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Arstan Bedell


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"I have yet to know fear. The Craven knows not faith and it is my faith that shields me."






Age: 19


Gender: Male.


Race: Human, Highlander.


Status: Alive.


Height: 6’2 ft.


Weight: 208 lbs.


Appearance: Golden ringlets, fair skin and sullen cheeks with high bones for a noble's face, Arstan is by no means the comeliest of fellows; or rather, recent events attest to his once good looking charm. While not too hard on the eyes, the years - despite his relative youth - have worn him down. Bearing the broad stature of his father, Alexander the Wyrmsbane, Arstan stands tall with a powerful build, imposing and befitting the son of such a character. He maintains a fairly well-kempt appearance, hair regularly combed and his face clean shaven.


Constitution: A stranger to many a customs of the Kingdom of Oren, having been far too long apart from the realm - raised at the Castle Arves, as a squire to his uncle Mathis - Arstan is oblivious to the true nature of Oren and her many intrigues. His knowledge mostly springs from hear say, exaggerated tales and the continued bantering of his elders to a fact better learned, else one be declared ignorant. Despite his noble posture, he moves with an open gait and speaks bluntly, if not abruptly; though one good thing springs from this, his decree - amongst his subjects - is not usually ignored, and it's a respect demanding submission. Though, for a childhood in the hands of a priestly hands, he works honestly and it's shown in his stature. Arstan is in good health, maintaining an active lifestyle through the pursuit of hunting and martial training.


Personality: An education and a guiding hand under the care of Anduin has given Arstan an aptitude for honesty and many other virtues heralded by Owynism. Perhaps among the most honest of the Bedells for all their reputation's worth, perhaps there's no one better to take up the name. Though, kindness has ofttimes been a woe for the family, as was present with the crippled Mathis. A deadly combination to his honesty is his blunt approach, which can sometimes prove less than fruitful for the young Arstan. Other traits do as well come with guidance under a Priest of Fire; zealotry and piety among them. He is, by all means, a student of the philosophy and a zeal burns in his heart.


Life Style


Alignment: Lawful Neutral.


Religion: Owynism.


Nation: Oren.


Class: Noble


Titles: Count of Redmark, Lord of the Castle Rhosden.


Profession: Master and Commander


Flaws: Arstan is rather curt with his words, and his lack of tact oftimes leaves a poor first impression. He is, by all means, a very devout individual with an unbridled zeal which drives him in his belief, something which impedes on his day-to-day decisions and shapes him as a person, for better or worse.




Parents: Alexander Bedell, Ethel Bedell (nee Rohesia)


Siblings: Mathis Bedell II, Francis Thorne, Ethel Bedell


Children: N/A


Extended Family: Robert Bedell (Cousin), Edwyle Bedell (Cousin), Alys Bedell (Cousin), Hadrian Thorne (Cousin), Mathis Bedell (Uncle)



Arstan was born the lesser of twins; one of the only two trueborn sons born from the seed of the Wyrmsbane. He was sent to Arves in his very early youth, alongside his siblings, to be sheltered from the brewing conflict that came to rise with the Lucienist Order denouncing King Francis. He was to be taught under the will and guidance of the Owynist Priest Anduin, and become the man Alexander was not; one of his only and last acts of good to his name outside of glory, for not Bedell; but himself.


It was there that Arstan was raised and instilled with good, Kaedreni values to a man and served as a squire under a handful of knights; though, his worth as a scion of the lesser line of Bedell was not forgotten and he was treated well, even beyond the fall of Oren and the death of his father, Alexander. There, he carved his name out as a skilled warrior and Knight, winning several tourneys in honor of his uncle. Though even the most swayful hand could not keep him, nor his brother, from their fiery ambition, and the name of Bedell.


In the twilight of his house, he - alongside the both of his brothers, embarked for Oren with a handful of retainers and an envoy of his uncle in the form of his eldest son at their side. They struck landfall; pledging their blades and swearing homage before the Magnate of Kaedrin. For this, they were granted a holdfast in the south - Roseden - where Arstan rules from in these tumultuous times of civil war, pressing on in the restoration of the legacy of his name.





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