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Lore Submission - Halfling's grass.


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Halfling's Grass


This is aleardy implemented in-game, but this herb doesn't have any special properties. you can't make it into a potion, and nobody knows It's effects. It's practiclly a drug, that is stronger in water.


So here is how think halfling's grass should be!





The grass is indeed chewable, but to get it's full effects you need to squeeze it into a hot food/drink and consume it.


Once consumed, The user will feel a tad better. it's mostly used as a medcine for headaches, coughs, and other lesser pains.


After a few hours, the effects begin fading out, leaving the user's mind somewhat clouded. The herb is very addictive, But due to It's bitter flavour, is easily put aside for other habits.


If the consumer of the herb is a magic user of any sort (Excluding dark arts), He'd find it harder to connect to his source of power. It doesn't matter if he gathers power from a deity or from the void. The effect builds up on and on, until even a Master would be close to fainting if one attempts to connect to his power source. This effect doesn't build up too quickly, (Unless you mass-consume the herb), And is fixable only by waiting. Usually, It takes about 3 days for the effect to fade, if it Isn't too strong.


That is it for this lore submissions! please leave feedback in the comments!

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Where's the logic in restricting only void mages to be affected this the hardest?

This could be the same for deity because of their connections. Because the way most magic is casted is the connection. This means if void mages are affect then it should be for other magic like deity.

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Just now, NekkoREEEEE said:

Where's the logic in restricting only void mages to be affected this the hardest?

This could be the same for deity because of their connections. Because the way most magic is casted is the connection. This means if void mages are affect then it should be for other magic like deity.


I was thinking about it, don't the dieties grant thier magic users power, as a pose to the arcane users taking it from the void?


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They still need to connect. Severing the connection is what prevent them from casting.

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Remove the magic restrictions. Everything else is fine.


My advice is if the magic thing is out I'll support this. I don't want to see people rp this and developing it into a weapon to heavily counter magic.

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1 hour ago, SuperDuckyGamer said:

If the consumer of the herb is a magic user of any sort (Excluding dark arts), He'd find it harder to connect to his source of power, Wether It's a diety or the void. The effect builds up on and on, until even a Master would be close to fainting if one attempts to connect to the void. This effect doesn't build up too quickly, (Unless you mass-consume the herb), And is fixable only by waiting. Usually, It takes about 3 days for the effect to fade, if it Isn't too strong.


Just posting feedback here as a friendly user rather than a LM.

Hmm. Firstly, I would recommend working on your spellings. It isn't Diety, but it's Deity, and you've spelt whenever as 'wether'. I highly recommend proofreading your lore or asking another person to check your lore before sending it in, it just makes it easier to read and makes your work look better.


Also, a Deity user does not connect to the void whatsoever to use their magic, they hold a connection between them and their patron, such as a cleric to Tahariae and a paladin to Xan. To be fair, I cannot see Halfling grass being able to stop this connection, as the patron is channelling their power to their servant, not the servant having to reach out for the power so there isnt much strain in the servant reaching for the power until after they have used the power. I honestly cannot see a few blades of grass stopping Tahariae, an Aengul, from giving His servants their lights, as hilarious and funny as it seems. However, I can see this being rather workable for voidal mages. This part is just my opinion though, not how something should be.


Lastly, Halfling Grass does have some properties but it seems on the Alchemy Lore Update, there isnt a page dedicated to Halfling Grass (Blame Jistuma). Some of the properties are noticeable in the potion you can make from Halfling Grass only.


So really, the properties can be that when consumed, Halfling Grass causes nausa and a light headed sensation within some people, and after consumption can cause extreme hunger afterwards. Maybe you can try and develope the lore more about these properties?


But overall, this is quite a good lore and I do quite like it in some areas. Ciao and have a good day!

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First off, Sorry for that miss-understanding about deity and void, I tend to mess things up when I edit stuff. Also, fixed the grammar mistakes. still learning the ropes on these thigs =P


Second... I didn't know there was an alchemical recipe on halfling's grass, I think I'll just change it and make a completly different type of herb. I just didn't want to make it bother-some for the devs, that have to add another drop to things and re-name it.


Thank you for the feedback!

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2 minutes ago, SuperDuckyGamer said:



First off, Sorry for that miss-understanding about deity and void, I tend to mess things up when I edit stuff. Also, fixed the grammar mistakes. still learning the ropes on these thigs =P


Second... I didn't know there was an alchemical recipe on halfling's grass, I think I'll just change it and make a completly different type of herb. I just didn't want to make it bother-some for the devs, that have to add another drop to things and re-name it.


Thank you for the feedback!

 It's perfectly fine, a lot of people tend to confused deity and void, so it's not uncommon. Also the Alchemy regents can be used MCly to create these potions with the Alchemist profession and you can make potions from them, they'll always have a description with the effects on. You just need to make Aqua Vitae and Distilled water in order to make these potions. :P Kudos to Jistuma for making these recipes.

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Just now, Farryn said:

 Also the Alchemy regents can be used MCly to create these potions with the Alchemist profession and you can make potions from them, they'll always have a description with the effects on. You just need to make Aqua Vitae and Distilled water in order to make these potions. :P Kudos to Jistuma for making these recipes.


Yeah, I used to have an alchemist persona. I just don't have an alchemy station to check it.

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Just now, Sythan said:

It is used in a potion though!


I know, didn't know that when I was making the thread =P

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Locked and under review

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Your lore has been denied. PM myself for any questions or concerns regarding the topic.


Please use the Plant Index when posting plant lore, it will simplify and ease the process overall and will save both the writer and the readers time and effort.

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