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Into the Valley of Flowers: The Siege of Kal'Ordholm


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“Blood thumps in these chessmen - you need only listen, and you will hear.”

-Augustus d’Amaury, Duke of Lorraine, dated approximately 1520


Avar was under the Imperial yoke, well and truly. The island’s first conquered castle in the south, Jarnstrand, had been granted to Ser Rael Acker, dubbed the Unburned, for his insurmountable bravery in the final battle which secured the entire island for the Empire.

Ferries had circled around Avar and collected Imperial troops who were stationed at the newly captured dock fortress of Kal’Valen. Within the fortnight, a flock of sails could be seen billowing across the frigid Urguanite sea, carrying the conquering force back to the mainland, back to what had formerly been Rhewengrad, to march along the coastline and back into the Valley of Flowers.

The end was in sight, and this time there would be no quarter.








TIME: Saturday the 23rd of January, 10 PM GMT, 5:30 PM EST, 2:30 PM PST (Proposed)

ATTACKERS: The Holy Orenian Empire and allied forces

DEFENDERS: The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and allied forces

LOCATION: The fortress of Kal’Ordholm




If the defenders are killed, or if their keep is taken, or if they are forced into an underground bunker.


Attacking forces are killed or driven from the battle area.


Oren victory: The fortress of Kal’Ordholm and its surrounding region from Rhewengrad north will be annexed by the Holy Orenian Empire.

Urguan victory: The area will be non-warclaimable for four weeks.



-No status switching.

-No golden apples.

-Moderated building will be placed on both parties.

-In order to accommodate an actual fight, the offense and defense shall be allowed to repair (With appropriate materials) their siege engines three times from a malfunction for the purposes of creating a viable breach, on account of the offense's supply train.

-If the dwarves are driven into an underground bunker or cellar, they immediately are conceding to Orenian victory.

-No relocking doors/trapdoors if they are unlocked in RP during the siege.

-All LOTC rules.

-If the dwarves do not show to their side of the warclaim, they implicitly forfeit and the Empire is allowed to take control of the region being besieged and can force a date of the next skirmish or siege as determined by Orenian command.

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Cosmic and myself will be overseeing the development of this warclaim alongside him being the head overseer for the battle. This topic will be locked due to the Skype discussion already in place. If you have note worthy information please reach out to me privately on a case by case basis.

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