Class: Minion, or something.

Title(s): Electrical Evocationist

Profession(s): Minion

Special Skill(s): Learning, shocking, giving no cares.

Flaw(s): shocking, sociopath, can't comprehend other's feelings, only going off of their own. Physically not that strong.



Current Status: Learning

Arch-Type: Evocation, Dark Arts

Sub-Type: Electrical, Soul Puppetry

Rank: Tier 3, T2

Weakness(s): Powerful attacks take longer to bring forth than other evocations. Soul puppetry isn't combat oriented.

Strength(s): Powerful attacks are lethal. Can give fantastic massages. Can play with souls.

Current Spell(s): Static Shock. Spark. Stream of sparks. Stun bolt, Paralyzing bolt. Lethal bolt. Electric massage. Magic Pacemaker.


Inflict pain. curse sickness. curse sluggishness. curse depression. curse heartreak. Curse muteness. Curse Paralysis.



Fighting Style: Stay alive. Ie, either run or go for the kill.

Trained Weapon(s): Nothing professionally trained, but she knows her way around household items and basic weapons like swords. Nothing special.

Favored Weapon: None.

Archery: Crossbow's, though they take little training anyway.



Parents: Batman (N/A)

Siblings: Batman (N/A)

Children: Katie and Kayle Rosenheart (Adopted)

Extended Family: Shady folks.

Pet(s): N/A





To be added.





Rough Sketch #1 (thanks Trips!)







Rough Sketch #2: Thanks Trintastic! :3




Edited by VampsWillDie
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Send me a photo of what it looks like when you edit it, also have you tried writing it out in word or notepad then pasting it?

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