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[✗] [Alchemy + Reagents] Emotional Alchemy


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Megrolind Dust

Megrolind is a pinkish dusty like substance extracted via a multi-step alchemical process.


[Reagent - Megrolind Dust]

Fire – Water

Chaos x 2

Separation x1

Connection x1

Grace x1


To gather Megrolind, a brain of a mammal as large as a cat is marinated in aqua-vitae in heat until the brain breaks down into a soupy mixture,

Second, the soupy mixture is saturated with ground up adfectio stones until it forms a gelatinous & rocky substrate, which must be boiled down until the rocks & brains are all that is left. 

Third, the paste-like substance must be supplemented by two measures (x2) of chaos extracted from an herb, or it will break down after an hour into a fully rocky substance. 

Finally, after a narrative day of stillness in some sort of storage container, the rocky mix is strained with warm water over a thin metal mesh. The result is pinkish dust particles that squish and bunch together like wet sand before falling apart into dry dust once again.


Redlines: Megrolind Dust does not require an ST signed item. An edited brain coral represents the dust for alchemical crafting. Megrolind Dust is considered a ‘common’ reagent, though it takes a knowledgeable alchemist (Alchemy FA) to create.




Larimar is a turquoise stone found in the clear, warm-ocean biomes shores, and can be collected via a simple pick. The stone is notable for its rich variation in colors and patterns, though all harkening back to that soft blueish green. When collected, ground up & extracted, it produces some basic alchemical symbols. These symbols can be collected for alchemical use through mundane, earthly, or aquatic extraction methods.      


[Reagent - Larimar]

Earth – Water

Peace x 1

Impediment x 1

Fluidity x 1

Redlines: The rocks must be collected via RP and be represented with a named item, though it does not have to be signed by the Story Team. A warm ocean biome must be found, where prismarine blocks can be mined to collect Larimar in role-play.



Reducted Nightsap

By boiling nightsap for hours on end until only the most heady psychoactive compounds remain within the goop, a new reagent & symbols can be harvested. This flakey resin can be mixed with aqua vitae and left to cure for six narrative hours in darkness, to form reducted nightsap out of the powder. This is extracted via the mundane extraction methods, resulting in a handful of this bleak dust.


[Reagent - Reducted Nightsap]

No Sign

Fear x 1

Poison x 1

Redlines: An ST approved Nightsap along the screenshots of curing the reducted nightsap can be submitted at the time of making potions with the reagent. Consuming the Reducted Nightsap has no effect except a mild stomachache and nervous sweats.






Draught of Reflection 

Tier Two, Requires ST Signing, Common Recipe

This alchemical solution, and most derivatives, must be imbibed on an empty stomach, or the effects will fall flat. Those who drink it will find it easier to reflect backwards on memories & emotions of the past, but with no direction or orientation. Memories will flood back in great detail with no pattern to their arisal in the mind, and those seeking a specific memory will fail utterly to grasp it. Thusly, the alchemical formula must be augmented in order to orient an imbiber towards a specific recollection. If desired, the imbiber can allow the effects of the potion to wash over them at the height of their experience and bring them to a catatonic state of vivid reflection on their past experiences, though without any ability to navigate these strange remembrances. 


The nature of the potion allows it to be a transformative mental experience, potentially renewing old grudges or allowing grief to pass from a lost lover. These post-consumptive mental changes are up to the discretion and role-play of the imbiber, who are encouraged to use this potion’s consumption to add new depth to their emotional roleplay.


Draught of Reflection

[Base: Megrolind Powder, Aqua Vitae]                                                                                                        

Clarity x 4

Air (Connection) x 4

Peace x 3

Impediment x 3

Water (Life) x 2

Darkness x 1

Lethargy x 1

Poison x 1


To create the potion, the extracts of these symbols must be handled in a specific order. Firstly, the clarity, air (connection), and peace symbols are to be rolled into the dry megrolind dust to form a thick patty, which is heated until it begins to bubble. This is when the impediment & life symbols should be added, along with the aqua vitae. This can thicken up on the heat while the darkness, lethargy, and poison extracts are each added in to be stirred fully in one by one, lest they congeal & ruin the potion. The potion can be combined with other alchemical reagents to augment the nature of memories & experiences that the Draught of Reflection offers.


Redlines: The potion’s effects cannot be used to remember new & specific details about events, to avoid metagaming. General realizations are fine, as long as they do not toe the line of metagame, but the memories mostly reflect how they have already been learned. 

The effects of the potion can only last for an OOC hour or three narrative days, allowing catatonic states of up to one narrative day in the middle of the experience. 

Because the potion must be consumed on an empty stomach, it cannot be delivered within drink or food. 

The potion’s emotional impact in the long-term is up to the discretion of the imbiber, not the alchemist.

This potion cannot be used to remember or give context to death & resurrection, those memories never are remembered. 



Larimar Laments

Tier Two, Requires ST Signing, Rare Recipe

When Draught of Reflection is mixed with extracted larimar & some other symbols, it turns a burbling, sky-blue. This potion constantly drains the top of its precipitate downwards, streaking like tears to the bottom of the vessel. The effects are similar to that of the Draught of Reflection, though at the peak of the visions & thoughts brought on by Larimar’s Laments, the imbiber of the potion may fully embrace the potion and become subject to all manner of mournful memories manifesting in their psyche. These memories would be much easier to sort, and the imbiber would remain in a quiet, solemn stupor for up to a narrative day. This state forces the consumer to confront forms of sadness & grief within themselves, which results in one of the following long-term mental effects after the initial potion effects end. These four effects will last from anywhere from an OOC day at minimum to permanently if role-played that way, at the OOC discretion of the imbiber.


1.       Amnesia; Completely forgetting their saddest memories

2.       False Joy: Ignoring all sad emotions and presenting an extreme façade of joy

3.       Paranoia: The belief that those who are showing sadness are attempting to manipulate you

4.       Paranoia: The belief that everyone is trying to learn your most personal woes


The nature of the potion allows it to be a transformative mental experience, potentially uprooting old grief or altering someone’s view of sadness & joy. These post-consumptive mental changes are up to the discretion and role-play of the imbiber, who are encouraged to use this potion’s consumption to add new depth to their emotional roleplay.


Larimar Laments

[Base: Draught of Reflection]

Water (Peace) x 1

Water (Impediment) x 1

Water (Fluidity) x 1

Connection x 2

Clarity x 2

Coldness x 3


Redlines: The potion’s effects cannot be used to remember specific, new details about events to avoid metagaming. 

The initial effects of the potion can only last for an OOC hour or three narrative days, allowing catatonic states of up to one narrative day in the middle of the experience. 

Because the potion must be consumed on an empty stomach, it cannot be delivered within drink or food. 

The long-term effects of the potion are optional to role-play for a time past an OOC day, and these long term effects only occur if the imbiber of the potion allows the mental guidance of the brew to overtake them. 

The potion’s emotional impact in the long-term is up to the discretion of the imbiber, not the alchemist.




Sanguine Rush

Tier Three, Requires ST Signing, Rare Recipe

Another derivative of the Draught of Reflection, the Sanguine Rush requires a mixing with Blood Lotus. The effect is volatile ecstasy. The mixture would turn the color of folly, a sickly, pinkish-red. The drink fizzes and foams upon mixture with saliva, making the imbibement a messy process as frothy pink bubbles dribble out of the mouth of any drinker. Despite this, once one begins to drink they will feel compelled to continue consuming until full up on the brew. One measure acts as a single meal replacement in this way. 

The effects are not like that of the Draught of Reflection, as the imbiber is driven to acts of mania & childishness, disregarding long-term effects of their behavior for one OOC hour, or a full narrative day. While this will not drive an otherwise reasonable imbiber to outright cruelty & violence, it may lessen their inhibitions enough to commit acts they otherwise would not. The following mental effects grip the character for one OOC hour, or a full narrative day.

1.       Ignorance: The incapability to think about the context or intent of your own actions.

2.       Mania: A boundless energy & enthusiasm, the dysfunctional disregard of limits & barriers.

3.       Impulsiveness: The inability to regulate one’s behavior past a first instinct.

4.       Narcissism: A prioritization of one's ego or self-esteem above facts or social implication.


Sanguine Rush 

[Base: Draught of Reflection, Blood Lotus muddled in Aqua Vitae]

Fire (Chaos) x 3

Agility x 3

Vigor x 2

Rage x 2

Heat x 2


Redlines: The potion’s effects are up to the imbiber to play correctly, and do not substitute for mind control or flawless manipulation of behavior. The mental effects are not replacements for someone’s personality traits, but an augmentation or distortion. In this way, they are not to produce unthinkable reactions as excuses for subpar emotional roleplay. Mania cannot produce athletic feats, though this is not to say that a manic person will not attempt & fail athletic feats such as jumping from roof to roof to their own demise. At least one of the four effects must be evident in the role-play of those affected.

The effects of the potion can only last for an OOC hour or one narrative day.

Because the potion must be consumed on an empty stomach, it cannot be delivered within drink or food. 




Fear Gas

Tier Three, Requires ST Signing, Rare Recipe

Fear Gas is like a smoke-bomb. When released into the air, this sweet pink gas causes serious alarm & delusions in the minds of those who inhale it. They will smell something similar to a bakery but be flush with anxiety in the mind. While the mental effects of fear gas are confusing to say the least, they do not drive all rationality from the minds of those poisoned by it. These anxieties & fears are not enough to outright force someone to flee if they intend to remain stalwart, though they easily dissuade the weaker-minded. Once inhaled, the effects last for one narrative hour, or 8 emotes. One or more of the following mental changes overtake the mindset of those poisoned, though always one that makes sense. For example, claustrophobia would not overtake the mind of someone in a large open field.

1.       Claustrophobia; The fear of enclosed spaces, the belief that you are trapped & unable to escape.

2.       Delusions of Centricity; The belief that danger will center you unavoidably, the belief that the universe is targeting you

3.       Hallucinations of Past Trauma; The current situation & traumas of the past begin to overlap in visual distortions or auditory confusion

4.       Paranoia & Mistrust; The belief that your peers & their flaws will endanger you specifically


Fear Gas

[Base: Megrolind Dust & Aqua Vitae]

Chaos x 3

Growth x 2

Poison x 2

Fear x 1


Redlines:  If thrown in a single measure, the gas will explode in a 2x2x2 cloud, increasing in one block in every direction for an increase in measures, up to three measures deployed in one bottle as a 4x4x4 cloud. The cloud appears, lingers, and disperses in one emote turns, for a total of three emotes before completely vanishing.

The potion’s effects are up to the poisoned to play correctly, and do not substitute for mind control or perfect behavioral manipulation. The mental distresses are not replacements for decision making, but at least one of the four effects must be evident in role-play. The effects of Fear Gas do not necessarily produce adrenaline or ‘mundane’ fear, they evoke the specific cognitive distortions, as written. As such, characters who are perchance ‘resistant to fear’ or ‘do not fear death’ may not be resistant to the specific effects of (i.e.) delusions of centricity or paranoia.

Eight emote hard-cap limit of effects, one-hour narrative time.




Gas of Apathy

Tier Two, Requires ST Signing, Rare Recipe

The gas of apathy is a peculiar tool in the emotional alchemists grimoire, & one that also works similarly to a smoke-bomb. The odd exception is that the gas released is nearly transparent, lingers in the air, smells of nothing, and drives those ‘poisoned’ by it to experience an emotional flatness.

The mental effects of the gas of apathy are not discomforting and for those inside & under its influence are merely robbed of various emotional expressions. Once inhaled, the effects last for one narrative hour, or 10 emotes. One or more of the following mental changes overtake the mindset of those poisoned:

1.       Nihilism: the belief that life lacks a point, and that nothing is worth caring about.

2.       Flat Affect: A slow or non-existent reaction to an emotional situation like the loss of a friend or winning a race.

3.       Pacifism: A desire to disengage with complex or violent situations and focus on simple or peaceful tasks.

4.       Compliance: The belief that obedience is easier & preferable to resistance


Gas of Apathy

[Base: Megrolind Dust & Aqua Vitae]

Impediment x 2

Lethargy x 2

Silence x 2

Reduction x 2

Poison x 2

Redlines:  If thrown in a single measure, the gas will explode in a 2x2x2 cloud, increasing in one block in every direction for an increase in measures, up to three measures deployed in one bottle as a 4x4x4 cloud. The cloud appears in one emote, lingers for four, and disperses in one emote turns, for a total of six emotes before completely vanishing.The potion’s effects are up to the poisoned to play correctly, and do not substitute for mind control or perfect behavioral manipulation. The mental effects are not replacements for decision making, but at least one of the four effects must be evident in role-play. The effects of Gas of Apathy do not necessarily produce a complete lack of initiative or disregard for situations, they evoke the specific cognitive distortions as written.

Ten emote limit of effects after the gas is left, or one-hour narrative time.



Synchronicity Potion

Tier 3, Requires ST Signing, Rare Recipe

The strangest emotion potion by far is the chunky red smoothie-like drink that is the Synchronicity Potion. This potion is consumed by groups of two to four imbibers, who must shed mortal blood together into liquid mana to form the potion’s base. Their coagulated blood is then infused with megrolind dust & many other reagents to form this mind altering substance.

Once consumed at the same time and within the same room by the group of two to four imbibers, they will all experience blinding pain in their heads along with a compressive feeling on their chest. These debilitating impacts will last for two emotes, or ten narrative minutes, before a chilling feeling goes through the neck & back of the spine, and the potion’s psychoactive nature takes over.

The emotional sensations (though not the explicit thoughts) such as anger, grief, joy, or needs of each of the members in the group can be felt by one another. These alien experiences are fleeting as the individual’s body returns from borrowed emotion to normal mood over the course of one emote, but can be tuned into if desired, allowing the group’s members to key into each other’s experiences. This synchronicity lasts for one narrative day (1 OOC Hour). During this time, any wounds inflicted upon a single member of the group will cause equal but fleeting physical pain to every other member.

At the drinking of this potion, the individuals vote once each for an overall influence to impact the synchronous group, rolling randomly in case of a tie. [/roll 4]

1.       Efficiency: The group works together through mundane, non-violent tasks such as mining or tending a bar with keen precision, sensing one another’s needs on the wind, and not needing to verbally communicate to order tasks.

2.       Catastrophe: The group’s unresolvable psychological bond forces them to experience each other’s irritations & flaws, preventing teamwork and breaking down shared activities into miserable conflict about one another’s overlapping egos.

3.       Occult: The group’s shared affinity for the magical & abstract ways of life come through, causing them to expertly perform religious or occult ceremonies. In magical rituals that require a roll to determine their result, this effect adds a bonus of 1 to a single roll if every member of the ritual has imbibed the potion.

4.       Revelation: The group’s need for truth & acceptance comes forth, pushing each member to compulsively reveal themselves to one another. Lying during this time as an individual is painful, and obvious to the other members of the imbibing group.

Once the two hours of potion effects are up, all members collapse and vomit up the potion, ending all shared connection with one another. This can result in a few after effects, any of which are picked by each member of the group to role-play for one OOC day after.

1.       Social Isolation: The imbiber experiences a strong desire to avoid all social contact.

2.       Abstract Obsessions: The imbiber’s mind loses ties to the sensible, looking for divine prophecy & occult pattern wherever  turned.

3.       Serenity: The imbiber experiences a calmness & simplicity in the singular nature of themselves.

4.       Loneliness: The imbiber experiences a profound need to share social space with others.



Synchronicity Potion

[Base: One Measure of Blood (evenly split from every intended user) + an Measure of Liquid Mana]

This recipe is one measure of the potion, which must be created in either two to four measures to work when consumed.

Aether x 1

Megrolind Dust x 1

Water (Chaos) x 2

Air (Connection) x 6

Grace x 2

Sound x 3

Clarity x 5

Peace x 2

Growth x 2



OOC Format for RP’ing the potion – 

The potion does not allow verbal thoughts or “messages” between role-players and cannot take place in private messages. The roleplay can take place in /party chat.

This role-play should also be resolved in #rp or #shout but must ultimately occur on Minecraft. Third-party platforms transmitting information is still meta-gaming. Should the members of the group go further than #shout (48 blocks), the potion effects would fade & then return upon closing that gap. Shared experiences start with one individual providing their emote, followed by the rest of the group providing their emote, for a total of four emotes maximum for shared experiences.

Potion Redlines – 

The potions must be drunk by every member of the group in the same room at the same time.

The potion’s effects are up to the imbibers to play correctly, and do not substitute for mind reading or perfect behavioral overlap. The synchronicity effects are not replacements for decision making, but the effect selected has an encompassing impact on role-play for the potion’s duration.

Pain felt from one member is felt from all members the same way rage, fear, or hunger would be. The experience is felt one emote after the individual is hurt and lasts for one emote as well.

Server Rules

As always, the server’s subpar role-play, meta-gaming, & chat rules stay in place. You cannot suppose you learn about a character by drinking this potion with them, but rather that their specific experiences are shared. This is not a mind-meld, it’s like a bad radio. You cannot use the potion to circumvent server rules. 




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