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*The Order of the Masons* - Recruiting as of now!


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===================Recruitment Guidelines===================

General requirements:

Be a man who comes of his own free will.

Be at least the minimum age(18)(Does not count IRL.)

Be of sound mind and body

Be free-born

====================Guild Lore====================

-None as of yet.

]====================Guild Rules====================

RULES: #1: You, Nor any party assosiated to you, Are not to steal, Exploit or Defile the Order in any form.

#2: You Are not to betray any member of the order, Or the Order it's self.

#3: You are to contribute, By any means, Anything positive to the Order, Aka. Building's, Supplies, Infomation...

#4: You are to be of good morals, and of good reputation.

==================Guild Rankings==================

Masonic Ranking's Classification: Civil.

Entered Apprentice – the degree of an Initiate, which makes one a Freemason;

Fellow Craft – an intermediate degree, involved with learning; and self development.

Master Mason – the "third degree", a necessity for participation in most aspects of Masonry.

Masonic Ranking's Classification: Militaristic.

Masonic Grand Commander - The Grand commander, Sometime's refereed to as a Seneschal is the right-hand man for the Master. In peace, the Grand Commander administered all the lands belonging to the chapter house. In war, he handled the movement of the men, the pack trains, the food procurement, and other issues of moving an army. He had complete command in the field.

Turcopolier - This officer is the third in line militarily. He is in command of the Sergeant brothers

Marshal At Arms - The Marshal was in charge of all arms. He was very much a military man, and a Master would usually consult with him, as well as the Seneschal and the Turcopolier, be-fore making any final decisions on tactics.

Under-Marshal -The first officer under the Marshal, the Under-Marshal was in charge of the lesser equipment, and other supply problems.

Knight - The knight was the backbone of the battlefield. A small force of knights was very powerful, skilled in warfare, clad in armor, able to take on a large number of foot soldiers. Only a man whose father and grandfather both had been knights could become one, and if he were caught lying about his lineage, the penalty was severe.

Sergeant Master - The chief support officer for the knight. Sergeants dressed in a black tunic and a black or brown mantle, often with a red cross.

Squire - Squires were the young men who were there to assist the knight in any way possible, from polishing his weapons to providing the Knight comfort when he was out of combat. The difference for a Masonic Squire is that this was often a hired position, especially in the first hundred years of the Order. It was only later that many Squires were there specifically to test themselves and their mettle and to climb to the order of Knight.

================Jobs and Job Ideas================

-[Add as you see fit]

================Application Format================

-[Application Format goes here]

=================Current Members=================

-[insert First in Command]:

-[insert Second in Command]:

-[insert Third in Command]:

-[insert Fourth in Command]:

-[insert Regular Rank]:

-[insert Below Average Rank]:


-[Add, if Any]


-[Add if Any]

==================Guild Signature==================

-[Add one]

===============Official Guild Uniform===============

-[Get one]

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((Ok bloodnight, I have helped you as requested. Here is a format I use regularly))

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This current Guild has been deemed inactive and has hereby been moved.

If you wish to appeal this decision you must present evidence to myself proving the guild is still active.

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