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A record and publication of the questions and answers of the Tribune Candidates in the debate of the 355 ES general elections.

Scribed and ran by Irene Ceciliya Ruthern, Lady Speaker of the Royal Duma 







4 - QUESTION ONE: What would you say makes you a candidate eligible to represent the common folk of Haense?

5 - QUESTION TWO: In the time you have been in Haense, what is something that has changed for the better and one for the worst?

6 - QUESTION THREE: What is the main issue of Haense today and what is your potential solution?





Valérie d’Airelle

Vasiley Reznikov

Aleksander Jazloviecki

Hildebrand Mondblume

Igor Kort [incumbent]

Fyodor Erhdhart [incumbent]




1. Each candidate will be asked for an opening and a closing statement, as well as three questions.

2. Each candidate will be permitted to fully finish their answer.

3. Rebuttals to candidates' answers will be permitted after the candidate finishes their initial response.

4. In order to give a rebuttal, the rebutting candidate will raise their hand, and be called on by the mediator.

5. Each candidate may only give a rebuttal once per candidate per question. Rebuttals are allowed to ensue into further debate, if allowed by the host.

6. Rebuttals are not allowed on opening or closing statements.



Valérie d’Airelle

“Bonsoir everyone, many of you may not know who I am, I will admit me and my family have only been here around 8 years but allow me to say that regardless this community has done alot and I wish to  give my service.Being raised up in a family that wanted to climb the ranks, I wasn't always given a chance to express myself, nor be my own self. For a long time I was what other people wanted me to be. Since moving here I have had a chance to express myself freely and be someone I never knew existed. That being said I know what it feels like to have no voice and I don't believe the people of this city should ever feel that way which is why I wish to run.”


Vasiley Reznikov

“Good evening, men and women of Karsograd, soldiers of the HRA. For those that know me not, I am Vasiley Reznikov, I am but another face in the crowd, and another soldier in our glorious military. Many of you do not know me, even some of my fellow soldiers. I am more common than even the most common of men. Thank you.”


Aleksander Jazloviecki

“At the beginning I would like to thank everyone who came to the debate today. I think that this is a really important day for all candidates, not just those running for re-election. My name is Aleksander Jazloviecki and I am a soldier in the HRA. I hope that my arguments will be solid enough to win your support and sit in the Duma as a Tribune, thank you.”


Hildebrand Mondblume

“Hello all, my name is Hildebrand Mondblume. Sank zhou all for attending this session tonight and taking time out of your daily lives. I think many of you know of me. Whether it be from the knight table, to the barracks -even the tavern- I am but another one of you who wants to make good change to this nation.”


Igor Kort 

“Prevja good citizens of Karosgrad! Many of you might already know me, but if you do niet, allow me to introduce myself. I am Tribune Igor Kort, formally known as Barrow but I've properly changed it according to the guidelines of the Haural Caezk. Four years ago, you the people elected me as the youngest Tribune in our nations history at the age of 16. I was younger, ambitious, and inexperienced, but the public voted me into office and had expectations for me. Now, I am 20 years old as of today and with the aid of many of my colleagues, I now seek a second term as I have gained experience with legislation and public service. You believed in me before, now I ask you to believe in me again! Spasibo, citizens of Karosgrad!”


Fyodor Erhdhart 

Prevja citizens of this great nation, I am Sergeant Fyodor and your incumbent Tribune. I have worked hard while I served for this nation and I wish to do it again. I’ve written and co-wrote many bills during my time as well as working with my likeminded  elected officials to pass bills for the common good of this nation, as well as blocking any bills that would cause harm te ye. I co-wrote the Natural Resources bill that allows for the resources of this nation te be used by the people of this nation. I’ve written the HRA impersonation bill which protects the citizens from people who would masquerade as one of the hard working soldiers of this nation. I intend to continue my work of mending the law code and ensuring that the people are protected from the loopholes citizens might sneak through.


QUESTION 1 - What would you say makes you a candidate eligible to represent the common folk of Haense?

Valérie d’Airelle

I believe what makes me a good candidate to represent the common folk is the fact that I am and have dedicated myself to working towards change and providing for this community already in past experience. I love to help plan and run events that are opened up for everyone to enjoy. Had previously mentioned I was raised up in a family who didn't believe women had the place to speak for themselves let alone speak for others, and here I am 15 years later Matriarch of my name, it shows that I have the motivation and experience to  share the opinions of others, and to support them in whatever it is they may need. I wish to do that for the people of Haense just as I have done for my younger brothers.


Fyodor Erhdhart raises his hand.

Irene Ruthern: “Mister Erhdhart.”

Fyodor Erhdhart: “Miss Valerie, ye mentioned that ye have worked towards change and providing for this community. Ye also mentioned ye have run events within the nation, can ye give any examples to back up these assertions?”

Valérie d’Airelle: tilted her head to the side as she listened to what he had to say “Indeed I can, since I arrived here I began working with the Queen’s court. Through that I have been able to voice ideas and add onto potential social gatherings that are planned to take place in the near future, as well as I have been able to step up and allow my assistance with recent gatherings in the Tavern and such. Though I have not been here long I wish to  offer a lot more in the future to this as well.”


Vasiley Reznikov

“As I said in my opening, I am not anyone in particular, besides a soldier in our glorious army. I could be in these stands now and I'd only be recognized for this armor I wear. And it is not like the armor my fellow soldiers at these stands wear. I am an initiate in our glorious army, but committed to serving and rising the ranks as I can. I cannot claim to have done something more than my fellow candidates but offer my life in the defense of Haense by joining the HRA. But I offered my name as tribune because I wish to help common folk such as I with unknown family names shape and put their words forth to continue to make our glorious nation great. And I believe that is only the first step.”


Aleksander Jazloviecki

“To answer this question I'll have to bring up my candidacy pamphlet where I have answered this question in detail. I would like to start by saying openly that my aspiration to become a Tribune did not come out of the blue. For as long as I remember, my family has always discussed political issues in our kingdom. Throughout my whole childhood, I have been interested in the affairs of ordinary people like me and my brothers. People who know me can immediately say that my words are probably illusionary because of my descent. Yes, it is true that my family is an immigrant family, but is that an obstruction for someone like me to worthy represent the townspeople in the Duma? I think not! If to join the Haeseni army it wasn't then why would it be for the Duma? As a simple man, soldier, and brother, I understand the hardships of everyday life for ordinary people. As mentioned above, I am part of the HRA. Of course, I am aware that I am not the only soldier running for a seat in the Duma, but I think that being part of the army grants me a good point of reference regarding military matters. I think that I might learn some new things in the Duma as well, thank you.”


Igor Kort raises his hand. 

Irene Ruthern: “Mister Kort.”

Igor Kort: “Mister Jazloviecki. You mentioned in the last parts of your statement that being in the HRA gives you a good point of reference regarding military matters. I hope you know that the Royal Duma does niet really change the matters of our Royal Army as that is the job of the Aulic Council and His Majesty for the most part.”

Aleksander Jazloviecki: “Obviously I am aware of this! But I hope that you are aware that with over 30 percent of our population being in the armed services, their needs should be one of the driving factors for policy in the Duma.”

Fyodor Erhdhart raises his hand. 

Fyodor Erhdhart: “What specifically would ye do regarding the HRA in duma? Or do ye simply want te make sure the affairs of the military are not meddled with?”

Aleksander Jazloviecki: “For one it is obviously a key to make sure military affairs are not meddled with. Furthermore however, I want to keep in close contact with my fellow brothers and sisters in the army to see what they would like to see changed, and make such things happen.”

Fyodor Erhdhart: “So you have no specific bills you wish to pass regarding the HRA as of this moment?”

Aleksander Jazloviecki: “I will welcome any man, woman or child to come sit down with me over a drink to discuss the matters of the day. For I believe that such a direct form of politics, is the best one for our dear people! For me, that's what being a Tribune is all about. It's nie about personal goals, but about being the bridge between the people, and the policy! For me, that's what being a Tribune is all about. It's nie about personal goals, but about being the bridge between the people, and the policy! Are you satisfied with this answer Sir Erhdhart? Which adds another reason to vote me over my competitors: I'm much more fun to have a drink with!”

Fyodor Erhdhart: “Well personal goals are different from bills ye wish te pass, do ye have any specific bills ye wish te pass as of this moment?”

Aleksander Jazloviecki: “Yes, I came up with a few ideas! For example a weekly distribution of food, living in Karosgrad is very expensive so if people already pay for housing, why don't they get something in addition? Like a pack of fresh bread? I see a lot of bread wasting in the stalls, while it could be given to the poor who can't even afford it.”


Hildebrand Mondblume

“Once I had to face many goodbyes to my family and had to bear the deaths of two of the role models that I admired most, I began to think. Though I have taken up knighthood and a role in the HRA, I want to be able to better the lives of those who live  within Haense so that their lives become more fulfilled and memorable within this fine capital. Once I had realized this, I sought out to do good every day for this nation in hopes that people’s lives would get better from it. I found myself not seeing it as  enough, which is right about when I thought about going into government. It sounds like the perfect role to me. I see it as a place, where I can actively try to make the lives of citizens better in many ways within the Duma in a way that I know I will. Make an impact if I do change something. A place that I can make the voices of those who feel unheard known to the Duma. I hope by making these intentions known. These wantings are clear to you, the reader, that I have shown my case as to why I think of  myself as an eligible candidate for tribune. I sincerely hope that you will consider me while you vote for the positions in tribune.”


Igor Kort

“As you all know, I am one of the two incumbents for Tribune. Last election, I swore to represent the public to the best of my ability and I have. I've passed bills into the duma such as the Medical Commissions Pay Act of 354ES with the aid of the late Surgeon General, Eleanor Amador. This bill is intended to give our hardworking medical professionals a way to make a living, as they will earn it. I have also recently worked with the Lady Seneschal for a plan to set up a building for the public to meet with the elected body. This way, you, the people, can have an accessible area where you can leave suggestions so that you are properly represented. I think everyone today agrees that everyone deserves it. I have done much in my short four year term, now let me show you even more with four more years! Spasibo, I conclude. A voice in public service. I have done much in my short four year term, now let me show you even more with four more years! Spasibo, I conclude.”


Fyodor Erhdhart 

“I have already served as a tribune and have passed many bills that protected the people of this great nation, their wellbeing and their access to the natural resources of this land. I intend on continuing my path of the people’s wellbeing.  I have served many years as a soldier and an officer in the HRA, 35 years now in service to the people and to the crown. I am not afraid te stand up for the people as I have many times before in the halls of Duma.”


QUESTION 2 -  In the time you have been in Haense, what is something that has changed for the better and one for the worst?

Valérie d’Airelle

I believe the biggest change that has been made for the better is the recent act passed allowing the medics of the city to be paid for their services. Before this act was passed, if you didn't run your own business, or you couldn't fight you didn't  really have a means of making a lot of minas. Taxes are already hard enough to pay for many citizens of the city. Though it's necessary to keep everything in order and to offer that support. To be honest asking me for one thing that's changed for the worst  is so hard to pinpoint. Haense has done an excellent job over the years in providing what is useful and needed to the city. That being said I haven't seen something change for the worse, only for the better, but that doesn't mean there aren't things that already exist out there that can face improvement such as the lack of diversity in jobs available to the people here, I feel like it's especially a struggle for immigrant families. Life is a journey,  and everyone deserves to be able to take the high road and travel it well.”


Vasiley Reznikov

“My answer will be a simple one as in my short life and time in Haense I've seen it grow and prosper in ways that many of the people in the stands and also the incumbents on this stage have attributed to. We've allowed simple folk to share their ideals and bring forth different beliefs and ideas that have shaped the course of our history. Truly that is something In haense that will continue to shape it for the better. Like my fellow candidate, there is not much I see that has changed for the worse, but when I walk the streets, they feel empty to me, I believe that Haense needs more events and things to bring people out instead of smaller groups sticking together.”


Aleksander Jazloviecki

“In my humble opinion, our greatest achievement in recent years has been to allow people to actually speak! The fact that the simple people were allowed into the Duma halls, not only as observers but as active members of the assembly, has definitely added prestige to our kingdom. When compared with other countries, we can truly be seen as a progressive country. A state where the nobility is not afraid to allow people of equal standing in the eyes of GOD to the executive power, which for centuries was in their hands only. That is what I think is the one thing that has gone away for the better. Please forgive me, but personally I have noticed nothing that has changed for the worse. Thank you.”


Hildebrand Mondblume 

“Well, to get the bad out of the way first, I present my case on the worst stop to change that I have seen in a while. To me, the kingdom in its current state lacks the ability to progress without a clear focus. I will be able to go more in depth with  this topic in the final question. In order to save time, and lighten the mood for the current moment, let me discuss a topic that I sink was a change for the good in Haense. I think many of you may know this as an act that was set into motion which was more formally introduced by another person who is running for tribune, Fyodor Erdhart’s HRA Impersonation act. I see this as a great and very much needed act to be put into place within Haense. For, it puts my mind slightly more at ease yours as well- knowing that the issue of impersonation within the kingdom is being closely watched and monitored by the kingdom. It gives me an amount of relief that I won't be in constant worrying over my family having to encounter a false -hopefully yours as well- knowing that the issue of impersonation within the kingdom is being closely watched and monitored by the kingdom. It gives me an amount of relief that I won't be in constant worrying over my family having to encounter a false soldier or whoever it may be they are impersonating.”


Igor Kort

“I would like to start off by saying that our nation is a strong and unified one and I believe that we have more positive developments rather than negatives, so I cannot really think of a major change for the worst. For example, our new monetary system is in development and I have high hopes for it in the future. I believe that it is a great thing for the Aulic Government to have concerns of our people being taxed unnecessarily. That being said, the question of Natural Resources being accessible to all people without taxation is still up for debate in the Royal Duma. It is my full belief that all citizens of Haense should be able to access natural resources in Haense. It is my intention to make this happen and I will continue to fight and protect this.”


Fyodor Erhdhart 

“I’ve seen the rises and falls of this nation, I’ve seen the brutality of the Scyfling war, I’ve seen the horrors of the fall of Reza but here in Karosgrad we’ve rebuilt after all of it. We’ve known peace and prosperity and the constant advancement in technology. For the worse I’ve seen a lot less engagement in public spaces like the square. There have been more gatherings as of late but there’s still less than there was.”

QUESTION 3 - What is the main issue of Haense today and what is your potential solution?

Valérie d’Airelle

“As I've mentioned multiple times I believe the biggest known issue is the taxes, they're not impossible to pay but for people who have big families, for people who just immigrated, and for the elderly I feel as if they are harder to keep up with. I stand from the point of someone who as I've mentioned has three younger brothers. I propose we do something to support the elderly, as fighting in the military can become hard for them. People who have served for their lives should be given the chance to finally rest. Offer up assistance with those who actually need it, I see so much going to waste every day which should instead be offered up to those who struggle. For families with younger children or multiple younger siblings open up the academy, this allows them to learn and follow in studies while it also opens a window and allows the older siblings or parents to be able to focus on work while their siblings or children are in school. Not only this but if we were opening up the opportunity to more children we need teachers! These teachers deserve to be paid for their service just as much as people who fight our wars and who treat our sickly and wounded. They bring up our next generation who will lead after us. Classes for all sorts of things should be offered to those no matter their social status.”


Aleksander Jazloviecki

“What is Haense lacking? I think we lack dialogue. Forgive me for that but I think that the nobility spends not enough time with the citizens in my opinion. Because of the lack of time spent together, the two groups are moving away from each other and don’t share the same interests. Nowadays, there are only a few places left where some kind of a dialogue between the two groups takes place. One of these places, and the place I know the best is the HRA, where soldiers from all social classes fight side by side as brothers and sisters. I remember the meetings my grandfather told me about, held in the library of the Old Reza, where everyone could express themselves and debate about books or pretty much anything that interested them. That got me thinking - What can be done to improve this state of affairs? So I came up with the idea that Maer in cooperation with the Duma should organise more festivals or meetings in places where the interests of simple people intersect with those of the nobility. Thank you!”


Hildebrand Mondblume

“In my previous statement, the mention of the slowly declining progression of the kingdom was brought up. I, for one, believe that the kingdom hasn’t been able to progress at a very steady pace since times that date back as far as the end of the Sutican or where we gained our independence. If it is a problem that you see a change needing to be made, my recommendations are that we find a national focus for the commons, middle class, and nobles of Haense to unite under as one. I cannot recommend a national focus because it can really be anything that spans from a research, to a revolutionizing act. It would need to be an idea heavily sought on and decided as a nation. With that, I, Hildebrand Mondblume, conclude my statement and hope that you will consider me for Tribune.”


Igor Kort

“I believe that our people still lack the representation that they deserve within the Royal Duma. While myself and my colleague, Tribune Erhdhart, have tried our best in our one term, it still has not been changed. As mentioned previously, I have worked with the Lady Seneschal with a solution by having a building renovated to be the first public office building for elected officials in Haense. This way, people may leave suggestions and they can even meet with officials. This would not only allow for better representation, but this would also allow for us to know what the people really want. As I said before, I have represented you before, now let me do so again!”


Fyodor Erhdhart 

The biggest issue facing Haense today is the ability for the common man to be able to reach as high as their hard work can take them. Currently there are some people who would seek to monopolize the resources of this nation from the people of this nation. With the Natural Resources Bill still lacking assent from the king that fact is of the greatest import to make sure our country can thrive and use their resources to the best we can. If the people are allowed to access resources on and near noble land then they will be able to work to their highest potential and be able to give back to the nation just as much. To ensure this bill passes and the edge cases are settled I intend on patching up any possible grey areas or loopholes through the bill. I will also ensure the bill is able to be properly enforced similar to the illegal fees bill that came through duma. The matter of resources is my biggest focus as it is the way our nation either succeeds and becomes even more prosperous or how it falls against our enemies who used their resources effectively.



Valérie d’Airelle

“If you believe in the things I stand for then by all means having your vote would be greatly appreciated.”


Vasiley Reznikov

“I thank you all for listening to me and my fellow candidates speak, and know you all will choose who you think is best for this position. It is my hope that whoever is voted in truly represents the common man or woman in Haense and is able to effectively speak their issues in the Duma.”


Aleksander Jazloviecki

“I would like to thank everyone who has come to the debate today and my opponents once again. I think that my capacity for dialogue presented in today's debate will influence the outcome of the vote. If I am elected, I promise not to disappoint in my actions, any person who has voted for me. Thank you!”


Hildebrand Mondblume 

“I would like to start by saying, thank you for coming to today’s debate. I once again will state that I will stand for hearing out any and all of zhe less heard and heard of Haense. The people of this fine city deserve fine lives and good health for generations to come. No one should wake up in the morning and have to worry about their safety or health when living in this city and I want to help lessen that burden on zhou; since I know that some might. I am Hildebrand Mondblume, and if any of you harbor any questions or concerns for me I will be happy to answer them after the debate. I sincerely hope that you will vote for me, and to finish I say. What gives you worry overtakes you. Let’s work together in order to lessen the worry and get your voices heard.”


Igor Kort

“Spasibo Lady Speaker and spasibo to those who stand with me today for a great debate! I would also like to thank all of you for listening to myself and to my peers. I have made a promise to keep representing the public to the best of my ability, and I shall keep this promise should I be elected to a second term. I look forward to the future with the people of Haense as I have much more to show. Like last time, I need the aid of all of you, the good people of Karosgrad. Together, we can build a better tomorrow! Spasibo and goodnight!”


Fyodor Erhdhart 

“Spasibo for listening te this debate and I hope ye have a good evening.”

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