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Guide to veterans on how to help a player after being accepted.

Man of Respect

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This guide is for veteran players to help new players in order for them to enjoy the server.


Firstly, after someone gets accepted and can finally roleplay, go to the cloud temple and talk with him. Explain the very basic commands, such as /rp, /looc, and how to leave the other chats, such as /ws and /ooc.


Then, you will come up with something. The things that I find the best suitable for a new player are:


Take him on an adventure with cool loot (moderator approved loot), a group of new players work even better. Imagination is the key.

Then, imagine something. What can you play for an event? Can you get an ET member or make him a player-base event? Have him fun. Let the new player have all the glory, such as the killing blows and the strongest hits, or allow him to lead a charge. Give him glory. Be willing to lose when you get on a simulated fight.


If he's from the same race of yours and etcetera, take him to your town, and if you can build, take him to build something.

Have what you build be yours and his, you can take a group of players aswell. This was one of the things I enjoyed the most back there when I joined the server on middle Anthos.


If you're rich, buy him a house and/or give him a sum of minas, or employee him.

Lets say you're a guard leader. Employe him as a guard of your town to fence off raiders and alike. Have him a house built or bought, or you run a large mining company, teach him the profession basics and suggest him to pick mining, have him paid for his work, give him a home, breathe life and excitement to his character.


Simulate a fight against another group player group or ET.

Like explained on the very start of this guide, get some guys to roleplay as ghouls, necromancers, evil mages, bandits, or even an ET, but keep in mind to give him the glory, explaining if he's doing something he's not meant to. Avoid trolling at all costs. Give him glory and loot.


Don't be toxic and try to be friendly.

Yes, don't be toxic. Regardless if he's a new player, you was, at one point, a new player, just like him, maybe you didn't even know how to do an emote. Teach him.


These things might help you on making a player stay on the server or on your playerbase. If it isn't a mature apple, be it's gardener.

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