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[Playable] Golems


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-=+ Golem Lore +=-


-=+ What is a Golem? +=-

Golems are sentient constructs, comprised of a stone body animated by a magical core.

Golems can be created using Enchanting or Runesmithing. They also require one skilled in the use of the material from which they are made to make all of the parts. Usually two are required to make a golem, as it is incredibly difficult to make the part and apply the magic to it simultaneously.


-=+ The Primary Lore +=-


-=+ Behaviour +=-



((Reminder: The restrictions on Golems behaviour have been loosened somewhat. This is to allow for a greater enjoyment while playing a Golem character, as they have been rather 1 dimensional and dry in the past. This means that Golems can now adapt and evolve as time goes by. Some may become slightly more intelligent, others may develop rudimentary personalities (bring on the sarcastic golem), and others still may become more nimble. All of these adaptations are, however, rudimentary. Even the smartest Golem is still dumb in comparison to a normal character. Even the strongest Golem is still has only a marginal advantage over a regular one. Even the nimblest of Golems still has a over-sized clumsy stone design. No matter what the adaptation, a Golem cannot defy its Impera either.))

Golems obey the every command of the being they view as their “Impera”. Impera appears to mean “master” at first glance, but there appears to be far more to its meaning. Impera is a word ingrained into the golem. It is incapable of referring to anyone as Impera save its Impera, and cannot view itself as its own Impera (if it did, it would become locked in an eternal loop of waiting for orders from itself.)

A golem’s first Impera tends to be the first person it sees upon its creation. While people tend to view the golem’s Impera as some sort of specific magical attachment, the concept is entirely in the golem’s mind. If a golem’s Impera dies, goes missing, or consistently  fails to command the golem, the golem will seek out a new Impera. The only other way to change a golem’s Impera is for the current Impera to command the golem does such.

A new golem knows very little apart from how to operate its body and the concept of Impera. Occasionally they also seem to possess a very basic vocabulary, but often they know no words beyond “Impera.” Golems usually need to be taught almost everything, but, like a child, they are capable of learning very quickly when they are new. In the first few days of their existence, a golem is capable of understanding an Impera’s meaning even if it cannot understand their speech. This could be how they are capable of picking up the Impera’s language so quickly.

A golem mind is a simple one. A golem takes what is said literally, metaphors and implications is beyond its comprehension. If ordered to carry out a task, it is not unheard of for them to continue to do so until told to stop. They are not creative. If ordered, for example, to build a house, a golem will either attempt to badly copy something it views as a house or simply pile materials on top of each other. It is incapable of designing.

Golem speech is slow, monotonous, and devoid of harmony. They are incapable of intonation. ((The convention for golem speech is to never use exclamation or question marks, capitalize every word and separate syllables with hyphens. An Ex-am-ple Is This. Sometimes full stops are used for every word. An. Ex-am-ple. Is. This.))

Research into golems has defined two primary personality stereotypes, known as Blue and Red, from which golems seem to deviate surprisingly little. A Blue Golem is one that seems content to serve, and carries out commands to the best of its ability. A Red Golem is one that seems compelled to serve. While they are very similar in mannerisms, a red golem is likely to willfully misinterpret commands to their Impera’s detriment. Red golems are also far more likely to go beserk.





-=+ The Body +=-


The body is composed of several parts, held together with magic rather than mechanical interfaces. Motion is achieved by pairs of runes or enchantments within the material which operate in a similar manner to muscles, and allow the golem to move its limbs.

The most complicated part of a golem limb is the hand, as it involves so many parts. Unlike the larger joints, golem hands do tend to have some physical interlocking, and exterior runes are worked into the fingers to give the golem a rudimentary sense of touch. While the golem seems to manage without these touch runes on the rest of its body, it seems to need them on its fingers or it crushes anything it attempts to hold.

While in theory any material could be used to create a golem, there are limitations. Any metal seems to cause problems for the runes or enchantments, and the golem will either not animate at all or the core will shatter. Obsidian is too heavy for the golem enchantments or runes to move.

Golem size is limited by the strength of the core. While a golem is very strong, golem cores cannot effectively animate a golem larger than a common uruk orc (7 to 7.5ft). 9 foot tall golems are possible but suffer from defects such as arms dropping off without warning.

The golem head contains many complex runes required for the golem to sense and speak. The eyes of a golem are one of the few runes that need to be exposed, and they glow brightly when the golem uses them.

The core of a golem is a complex runic artifact made of inscribed arcaurum. A golem core is almost invariably a cube. Five of the six faces are inscribed with the intricate runes and symbols that that power the golem, the sixth is always completely blank. It is believed that the golem's memories are written upon the sixth face, in words invisible to mortals.



-=+ Creation +=-


Creating a golem is a rather simple but very involved task. With a steady hand and precise stone work a golemancer may carve and forge the desired body shape out of stone. Once the body has taken shape the golemancer lays out the necessary runes along the body. Once all the runes are in place the golemancer moves to the last and most important process. Creating and inserting the golem core.


-=+ Destruction +=-


Golems are incredibly hardy, being made of rock, and sledgehammers and warhammers are usually needed to damage them (pickaxes are far too unwieldy for fighting a moving target). However, the core is very fragile, like glass. Damage to the core can turn a golem red and leads to it going berserk and insane. If the core is destroyed while in the golem, the body turns to dust. The golem is destroyed. While this is usually a permakill (the golem player technically should PK if this happens through RP but cannot be forced to), golem characters are all very similar, and thus the character can be “resurrected” by building a new golem. The setback is the loss of all memories.


-=+ OOC Notes +=-


Golems can only be created by those who have acquired the knowledge of golemancy IC, and have an accepted Magic Application for doing so. While those wishing to play golems can approach golemancers OOC, the identities of golemancers are something you should learn through IC means.



-=+ Bound Beyond Death: Soulbound Golems +=-


-=+ Background +=-



A golem core is both power core and mind to a golem. A golem's body is little more than a rune-operated puppet and periscope for the core. The core itself is a relic of a bygone age. Knowledge of the principles of operation are long gone: golem core forging is simply following a set of instructions handed down from golemancer to student perfectly. A golemancer understands the mechanics of the core no more than an orc understands the molecular chemistry within the boar he's roasting on a stick.

Golem cores are made of perfect arcaurum, heated to molten and then cooled through a very precise process involving runic magics such as to create a solid cube of pure arcaurum without defects. Basic alchemy is often involved in the process. Damage to cores introducts defects to the golem core, impeding its function irreversibly, and severe damage can drive a golem beserk or cause it to creatively misinterpret instructions to destructive effect.

In a thanhic golem, at the heart of the core is a blue crystal of the magical material thanhium. Thanhium coverts heat into an internalised form of mana and serves the magical power source of the golem.

Before thanhium was rediscovered by the modern descendants in Anthos there was another way to power golems. With a few slight alterations to the forging process and the omission of thanhium (often instead incorporating some of the red stone material known as eruthium) a golem core can be made into a soulbind core. If in physical contact with (usually by being hammered into the chest of) a Descendant or Kharajyr when they die the soul is unable to pass on to the next world and is intercepted by the core and trapped within. The soul's link to the Void and the realms beyond serves as a mana source for the golem much as thanhium does, powering its body and mind.

The unnatural process is excruciating for the soul. Sometimes the individuality, personality and mind is completely annihilated by the process, resulting in a creature very similar to a thanhic golem, if a little more unstable. This not, however, always the case.



-=+ The Soulbound Golem +=-


A soul bound to a golem core remains conscious. Thanhic golems appear to form their own consciousness or at least respond as if they are sentient: soulbound golems retain the consciousness of those killed to create them. The experience is hellish: the consciousness can submit to the oblivion and its personality and memories be completely annihilated in the process. Those who survive the binding process often remember very little of it: those soulbound golems that fully recall the agony of the binding go insane and usually must be destroyed.

The forging process of making a golem core changes the nature of arcaurum: it ceases to behave as a metal and becomes much more glasslike. A normal golem core appears as a brilliant translucent golden cube with intricate runic carvings both on the sides of and somehow within the material, with a crystal of thanhium elegantly fused into its centre. A soulbound core lacks the crystal. When empty it appears as a thanhic core would without a crystal, but when filled the core is filled with a murky red mist, like blood suspended in water.

An individual with the will or luck to suffer through the soulbinding retains their memory and personality. Deprived of all sensory input while trapped in the core they enter a sleep state, and the longer they are in it the more their memories fade away like forgotten dreams.

Upon being placed into a golem core the first thing a soulbound golem usually does is scream. The second thing they usually do is try to move and fall over. Used to having a mortal body, the clunkly movements of a golem form take a lot of getting used to. Upon realising what has happened to them a soulbound golem can also go insane in horror and it usually has to be broken to them carefully. It cannot be kept from them however. An awakened soulbound golem knows something is wrong: they feel completely numb and have no sense of temperature: deprived of the sensations of a mortal body everything feels wrong.

Soulbound golems, like normal golems, cannot feel pleasure or pain. Their emotions are dulled, they have no concept of adrenaline, they can only sense touch where touch runes are fitted (usually fingers) and they lack the senses of smell and taste. (Keep these in mind when roleplaying them: you are not playing your old character completely intact). This total numbness combined with the strength of the golem combined with its clunkly, nonfluid movements take some getting used to and soulbound golems often take a few elven days to become fully in control of their bodies.

A soulbound golem retains its previous personality, albeit probably broken, and any memories that survived the binding process. This mortal consciousness is not truly compatible with the golem core: soulbound golems all have a split personality between their own mind and the placid, naive and subservient thanhic golem-like persona. The mortal mind remains in control by force of will, in times of stress or distress the mortal consciousness can withdraw and the basic thanhic golem personality takes over until the mortal one can reassert itself. This persona lacks the personality and memories of the individual bound to the core and takes on the Bro-ken. For-mal. Spee-ch. Of. The. Go-lem. It is not unheard of for a soulbound golem to mimic a thanhic in order to put others at ease or in order to deceive.

Soulbound golems retain memories and personality but they are not the old individual "ascended" to stone form. Life as a soulbound golem is a hellish experience: they have lost their free will: they are still forced to obey commands they are given and suffer from an inability to effectively create direction of their own.

Soulbound golems still have Imperas and are compelled to obey their commands: if they resist they are overwhelmed with psychological pain until they break, the "thanhic persona" takes over and they act like a normal golem. Like thanhics it is not possible for a soulbound to successfully resist a command. Soulbounds also suffer from a lack of initiative: they require direction from their Impera and struggle to create purpose of their own. If a soulbound golem were to run from its Impera to avoid being commanded it would soon find itself not knowing what to do with itself, unable to think, and would soon find itself returning to its master as if in a trance.

Soulbound golems do not speak like mortals. They still speak mostly in the golem's voice and pronounce syllables as individual words (U-sing th-is t-yping con-ven-tion), but they add much more accent, colloqiual and personality to their speech. They retain their old understanding of language and can make jokes, throw insults and use sarcasm although they do so in the golem's voice and still suffer from the speech rune's inability to inflect (they cannot use ! or ? marks)

Like a thanhic, an soulbound cannot be its own master: it is shackled to its Impera. For the character, being a soulbound golem is an unliving hell. They have lost their free will, their body feels numb and wrong and they are doomed to this state of potential undeath for as long as their master keeps them that way: a soulbound golem cannot kill itself if its master orders it not to. This is a dark magic of enslavement and while soulbound golems may be very fun characters to play they are not happy ones.



A few OOC reminders about soulbound cores:

Soulbinding requires a PK, and you can't PK a character without their player's consent.

Soulbound golems cannot be used to convert a living character into a powerful stone form. The new soulbound golems may possess the memories and personality of who they once were but they still lack free will and initiative and remain as throughly dependant on their masters for command as their thanhic brethren.

It is up to the player of older soulbound golems if they want to be grandfathered into this: they can RP their personality traumatically reemerging or can RP that after all these years it has been completely obliterated and nothing changes with their golem.




-=+ The Golem Anvil And Golem Types +=-



OOC NOTE: You are only capable of creating the following golems types and golem anvil if you have learned how, be it via learning from someone who knows in RP or by PM’ing someone who knows how OOC’ly and experimenting until you discover it on your own.


-=+ Anvils +=-



The dwed of old were capable of astounding feats. Caverns hollowed out in minutes, runes that could conjure mighty spells, forges hot enough to melt the very earth we stand on. None of this compared to the prized creation of the dwarves: Golems. In modern times the descendants know only of one kind of Golem, but in times past there were many. How did they accomplish such a feat? With one brilliant creation: The Golem Anvils.


In older Golem lore Golem anvils were a means to restrict the magic and creation of Golems. This is not so now. That is not to say that this is rewriting the old lore, no, but rather that these are a separate kind of anvil altogether. The purpose of these anvils is quite simple: to prepare golem cores for use in other types of golems. There is no other function to the anvils.

-=+ Core Types +=-

If a golem can be compared so closely to a man, then the core would be both the beating heart and the thinking brain. It is the most vital piece of a golem, for without it the golem could not function at all.


Golem cores serve only two primary purposes. To think for the Golem, and to power the Golem. However, the exact way the core thinks and powers a golem can be altered by a golem anvil. This is not to say that it can be altered freely, but rather it can be shaped into one of several “pre-set behaviours”. These different “behaviours” are utilized in the different types of Golems that can be created. There are 5 primary core types:


Normal Core: This core requires no changes. It is the base core for regular Golems


Command Core: This core is the main core of the “Multi-Cored” Golem. It is altered to allow interaction with slave cores, as well as the ability to command and receive information from said cores.


Slave Core: A slave core is a core that lends its cognitive capabilities to a Command Core. It cannot perform actions on its own and must have a Command Core to, well, command it.


Swift Core: A Swift Core is made for use in, obviously, the Swift Golem. Swift Cores primary changes are an alteration in the sphere of influence and to the Golems cognitive capabilities itself. A Swift Core limits the size of the Golem to around a 5ft maximum, but increases its ability to process its surroundings (an enhanced spatial awareness if you will.)


Brawn Core: Brawn Cores are entirely the opposite of Swift Cores. They make for incredibly large, and terrifyingly strong, golems. The only downside is that these golems are terribly stupid. So stupid, in fact, that they are entirely incapable of combat.

It is important to note that the only type of core capable of communicating directly with others is a Command Core. This is also to say that the only type of core that accepts commands from another core is that of the slave core.




-=+ Swift Golems +=-



Swift Golems, as directly translated from the ancient dwarven “Vlokon Khoren”, are a fascinating evolution in the line of Golemancy. While many of the original golemancers were concerned with creating the strongest, sturdiest, and biggest golems, one dwarf in particular took Golemancy in an entirely different direction. Believed to have initially ridiculed for his fascination with grace and fluidity achieved by elves, he instead translated this fascination from a point of mockery to that of triumph. And a triumph it was, for a work of great engineering was an accolade higher than any other to the dwarves of old.


Through much effort the Golemancer was able to use a Golem anvil to carefully alter the core of a Golem into a much more intricate state. The resulting core allowed for the creation of a Golem that was much quicker than that of a normal one. Not only were the new breed of Golems physically quicker, nearly rivaling the speed of an average member of one of the descendant races, they were also mentally quicker. While not particularly smarter, they were capable of reacting to scenarios and making decisions far faster than a normal Golem. There were, of course, some drawbacks. Due to the increased focus on the speed and agility of the golem, the cores “sphere of influence” was greatly reduced. A Swift Golem core could only support a Golem with a maximum height of around 5 feet. Not only was the height of Swift Golems reduced, but so was the overall strength of them, and in more ways than one. A Swift Golem was physically weaker, being about as strong as an average dwarf. However, they were also far more delicate due to the focus on agility. This meant that a Swift Golem could be rendered incapacitated by a few quick blows to key locations on the body, thus dislocating its limbs entirely. In the end, Swift Golems became a popular alternative to regular ones due to a much lower manufacturing cost, and they were much better suited for daily tasks required of a common dwarf.




-=+ Multi-Core Golems +=-


Multi-core golems make use of the unique properties of the Command and Slave Cores. Through these two core types Multi-core golems gain much higher cognitive skills, as well as additional motor skills.

Multi-cored golems have little to no advantaged physical features.  Most of the work is kept inside of the golem, to assure that no damage is done to the extra cores.  A multi-cored golem can possibly go red if it loses one of it’s 6 cores (excluding the main one).  A golem with two or more cores has better motor skills.  To make a multi-cored golem, you need the proper tools and knowledge to do so.  A multi-cored golem must be soulbound, as a thanhic golem would absorb too much heat and overcool.  Using soulbound cores is very costly (since it is very hard to find people to PK).  The alignment for golem cores and to allow them to communicate must be performed/created on a golem anvil.  Even if you are a highly skilled golemancer, it doesn’t mean you’re able to make a multi-cored golem. Golem cores must be aligned properly with each other to allow easy communication with each other.  If a golem core can not communicate with the next, they will not function properly.  The cores would argue with one another if it was lined incorrectly, having no way to contact with one another, even when they are lined, the cores would still argue; however, if the Impera in question gives the order for them to cooperate - that is when the multi-cored golems are created and fully functional/efficient.

The main core is what processes all the information obtained from the cores.  Said core then uses the acquired information to complete its action, if the slightest mistake occurred in the core line up, the communication would be slower than usual, as would the action it was in. With multiple cores, the golem can make more intelligent actions, decisions, and store more information than a standard golem would.  The main core controls the bodily functions.  Despite increased cognitive abilities, a multi-cored golem can not retain a free will.

To clarify, there are drawbacks to a multi-cored golem.  It can only be soulbound.  Soulbound cores are very costly, as finding a soul willing to be trapped inside of a core isn’t common.  A soul can retain it’s memory, and can cause the core to be miserable.  Soulbound cores have a higher chance of becoming red unlike thanhic golems.  If one core becomes red, it will create a bad influence on the rest of the cores.  Slowly, the cores will become red.  You then have a multi-cored golem with high motor skills rampaging on the world.  This means multi-cored are a high maintenance ordeal. A golemancer needs to watch for red cores commonly, and replace them when needed.  

OOC NOTE: Only 2 Soulbound Cores (aka 2 actual PK’s) are required to create a multi-core golem. It was decided that any higher of a number and they would simply become far too punishing to make.



-=+ Brawn Golems +=-



These cores give birth to something that can be seen as the exact opposite of the Swift Core. This breathes life to golems that are considerably taller than a normal golem, and grants them sturdier ground and strength. This Golem was another of the lost Dwarven Inventions-- as many golemancers sought to make the sturdiest, the largest, and the strongest golems-- An aspiring golemancer found the way for achieving such a creation. By endless labor, careful precision, and using one of the Golem Anvils of old-- he created a modified core known as the “Brawn Core”, or “Larkhon Khoren” In ancient Dwarven. These Golems were widely used, much like the Swift Golems; however, they were mainly used for heavier lifting, and more domestic/labor affairs, for with brawn in golemancy comes impotence in two fields: Speed and Intelligence. The golem core places more focus into brawn, causing the constructs to be extremely slow, and unable to attack others without them being able to move away. Their intelligence severely lacks, making them completely rely on their Impera. Although, in time they may become more intelligent than what they once were, though these golems will ultimately be cognitively lacking than their mechanized brethren. Due to Brawn core golems being far taller than the normal golem, its body hunches somewhat and uses its arms as support-- else the weight of its being will cause it to topple.

Red lines:

Brawn cores can max at 10 feet, however they slouch if they are anywhere above 9 feet, giving them the appearance of being shorter.

A brawn core has the equivalent strength of two Ologs and cannot exceed that strength cap.

The brawn core is by no means fast. They move far slower than any other golem, each step they take is three steps slower than the average person. That being said, each action they make is three times actions slower than the average person.

Brawn core golems are by no means combative, they are unable to directly harm others (meaning if they smash something, and someone is below it, that’s their fault for not moving out of the way).





-=+ How Golem Cores Work +=-



Ever since the days of yore when the ancestors of the dwarves toiled endlessly away in the heart of the mountains, carving vast halls from naught but glittering gems and rough hewn stone, have the earthen beings known simply as “Golems” existed. It is quite true that the dwarves are the creators of these marvels of engineering and magical prowess, but even as the mightiest of men cannot weather the passage of time neither can knowledge itself. Despite what they have lost the dwarven folk stay very true to the nature of their ancestors, for even the dwarves of yore were a secretive untrusting people. Much knowledge was held by the very few, and the very elite, among the dwarves. This proved to be a grave error when the Ironborn took power. During the blood age and the purging of dwarven knowledge a majority of these close kept secrets were destroyed forever, those who held them slaughtered mercilessly. Amongst the plethora of knowledge lost was something invaluable; how golem cores functioned.

Indeed it is true that we might know how to create golems, but we do not know how they function. We are but mere workers, blindly following the blueprints to a grand machine without truly knowing what makes it tick. Tick it does, however, and thus we continue to make more and more of these stone behemoths. But, as they always say, “what goes up must come down.” I like to say something quite similar, “what is lost can be found.” Would you believe it if I said that I may have found the reason for the tick?

Golems are rather peculiar creatures, created from stone, precious metals, and nothing else. The purpose of the runes on the outside of a golem are known, from the runes that provide the many senses (touch, sight, etc), to the runes that run the length of the golems body (they provide the information and instructions to and from the core). What has not been known, however, is what the runes on the surface of the core do. A golem core has six sides, five of which are required to have very specific runes on each else the golem will not function. It has been the general assumption that these runes served as the “brain” of the golem. While this may still be, and likely is, true for three of these runes, I believe I have found something rather extraordinary regarding the remaining two.

These two runes must always be created in a specific order and up until now no one has known why. The rune that is created first acts as a sort of “storage” for the information that the second provides. The reason for needing to create these runes in a particular order is because the second rune only works once. Upon the completion of the second rune it activates instantly, gathers the necessary information, and then burns out in a manner of milliseconds. The information gathered is then stored via the first rune and utilized in the golems overall function. What is the information gathered then, exactly? It is my belief that the rune examines the golems creator and, more specifically, their soul. It then takes the so called “blueprint” that it observes from its creator's soul and applies it to the golems core in the place of the first rune. I have dubbed the examining rune the “transcribing” rune and the other the “transcribed” rune.

This explains a great deal of things, like why a golem has to be humanoid, or why a golem cannot be created by a soulless being such as a homunculus. Furthermore it explains how thanhic golems achieve sentience. The soul taken from soulbound cores is simply a power source, just as the thanhium is in thanhic golems. The small amount of lingering memories from soulbound golems are just a side effect of using this form of golem. The actual sentience and intelligence of a golem is spawned from the information that the core rune draws from its creator. The implications of this discovery are massive. I cannot let this knowledge be forgotten again.

-Excerpt from the field journal of Dizzy Irongrinder; Golemancer


To summarize the above lore:


- Golem cores gain their intelligence and motor capacities from a specific pair of core runes.


- These core runes gain said information from the golemancer who creates the golem.


- The information is taken from the golemancers own “soul blueprint” upon the immediate completion of the newly dubbed “transcribing” rune.


- The transcribing rune then places the information on the “transcribed” rune before promptly burning out and destroying itself.


- The golem references the information on the transcribed rune in order to figure out how to move its body, think, see, articulate speech, etc.

What does this change?:

There are several things that this change / addition does to golemancy as a whole:


1. Explains how golem cores function


2. Explains how Thanhium golems achieve the same sentience and intelligence as soulbound ones despite lacking a real soul


3. Explains why soulless creatures are incapable of performing golemancy


4. Explains why golems can only take a humanoid shape


5. Explains why one cannot simply open up a golem in order to learn golemancy by copying the runes (the transcribing rune burns out and destroys itself instantly).


6. Explains why golemancy must be taught and cannot be learned by books (The runes on a golem are very fine and require a masters hand and an experts eye. A drawing will not suffice. It must be taught because the student must be present during the creation of the transcribing rune to observe how it is made before it burns out and destroys itself.)




-=+ The Disrupter Spike +=-



Forenote: The following lore draws heavily from the lore under the “How Golem Cores Work” tab. Please read that tab prior to reading this one.

OOC NOTE: You can only make these items if you have learned how, be it via learning from someone who knows in RP or by PM’ing someone who knows how OOC’ly and experimenting until you discover it on your own.


With the discovery of the purpose of the transcribing and transcribed runes I have begun to hypothesize on a certain matter. I am worried what doors I might open even by considering this, but I have a morbid curiosity to say the least. The revelation that a golem must take from the so called “soul blueprint” of its creator has piqued my interest. I must remain adamant in my convictions; this is purely an academic curiosity, nothing more.

Since soulless beings are unable to create golems, as they lack the required soul blueprint, I have begun to hypothesize upon a very peculiar conundrum; what if someone possessed a “damaged” soul? One would imagine that if someone who possessed such a soul attempted to create a golem they would fail utterly. Furthermore, could there be a way to conceivably damage another person's soul in order to prevent them from being a golemancer themselves?

Interestingly enough, I now believe golem limbs work in very similar fashion to golem cores. Golem limbs are quite handy replacements, but they come at a cost. The life span of the user of a golem limb will oft be shortened by several years. It was unknown what caused this, until now. I believe that a golem limb leeches off of the users “soul blueprint” in order to animate itself and function properly. If this hypothesis is correct that may also explain why the users life is shortened. By tapping into the “soul blueprint”  the user of the golem limb is creating somewhat of a leak, a “soul breach” if you will.

I wonder if it would be possible to create an object which would forcibly cause a “soul breach” so large that it would disrupt any attempt at creating a golem?

-Excerpt from the lab journal of Avenel; Golemancer


To summarize the above lore:


-Golem limbs work via tapping into the soul blueprint of the user


-The users life is shortened thanks to the leaching of his soul, dubbed as a “soul breach”


-A new tool will be able to be created via experimentation; the “Disrupter Spike”. This tool would be built of off the same concepts as a golem limb, but modified in order to sufficiently damage a person's soul enough so that they may be incapable of providing a soul blueprint to a golem, thus rendering them incapable of golemancy.


-This new tool will be able to forcibly “disconnect” a person from golemancy. The subject being “disconnected” must be tied down securely in order to ensure the spike is placed correctly or it will not work.


-“Disconnected” golemancers also also unable to teach by virtue of the transcribing rune burning out prematurely from trying to prepare to read a damaged soul. This would prevent the golemancer from properly showing a student how to create the transcribing rune.


-This new tool looks somewhat like a railroad spike, with a sharp point meant to jab into flesh, and a flat end meant to rest upon the outside of the wound and atop the skin.


-This new tool can be considered sort of like a piercing. You are unable to remove it (see final notes for more information on this) and it becomes a permanent part of your body.


What does this change?:

While this may seem rather shocking at first there are several things this addition does:

1. Allows for the self moderation of golemancy


2. Allows for the thinning of numbers within golemancy


3. Allows for a real IC way of dealing with many of the OOC issues that have arisen with golemancy


4. Adds an interesting new dynamic to the magic


Final Notes:

-The Disrupter Spike will be an object that any golemancer can discover through simple experimentation. All you need to do is contact Dizzy771 or another person who knows how to make one and explain to them what you are testing and they will provide you with results.


-The Disrupter Spike removes the ability to perform golemancy and to teach it as well.


-The Disrupter Spike is not a permanent thing. An event / ritual will be created which will give players a chance to remove it and repair their soul. Should they fail they are forever barred from golemancy and may potentially be forced to PK. Should they be spiked again the ritual may be repeated but will become increasingly difficult with subsequent uses.


-This particular piece of lore will be run under a sort of trial phase. I have no qualms with pulling it (be it full retcon or partial) if it does cause issues.







-=+ Miscellaneous Golem Tech  +=-


-=+ Variations in Optic Runes +=-



A pleasing aesthetic, by fiddling with the Optic runes, they could find the colours to change to something other than blue and yellow. Now, all the colors are possible, aside from Red (reserved for Red Golems).

Red lines:

Unless the golem is a red state golem, their optic runes cannot be red.

No rainbow optic runes.





-=+ Anti-Golem Tech +=-



OOC NOTE: You can only make these items if you have learned how, be it via learning from someone who knows in RP or by PM’ing someone who knows how OOC’ly and experimenting until you discover it on your own.

Used in the ancient days to disable Red-state golems, these were highly sought for in ancient dwarven society. The most prominent anti-golem weapon is the Hammer of Ardol, crafted by an ancient golemancer. Although he never shared the full extent of his research, other dwarven golemancers sought to create a weapon of the same effect. Although their research proved fruitful, it would not be of the same strength as the hammer of Ardal; instead, these weapons would temporarily disable the runes on areas where the weaponry struck. The golemancers were odd in making their golem-destroying arsenal, believing the core of the golem would be its own folly, and using the anvil-- they forged the “Disruption core” which oddly did not have a spherical or cubic shape. Infact, this core frame was more like a shard, a larger one. The core was too large to safely install itself in a weapon like a sword, thus the golemancers inserted these cores within blunt force weapons, like hammers and maces. Another thing that is noted is the durability of the anti weapons. While serving well against golems, these items will eventually see to their cores shattering, and will require a golemancer to repair… if it even can be.

Red lines:

The disruption core can only be put in larger weaponry that deals blunt damage.

The weapon disrupts the runes on the struck area, and only that area-- this means you can’t hit a golem on the arm and say “Sorry, you shut down entirely.”

The disruption only works for one to two emotes on the given area before the golem recovers. The only exception is being struck on the core area, where the Golem will be immobilized for longer (3-4 emotes, if not longer [depends on the Golem’s preference, or gives consent to being permanently immobilized.])

These weapons will break max after taking down two golems.





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Should add the history of golems and golemancy 


Looks goid

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Just now, Fury_Fire said:

Literally made to target Lhindir


Its made to allow a dynamic way for the ever present numbers issue within the lore to play themselves out rather then having to rely on staff. Lhindir has as equal of a chance to discover the disrupter spike, gather up people, and hunt down other golemancers as anyone else. 


And as I stated before: its running under a trial phase currently. If it becomes problematic I have no issues retconning it.

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I mean yea you say he could learn it but I doubt he would be allowed to and I bet he'd be given false responses to his testing to ensure he does not find out how to get one/make on.

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Just now, A Moongazer said:

I mean yea you say he could learn it but I doubt he would be allowed to and I bet he'd be given false responses to his testing to ensure he does not find out how to get one/make on.

Agreed here, I cant help but feel bias coming along with this lore unless it proves not to be. I may change my opinion eventually of course.

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Damn..... I feel sorry for you lhindir

43 minutes ago, Lhindir_ said:

Have mercy!


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4 minutes ago, A Moongazer said:

I mean yea you say he could learn it but I doubt he would be allowed to and I bet he'd be given false responses to his testing to ensure he does not find out how to get one/make on.

I mean, I am one of the people you can message to figure out your experimentation so I fail to see how that'd be an issue. 

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