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Clarify Mixed Race Lore


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Any mixed race character gets both curses and no bennies last I checked.

So, what supremacy said.

There are no benefits to hybrids.

And never trust the wiki.

Also, yes. Doomforge was the only successful mixed blood line. Goldrim pulled it off very well and made it something unique and interesting and not just an attempt at having a long-lived version of a race ala half human half elves.


I dont trust the wiki. However I am wanting this to be clarified and actually posted SOMEWHERE for the new players.



Instead of you all going "oh well its always been this way" for those of us who HAVE been here for a while, we know this. Instead, think of how a new player looks at the server. Having this somewhere where they have EASY access to it and understand what they would be getting into, would be benificial to THEM.

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OK! Well, that's in Supremacy's hands, as I don't have a fancy GM tag!

Do feel free to make an announcement or other post informing individuals how bad it sucks to be a mixed breed. :)

However a lot or things about LoTC are learned by doing. Culture, behavior, societal standards.should the nature of half breeds be one of these things? No,it should be laid koutand clear,just like things like the other racial curses. How enforceable are these? Not very,since there's still humans from aegis walking around and elves with 3 babies.should we start enforcing them more? Yes, its lore like any other, and once its posted I'd very much like it to be enforced.

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So people can break lore and no one will care? COOL! I will go play a half orc/elf and go make an entire clan of halfbreed babies! Oh! How about a half human/elf that lives to be 1000!

Lore exists for a reason. I want clarification on something a lot of people are not understanding

And is it a big deal? No. Some people don't read the forums and probably won't know about the lore that's they apparently should know. You can't stop half elves from having 20 children. You can't stop humans from PKing from old age. I don't see how it's that important enough for you to make a thread about it.

How about we stop acting like the roleplay police and start focusing on our RP and what we can provide to others? If such players are bothering you it's not hard to just ignore them. I'm sure you have better things to worry about, and if not, start finding them.

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Don't think humans with elven blood get any life boost except for Adunians.



Also, way back in the day I spoke with Rittsy about this, and he said you get both curses and blessings to their fullest so long as they don't contradict (so an elf/orc gets a long life, strength and honor, but infertility and bloodlust/violence). Human elf mixes are the worst, they get jipped with no extended life but instead a short one, as well as infertility. I'm not an expert, but this came from the mouth of the former Lore Admin while he was such, so I think any change from this would be a retconn.

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Don't think humans with elven blood get any life boost except for Adunians.



Also, way back in the day I spoke with Rittsy about this, and he said you get both curses and blessings to their fullest so long as they don't contradict (so an elf/orc gets a long life, strength and honor, but infertility and bloodlust/violence). Human elf mixes are the worst, they get jipped with no extended life but instead a short one, as well as infertility. I'm not an expert, but this came from the mouth of the former Lore Admin while he was such, so I think any change from this would be a retconn.

consider Supremacy posted something different, then that's what it is. I never heard what you did from anyone at anytime on lotc; it was always closer to what Supremacy said.
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Doomforge are the only successful ones, good job. You earned love from some insane darkie racial radicals, stilla  tongue in check matter though.


Anyhow no. Full curses. No benefit to halfbreeds. It should be very rare and frowned on(In varying levels) in all the racial cultures, as there are zero benefits. The accept all  free-love hippiness view should be the rarest thing around

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They receive all curses and all blessings, but if the blessings and curses contradict (elven long life and human short life) the curse wins out. So, a human-elf is short-lived and infertile, but a dwarf-elf is long-lived and strong, but infertile, greedy, short, and ugly.

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since you all seem to ignore what is trying to be done, I am going to say this once.


Even if what i wrote isnt accepted. It needs to be posted somewhere in writing, by the Lore Team, for New Players. I am sick of everyone saying "Well they can learn it in game" or going on about how bad half breeds are.



if you arent going to help new players by making information readily available for races they can play, in all its entirety, then get rid of the application.







They receive all curses and all blessings, but if the blessings and curses contradict (elven long life and human short life) the curse wins out.


that post is old and doesnt give specifics, and from what everyone is saying here, it is far worse. I would like something made in black and white just like the rest of the racial lore. No "well you can find it here" in an old post buried somewhere else. Wiki it, make it available and expand. What i posted is based off my understanding of the lore with a minor tweak (giving some plus to human/elf). If people dont want to be a pure elf or want to marry an orc, let them, stop making things more difficult then they need to be. Some people like the "forbidden romance". 

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There we go, nice and available.


This thread has been locked as the issue has been resolved.

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Moved to [Denied] on the premise this issue has been resolved. 

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