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[Plant Lore] Lurmurk

Man of Respect

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The Lurmurk


    The Lurmurk is a common carnivorous plant that grows on the jungles, but it's most known sights where in the orcish jungle, and rarely, a more yellow and rusted variation with a brown bulb, in deserts.


  These plants are known to go on some sort of hibernation during the winter, wich it feeds itself from the liquid the plant produced across the other stations, giving offsprings at the summer.


  The Lurmuk's lifespan is around a year, a few weeks after it gives offspring, the fact that it gives birth to only two plants makes it uncommon.



The Lurmurk is known to feast on bugs, where thirsty bugs may mistake their liquid with water. Upon a bug's contact, a thin and yellow crust will form around it, making the bug more dense than the liquid, causing it to sink, wich is where the plant will feast on the poor bug for about five hours.



The Lurmuk is a plant that looks like a water drop, specially when closed to enter in it's hibernation state.



When the plant dies, it will take a darker colour and the liquid will sip out through it's holes, leaving a thick, yellow layer on the ground.

It's liquid is non-lethal, but if drinked, it will quickly solidify on one's body, possibly blocking the passage of air, giving him asphyxy, wich will be further explained on the next topic.

The plant is able to predict to go on a hibernation state during a rain to protect it's liquid, yet, the plant itself still needs water to live, the roots instead of the head must be watered in order for it's liquid to survive.


The seeds can be found in the bottomn part of the bulb.


The "Thrur'murk"

Pronnunced as "Te-rur-murk", this is the name given by Eath to the liquid, one of the orcs whom discovered and made the pot.



Upon the liquid's contact with water, a chemical reaction will happen, fusing the liquids to make some sort of thick layer. This process is basicly a skip through the solidification point, being able to make a thick crust.


Unlike this reaction, when the liquid flows out of the plant, it will eventually loose it's heat and become solid wich is reversable, making it a physical reaction instead of a chemical reaction.


If someone digests the liquid, it will come contact with a person blood, wich has water in it's composition, solidifing the liquid.



This is pretty much a huge advance on medicine if manipulated correctly. Although it has no use for alchemy, you can stitch a wound then apply the liquid to protect one person's skin, blocking the passage of anything else unless removed, by that, I mean bugs, infections, parasites and etc.


Orcish anotations and studies


A diary written by Eath'Lur. It seens to be pretty recent.


Day "azh" (1)

Eeth and Thurak find plant. Plant bulb has, Eath likes rain. Rain rains.


Day "dub" (2)

Eeth returns, visit plant. I name plant Lurmurk. It open mouth, little bug land, in peace rest. Eath knows water bad, bad water kill bug, bad bug vanishes. Thurak says not witchery. Eath not sure.


Day "gakh" (3)

Thurak come with Eath time this. Eath tell Thurak plant kill bug, bug poof. Thurak smart, brings a vase pick up plant, plant is nice. Bad plant no bad on pot. Plant on Thurak's house.


Day "futh"(4)

Eath smart, Eath find other plant, no like, second plant is bad. I try strangle plant, plant boom, hand moisted by stinky bad water, I go clear hand on river, Eath bracelet now has. I bring plant leaf house.


Day "h'." (5)

Bracelet gone is. Eath no know, Thurak facepalm, Eath yes know now, Eath scratch bracelet out. Eath find plant, plant bring house, Eath trophy makes, Ixli or witchi, I like trophy.


Day "h'azh" (6)

Plant becomes blacker, Eath put water hold inside, is hot. Hot like Eath. harharhar.


Day "h'dub" (7)

Eath plants plant with Thurak planter team. We grow plant, seed found, Thurak smart.


Day "azhety" (10)

Plant is growing, Eath go find more lurmurk, lurmurk store in lurmurk storer. No bracelet, no drink, bad liquid.


Day "dubty" (20)

Plant now big is. No know Thurak harvest weird pipe with. Touché liquid he say. Touchê.


Day "dubty'azh" (21)

Brother Thurak wonders why they close on rain, he write anotation. We throw water in it, hard becomes. Eath names Thrur'murk, hard water is hard. We do test. Thurak makes zhara cut, I help him make uruk cut, Thurak angry. Thurak smart, stitch hurt, throws hard thrur'murk;


Day "Dubty'gakh" (23)

Hurt healed, Eath amazed. Thurak starts growing plants, he smart.


Day "Dubty h'futh" (24)

Eath smokes Lurmurk leaf, Eath sick, Thurak heals. Bad plant, water good.


Day "gahkety" (30)

Last day of Lurmurk, we burry it. Rest in peece. We plant more lurmurk. Lurmurk grow, hozh lurmurk.



This is my very first lore, so don't be harsh.

I will be doing a Q&A section, and answer both on this post and on the replies.

I support your support. :troll:

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Well written I must say. Also, nice idea in general. You get a:


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The idea is a very nice idea, expanding on what medicine Athera currently has, but my one complaint is that it is in the orcish lands. You have to evade all manners of "Tribyoot" to get there, and even after you then have to get back, evading the "tribyoot". I must admit it will bring much business through the mercenary party industries, fighting off uruks and their bloody tribyoot. you know what, i give you the full 1. 0.5 + 0.5


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The idea is a very nice idea, expanding on what medicine Athera currently has, but my one complaint is that it is in the orcish lands. You have to evade all manners of "Tribyoot" to get there, and even after you then have to get back, evading the "tribyoot". I must admit it will bring much business through the mercenary party industries, fighting off uruks and their bloody tribyoot. you know what, i give you the full 1. 0.5 + 0.5


Thanks for the support!

The Lurmurk has a rare variation that is on the deserts, but it doesn't actually means that you has to go to a desert to acquire it, the Lurmurk can be found in any jungle with some effort, and when found, they are likely to be in a cluster due to the way they spread.

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This lore has been denied.

The main reason for so is that the plant doesn't have much value in terms of what it can bring to RP: there are already a few medicinal plants in addition to the multitude of other ways to heal people. And other than medicinal uses, it has no other utility.

The other reason is you're Brazilian.

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