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The Caligen


“What is it that you seek, from this reality?”



The Abyss is a plane of suffering. A monument to the failings of man, the fights of gods themselves, and of unfiltered, unending deposits of stagnant life force energy. It is such a place that gods themselves fear to walk, the devastation and upheaval of reality itself turning Aegis, the once homeland of all Descendants, into a basin of suffering, stagnation, and neglect. The dead and the undead alike walk the ruins, separated and isolated from the rest of the mortal plane, if you could even consider the Abyss to be a part of the larger mortal plane.


In such a place, with so much potent life energy left to stagnate and squander, constant change, shifts, and happenings are inevitable. Such shifts happen constantly, a rise and fall of half formed, squandered lifeforms with no structure or being. Tumorous, ruined, without the order of a soul. Indeed, even those who venture physically into the Abyss become warped, tumorous with the absolute excess of life force pervading their flesh, their very beings. The Abyss is a dark blight, a stain of corruption that affects all who enter its dark confines.


An odd phenomena takes place however, when a Descendant soul, separated from its mortal coil, is plunged into the depths of the Abyss. It is unable to be physically harmed by the sheer amount of life force plaguing the Abyss, unable to be twisted or warped with tumors or growths like a physical body might. Yet at the same time, it is not unscathed. The soul is washed, through and through, with the stagnant darkness of the Abyss.


In such a case, when the physical body itself is separated from the Abyss, the soul becomes split between two places. The soul exists simultaneously within both the Abyss, where it is perforated by a constant barrage of stagnant life force, and within the body of the Descendant, where changes are brought onto the form through the contact with the Abyss. Yet the soul is neither truly in either place. It exists in between, robbed from the Descendant’s soul and yet neither fully gone.


One who undergoes such a phenomena is known as a Caligen, one who is Abyss-touched, yet with a remaining physical form. This brings havoc onto their form, changing the structure of what they are away from that of a Descendant greatly. They are no Wraith, no hunched harbinger of the dark. The Caligen at least on the surface, appears and functions much as a Descendant might. The same as they were in life, they inhabit a physical body that must eat, drink, and sleep. However, beneath the surface is a writhing mass of energy, manifesting as shadow. The true horror of being Abyss-touched only becomes apparent beneath this surface level, hidden from view, hidden from society and all prying eyes.



“... I had stared into the Abyss long enough, and finally it stared back.”



The Caligen is a creature that was once a Descendant, their very soul plunged into the deep dark of the Abyss. This corruption manifests through their physical form, separate from this isolated version of their soul. It comes in the way of shadow; the creation of it, manipulation of it, and usage of it. The versatility of this depends on the Caligen in question; their age and skill determines the exact scope of their capabilities. However, the intangible nature of shadow and darkness is intrinsic to all Caligen, and is a part of their very form.


To all appearances and examinations, the body of the Caligen is that of a mortal Descendant. Of the same size, coloration, and manner of speaking as in their previous life. It’s not uncommon for a Caligen to grow pale, but this is generally through years of living in the shadows rather than anything that happens when one becomes a Caligen. Beyond appearances however, the nature of a Caligen is that of the Abyss-touched, and their metaphysical being represents it. A look at their soul will reveal a writhing dark mass of Abyssal energy, a shadow as dark as spilled ink. This is invisible and metaphysical, of course. For all intents and purposes, a Caligen appears as a normal Descendant of their original race, and only internally is their sickly corruption visible through the soul.


Despite the regularly mundane appearance, Caligen have several small oddities & anomalies occur around them passively. For one, in darkened and shadowed areas, light seems to twist and bend strangely around a Caligen. In effect, the result is a lengthening of the preexisting shadows, a darkened corner growing even darker. Additionally small dark wisps, little bits of shadow made manifest, will appear and rise from a Caligen who is actively using an ability, or within an area of shadow and or Abyssal influence. An additional tell is the glossing over of the eyes with a black, smooth surface, like the surface of an Umbral Mirror. This does not impair the vision of the Caligen, but is an active tell intended to be utilized when casting.


A Caligen must still eat, drink, and follow all other necessities of inhabiting a physical body. They suffer exhaustion like any other Descendant, and are capable of training their speed and strength to similar levels as any other Descendant. In this way, there is no inherent physical state; the body of a Caligen can be as diverse as that of any Descendant of their original race. The nature of their Abyssal-touched soul permeates and touches their physical form however, in many metaphysical ways that are not visible on a surface level. The very nature of shadow, of darkness, is tied to their physical form. This is tied to virtually every ability they have, the innate shadow and darkness tied to their soul through the corruption of the Abyss. It is because of this innate darkness and the metaphysical tie to the Abyss that a Caligen gains a sort of unnatural eyesight. They see no farther than their Descendant cousins, see no keener, but it’s as if the darkness itself is lesser to their gaze. Even the blackest, most Stygian shadow is lessened to that of a slight darkness. In this way, a Caligen can see and make their way through any sort of darkness, even that of the Abyss, much keener than a normal Descendant might.


The nature of one who is Abyss-touched brings strange effects upon the soul of the Caligen, affecting the state of what made them ‘Descendant’ and changing it. The largest example of this is the Descendant curses, should they have one. The curse they had would undergo subtle changes, suffering and being stretched out much like the soul of the Caligen. A human Caligen’s curse of an early death is prolonged and stretched out, though not prevented by any means. They may live an additional fifty years, slowly aging over that time before eventually reaching a point where they must die like any other human. An orc Caligen’s curse of bloodlust turns from a brightly burning flame of rage to a long lasting, slow burn of constant frustration and relentless pursuit in their goals, even in the face of pain and suffering. A dwarf Caligen’s curse of greed remains much the same in concept, but what it entails can change subtly. A constant hunger for wealth and gems can turn into a desire for positions of power and privilege, money being more of an avenue to reaching such things. The elven curse of infertility does not change much, simply increases in intensity; all elven Caligen are absolutely barren and incapable of producing children.


Caligen cannot utilize a variety of magics, given the strewn and haphazard nature of their soul. Voidal magics, deity magics, and anything else that has a requirement of a specific soul nature cannot be learned or utilized. However, things such as Pale Blood Magic, Kani, Afflicted, and a few other things can be used. Dark magics, such as Necromancy and Mysticism, can be learned and pursued. A Caligen cannot become a Wight or Archlich with either of these, and no dark magic ‘endgame’ can be pursued.


A Caligen interacts strangely with the world around them. They are half stuck in the Abyss, their soul energy strewn across that dark plane. Yet, they simultaneously walk the material realm, this oddity virtually invisible to the naked eye. There are various qualities to the physiology of a Caligen, however, that makes it quite clear that not all is well with their metaphysical being. Their reflection, a large part of this, is elaborated on in it’s relevant section. However, there are other qualities. Some items and functions that normal Descendant’s can use with relative ease, a Caligen struggles to utilize, or cannot utilize altogether. The largest example of this is so-called ‘enchanted items,’ created through arts such as transfiguration, holy artificery, rune smithing, et cetera. A Caligen, unless specifically stated otherwise on a specific enchantment piece of lore and for a very good stated reason, cannot make use of these enchanted items. They simply do not respond to their touch, failing to function even should the Caligen attempt to activate it. The most that will happen is whatever enchantment is on it may flare up for a moment, or spark, fizzle out, cetera. It will never work properly for a Caligen, as the required part of their being to activate such things is missing from their fragile mortal coil.


This phenomena extends itself to all other means of delicate devices and instruments, both the arcane and the mundane. Things such as compasses will spin wildly when held by a Caligen, and delicate instruments made with something such as animii will struggle, ‘glitch’ out, break, or otherwise experience issues with it’s more delicate parts. Something such as animii will function with minimum difficulty in a Caligen’s presence, however a Caligen cannot have or utilize animati limbs. Weather vanes, wind chimes, & other small objects may interact strangely with a Caligen as well, jostling or turning even without wind should they be near. The world itself seems to resonate very strangely with the nature of a Caligen, in a wide variety of ways. In events, delicate devices, enchantments, interfaces, et cetera may function differently than outlined above, however it shouldn’t function as normal for a Caligen. It’s up to the ET in question, should there be an event, to decide how attempting to utilize an artifact or piece of technology goes for a Caligen.


Animals respond normally to a Caligen in their base state, not noticing the metaphysical oddity within their soul. Any time a Caligen casts or actively calls upon their shadows however, animals will grow increasingly nervous and hysteric around the Caligen, attempting to escape the situation and from what they quickly realize is no normal Descendant. The exception is Umbral Companions, the details of which are found in it’s relevant section.


Magic users who call upon a deity would find the nature of Caligen’s an oddity, and perhaps a threat for any educated in the nature of the Abyss. To begin with, under no circumstances can a Caligen pursue a godly magic. Any magic that requires any sort of deity connection (i.e. druidism, paladinism, clericalism, ascended, shade) cannot be pursued or utilized by a Caligen. Additionally, no ability of holy healing, calming, or any holy influence can affect a Caligen. Any such spell attempting to be cast will seemingly dissipate, being dragged and disposed of into the Abyssal portal harbored within their soul. This does not effect hostile/offensive abilities; for balance reasons, hostile holy abilities will function against Caligen. Any ability which reaches into the soul, attempting to see or study it, will notice the blackened void where a regular Descendant soul would be.


A Caligen takes wounds normally, much as a Descendant might. Blood, gore, et cetera will flow from cut flesh the same as any Descendant. Wounds from a holy source are different. A Paladin’s Holy Affinity blade will char the skin, yes, but also cause black wisps to rise from the wound. Cuts into the flesh with any sort of holy device will result in black liquid, comparable to blood, flowing out of the body like liquid shadow. This brings no noticeable difference or advantage, but there is a clear aesthetic change when wounds are taken from a holy source. It’s as if the shadow, the blackness inside of them is drawn out and burned away by such things. They are, however, no more hurt than a Descendant may be.




- In all ways except those stated otherwise, a Caligen appears, acts, and generally seems like a normal Descendant.

- All of said specific things, such as the lengthening of shadows, shadowed wisps, darkening of the face & form, et cetera must be followed and roleplayed where applicable as a Caligen.

- A Caligen is not a wraith, in all the ways that matter. They still must eat, drink, rest, and do all of the bodily functions of a Descendant. They still suffer exhaustion and tire, and can have diverse strength, speed, and body structure the same as any other Descendant of their original race.

- Each Descendant curse has an equivalent, based on the manipulation and changes of the soul that being a Caligen brings. Those must be followed.

- Enchanted items cannot be utilized by a Caligen, either sputtering out and functioning strangely or outright refusing to show any signs of activation in any capacity.

- Other delicate instruments, devices, interfaces, et cetera do not respond well or at all to the touch of a Caligen. It’s as if they exist outside of the normal confines of the reality which they live, which manifests in their interaction with such devices.

- Even mundane things, such as compasses, weather vanes, and wind chimes react strangely to the presence of a Caligen.

- Animals treat Caligen as if they were normal Descendants until they begin to cast or utilize their abilities in any capacity, in which case said animals will grow increasingly nervous and agitated until the point of attempting to exit the situation. The only exception is Umbral Companions, outlined in their own section.

- Abyss-touched as they are, no Caligen can pursue a deific magic in any capacity. Additionally, no voidal magic or any other magic that requires a greater pure soul can be utilized.

- Mysticism and Necromancy can be learned, however no ‘endgames’ can be reached through such magics. A Caligen cannot become a Wight or an Archlich, for instance.

- No healing, calming, or other holy ability will function on the Caligen. This cannot be used as a ‘testing’ tool, as in not actively going around randomly healing people in an attempt to figure out who is a Caligen and who is not. Such is essentially a metagaming loophole, and not permitted.

- Wounds taken from holy magic will have an aesthetic difference, dark wisps or black blood in place of normal wounds.

- Don’t use any of these aesthetic things for metagaming purposes. Just don’t. Don’t carry around a compass, randomly ‘testing’ people if they are Caligen. If such a thing happens, it should happen organically.



“A reflection is a curious thing. It shows the truth of what it is beholding, yet at the same time is but a figment, a phantasm. A trace of what once was.”



A Caligen, in many ways, exists between realities. This has many effects, as listed above, but none embody this strange phenomena more than the reflection cast by the Caligen. Or, in many cases, the lack thereof. Whether it’s within a mirror, a body of water, or any other reflective surface, a Caligen’s reflected visage is far from normal. Different Caligen respond differently to such surfaces, but it is always in an abnormal fashion. It ranges from subtle, to strange, to blaring obvious and unsettling.


The exact details of one’s reflection are manipulated by a Caligen. There are always abnormalities, but said things can be manipulated. At one end of the extreme, a Caligen can cause their reflection to fade entirely, disappearing within the confines of the reflective surface. Vague body formations of darkness, mists, and other ghostly & otherworldly forms are possible with such manipulation. A Caligen can also appear as they do in the flesh, but there are strange and unsettling features. Blackened eyes, features smeared and distorted. Or, appearing corpselike, rotted with bone peaking through, or covered in visceral wounds. Whatever the case may be, or how they manipulate it, a Caligen will never appear ‘normal’ within a reflective surface, and there must always be obvious features or things about it that are very much so wrong and at contrast with their true ‘perceived’ physical features.




- A Caligen must always have a strange visage through a reflected surface, which comes in a variety of ways.

- From a complete lack of a reflection, to a smokey black or shadowy figure, to a ruined and distorted image, to a rotted and corpse like reflection of their body.

- A Caligen MUST have such features, of some variety, when roleplaying their reflection. The ignoring of such is powergaming, and it is a constant.



“You can feel it, can’t you? A second beating heart within your soul, black and shadowed. The Abyss, feeding you, sustaining you.”



None are unscarred by the nature of being Abyss-touched. The transition process itself is scarring enough, and the nature of being a Caligen brings certain perspectives and harsh beliefs that one may not have held otherwise. Of course, a Caligen is as capable of diversity as any Descendant, but certain perspectives and ideas are certainly more prevalent amongst the Abyss-touched. Additionally, specific mental conditions and illnesses are possible and prevalent given the Abyss-touched nature of their soul and the shadows that come with it.


It is within the nature of the Abyss to be repulsed by the contact of gods. Aengudaemons and their influence on the world stand as a parallel in order to the chaos of the Abyss, and some of those ideas make their way into the heart and soul of a Caligen. This generally manifests as a following in, knowledge of, or at least casual interest in the beliefs and rituals of Xionism. This does range wildly, but it’s not uncommon for Caligen to embrace the ideas of Xionism and base many of their actions on said ideas. Other ideologies, a wide variety, are possible and likely. However, they tend to at least be brutalist or cruel in some fashion, to justify being what they are and whatever sins they may commit as a Caligen.


Generally, a Caligen is polite, elegant. Nice even, on a surface level. It’s a microcosm of their physiology; normal, mundane on the outside, but a horrible twisted mess on the inside. Their brutality ranges from predatory to that of an armchair Darwinist, but a Caligen virtually always institutes some sort of power structure or hierarchy within their perspective of life, one they attempt to climb or utilize, generally for their own benefit.


The mental state of a Caligen is diverse, but conditions and illnesses are not uncommon. Given the nature of what they are, most Caligen suffer from one or more mental issues stemming from their being. Depression, a god complex, OCD, Bipolar, Addiction, among a variety of other things. None of these are mandatory, but can be roleplayed well, and if you choose to roleplay these things you are expected to do so in a tasteful fashion.




- Caligen are as diverse as the Descendants they originate from, and their mental states very thusly. However, common trends and their reasonings are listed here, to be used as a guide for the ‘classical’ and intended Caligen outlook.

- Cruel through a variety of ways, through simple Darwinist theory to predatory monsters, what it means to be a Caligen can vary greatly.

- Xionism, given their heavy connection to the Abyss, is a prevalent and generally understood ideology amongst the Caligen.

- Mental illnesses are not uncommon amongst the Caligen. If you roleplay such, do so in a tasteful and educated way.



“I can’t ******* stand those who would squander a good opportunity.”



The Abyss-touched nature of the soul of a Caligen brings forth all manner of corruption, manifesting itself in their physical form as a manipulation of shadow. This itself comes in many different specific abilities and ways, but all of which rely on the darkness of the Caligen soul and their skillful manipulation of it.



“Just… focus on it. What you already do, by being one of us. Existing, bending the metaphysical around you. Focus on it, learn it, harness it. Your sixth sense.”


Shadow Dancing

The artistically named ‘Shadow Dancing’ is the cornerstone to all of the abilities of the Caligen, more aptly considered the act of shadow manipulation. The first and primary ability of the Caligen, the one all others are based off of and require. It is a simple art, but has near infinite depth and complexity for the Caligen who take the time to delve into learning the art in a very precise manner.


The art relies upon some sort of shadow or darkness. The darker a place may be, the more effective and widespread Shadow Dancing can be. To a Caligen, it is the same as moving an arm, or batting an eyelid; it is a metaphysical muscle to be flexed, tied to the Abyss-touched nature of their soul. It relies upon existing shadow, either that found naturally or artificially created by a Caligen. Without said shadow, Shadow Dancing cannot be utilized. As such, as Shadow Dancing is the basis for virtually all abilities of a Caligen, no other abilities can be utilized if Shadow Dancing cannot.


The shapes, forms, and figures made manifest through Shadow Dancing are immaterial, figments. By nature, shadow does not exist physically. As such, any shadow manipulated by a Caligen is also intangible, simply a dark visual. This manifest shadow can range from the classic ‘shadow’ being cast against a surface, to summoned black mists, to what visually looks like flowing, black oil. All are immaterial, however, existing only as a figment, a visual. Lighting such up would cause it to retreat to the remaining shadow, before dissipating altogether.


It is worth noting that shadow can invade into that which is lit up, such as the edges of a campfire, or between the lit up streets of a town. Particularly bright light, however, as well as being within one meter of a light source, is impossible for shadow to be near. The closer such a shadow is to a light source, the weaker and less visible it is before dissipating entirely to the point of no longer being there. The creeping darkness will spread around that which is bright, but it cannot invade close enough to override the light itself.


All manner of intricate visuals can be made however, with this art. Cast shadows of animals or faces, silent and immaterial, flowing dark, oily liquid across the ground, a rising black mist, and pretty much anything else under the sun. It is the freeform manipulation of shadow. As far as any combative usage, it is limited. Further abilities build on this base, and any combative ability through Shadow Dancing must be backed by another ability outlined below.




- Requires existing shadow or darkness of some sort. An incredibly well lit area, or one without any cast darkness or shadow, cannot support Shadow Dancing.

- Virtually all other Caligen abilities rely upon Shadow Dancing.

- A wide variety of ‘shadow’ can be made manifest. From classical cast shadows, to hazy black smogs, to what appears to be flowing, black, greasy oil across the ground. All shadow is, however, immaterial. No shadow made through Shadow Dancing has any sort of physical presence beyond the visual, and cannot do any sort of physical harm to anyone.

- Lighting up such a shadow would cause it to dissipate, unable to support itself without the darkness around it.

- Shadows can creep around, and into, areas of light. However, they cannot enter areas of extreme light, nor get within one meter of any sort of light source.

- Shadow Dancing, as this freeform ability, cannot be utilized as a combative ability. Any combative usage is defined below as specific abilities.

- Range is determined by the tier of the Caligen, covered in it’s relevant section.



“I don’t suppose you would understand what it’s like to carry what we do, a blighted heart and a will to carry on.”


Shadow Manifest

A Caligen can utilize their own body as a font of shadow, of darkness. By utilizing the receptacle within them, their soul anchored to the Abyss, their naturally cast shadow can become a powerful, unnaturally dark shadow for their manipulation. These shadows are shadows like any other, immaterial. However, while normal shadows may partially obscure, the Abyssal Shadows made manifest this way are significantly tougher. Pitch black, concealing all that a Caligen wishes to conceal. Free manipulation rules apply such as under Shadow Dancing, but these shadows are bound to the Caligen’s soul and cast shadow.


A Caligen can only manipulate, extend, and utilize Shadow Manifest within a certain radius of them and their cast shadow. This range is determined by tier, outlined in the relevant section. This darkness cannot be simply expelled or dispersed with the encroaching of a torch. It is eternal, lasting, burning away only at prolonged exposure to sunlight, something the Abyss itself has been without for generations upon generations. The appearance of this Abyssal Shadow ranges, from the appearance of sickly black oil to silky black cloth, but the underlying feature is the absolute pitch black nature of it. No light permeates beyond it, and it can be used to completely mask a Caligen’s body, an object, et cetera, so long as it remains within the confines of it’s range. It can even be used to mask, and virtually snuff out, light sources such as a candle.


A Caligen can see through the Abyssal Shadow, given their natural vision, but for any and all others who rely on sight the blackness is impenetrable. Stygian blackness, permeating and unaffected by normal light.  This shadow has no directly ‘physically’ combative potential, but it can be utilized in combat, manipulated and utilized for whatever purpose may suit a Caligen. Should the shadow attempt to spread outside of the Caligen’s range of darkness, it will begin to instantly shrivel and dissipate, unable to exit the confines of the power of the Abyssal-touched soul that fuels it.




- Abyssal Shadows manifested with Shadow Manifest is pitch black, and takes on a variety of solid/liquid aesthetics from black oil to black silk or velvet cloth.

- The shadows are still immaterial, simply visual.

- All applicable Shadow Dancing rules apply, with how it can be manipulated and changed.

- Can be manipulated within the radius of the Caligen and their cast shadow, the exact range determined in the tier section.

- Cannot be simply dissipated with a torch drawing near, must be sent away by the Caligen, dissipated by prolonged sunlight, or dissipate by the death of the Caligen.

- Can be utilized in combat, but not to be confused with the idea that it can be weaponized in any real capacity; it is still immaterial.



“It is what we really are, where it counts beneath the flesh.”



On some metaphysical level, the shadows of the Abyss-touched soul are intrinsically tied to the flesh. This is made true with a few abilities, notably Fading. An invoking the anchor to the Abyss within their soul, the flesh of a Caligen can be melted away to shadow over the course of one emote. Their entire body, including their clothing, is dissolved into shadow. This process takes one emote preemptively for connection, with all the various tells Caligen have, before it can be activated.


This can be done once per combat encounter, unable to be utilized for the rest of the encounter it is used in. After the first preemptive ‘connection’ emote, the Caligen spends one emote rapidly deteriorating into shadow, into black and immaterial mist. During this time, the Caligen is immaterial, unable to be hit. Blackened mist, shadow and insubstantial. This lasts for an extremely limited amount of time, exactly one emote after fully turning to shadowy mist. During this time, the Fading Caligen can stay still, or move. The exact range of which they can move is determined by their tier, outlined in the relevant tier section. When the emote is up, another emote is done where the Caligen manifests as flesh, seemingly unchanged from how they were before, clothes manifesting with them.




- This whole process takes four emotes: Connection, Fading, movement/emote of being shadow, and manifesting.

- This can only be done once per combat encounter, unable to be utilized a second time by the same Caligen within that encounter.

- Blackened mist, shadowed darkness, all sorts of different aesthetics. It’s easiest to describe it as a pitch black mist of sorts, however.

- The Caligen cannot be hit during this process, but can also not hit anything during this process.

- Mechanical movement rules must be followed.

- Cannot go through anything or anyone, must go around.

- Exact movement range dependent on tier.

- The Fading, movement, and manifesting emotes all result in the Caligen unable to be physically struck during those emotes.

- Exact numbers can be changed or excused during events and under ET supervision, such as the capacity to move ‘up’ in events.




“It isn’t so bad, to peel back the curtain every now and again.”


Shadowed Form

The Shadowed Form is, in many ways, the true form of the Caligen. Calling upon the anchor to the Abyss within their soul, they bring their internal shadow to the surface of their physical being. However, whereas Fading is the pulling back of the physical form and allowing the immaterial nature of the shadow to fully manifest, Shadowed Form is a conjoining of the physical and the metaphysical. The physical form, still orderly, brings forth and merges with the internal shadow of the Caligen’s soul.


The process begins with one calling upon the Abyssal Shadow they host through Shadow Manifest, wrapping it up and around their physical flesh until they are covered in a dark film. Then, much as in Fading, break the bonds of physicality slightly, to the point of the body becoming one of darkness. These things together will create a Shadowed Form for the Caligen. It is reminiscent of their physical form, maintaining general features, height, eye placement, et cetera. However, all is pitch black, with the exception of key features such as eyes and mouth. Eyes become empty holes, alight with some otherworldly glow. The mouth becomes a sharp maw of elongated teeth, sharp but still just teeth. A bite from such teeth would hurt and rend flesh, but they are still teeth and as fragile and brittle as regular Descendant teeth. Additionally, each finger grows into an elongated claw of black shadow, made physically manifest. Such has similar sharpness to the teeth, but it is still functionally individual fingers that can be broken simply.


This form still suffers exhaustion, and is by no means permanent or sustainable. It will quickly tire out a Caligen after roughly five emote rounds in combat. After being utilized once in an encounter, it cannot be utilized again by the same Caligen in that encounter. There are two tangible advantages to this form: Each ability, should it have a range, gains an additional meter in range. Additionally, this shadow form is resistant to blunt attacks, the shadowed form absorbing hits from clubs and similar weapons only minorly winding the Caligen. However, anything of sufficient strength, such as a hit from a ballista bolt or anything comparable, will still very violently harm a Caligen using Shadowed Form.


Sharp weapons and similar attacks prove much more effective, carving into the shadowed darkness of the Caligen and causing dark shadow-esque blood to spill out. Wounds taken in this form are treated like regular wounds; beneath the appearance, and the shadowed cover, there is still a Descendant body underneath that can and will suffer wounds, exhaustion, and death. Should a Caligen die while utilizing Shadowed Form, they will fade back to their regular appearance, any trace of the shadow disappearing.




- Utilizing Shadowed Form takes three emotes. A connection emote, an emote to begin the transformation of Abyssal Shadow covering one’s form, and one for the process to finalize. During this time, the Caligen is vulnerable to direct physical attacks, though they are capable of walking and moving during this process.

- The transformation lasts for five emote rounds in combat. Out of combat, it can go on for extended periods for Sacrament purposes. However, it can only be utilized once per encounter or roleplay session per Caligen.

- Exiting the transformation takes a total of two emotes, one for the process to begin to fade and one for the process to truly end, for the Caligen to return to normal.

- Leaving the Shadowed Form leaves a Caligen tired, sluggish, and close to exhaustion.

- Sharp teeth and sharp claws exist on the Shadowed Form, neither of which is supernaturally durable. Both can be broken should one attempt to do so.

- The entire form is pitch black. Clothing is optionally included as visible, or also rendered pitch black. Eyes are glowing pits of some sickly color.

- This form is resistant to blunt damage, the shadow absorbing it with minimum physical damage to the Caligen. However, extreme blunt attacks such as from an Olog or siege weapon will still very much so **** up a Caligen.

- Sharp weapons are significantly more effective, tearing through the Shadowed Form and spilling darkened shadow essence from the Caligen’s form.

- Beneath the shadow is still a Descendant body, vulnerable and capable of breaking, exhaustion, et cetera.

- Should a Caligen die, the process will revert on it’s own, returning the Caligen’s corpse to their normal Descendant form.

- Partial transformations, such as for specific limbs or body parts, is possible. However, doing so functionally counts as a ‘full transformation,’ as in simply having only one arm shadowed would still be limited to five emotes, once per combat encounter. This does not mean you can utilize each limb once during an encounter; using Shadowed Form on even a single limb counts as your one transformation per encounter.



“A rolling cloud of pure shadow, seemingly not conforming to the regular confines of reality.”


Cloud of Shadow

Utilizing one’s Shadow Dancing to create a rolling mist or fog can be done, but regular confines of light limitations must be followed. Additionally, some weight seems to hang to it; the mists will be thickest on the floor, a rolling sea from the ankle down. Higher than that, it’s a thin black mist, obscuring vision slightly but not making it impossible to see by any means.


This is considered a sort of Shadow Dancing, and all comparable Shadow Dancing redlines should be followed. This mist is more of an atmospheric thing, a blackening and darkening akin to what the Abyss itself experiences, rather than a proper ‘black cloud’ that one cannot see through.




- This mist seems to have some weight, mainly laying across the bottom of the ground. It will float through the air, but nowhere near thick enough to obscure vision entirely. It is more of an inhibitor, and an aesthetic thing.

- This can be utilized in combat, given it’s defined as an ability.



“They are the only ones who understand what it is we experience.”


Umbral Companions

Manifested, living shadow, extended from a Caligen. Given shape in the form of an animal, yet different. They resemble the Shadowed Form of a Caligen, with eyes alight with some sickly color and bodies of inconsistent, shifting shadow. In essence, they serve as companions to a Caligen. Their form ranges through a wide variety of things, but all of which are that of naturally occurring animals. From wolves to crows, a Caligen can have one Umbral Companion, which can be manifested and unmanifested at need, when unmanifested returning to the Caligen’s soul.




- Must take the form of some naturally occurring animal.

- Cannot be utilized in combat in any capacity. Should one enter combat while having their Umbral Companion manifested, it will rapidly unmanifest. They cannot do damage to anyone, nor receive traditional physical damage.

- Umbral Companions cannot get within one meter of particularly bright light sources, though they seem relatively okay with light sources that are not incredibly bright.

- An Umbral Companion forced into a light source itself will rapidly unmanifest.



“What we do has its benefits, but truly reaching into the depths of the Abyss and drawing upon its power requires… a bit more.”



The Sacraments are a collection of rituals and processes, various assets available to a Caligen through calling upon and condensing the power of the Abyss. This is an exclusively out of combat tool, and relies upon the usage of Umbral Mirrors, defined below.



“Mirrors, tained with the Abyss. They behave… strangely, light falling into them and never coming out.”


Umbral Mirrors

The simplest and primary Sacrament, it’s more of an ability. However, it is based in the creation of Umbral Mirrors, something required for the rest of the Sacraments at the disposal of a Caligen. The process is relatively simple; a Caligen summons forth the Abyssal Shadow from their cast shadow, manipulating it and moving it forward to wrap around a preexisting physical mirror. Soaking the mirror in shadow will result in the mirror taking on a darker, dingier appearance. The glass stops being reflective, growing dark and glossy. Light seems to fall into it, not reflecting. Indeed, nothing at all is reflected out of it, a smooth, black, glassy surface that somehow absorbs light rather than reflecting it.


An Umbral Mirror is Abyss-touched, connected to that dark plane. As such, it serves as an important conduit, usable by a Caligen for various purposes and Sacraments. These mirrors can be made of various sizes, from smaller hand-sized mirrors to larger, body length mirrors. There is no upper size limit, but the radius restrictions of one’s Abyssal Shadow must be followed. As such, extremely large mirrors one wishes to create would require several Caligen. These items require ST signing in the case of smaller carryable items, or ST approval signs in larger mirrors.


When utilized, a change comes over the mirror. It remains dark, but instead seems to exhibit the tells of a Caligen, wisps of shadow rising off of it’s surface. Liquid-esque shadow dripping from it, and various other things, may take place. The surface grows reflective again, but still dark, light still seemingly absorbed into it. One’s reflection can only be seen very close to such, and the surface becomes soft like liquid shadow. One cannot push through this ‘liquid’ surface, with the exception of specific Sacraments, but the surface has a strange amount of give.


Umbral Mirror’s with specific purposes and traits can be created via the MArt system. Outside of Sacraments, the primary usage of Umbral Mirrors is communication. They can be used as an aesthetic replacement for the birding system, relying on one to be near, or carrying, mirrors. That is the primary purpose for creating small, hand-held mirrors too small for Sacraments; a Caligen can be contacted through them. When a Caligen attempts to contact another Caligen through the mirrors, one must hold and focus on the Caligen they wish to contact. When this happens, should the Caligen attempting to be contacted be carrying a mirror on their person or be near one, they will gain a little nagging in their head telling them to check a mirror. When they do, the mirror activates, growing reflective and with a surface like liquid. However, instead of showing one’s reflection directly, it shows the inverted image of the one who is attempting to contact the Caligen. The opposite shows on the opposite, connected mirror.




- Required for all other Sacraments.

- The creation of Umbral Mirrors is the only Sacrament that does not require one to be in Shadowed Form.

- Requires ST Signing/Approval.

- Umbral Mirrors can be utilized in the creation of MArts, each one obviously balanced and accepted independently through the usage of a MArt application.

- When being utilized for communicating, one must be near/have an Umbral Mirror to communicate from.

- Normal birding rules apply, this is an aesthetic alternative.

- No loopholes/metagaming can be done through this, the same as birding.



“And what I saw… Was myself, yet changed.”



Siring is key to Caligen, and is the Sacrament enacted to create more of their kind. Requiring an Umbral Mirror at least the size of a person, and a Caligen who has a TA in Caligen. The Sire, the Caligen who wishes to create another, must first take on their full bodied Shadowed Form. One must activate the Umbral Mirror by filling it with a small amount of shadow, and place the soon-to-be Caligen target in front of the mirror, their back to it. Then, the chest should be bared, or made open enough to only be protected by thin clothing. The Sire must then plunge their shadowed claws of one hand through the chest of the target, which push through flesh and bone and pierce the heart. It is worth noting the claws are not sharp enough to achieve this in combat, only during the Siring ritual. Then, the target should be pushed back, or kicked, into the mirror behind them. An alternative is to have them laying on the mirror, or anything else. However, they must be capable of touching the mirror, into its liquid surface they will fall.


The soon-to-be Caligen will fully disappear within the mirror, falling into a world of Abyssal darkness. What exactly takes place within the confines of the mirror is up to the Sire, for they will emote the environment and the exact details of this ‘Abyssal walk’. The target is in a mirror, a reflection, of the Abyss. As such, no physical harm will come to them, but they will walk the ruins of the old world. Shadowed, rotted cities, sunless & wartorn fields, impassable walls of pure darkness, among many other horrors of the Abyss. They may run into figments they may have to fight, representative of both the dead and undead alike. This is a vision, to be emoted by the Sire, visible to all through the mirror, which comes to light with the visions of the world the soon-to-be Caligen is seeing. Those around can, of course, watch and read the emotes should they be witnessing the Siring.


At the climax of the Siring, whatever it’s conclusion may be, a mirror will manifest before the soon-to-be Caligen within their vision. This can be through a variety of ways: manifesting below them as a gaping circle of black, a body sized mirror in front of them, et cetera. The important thing is they must walk, or fall, what have you into this mirror. For many long moments they will be trapped in what feels like an eternal darkness: they cannot breathe, think, or see. Eventually, like one rising from a dive in the sea, they will appear beneath the surface of the mirror in the mortal realm, where they are being witnessed by their Sire and any onlookers. The Sire then, still in their Shadowed Form, must reach forth into the mirror and grab the new Caligen. Their form through the mirror is twisted through a variety of ways, similar to how a Caligen appears in normal mirrors, and is up to the new Caligen to decide. The Sire must then drag the Caligen, slowly, out of the mirror. When they are fully extracted from the mirror, the Sacrament will be complete and the mirror will rapidly deactivate. At this time, a CA should be created for the new Caligen.




- One must be consenting OOCly to become a Caligen. IC consent is optional.

- A Caligen must have a Descendant, greater soul. Or, at least, an equivalent such as that of a Hou-Zi or Kharajyr.

- Should one not be consenting OOCly, the ritual fails. Additionally, one can choose to ‘soft-PK’ themselves by entering the mirror but never exiting through the given exit, remaining in the hellish mirrored version of the Abyss ad infinitum. This is entirely up to the target, however; you cannot force someone to do this.

- Becoming a Caligen is a CA.

- Siring another Caligen requires one to have a valid Caligen CA & TA.

- Acquiring a TA in Caligen requires one to have learned every ability and Sacrament, as well as be T5.




“The manor seemed to exist in a strange part of space. Forever in the dark, in a perpetual mist of shadow that seems to despise encroaching light. Such places are bad for the unwary, for such a place exists only to mask what should never see the light of day.”


Abyssal Gloom

A congregation, manor, or some equivalent for the Caligen would have one major, impassable flaw: during the day, the light of the sun pervades. Out on the grounds, through windows, limiting the influence of the Abyssal powers that a Caligen calls upon. As such, through the usage of a large Umbral Mirror, an area can become enshrouded in a persistent darkness. It’s not quite night time, it’s more that the sun itself is blotted out in the area. It is reminiscent of the Abyss itself, in the lighting. The area is coated in a constant, dark mist, and shadows around every corner. Here, even the brightest of light sources don’t act as well as they should, stunted and barely affecting the encroaching shadows & mist.


The minimum size of this mirror is five meters in radius, and requires at least Caligen regardless of the range of their Abyssal Shadow. To activate this ritual, simply coating the mirror in shadow and willing it to bring forth the darkness of the Abyss is enough for the process to begin. This Umbral Mirror will become constantly active to act as an anchor for the Abyssal light filtering through the area. Breaking, or three Caligen willfully deactivating the mirror, will cause the effect to rapidly fade. Should an Umbral Mirror be utilized for this purpose, it should be ST approved and marked as such with signs. In functionality, the dark effect is achieved through consistent night time on the region the mirror is on. Doing this, of course, requires PRO consent. The mirror is still just a mirror, and can be broken by anyone.




- This mirror is five meters in Radius, and requires at least three Caligen for the ritual utilizing their Abyssal Shadow. This is regardless of their Abyssal Shadow range.

- This mirror will become constantly active, unable to be utilized for other Sacraments for the length of it being activated.

- This can be deactivated at any time by three Caligen willing it to deactivate. Similarly, breaking or otherwise destroying the mirror will also result in the effect rapidly fading, and sunlight returning to the area.

- An Umbral Mirror being utilized for this purpose should be ST marked with signs, denoting it as such.

- The three Caligen participating in the Sacrament must be in their Shadowed Forms.



“It was an eternal reality, without sound, without light, without touch or thought. I existed, but it was as a shadow existed; intangible, inconsistent, yet eternal.”



There is an incredibly thin space, in between dimensions. One traverses it to become a Caligen, that period of soundless and sightless darkness. This area does not exist independently. It is merely an infinitesimally small area of overlap between the mortal world and the Abyss, facilitated by an Umbral Mirror. It is in this space that an impromptu ‘prison,’ or stasis, can be reached by a Caligen.


Generally by force, a Caligen can be pushed through a person-sized Umbral Mirror. This must be done by three Caligen, two constantly keeping the Umbral Mirror activated and one to push the targeted Caligen through the mirror. The one doing the pushing must be in their Shadowed Form, for their hand must go into the mirror to fully push one all the way through. Then, as soon as they disappear, sinking into the mirror, both Caligen holding the mirror active must remove their hands and cease activating it. By this process, a Caligen can become trapped within the infinitesimally small space of absolute black void inside of the Umbral Mirror. They cannot move, think, escape, or make any action. Functionally, they do not exist, trapped in this space.


There is a minimum time one can be trapped in this space, that being one OOC month. After this time, the form of the Caligen moves into a sort of metaphysical space where it can be withdrawn by any three Caligen who wish to draw them out. This is similar to the Sealing process, but in some ways in reverse. Two Caligen must keep the mirror activated, and a third must focus on who they wish to draw out of the mirror. Their malformed, twisted, reflected visage will slowly appear in front of the mirror, similar to the Siring process. The Caligen must then, again in their Shadowed Form, reach through the mirror, grab hold of the Sealed Caligen, and pull them out of the mirror. They will be in an identical state as they were before the Sealing, though with a vague idea that they had been Sealed with no real idea of how long.


However, a Caligen does not need to be taken out after one month; a Caligen can, in theory, exist in stasis in this space ad infinitum, capable of being drawn out at any time by any three Caligen who know the ritual, presuming it has been the minimum of one month. This process does not age the Caligen, but neither do they have much memory from the time they are in the mirror except for a rather strong impression of an unending, impassable darkness.




- The Sealing process requires three Caligen, and also three to withdraw a Caligen who is Sealed.

- The ‘leading’ Caligen must be in their Shadowed Form, both to Seal and Unseal a Caligen.

- The absolute minimum amount of time one can be Sealed for is one OOC month, after which the Caligen can be withdrawn by any three Caligen who know the Sacrament.

- The Caligen can exist in this space for any length of time, but it is a true stasis. There is no healing, nor any aging. They don’t even really ‘think’ during this period, it’s just an unending, overpowering darkness.

- This process does not require OOC consent.

- A Sealed Caligen must have an ST comment on their CA when they are Sealed, including the date. Should a Caligen become Unsealed, this comment will be deleted.



“Come, young one. You have much to learn.”


Tier Progression

The skill, age, and experience of caligen vary, and as such is ranked into tiers. There are five tiers, each outlined below along with the learning time required to reach that point. Each ‘tier’ has a proper in character name, defined below, but for OOC ease and consistency they can be referred to by their tier numbers, i.e. tier 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5.


Tier 1 - Novice

The Novice is one who has been freshly Sired, still acquainting themselves with the powers of the shadow and the Abyss within their soul. They tend to be new, confused, and still acquainting themselves with their new way of being. They will reach the next tier at the end of one month.



Shadow Dancing - Range: 2 meters


Tier 2 - Pupil

The Pupil is one who has been a Caligen for one full month, beginning to understand their being and experiment with the Abyssal Shadow within their being. Far from at the full end of their potential, they’ve begun to utilize more intricacy and detail in what they are capable of. They will reach the next tier at the end of two months.



Shadow Dancing: Range - 5 meters

Shadow Manifest: Range – 1 meter

Cloud of Shadow


Tier 3 - Medial

The Medial is one who has begun to experiment and learn the more intricate details of their Abyss-touched soul, gaining a significantly improved range for their Shadow Dancing and beginning to learn the basics of Sacraments. They will reach the next tier at the end of three months.



Shadow Dancing: Range - 10 meters

Shadow Manifest: Range – 2 meter

Cloud of Shadow

Umbral Companion



Umbral Mirrors


Tier 4 - Savvy

The Savvy is one who is now experienced in the arts of the Abyss tied to their soul, capable of using almost the full range of abilities and Sacraments available to the Caligen. A deep, almost complete understanding is reached of their internal shadow and how to manipulate it. Their very flesh, tied to their shadow, can now be manipulated and shifted with the more esoteric abilities of the Caligen. They will reach the next, and final, tier at the end of four months.



Shadow Dancing: Range - 15 meters

Shadow Manifest: Range – 3 meters

Fading: Range – 5 meters

Cloud of Shadow

Umbral Companion

Shadowed Form



Umbral Mirrors

Abyssal Gloom


Tier 5 - Pedagogue

The Pedagogue is one at the full extent of their ability as a Caligen, their manipulation of shadow and Abyssal forces now at its peak. They gain a deep, intrinsic understanding of Abyssal energy and how they manipulate it in the form of shadow. This is key in the Siring and Sealing of other Caligen, an ability only learnable to one who has reached this peak.



Shadow Dancing: Range - 20 meters

Shadow Manifest: Range – 4 meters

Fading: Range – 10 meters

Cloud of Shadow

Umbral Companion

Shadowed Form



Umbral Mirrors

Abyssal Gloom






“You would not understand the cold and silent touch of the Abyss.”




- Becoming a Caligen is permanent. There is no known method to extract one’s very soul back from the Abyss, as strewn as it is.

- All Caligen need to have a valid CA. Creating more Caligen requires a valid TA, as well.

- When a Caligen is sealed, an ST comment saying as much should be commented on their CA. If the comment is made on a different date than when the Sealing happened, the day the Sealing happened should be commented on the CA as well. This comment will be deleted if the Caligen becomes Unsealed.

- The minimum amount of time one can be Sealed is one OOC month.

- In all ways except those stated otherwise, a Caligen appears, acts, and generally seems like a normal Descendant.

- All of said specific things, such as the lengthening of shadows, shadowed wisps, darkening of the visage, et cetera must be followed and roleplayed where applicable as a Caligen.

- A Caligen is not a wraith, in all the ways that matter. They still must eat, drink, rest, and do all of the bodily functions of a Descendant. They still suffer exhaustion and tire, and can have diverse strength, speed, and body structure the same as any other Descendant of their original race.

- Each Descendant curse has an equivalent, based on the manipulation and changes of the soul that being a Caligen brings. Those must be followed.

- Enchanted items cannot be utilized by a Caligen, either sputtering out and functioning strangely or outright refusing to show any signs of activation in any capacity.

- Other delicate instruments, devices, interfaces, et cetera do not respond well or at all to the touch of a Caligen. It’s as if they exist outside of the normal confines of the reality which they live, which manifests in their interaction with such devices.

- Even mundane things, such as compasses, weather vanes, and wind chimes react strangely to the presence of a Caligen.

- Animals treat Caligen as if they were normal Descendants until they begin to cast or utilize their abilities in any capacity, in which case said animals will grow increasingly nervous and agitated until the point of attempting to exit the situation. The only exception is Umbral Companions, outlined in their own section.

- Abyss-touched as they are, no Caligen can pursue a deific magic in any capacity. Additionally, no voidal magic or any other magic that requires a greater pure soul can be utilized.

- Mysticism and Necromancy can be learned, however no ‘endgames’ can be reached through such magics. A Caligen cannot become a Wight or an Archlich, for instance.

- No healing, calming, or other holy ability will function on the Caligen. This cannot be used as a ‘testing’ tool, as in not actively going around randomly healing people in an attempt to figure out who is a Caligen and who is not. Such is essentially a metagaming loophole, and not permitted.

- Wounds taken from holy magic will have an aesthetic difference, dark wisps or black blood in place of normal wounds.

- Don’t use any aesthetic tell for metagaming purposes. Just don’t. Don’t carry around a compass, randomly ‘testing’ people if they are Caligen. If such a thing happens, it should happen organically. The same applies to holy healing; do not actively seek out to ‘metagame’ test people through attempting holy healing.



“You can live how you’d like, by all means. You may find yourself back here, however, in this place, embracing what it is you are.”



The Caligen was an idea I brainstormed over a week or so, for a few different purposes. Although Shade fulfills some of the ‘shadow’ aesthetic on LotC, in my opinion it doesn’t cover all that it could. This is something different from shade, a bit of a return to the traditional dark on LotC. Heavily inspired by the Lasombra clan from V:TM, the Caligen are manipulators of the dark and shadow. Their Abyssal origin is a callback to Wraiths, yet they are more mortal and less powerful than their Wraith cousins. Many of their abilities are simply aesthetic, and its intended as a conduit for spawning roleplay on LotC.



“Rise, shadow made manifest. Embrace the seed planted within your soul and extend what it is you have been given.”



Archipelego - Written by me

Unapologetically influenced by the Lasombra clan from V:TM

Leonie - Grammatical assistance

Nivndil - Grammatical assistance

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Reserved for Changelog.

- Gave Shadow Manifest various ranges dependent on tier

- Changed ‘blocks’ to meters, because it sounds nicer

- Continuity fix in Abyssal Gloom

- Clarified on Caligen dark vision

- Clarified on interaction with animii

- Clarified interaction with offensive holy magic

- Clarified range on Fading

- Umbral Mirrors can be utilized in MArts


Anyone who has comments or criticisms, please leave them down below. I will take them into consideration.

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I like Lasombra too, the Darwinism is a bit on the nose though.

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This is a beautiful piece of lore, and one that I hope is implemented. It just annoys me slightly, that it requires Caligen to create more Caligen. I understand why it is, and it’s a smart choice, it’s just been difficult for me to find people who are capable for performing the teachings or transformations of certain CAs. Of course, that’s probably just my own selfishness speaking. Good luck, I hope that it’s accepted!

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