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[Creature Lore] Inlu'thin


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Inlu'thin - Insects











They are known to be a nuisance for hunters, due to their stings that cause hunters to flinch, resulting in them being exposed to any further attacks. Their stingers are loaded with a neuro-toxin that can paralyze foes.


They are normally placed near rocky-walls and caves and found almost everywhere.


Biological Adaptations

Eloch have developed very durable body structures. Their wings can carry their light frame great distances in search of food, and their tough exoskeleton protects them from some attacks. This shell also to helps to offer the small creature protection from any climate. Eloch have a nasty stinger that injects its foes with a paralyzing toxin.


Eloch are drones. Their sole purpose for existing is to serve their queen. They perform every action necessary to ensure the survival of the queen, often sacrificing their own lives in the process. The Eloch's aggressive nature doesn't let it co-exist with many creatures.


Habitat Range

Eloch inhabit literally every environment in Athera. They can somehow survive in the most extreme cold, the most intense heat, the most humid jungles, and the most arid deserts. If there is food of any nature, odds are there are Eloch.

It would appear that the only places Eloch do not live are human settlements, as man does not allow these large pests to establish hives near human dwellings.



  • Eloch Shell

  • Eloch Wing

  • Eloch Fluids

  • Eloch Inner Wing










Entomo is a large, mantis like insectoid with a brightly-colored, highly resistant exoskeleton, which is covered in spines and knobs. He has six legs, the foremost pair are armored and weaponized for combat, and a pair of collapsible wings. His head is hidden beneath a large, armored canopy that extends far beyond the rest of his upper body. He has a pair of compound eyes and powerful slicing mandibles. Entomo is the male counterpart to the Entomo Queen.



Entomo is capable of highly precise movement in air, thanks to his highly-developed wings. His forelimbs are designed for jabbing and slashing, and will also spear his prey with its armored canopy. His compound eyes provide him with an extremely wide field of vision.



Entomo is predatory in nature, both large and powerful enough to prey on both hunters and small monsters alike. He is known to attack from the skies and use his weaponized forelimbs to attack. In addition, he is commonly known to attach himself to his massive female partner and transport her with his powerful wings.


Biological Adaptations

Entomo possess an organ within their body that produces a disgusting liquid. This liquid can be used as a weapon, and as a means of feeding, when combined with the pheromones from the Entomo Queen. Entomo have a long, armored canopy that can be used to pierce through predators and prey alike, which is also able to pierce through rock with their powerful speed. His wings are strong and allow it to fly at break neck speeds. The main weapon of the Entomo, his claws, which are used as weapon and as tool to hold down prey.



  • Entomo Wings

  • Entomo Shell

  • Entomo Pheromone

  • Entomo Fluid

  • Entomo Horn




Hello fellow peoples and hunters of LOTC, yes I am aware these creatures are from something else just edited. But hey there’s many things in lore or such that are on the server from different places, so why not give it a shot.


Anyway to give a short idea for these creatures and maybe questions.

Are the creatures playable ?

Yes and no…  


I’d think it would be better if an ET actor would play the creatures, because there will not be a skin for the monsters. I find that rather hard to make and for others to make, with such limits. If the creatures are accepted I would like them to be built and copy and pasted to the areas with signs to connect whom to play them.


No, as players aside from ET members.


Whats the point of them being in Athera?


Well, unseen creatures in the world can be fun, either for hunting or researching. There are people the love the thrill of the hunt and things to kill for fun or as trophies.


How will the creatures be represented?


As I said before, they will be built with mc blocks. I do not see the point of using mc skin and players to do it.


Are they rideable ?


Eh.. I'm on the fence about that.. It's very possible if given the chance you can, but you would be hurt or killed. Since they are hostile and will not like that.


Can they be capture and trained?


Well.. IF there was a percentage chance of capturing, give it a shot I guess. It would be your choice to do what you want with the creatures but remember they are very heavy, so it would be best to have a few orcs to help you take it.


Tameable.? That is another tricky idea.. Due to them being very hostile and predators it is very unlikely to tame them as pets or friends. Leading to my Druids out there


Well these creature would be in the animal category so Druids would be able to talk to them, on the other had since they are hostile and want to eat,kill and fight with you. Druids would have a hard time calming the creatures if lucky they'd calm them


What do you get from killing the creatures?


Well the reward from actually hunting and staying alive from the hunt you would be rewarded with such loot. If hunters brought a skinning knife or a sword to skin the creatures for their pelt,hide and what not. Others would take the bones or teeth from them using for weapons or trophies. If hungry heck, use the meat as a meal for yourself and your fellow hunters.


Why are they so over powered ? Why can't I fight them one on one?!


These creatures and a lot tougher and stronger than even an Orc. Their skin and bodies are a lot thicker and resistant to just a flesh wound. It would take at least a good 5-8 man with armor and Mages to attack one head on. If you was to fight one head on there is a 100% you would not make it for more than an hour, you would be a toy for the creatures.


Do they have any weaknesses? How is the best way to take them down?


Well, I don't want to ruin the fun or spoil the ways to proper hunt the creatures. As hunters you must look around the surrounding you and the creatures would be around and let that speak more for you. I really don't want to tell the weakness because that would break the point of the RP fighting it and players should be surprised on these encounters.

Anyway all ideas and suggestions are looked at and taken. :) Just given this a try. So please keep it clean.

Edited by Zer0
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As you can tell the names have been change to be more Roleplaying Friendly :) Please enjoy the read and give feed back please. -Zer0

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I'm sorry to say that this lore has been denied.


The reasons have been told to the lore maker, but if more questions exist, please contact me about it.

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