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Sulii'ceru and The Republic - The Amendments


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11th of The Deep Cold, 5 SE



Mali'thill of our good republic,

We oncemore find ourselves within trying times. Our appointed Maheral Galanthil Elibar'acal has turned-tail and fled when challenged illegaly. Yet, it is not for us the people to dwell on so- With the discussion of who the purest may be between Malauriran, we must ask ourselves - How had we gotten here?

Stagnancy has been the moon upon the horizon. The Sun-Set upon Haelun'or and our silvered bastion, we faced the darkages of night with nobody at our - The People's, side. It is for this, I call to you-

Mali'thill, Remain Awake!

The Sun has not set upon you just yet.


We face hard decisions in the coming times. Corruption within purity. Ignoring the blessed citizenry and the outside world. We face imminent destruction should we not accept change soon enough. It is for this reason I must oncemore exert the authority given to any son or daughter of Larihei.


A Call of Purity, oncemore. We, as Citizenry - Must decide what we are to do in the coming future. Stay the course? Revert to the ways of old? Older? It is the voice of the people which will be the guiding hand of our bastion - Never again the voice of the few to represent the many. Malit'hill of Elcihi, Mali'thill of Almaris, and Mali'thill of The World, we must meet soon. Within Iylanae'tir we will meet oncemore. Given the urgency of the matter we will meet even before the debate of Elazdrazi. Come with your grievances, your concerns, your words of wisdom and your curiosities - we may have a new age upon us soon enough.


Soon good Mali'thill. We will make amendments which may change the history of Elcihi to what they once were.

To a vision of the people.


Until then,

-A concerned citizen, your Sulii'ceru



Wednesday the 6th, 3PM EST 


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"There is value in Elmalauriran to preserving tradition.", spoke Arelyn to no one in particular whilst she browsed the Sulii'ceru's missive in tranquil solitude, "Lest we have another predicament akin to Laethis, where purity is lost and traditions sundered."

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