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Holy Knights of the Black Mace


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Holy Order of Saint Wilfriche

Holy Order of the Black Mace




“In hoc signo vinces”









"For how can the ignorant teach others? How can the licentious make others modest? And how can the impure make others pure? If anyone hates peace, how can he make others peaceable ? Or if anyone has soiled his hands with baseness, how can he cleanse the impurities of another?"

-Ecclesiastical Report to High Priest Pontian I, Unknown


Following passage originates from the Journal of Brother Paisius, Abbot of Telia;


In the slow conversion of the Highlanders and Marshlanders[1], who were staunchly entrenched in their hedonistic deities, there was one element which the steadfast monks and missionaries that never ran out: martyrs of the Canonist Faith. It was common sight, according to those quite more elderly than myself, to see priest and new-convert strung up like a slaughtered bovine, for them to be tortured and raped because those pagans, the ones who committed such evils, were deathly afraid of the Word and Will of GOD. I will not act ignorant, however, that some of these atrocities were committed through the confusingly complicated political situation, but I shall address that at a later time.


The High Priest[a], the one true Vicar of GOD, and His Holiness' men were faced with a twisted predicament. Canonism, the One True Faith of GOD, was under threat, attacked by the sodomists and hedonists out on the frontier and the weak willed followers, as they claim, of the Jove[2]. Through it all, ironically, there was no hinderance of the numerous conversions, and henceforth martyrdoms, and no stopping of the rightful expansion of the Canonist Faith. There was no discouragement, but in fact these martyrs, later Beautified as documents allowed, became symbols of the people. Never such a time, besides the era of the Prophet Owyn, were the people of GOD struck with such zealotry! The High Priest, blessed as he is, had to do something, lest the whole Canonist North become martyrs for the cross.


The answer was the Faith Militant.


Never before had such a grouping- organized by the priests of GOD! - collected itself, made up of the eternally faithful and zealous in dogma. There was no true name for this band at the time, the jolly band of ninety-nine, whom marched into the pagan north in the defense of pilgrims and missionaries. The Order of the Black Sepulchres, as I am of course writing about, comes more down the line of time. As was being written, the band of men made their way north and established a small priory in the base hills of the Waldorf-Hunnik basin[3], near the City of the Lahy, future sight of the first stone basilica of the Canonist Faith.


However, GOD truly does test the mettle of His Faithful. Forces of the then pagan Prince of Dules, along with fellow allied Hanseni[4] and other assortment of minor princes, destroyed the small priory, slaughtering many of the band of ninety-nine, who were not expecting such a quick attack from their foes. All but nine of them fell victim to the pagan butchery, themselves fleeing till the decadent soldiers of the false gods gave up the chase. The battered nine made camp, licking their wounds. The list of the nine are as follows:


Blessed Ser Royce of Cerum, the Leader of the Band,

Ser Alric the Harrenite,

Ser Henry of the King’s Forest,

Ser Yern Luidol,

Ser Derick, later the Bishop of Ulgaard,

Ser Thomas of Marna,

Ser Hector the Bold,

Wolfram, a squire,

and Kurt of Hoth, another squire.


The Blessed Ser Royce, called Royce of Cerum, led the band of nine after the slaughter of the fellow troops of faith. Now this Ser Goddard, according to my sources, was very much a mystic as he was a zealot, and ordered the bodies of their fellow comrades burned to ash. The ashen remains were gathered, and each knight was given a vial of the dust, with the famous words by Ser Royce spoken:


“There is not halt, there is not stop,

we cannot hinder and resign.

We must pay a debt for our slain brothers,

we Band of Nine.”


And so the Order of the Black Sepulchres was born, figuratively, led by the Blessed Ser Royce and his band of nine. He commanded the six knights under his retinue to go to every corner of Canonist-controlled lands, to recruit those of zealotry and virtue to bring forth the Will of GOD.




The following excerpt originates from the journal of Willem zu Zeel, Chancellor of the Principality of Balain;


14th of the Grand Harvest, 632


...which ensured the guaranteed invasion by High King Benedict I[c], known to the wretched Westfolk[5] in their tongue as Baruch. The trade cities of the basin were ripe of gold, as I told His Serenity, the Prince of Balain[d], many times before. Backwater yes, for many of those towns were split apart by miles upon miles of desolate forests, where the Elves of Dun[6]  played their wretched magic. But, gold slipped poured into those ports of Lahy and Dules, of Huss and Svetogryz[7] and it would fit magically into our desolate treasury. But alas, the villain Baruch received the riches, hoarding it as all pagans do..


6th of Snow’s Maiden, 632


...and let it be known that I despise the Basin-dwellers[8], the ones who call themselves Raevir or however that nonsense goes. The damned refugees pour into our gates akin to water breaking a damn, demanding food and shelter and a place to stick their *****. And His Serenity, his kindness impeding, gives them what they cry for and more! Our stores, much less our treasury, cannot handle such a strain.


It pains me to even write of this topic, my head pounds like a hammer on an anvil. Where is the other lords in this mess? The Duke of Marna refuses to open his gates, neither does that wicked Lord Lorenz or the Count of Mzen. May they all rot in the Void, the pig-loving, goat-******* lords.


17th of Malin’s Welcome, 633


Madness! Utter stupidity and retardation! His Serenity, loyal as I am to him, is a fool. An complete idiot and mindless of his own actions through his young…


[The ranting continues for nearly a page.]


...and he thinks of more what is in between his legs rather than what is in his head. That ***** Raevir woman, some ***** by the name of Alin Sarkovna[e], has tainted His Serenity’s mind. She whispers promises of love, coddles and phornicates his senses away, asking to reclaim the shithole she believed a home. Sovietisk, Svotisk[9]? Their tongue is truly a disgusting language, made myself nearly gag and retch what I ate the morn before.


The Black Sepulchres, those holy knights which demand money and tribute from every lord here to the Autumn, has also come to ear from our granaries and twist His Serenity’s mind. Worse than the Basin-dwellers, worse than the pagan Haeseni themselves. I fear for His Sere




The following account is taken from the Historia Hansetia, written by the scribe Aramis d’Goul;


The Dance of Eophrantes, 635


It was a clear day, rain had fallen three nights before but the grounds were firm for the horses. The soldiers awoke at dawn, cooked their meals, and a service was held two hours in the preparation. Prince Niedemar awoke near the same time as the soldiers, council of the army leaders was called before and after the service. The men on the council were as followed: Prince Niedemar, son of Hinamir[f], Lord Pytor, son of Velimov, Lord Lothar the Elder, son of Joren, Lord Lothar the Younger, son of Lothar, Ser Quintus the Half-Foot, son of Roland, Lord Fredek, son of Binimius, Salamon Belid, son of Bela, and Ser Reshal, son of Henry. The Grandmaster of the Black Sepulchre was not present, recorded ten miles east of the campsite.


The pagans across the away awoke twenty minutes after the soldiers did. Smoke rose from the campsite, recorded a before battle feast was held. Soon after the second military council meeting, a pagan ritual was held in the field before us. Three captives were displayed, their names being Lord Igain the Quarter-Short, Ser Jan the Bold, and Ser Alexander. The three captives were laid across the grass, the chief priests began to chant in an unknown tongue, then the trio’s hearts cut from their cuts and the presumed figure, King Baruch, ate of the bloody item. The men surrounding him did the same soon after. The pagans then retreated inside, leaving the body to rot.


The field of battle consist of a large field, mostly flat with forests marking the left boundary. The right side stretched further into the plains. A river, the River Gren, cut through the middle, closer to the pagan encampment than ours. The pagan camp sat upon a small mound, not high enough to make a full hill, but enough to be raised from the field itself. Our camp was not raised in comparison. The pagan encampment had crude logs acting as a palisade in defense of their war camp, no noticeable towers. The crusade encampment was fitted more aptly; the palissade made of oaken planks and five towers marked a diamond-shaped camp.


The crusade forces consisted of twenty-five thousand men of the sword, another two hundred magi from the College of Gasoglow[10], and eight thousand horse, majority of them freeriders of the heartland estates. The Black Sepulchre itself had a thousand total, three hundred knights and the rest on foot. The Balainic levy consisted of the largest majority, ten thousand soldiers in all, with two thousand freeriders, seven hundred knights, and the others rank of foot.




[1] - The Marshlanders, dwellers of the westward swamps.

[2] - The Jove, an archaic name for GOD commonly used by the Hansetians.

[3] - Waldorf-Hunnik Basin, commonly called the Raev Basin, homeland of the Raevir peoples.

[4] - Haeseni, or called today as the Hansetians.

[5] - Archaic slang for the Hansetians, commonly used by the Raevir and Heartlander peoples.

[6] - A common myth and legend is that the elven wife of Harren, Sarai, still lived within the forests binding between the Oren mainland, the Hunnik Basin, and the outer reaches of the Hanseatic tundra. She, with her band of pagan elves, would steal naughty and improper children from their homes.

[7] - Lahy and Dules were ports upon the Autumn Sea, a favored trade bridge between Aeldin and Oren. Huss and Svetogryz were ports upon the Adunian Sea, growing rich from the bountiful fur trade between the Adunian Isle and the forests of Thuiad.

[8] - Archaic slang for the Raevir, commonly used by the Heartlander nobility and Aeldinic merchants.

[9] - Sovitesk, a Raevir city-state recorded as the first settlement in the basin. During and after the Edelaw, the town became and remained a Hansetian majority, renaming into Sorbesborg.

[10] - The College of Gasoglow, one of the first and only human exclusive magical schools. The college made its home in its namesake March of Gasoglow, a Heartlander estate known for its mysticism and deviance from the early church. The college, and its town surrounding, fell victim to pogrom in 713, where nearly every student was lynched and dragged through the streets. The March of Gasoglow soon fell itself in 715, its land being conquered by the expanding Horen Kings of Aaun.


[a] - The High Priest Sixtus I took the pontifical throne at the age of fifty-three. Reputed as a zealot, he is best remembered for his role in the Evensday Massacre, where a migrating tribe of known pagans were cut down by Marnese peasantry, totalling to a death count of three thousand men and women.

-The Grand Prince/Chief of the Dulonians, Nikolaus I. Crowned under the three eyes of Gorm the Wolf God, Nikolaus was a staunch reactionary to the Canonist conversions, leading one of the largest persecution of Canonists in known history. Nikolaus was defeated by the hands of Jan Jeremi at the Siege of the Lahy, killed by an arrow to the eye.

[c] - High King Benedict I, better known as Baruch the Brazen. The chief of the Alamanni was crowned in the ruins of Jroth, under the moon of Morighan, and declared a full invasion of the Raev basin in 631. Little records exist of him, but it is believed he died of the plague in 650s.

[d] - Prince Niedemar I, the Prince of Balain, took the throne at the young age of ten and six, after the untimely demise of his uncle, Lothar III. A brash and idealistic young man, the Prince fell in love with the minor noble refugee Alin Sarkovna, marrying her despite her low blood and the pressure of his lords and councillors. Together with the Black Sepulchre and the persuading of his Raevir wife, he launched the First Northern Crusade upon High King Baruch. Initially successful, Niedemar was cut down by Baruch in the Dance of Eophrantes, ending the crusade prematurely.

[e] - Princess-consort of Balain, later Regent and Princess-mother of Balain. Alin Sarkovna, more known as Saint Alin of Sovitesk, was a woman of low birth, at some point in 632 marrying the Prince of Balain and bearing him a single son: Prince Renauld I. She is most well known for her actions as Regent after her husband’s death, securing the throne for her son and beginning the long trial in reverting power back to the central liege.

[f] - Hinamir of Balain, middle son of Carther I of Balain, is most notably known for being the sire of the later Niedemar I of Balain. He was known to be an avid hunter, married Hyanda of Gryf at some point in his teens, and died of the pox in his later thirties.






High Pontiff

The High Pontiff has absolute and supreme authority over the Holy Order of Saint Wilfriche.


His Holiness, Sixtus IV


Holy Knight Commander

The Knight-Commandant is selected by the High Pontiff from among the Knights. He is the direct commander of the Order and manages their day to day operations.


Holy Ser Edward d’Ambray 'the Austere'


Holy Knights of the Black Mace

The Holy Knights of the Black Mace are chosen from the current serving cadets as seen fit by the Holy See and Holy Knight Commander. Holy Knights are sworn to uphold the Palatine Code. Knights are expected to maintain the laws of the Church as well as those of the Imperium. A high priority is set on the members of the Church and its beliefs. As the members of the Black Mace are knights of the church they are title, "Holy Ser".


Knight Banneret

Bannerets serve as the leaders of the Order taking charge of a division of knights.


Holy Dame Aquila Elendil 'the Humble'

Holy Ser Alexander Gotthold 'the Ardent'

Holy Dame Karina Gotthold 'the Beast'



Knights are the backbone of the Order. They are experienced in matters of protection. Each knight is expected to mentor a Cadet. Some knights may also choose to specialize with the inquisition and learning to keep heresy at bay.


Holy Ser Maximillian Dawnstead 'the Truant'

Holy Ser Alexander ‘the Savage’



Knight Errant

Knights Errant are up-and-coming knights. They are the young blood continuing their education in the Church. No longer a cadet, they are more autonomous.


Holy Ser Vaerath Leydon


Knight Cadet

Knights in training under the banner of the Holy See. They are yet to be fully initiated into the Order. Cadets are expected to follow the orders from those above them and to learn the ways of the Church. It would be beneficial to seek a brief mentorship with a priest. Cadets are expected to complete five trials.


Pierre de Robineau

Dorm Amador

Dane Lester



Canonists that serve as inquisitors are specially trained and qualified to root out heresy and find the unholy throughout the world. Many are to be feared as they can be ruthless in achieving success in the name of GOD.


“Ordo ex chao”



The Superior is charged with maintaining the inquisition. A Superior is the most experienced of inquisitors as is to be expected of their position. Typical duties other than rooting out heresy can be more formal such as presenting investigations to the Synod and as simple as keeping the training of inquisitors and external aid.



Tasked with rooting out heresy. An inquisitor might find himself working anywhere in the world seeking the unholy. Sometimes that which is unholy is to be destroyed other times, a more kind approach may be taken such as turning that which is unholy back into GOD’s light.



The title bestowed upon someone seeking to become an inquisitor. Following along with an experienced inquisitor to learn the ways and traditions.


“Pro deo et patria”






Holy Knights of Visiga



The Holy Knights of Visiga is an order of honorary knights. This goes back to the days of the Order of the Black Sepulchre. Knights of Visiga will have no command authority over any member of the Order of Saint Wilfriche. Members inducted into the knights will be allowed to style themselves as Holy Ser. To be inducted, one must be chosen by the Holy See. As with all members of the Order of Saint Wilfriche, even the Knights of Visiga shall follow the Palatine Code.



Jan Kovachev

John Kowacz

Sokol Nikovich

Audra Vibren 'the First'

Migel Cortez, deceased

Carden de Bar, deceased

Baldwin de Bar, deceased

Ragnar de Autson VI, deceased


All knights formerly of the Order of the Black Sepulchre or of past holy orders are encouraged to submit a letter to the High Pontiff and Knight-Commandant with their information. The information required will be placed below. The High Pontiff will make decision on who will be sanctioned to resume their place in holy knighthood.








The Palatine Code

All members of the Order are expected to follow the stations and tenets as well as take the oath.



i. Stand as guardians of the High Pontiff and Holy See.

ii. Protect the Creator's faithful from evil, whenever possible.

iii. Hunt all worshippers of evil and practitioners of darkness.

iv. Keep watch in the lands of the Holy See, and uphold peace and order.

v. Be the Vanguard of any Holy Crusades and Inquisitions.

vi. Carry out the sentences of those convicted of crimes against the Faith and the Holy See.



i. Share, with tolerance and understanding, the word of the Lord.

ii. Maintain a powerful and unwavering faith in the Creator and His word.

iii. Seek to embody Horen's Virtue and Owyn's Spirit.

iv. Strive to deliver upon the faithful the embodiments of Godfrey's Gospel and Siegmund's Auspices.

v. Obey, without question, the hierarchy of the Order, and ultimately word of the High Pontiff.

vi. Embrace our fellow Ordermen as Brothers, and treat them as such.

vii. Know to violate the Palatine Code is to be stripped of his rank and to be exiled in disgrace.


III. Oath

If I should falter in my course, send me never to the skies above.

If I should succeed, bestow unto me His blessings, forevermore.

For, now I march into a valley through which there is no path.

And the stones cascade behind me, to seal my retreat.

Though in this valley, I find my Brothers;

Now I am named Guardian of His Flock.

Should I falter, my shield shall turn to ash;

But I shall not falter.






Testaments of Faith



The creation of the Sacred Urn, holder of the martyr's ashes, is first amongst the tests. The Urn must be fired and molded by the squire himself, all resources and tools must be chiefly his own work. After, a bishop of the Canon must approve and give his blessing, lest the squire remake the Urn.



To speak the Creator's Will is to have a Tongue of Fire, the tongue which breaks all barriers of language and communication through His Power. In order to be considered to become a Knight of the Black Mace, one must convert a heathen, one who has not had the joy to hear the Canon, and bring him fully into the fold of our community.



The Creator’s Wrath brings fear and awe across the plains of existence, in every heart and mind of every being which has walked and thought. Through discipline and faith, one may acquire the Creator’s Blessing in the art of combat, to spar and wield the weapons of His Divine Will.



The Vicar of GOD is the chief priest, representative of His Divine Will. Through his words mark the words of GOD Himself, and so the tasks delivered by him also Divine in nature and spirit. Accomplish the task given by His Holiness moves one ever further in achieving the ashes of the sacred.



To truly believe in the Grace of GOD is to have true faith in Him. The test of faith marks a man from the commoner to the most devout.






Weapons of the Faithful




Partizan Polearm

The partizan is used primarily for ceremonial purposes. It can be used to keep crowds at bay as well as reach from afar. Often members of the Order will be seen on the walls of the Apostolic Palace carrying one.



Basket-Hilted Sword

A basket-hilted blade is carried utilizing the protection from the handguard as a piece for ornate decoration with crosses, inscriptions, and symbols of the church.



Ceremonial Rapier

The rapier is a beautiful weapon carried within the Apostolic Palace.



Various Polearms

Sometimes other polearm weapons are used such as the bardiche and glaive for the execution of heretics and heathens.



Executioner’s Bardiche

This weapon is simple and plain. Nothing decorates this blade as there is no joy to be had in taking a life even if it breeds heresy or heathenry.



Wilfriche’s Mace

A mace in similarity of the one used by the Saint himself. Seldom is one of these seen other than in ceremonial use.




Fill out the following application and send it to the Knight-Commandant in the Apostolic Palace next to the Cathedral of St. Thomas.





Race [Human/Elf]:

Status of Blood (Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, etc.):

Place of Residence:

Martial Knowledge (if any):




MC Name:

Skype ID:


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Name: Aquila Elendil

Age: 85

Race [Human/Elf]: Adunian

Status of Blood (Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, etc.): Commoner

Place of Residence: Johannesburg

Martial Knowledge (if any): Served in mercenary battalion

Skills: Tactician, Swordsmanship, Horsemanship, little Archery



MC Name: _Katastrophe_

Skype ID: You have it


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13 hours ago, _Catastrophe_ said:


Name: Aquila Elendil



Accepted. Visit the Apostolic Palace when ready to begin training.

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6 hours ago, YourPalAudun said:


Name: Ludovic Solli'gra


Accepted. Find the Commander to get oathed and your uniform

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Name: Mateusz Sathian

Age: 20

Race [Human/Elf]: Human

Status of Blood (Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, etc.): Commoner

Place of Residence: N/A

Martial Knowledge (if any): Swordsmanship, Archery




MC Name: ze_claus

Skype ID: Ze_claus

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16 hours ago, ze_claus182 said:


Name: Mateusz Sathian


Accepted. Speak with the Commander to discuss your entrance.

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Name: Elrach Lachlans

Age: 65

Race [Human/Elf]: Wood Elf

Status of Blood (Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, etc.): Commoner

Place of Residence: Metz, Lorraine

Martial Knowledge (if any): Served as a scout for 15 years. Have also done some light mercenary work.

Skills: I am currently training as a leather worker. (50k til aengelic). Experienced fighting in small support units and I have some decent survival skills.



MC Name: Shalashask

Skype ID: I'll pm it

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Fill out the following application and send it to the Knight-Commandant in the Apostolic Palace next to the Cathedral of St. Thomas.



Name: Hevor Stormcloak

Age: 25

Race [Human/Elf]: Human (Highlander)

Status of Blood (Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, etc.): Commoner of Nordlandic Blood

Place of Residence:

Martial Knowledge (if any): I'v Been on many war on my chars

Skills: Archery and Sword fighing



MC Name: terriblegecko80

Skype ID: terriblegecko8029

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved. If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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