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Requesting a single full skin for a small group. [Pay 1700 minae]


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So I and a bud are starting a small outlaw order. We'd like a skin for it and we've come up with something that woud look neat.

Essentially we'd like this:


with a small scarf hood of the same color as the tunic. And the scarf hood base would look something like this.

But blue as stated before. https://gyazo.com/8da5910e09aa0ecf14713ea96ae4ffd3. Thanks, payout is 1700 minae.

I would like for the skinner to be experienced and slightly know what they're making.


Edited by Arygon
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Lion's Mobile Skinning Parlour arrives to town and bids for this contract with a basic design layout preview for the client:


Not yet shaded, very little detail thus applied thus far. Think of this as a teaser. I want to see if you're happy with the shape we're going for in accordance with your design brief. I went with darker colours because you mentioned its use being for some... unsavoury characters. The height of the scarf is enough to cover most mouths you apply it to.

Any changes you'd like to offer or errors in communication on the original design brief we missed, or shall I continue to skin in the details/shading/textures?


Just +1 if you're happy with the path I'm going on. Keeps it simple.


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I had no chance to inform but someone pmed me 20 minutes after I posted this. Work is nearly over already. Thanks for offering though, and sorry.

Edited by Arygon
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