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The Journal of Archimedes D. Doomforged


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((Just to make this more enjoyable.))

6th of Malin's Welcome, 1567


Today was quite an odd day, I met a fellow with split personalities, his name was..Garoll, or Cassandara? I don’t know. But he had somehow acquired a rather unique mask, able to let you spy upon other’s conversations..And, in some cases, see the near future, I convinced him to let me use said mask, and I evidently saved a Kharajyr from being slashed to pieces from a rather rude human. Afterwards, as Garoll was..Switching personalities, I managed to slip out to the cloud temple with the mask, I was of course, followed, and now here I sit in the darkened tower next to the Monk Market, writing about this mask. It’s name is unbeknownst to me, only that it uses Mana to allow you to use it, I have no clue whether or not this has any adverse effects upon the wearer after it is removed, I suppose I will have to see, it is quite an odd looking mask, it is a dark color, with dents and bruises, about the design of a skull, with a weird metallic gear upon the top right of the mask, below is a light sketch.


I am afraid I have no time left with this mask to study it further, only, that it is quite astonishing and I will, at some point, need to study it further. End of entry.


7th of Malin's Welcome, 1567. 



Today I was reunited with Elvira, and I also met a man named Ian. Elvira was quite obviously upset about something at first sight, I requested she followed me to my place for privacy so she may speak of it, she requested her friend Ian to tag along and I allowed it. Upon leaving the cloud temple docks I noticed a large crowd of people following me, not only the two I had requested. This situation ended with me yelling for most of them to leave, and I had a rather odd exchange with a dark elf covered in some kind of wrapping. I almost burned her to a crisp when she threatened Elvira, yet Elvira halted me before I could do such a thing. The dark elf was demanding information on some kind of...Laboratory involving some kind of..Plague mushrooms, I haven't the faintest idea of which the elf spoke of. The elf eventually left only to be replaced with another, only this time a Vigil Member, demanding that Ian come with him to Haelun'or, he too left eventually. Upon arriving at my place Elvira spoke of her..Dilemma. It involved the High Elven Clerical Order and the Vigil, some kind of issue involving a Frost Witch and a Vigil Member possibly lying to protect the witch who was later found eating someone alive. Eventually we got to my Dilemma..The mask. I learned of it's name, The Mask of Undru, and Ian agreed to help me destroy it. Both Ian and Elvira left after some more discussion, and the rest of the night is a blur to me. End of Entry.


9th of Malin's Welcome, 1567.


Nothing all that interesting has occurred since my conversation with Elvira and Ian. Though today I crossed paths with Ian again and I requested he come with me to the Aethermoore Tavern..Where Garoll spends most of his time. We agreed that we will try to resolve the situation peacefully, upon entering the tavern I wrote a letter to Garoll, requesting he come at once to the tavern to speak. When he arrived, I confronted him and asked..Quite politely might I add, for the mask. That's where the argument occurred. Me and Garoll had a large argument, meanwhile, Ian was helping a woman who was turning to Ice..Some form of curse I suppose, I wasn't all that concerned with it. I was focused on getting the mask. Eventually, Ian solved the issue with the cursed-woman, and came to help me. I had already begun to form a connection to the void, as I was quite irritated and tired of the argument that had erupted. Ian asked nicely and explained the situation and why it must be destroyed, and eventually, after I had severed my connection to the void, Garoll handed the mask over to Ian, and I hear Ian proceeded to destroy the mask..I was not there for the event. I only know a fragment of the mask is still out there..What use does it hold? I have no clue..Nor do I know if it retains any of it's power. End of Entry.


17th of Sun's Smile, 1568


Has it been five years already? Has time really passed so quickly? I'd never have thought...That the search for the Doomforged would take so long..Vanished from all existence, leaving me upon this war-scarred land to search endlessly, and grieve..So many lost, without a trace or reason. They will be found..If it is the last thing I do upon this land or the next, I swear this to you, Father. End of Entry.


10th of The Amber Cold, 1568

Educating humans and other species on Evocation is tiring, many people seem to mistake Evocation for a weapon, when it is no such thing..It is more of an art to be learned, practiced, and wielded responsibly. Not a weapon to mindlessly use to spread havoc and chaos upon the land, despite the fact that many mages of whom use Fire Evocation have done such things. Most of which are insane...Why must they always be insane? Why must they give this magic such a negative look on others? I'm constantly assumed to be like other's long deceased, their minds tainted and insane. But I am no such thing, and never will I see the day that I turn to such measures...As they say, you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the victim..How many people have I hurt in the name of Fire Evocation? And for what reason? Justice, righteousness? I do not know anymore..End of Entry.


11th of The Amber Cold, 1568

Well, I can officially add a druid trying to kill me to the list of things I never wanted to happen. I arrived at Urguan to find that most of it had collapsed due to some infestation and earthquakes. I wasn't much help, but eventually in the throne room, during the apparent final battle. I was of use in burning down a barrier blocking the throne. It took all my energy, and I nearly passed out. Then to make it even worse..I was pushed into a hole by a massive poisonous blob and nearly died. Meanwhile, a druid was trying to choke me with a vine for some apparent reason. I must've blacked out as the rest of the happenings are a blur, I know only that I awoke in the same spot I had blacked out in, only nauseous and..Well, not dead, obviously. End of Entry.




((MORE TO BE ADDED! Excuse the bad writing, I'm not exactly sure what to do with this or how to write it.))







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A Doomforged sits watching the comings and goings of the docks, taking note of his son on several occasions. The scarred half-breed nods to himself, "One more left to find."

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