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Civilization III [RP]


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The Stoneborn

pop: 505,000


A party of stoneborn departs to the lands of Rut’Furn to attempt to establish communication. This includes numerous Sculpted ancients as well as relatively new and inexperienced Rough-Hewn. They are intrigued by the crystalline vibrating music objects, and for their potential in communicating with such strange creatures.


Wary of potential harm the fleshy outsiders may cause to the Stoneborn and their lands, it is decided that key mountain passes and routes of travel north and west are to be fortified and guarded. Even if the Dwarves prove amenable, the Broggr tribes are cruel and violent to be sure. Should they see value in the mountains to their south, the Stoneborn’s harmony will be threatened.


Another party of Stoneborn sets out, this time with the goal of settlement. They head south-east into the region otherwise uninhabitable to those who aren’t made of living rock. The Sculpted amongst them carry tradition, knowledge, albeit at the cost of being (quite literally) set in their ways. The Rough-Hewn have yet to live much of their immortal lives, and bare more bulk to be whittled down by time and experience. They will be shaped by their new land, and so will become one with it. As will their offspring. For when a suitable site is found, one that thrums with the might of the Stone, and of potential Stoneborn yet hewn, the settlers put down routes. The geomancers among them shape out structures and caves, while those Stoneborn feeling the Call extract a shard of their soul, bury it into the rock-face and begin the task of hewing new brethren from the strange stone of this new colony.

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The Orani Khanate

Year 983

Pop: 612,000




-The efforts of holymen and Rune-worked continue to go towards the continued development of a set of Runes which would increase the power of the standard Orani bow. (2 turns total)


-With the rapid escalation of the war, The Khan summons more riders to his banner.

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Koukyo (capital), Hifumi, Ennochi, Omusa, Ganbaru, Fujiwara, Miyachi,

40.068, 26.712, 13.091, 12.084, 11.395, 36, 28, total of 103.414




1st Emperor of the Hiromi 



Hatsuki Fujiwara, eldest son of Jimmu

Koizumi Fujiwara, second son of Jimmu

Hiromi Fujiwara, eldest daughter of Jimmu

Mariko Sakashi, Empress



Hirofumi Sakashi of Koukyo, Fujiwara & Miyachi

Watabe Katsuyuki of Hifumi

Shinjiro Sugawara of Ennochi

Yoshihide Kono of Omusa

Takemoto Muranishi of Ganbaru 








The Hiromi expedition had found, to the pleasure of Mura Sakashi, two valleys where a settlement could be settled. These newfound hamlets were called Fujiwara and Miyachi respectively. As resources were gathered, farmlands were prepared and forests were planted, the hamlets would fall under control of the capital: with Mura Sakashi deemed responsible for whatever happens to the hamlets. If they are to grow to proper settlements, they would be Mura’s of their own.


The expedition teams would scan the area for resources, specifically stone quarries, to determine whether these hamlets would be a mining or agrarian settlement in the future.




The agrarian initiative went fairly well, with most urban housing now maintaining a small garden or farmplot depending on the size. The Hiromian society saw this as a sign of individual independence as much as collective responsibility, with a lot of social clubs for women forming around this new phenomenon. While the men would be out to work, the women now would tend to these agrarian installations as a hobby: the better your household yield, the more contributing your household was for the nation in general. Despite the scale being relatively small, if this trend maintains itself, it will be a massive aid against famines or future sanctions, if they were to come.




The Watanabe crisis was still unresolved, with many Hiromi scientists trying multiple compost formulas in the hope to find the one. Slightly better versions were found, which made the reforestation efforts just a little bit quicker. Merchants were stockpiling lumber in case the reforestation efforts failed, hoping to make a quick taiyou.





Mura Sugawara began to slowly reconstruct the northern walls upon hearing about the reforestation efforts. An alliance with the Golden Kingdom was deemed imminent, but none believed the world itself was a friendly place. Hearing of Ganbaru’s new crankbow meant for Ennochi that the army still cared for its defense despite the eternal peace.


In case the Watanabe crisis is solved, the Mura commissioned new plans for a residential district behind the northern inland walls, anticipating a consistent population growth. The ancient citadel was never imagined to be an Empire’s third city. The Mura had two choices essentially: either sent people to the new hamlets, or expand his city. He didn’t want to stagnate his population growth, but he couldn’t de the latter either. The future of Mura Sugawara's policy depended on compost.





As fleets of fishermen boats bring in fish for the populace, Hiromian breeders would convene to discuss the rhythm needed in order to fish without rendering the sea empty of life. In the Hinto religion, everything had to be balanced, and the eternal growth of the Hiromi was not to undermine that.

Looking at the stars as much as counting yields throughout the months, the Hiromi tried to pinpoint when the fish were breeding. If they were able to discover this, they would stop fishing before this season, and continue after all the eggs were placed.





The crankbow became a hit in the Empire, with many wealthy citizens buying it as a decoration or for self defense. Despite this, the military was anxious to adopt these mass produced prototype weapons. While it rivaled a bow, it wasn't superior to it. The mechanism required strength and it was bigger than your average bow, it simply wasn’t economical.


Understanding this, Ganbaru continued to experiment with upgrades for the Crankbow, hoping make its reload mechanism quicker, easier to use and its power greater.



The eldest son, Hatsuki Fujiwara, was offered as a marital candidate to the Golden Kingdom, so that the countries could unite under this royal marriage. All prominent cities were offered a Mura status, meaning that their resources and tax income would be subject to greater autonomy. Furthermore, all existing nobility would keep their titles, but would be restyled to the framework of the Hiromi.



Continued research:

I.- Compost that increases the growth rate of tree saplings.

II.- An upgraded version of the crankbow


New research:

I.-Cycles for responsible fishing


Hirofumi Sakashi of Koukyo, 2.415 manpower

Watabe Katsuyuki of Hifumi, 1.128 manpower

Shinjiro Sugawara of Ennochi, 819 manpower

Yoshihide Kono of Omusa, 472 manpower

Takemoto Muranishi of Ganbaru, 892 manpower

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Year 983 passes.



The Scarlet Order


The Scarlet Order’s diplomatic missions bring back following reports:

- Nao Phyn is willing to trade lumber for weaponry, their own forges being insufficient to supply their need for arrows, arms and armor.

- Nao Zhu offers coal shipments in exchange for the same.

- Baderberg offers coal and iron ore shipments in exchange for naval support.


And so he arrives together with his band of brothers, as already a “small” host of Brutes has been reported assembling near the border of Lyonesse. (Encounter)


The land is acquired accordingly once everything is signed by both parties. (Need clarification from Lyonesse)


The work on the carrack continues as intended, with the new lumber from Nao Phyn being shipped in, constructing ship catapults is little of an issue and soon the ship is combat ready.


The Rulership of Nùr


The Illhar is a massive vessel and will need at least another year to finish construction. With the mindless slaving away, it goes quite quickly still. Exhausting almost all lumber stores and the entire production of lumber of this very year, they construct twenty (!) raiding ships. This should bolster the naval presence of the Rulership of Nùr.


Layer by layer they add bricks and stone to growing walls, towers and dig more moats. To reach a proper state of fortification, it will take more time.


The shipwrights and wise men begin experimenting on reshaping the structure of the ship, to allow it to be lighter, having less structural beams, with the same amount of stability and resistance. It’s a difficult task to find the right arrangement, but they are onto something.


The Kingdom of Kronk appears to be surprisingly mighty. The Ogres had lived there for centuries, with no foes and grew numerous, rich and powerful. But they are, as ogres are by times, still full of wanderlust and ambition. The current King Kronk is no exception. He inquires what the Rulership’s plans are, his targets, asking for maps of the world.


The ice wolves are proud and intelligent. They have a willpower that continues to defy the Mori and Kal. Whilst they captured a few of the beasts under the loss of several dozen of mindless slaves, it will take more cruelty to break such a being.


Quietly and unseen.


In the first half of the year everything seems to be going fine, until soon ships that sail out to raid and plunder appear to not return. The reason becomes obvious soon as one foggy morning, the mothership finds itself in sight of a warfleet of unknown sails. And they are moving fast, with the wind at their backs.




The smart masters of the Blacksmith Guilds soon call in a meeting with all the greater guildmasters in all major towns and cities. Their meeting lasts two whole months, where they then travel to the provinces to give out the details of what they have come up with. They assess the storages of all arms and armor they have, as well as making precise drawings and measurements to them, to bring them all together again to the next meeting. That took place towards the end of the year 983. At last, after another three months, they present the Standardization Plan of the Bundesreich for the most commonly used pieces of equipment, with sizes and measurements to be matched between all partaking smithies. They state that they will need five years to conclude this standardization process, after which, everything will fit everything else.


The hilly and more mountaineous reaches of the Eastern Bundesreich do yield a few new veins of iron and coal, along with other minor metals. Thanks to the active participation of the local dwarven mining guilds, this goes surprisingly well.


The Greatship is finished as planned, given the vast manpower and resources available. Whilst it costs more than originally expected (due to the known issue of administration), it still is on time.


Thus far the latter three realms have kept a neutral stance, despite both Shatterlands and Roymar bearing down on them to coerce them into taking sides. They appreciate the offer of formal relations.


The Stoneborn


The Broggr tribes are being observed, quietly from a safe distance, and that appears to be good. There has been some local warfare between some of them, but they are clearly oblivious to the existence of the Stoneborn. It is quite different for the dwarves, simultaneously as the Stoneborn reach the Eastern caves and settlements of the Dwarves of Rut’Furum, patrols from their side are spotted near the mountain passes and access roads, maintaining a respectful distance though. The Stoneborn envoys are greeted with mild suspicion going by their expressions and some hushed words, though Elder Dwarves, distinct by the many wrinkles of time on their faces, withered skin and bleached hair sit down with the visitors, gesturing as good as they can. (Encounter)


The rocks are silent and the mountains are empty, but they freely give way as they are formed by the Stoneborn, as new ones spring forth from their parent crystal, enriching the lifeless with life alternate.


The Orani Khanate


Strengthening the wood, increasing the elasticity of the bow, allowing to draw easier and further, whilst retaining the same level of strength. That is a coal they set their minds on, and the wisemen continue to carve rune after rune, many burning out, many bows breaking, but bit by bit, as they paint it on paper from the Western reaches of the Khanate, they seem to make it better.




Given the little agriculturally viable area in the valleys themselves, due to surprisingly cold winters, the other resources become more visible. Fish, stone, lumber and the lucky vein of earthen coal in the Eastern settlement could bring new prosperity to this province-to-be.


Household work aplenty and in order to please man and country, the women are at it. (Sounds a bit objectivying, but I will grant it.)


The composting methods still elude and the researches are growing restless at their lack of progress. Something seems to be amiss. Whilst they nurture the trees, they seem to have... little will.


At the moment, the crankbow was bulky and heavy, powerful, albeit slow to reload. The craftsmen and master archers continue their studies, to make the whole apparatus smaller and more convenient.


The local fishermen have been aware of this cycle for the past decades already, it was a knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Making it more known for the general populace certainly helps if there is to be law and order regarding this. However, during this offtime, the fishermen require another way to earn their coin, if they are not to fish at all (they fished during egg season, but just little to sustain their own families).


It is just too lucky that the Golden Kingdom still had two princesses of their Royal Dynasty left over. The older one certainly makes a good match to the candidate of the Hiromi, and as such the council agrees to name the older Princess the new ruler of the Golden Kingdom. Many nobles are distraught by the decision, but the majority is supporting it. The unrest however, still remains, and all parties involved are trying to solve the population’s fears and distrust in the Royal palace.



Roymar and Shatterlands have a heavy naval battle, where the Shatterlands lose, although it was a Phyrric victory for Roymar.


Small brute warbands are seen near the border of Lyonesse.


The five coastal realms of Illuwe, Yano’sa, Neunburg, Roistal and Baderberg call for a meeting at Illuwe’s capital. The details are unknown.


Yano’fin and Hellerland are at odds.


Yano’qi and the Kingdom of Halrin are now at war.


Nyx and Xan announce an alliance.



It is the Year 984.


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