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[13] The House Of The Wild Alchemist Migueleo Berankle


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Author/s: Mithradites

REGION 13: The House of the Wild Alchemist Migueleo Berankle


A simple house that appears to have been smashed apart from the inside. At least half of the building is totally destroyed. Within the intact half of the building is a Dwarven skeleton crushed into the wall along with the remains of furniture. Stuck in its shattered ribcage is a rotten-looking book that, despite its age, some pages are still readable.


On the face of the book, the name “Migueleo Brackenankle” is written with faded gold type.

[unreadable mess, obscured further by large, copper stains] -rst tests have begun well, with very little damage I can see. Sadly, it appears that the fly has become lethargic and tired. I expect it to kark it soon. Bloody quitters, these insects. Reminds me of my days in that pisshole academy. I reckon I just need to refine the process with the swamp-lilies, and then place the r--- [The page is too mottled with ancient blood to make out]


[several pages on, faded words can finally be made out.] --1276, second month of testing. Khorvad’s arse is less wretched than the stench that’s lingering from that bastard fly. Need to bury it further away. Though, at least the smell’s keeping those crows away from my pumpkins.


[upon the next page, there is an undated page in rushed writing]


Success at last! I just needed to remove the swamp-lilies entirely from the equation! Don’t even remember why I needed them in the first place...


[The writing appears to become less legible leading to the end of the sentence, but then returns to its original rushed form].


My old mate from the academy made me one of his pumpkin pies while visiting, and then I see this fat little snail just chomping away during dinner. Hadn’t tried one before for the concoction, so I tipped it on the pie for the little bugger to eat! Bastard grew to the size of a dog, and he’s still energetic! Going to brew up a fresh batch, then me and “Sluthery” are going to those limp-wristed academists and shoving it right in their fat, fu-


[there appears to be a violent, thick pen-stroke, before the rest of the page is covered in a deep coppery stain. There are no more entries.]

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