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[✗] Submission for Forest Heart


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Name of your plant:

Forest Heart

(Optional) Link to a picture of the plant + name of the artist:


Habitats - Check all that apply:

Other (detail it in the next question)

Summary of the plant:

Forest Heart is a flowering vine that feeds on blood. The flowers are white but turns red close to seeding. Once a group of woodelves used it in rituals planting it under the skin on their children’s head. After generations it formed a symbiotic relation with these elves. The sap can be used to filter out toxins from the blood to help the body recover from it. The flower pollen has a sweet calming aroma and smells unique to other flowers.

Can you use this in combat:



Characteristics of the plant:

The plant is a vine that feeds off of other living organisms. When a group of woodelves discovered it, it was used as a way to accept a baby into the clan. After generations of this ritual, it grew a symbiotic relation with the elves that revered it as a sacred flower to their people. In turn, it adapted ways to keep their host live longer by filtering toxins and poisons out of their blood. Though it is not a cure all. Should the vine absorb too much, it will wither and the host will then be at risk of the poisons or toxins. It was given the name Forest Heart. In recognition of where it was first discovered. When fully healthy it produces white flowers that has a sweet fragrant aroma. When it is getting ready to produce seeds, the petals turn red. After it became apart of the elves tradition, it learned to seed when the female becomes pregnant. That way the chance to find a new host increases.


Though it also has a fault to its benefit.  If it is ever cut fully off of the host, the host could perish. The sap that seeps into the blood became a strong addiction to the host. And without it a slow death. As well as the roots merge with the nerves and will transfer pain to their host should it ever be cut. The sap however can be used to lessen the effects of poisons in others.


(Optional) Origins of the plant:

Generations ago, a group of woodelves discovered this rare flower in the heart of a tropical rainforest. They soon developed a symbiotic relationship with the flower. They planted the seeds in the head of their children and passed the tradition down each generation as a sacred rite of the clan.


The plant has two species. The one that can still be found within dense tropical forests. and the one that formed a symbiosis with the elves.


Alchemy usage (put N/A if none):

The sap can be used as a weak ointment or drink to remove poisons and toxins out of the blood.



Rare - This plant can only be found in certain areas and needs LT approval to find.

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