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The Siege of Kal'Valen


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“They misunderestimated me.”

- Vibius de Sola, Marshal of Humanity, called the 'Traitor-Marshal', date unknown


Smoke billowed into the sky on the southern end of Avar, its expanding tendrils shadowing out the beaming sun. Looking to the tundra landscape below revealed a large pile of corpses, now blackened, their ashy stubs revealing the stoutness of those who had been dwarven soldiers in life. Imperial men tossed the last of their fallen foes into the pile, dusting their hands. Cleanup around Jarnstrand was finished, and the army was anxious to march on.

Mid-day came and the sun’s rays finally penetrated the macabre veil of grey which clouded the sky. A beam of hope. The imperial’s initial war-camp was all but dismantled now. The engineers had repaired the trebuchet’s destroyed in the last siege, and the walls of the encampment had been taken down.

A sea of footprints led north, the Empire marched to to the castle of Kal’Valen to fully secure their hold on this frigid isle.







TIME: Saturday the 16th of January, 10 PM GMT, 5 PM EST, 2 PM PST (Proposed)

ATTACKERS: The Holy Orenian Empire and allied forces

DEFENDERS: The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and allied forces

LOCATION: The castle of Kal’Valen




If the defenders are killed, or if their keep is taken, or if they are forced into an underground bunker.


Attacking forces are killed or driven from the battle area.


Oren victory: The fortress of Kal’Valen and its surrounding region will be annexed by the Holy Orenian Empire, as will the remainder of the dwarven-controlled region on Avar (As they would be hence bereft of their strongholds on the island).

Urguan victory: The area will be non-warclaimable for four weeks.



-No status switching.

-No golden apples.

-Moderated building will be in place for both parties.

-In order to accommodate an actual fight, the offense and defense shall be allowed to repair (With appropriate materials) their siege engines three times from a malfunction for the purposes of creating a viable breach, on account of the offense's supply train.

-If the dwarves are driven into an underground bunker or cellar, they immediately are conceding victory.

-All LOTC rules.

-If the dwarves do not show to their side of the warclaim, they implicitly forfeit and the Empire is allowed to take control of the region being sieged and can force a date of the next skirmish or siege as determined by Orenian command.

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As always, I will be stepping in to oversee the development of this Warclaim. To save the pain that was the debate of Alchemist fire I will be locking this post. There is an established Skype group and my Skype is not hidden from the public. You are free to contact me about any questions regarding this warclaim or war in general. Best of luck to both sides, let's get to work.

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