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[✗] (Creature Lore) The Furef


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                                                                    The Furef

The Furef are small, but intelligent creatures. They are extremely agile, able to outrun even the fastest of runners. They have small but sharp claws. Their claws are not suited to combat, but rather climbing.

Their ears are larger and more pointed than the ears of the Elves. Thick, matted fur grows on their arms, legs, chest, back and shoulders. They have a fairly long tail which they use to hang off tree branches and rafters. The Furef are not native to Vailor. No one is sure where they first originated from, but they seem suited to all climates. The Furef speak in a strange, incomprehensible language made up of crazy gibberish. They know only one word from the common tongue, the word "Shiny". Furefs love shiny objects such as gold, silver, copper, bronze and many more. They usually steal these objects from the Descendants, using their quick, nimble fingers to steal the shiny object before scurrying away before their unfortunate victim can even realize what is happening. Furef mostly inhabit large cities. The reason they do this is because it makes it easier for them to acquire shiny objects. Although they are considered pest by most, some Thieves  have taken to taming them. Thieves offer them small amounts of shiny objects. In return, the Furef steals for their master.


Diet: Furef eat any food that is rotten or raw, but they prefer meat.


Other Facts:


(1) Furef will only serve their master if there is a steady supply of shiny for them.  

(2) If a Furef is discovered trying to steal, they will run or climb to a save location before taunting the         person chasing them.

(3) Furef create secret hideouts which they use to hoard shiny. These hide out are usually high up.

(4) A baby Furef is as small as a human hand. They are called Furaf.

(5) Easily killed by Ferum.

(6) Furef are not effected by holy magic.


For a Furef to be tamed and used requires an ET member to play the specific Furef.

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Feral gobo's who actually do leg day?

Jokes aside what do you hope to see come about these creatures if they were implemented?

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I think they could be an interesting pest for people to deal with in the cities. For the people who want to tame them, well it would be interesting to see them try to keep the Furef under control.

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They seem interesting enough, though I feel some more could be added the the Lore.


Perhaps add,


- Can they be easily killed by ferrum, or is aurum the best tool?


- Are they effected by Holy Magic? (No one knows they're origins, so I'd assume not. But if they're unholy, then I believe they would be.)


- Would these be for ET or playable?




On the other hand, I think it'd be best if they were ET. Lore Masters aren't very interested in new races nowadays, but this may give you a better chance.

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They seem interesting enough, though I feel some more could be added the the Lore.


Perhaps add,


- Can they be easily killed by ferrum, or is aurum the best tool?


- Are they effected by Holy Magic? (No one knows they're origins, so I'd assume not. But if they're unholy, then I believe they would be.)


- Would these be for ET or playable?




On the other hand, I think it'd be best if they were ET. Lore Masters aren't very interested in new races nowadays, but this may give you a better chance.


Thank you for your help. It is appreciated :D

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