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Three Year AMA


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what is love?





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whats ur favourite number and why?


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omg happy birthday


Favourite lore piece on LOTC?


Do you remember our first interaction? 

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Stop trying to eat my dog. 

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when will you give me space elf

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How was your birthday?


What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite book (or series) and why?


What was one of your first medias of inspiration that you used when you first began to write lore?


If you could have the power to change something on the server and have it done efficiently, what would you do?


[[If any of these questions have been asked before, dw about repeating yourself]]

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17 hours ago, Goon said:

a question for each year:

1) what’s a piece you’re working on now that you’re really into?

2) least favorite piece of lore you’ve written and where is it now?

3) i heard you’re working on a magic or piece of lore and if you need some people to grandfather it, I can work something out for you hahaha


1) Currently I'm working on a few amendments and additions to general undead/mystic/necro lores, which are pretty lit. There is another project I'm really enjoying working on RN but I can't divulge too much yet 😉 


2) Tough question. To be frank, there are plenty of lores which I've not enjoyed writing and look back on them with some faint regret. However, though I may not be particularly fond of every lore I've written, I do believe that since it brings enjoyment to even a small group of people, then it was well-worth the write. 


3) 😏😏



17 hours ago, Philposting said:

do you like how i talk?


Your hot takes in lore discord are to die for.



17 hours ago, AlphaMoist said:

What is your favorite writing piece I've produced, creative or lore 


What is your writing process


Where do you find most of your inspiration


What do you do when confronted with writer's block


Do you do any writing for school 


Have you always been interested in writing


Did you have a good birthday


How did you find lotc before you started playing


What is your favorite thing about lotc


What is your least favorite thing about lotc


1) You've written a few things I've found to very much enjoy, though I found An Ocean of Darkness to be a particularly interesting and resonating read. 



2) My writing process is a bit odd, I confess, or at least to me. Generally, it consists of me just writing out my thoughts into a rather lengthy mess of text. Then, I reread over what I've written, and I cut out parts I don't like and rewrite them. If I like something I've written, or perhaps some excerpt of wording in a phrase, I'll put it at the bottom of the page to save it for later. Generally, I rewrite things three or four times before I actually complete a final draft, which may be tedious but it also helps me ensure I've not missed anything. Usually, depending on what I want to write, I'll listen to some music. Modern music never seemed to resonate as much with me, I confess, and much of the time I find myself writing to some soothing ambience such as Sounds of the Shire.



3) I draw a lot of my inspiration from the novels I've read. I've always deeply loved books, which may seem somewhat odd and "nerdy", but I've found that the lessons and tales in those old novels is enough to inspire a lifetime. I've read things like Frankenstein, Paradise Lost, and Dante's Inferno on my own time, and such texts have contributed immensely to my vocabulary usage. The Chronicles of Narnia and The Lord of the Rings are two other book series that I hold very dearly to my heart, and I would argue are among some of the greatest masterpieces of literature in the twentieth century. C.S. Lewis and Tolkien are among my favorite authors, and though it may sound somewhat comical and bland for one playing on a server call "Lord of the Craft", I could not be any more truthful about my response. 



4) When I struggle with writer's block, I like to look out the window. Sometimes, in between paragraphs and lines of text, I'll look outside just to see a glimpse of the sun, and I'll often reconsider consider what I'm writing. In a pensive silence of reflection. Sometimes, my writer's block will persist for days, and I'll spend much of my time just staring at a page. But after a while, perhaps after I've taken a break from writing, I'll find myself to have been mentally reinvigorated, and I will quickly resume whatever project I was attending prior. 



5) Outside of what I've had to do for essays and projects, no. However, I do appreciate my affinity for writing especially considering most of upper high school and college revolves around the completion of one's own written work. However, most people at school don't know that I write, which I don't really mind. 



6) No, actually. It was only until about a year or two ago that I actually found myself to be genuinely engaged in writing. Ultimately, I have LOTC to thank for that. As many qualms as I may have with it at times, I don't believe that without it I would've come to develop the same affinity for writing and story-telling that I have now. In fact, before I even came to LOTC, I would never have dreamed that I would do any more writing than demanded by academics. 



7) I did actually, thank you for asking! It was definitely one of the more memorable ones, despite being relatively simple due to COVID restrictions and all.



8) I was kind of just looking for roleplay servers. Previously, I had jumped between a few rather mundane ones, like some Harry Potter roleplay server, and then Creative Fun for a period of several months. It wasn't until about eighth grade that I found LOTC and found myself invested in a more in-depth form of story telling.



9) What I love about LOTC is the amount of diversity in roleplay that the server maintains. There are so many communities to engage and interact with, each of them offering their own unique experience to grab the attention of whatever player might be seeking out that particular play-style. Each community, no matter how different, adds something to the dynamic of LOTC which only makes it all the more immersive. No singular author or novelist could hope to replicate the diverse and creative world we've built here over the last ten or so years, for it is the compilation of not just one or two or even ten; but hundreds upon hundreds of people. 



10) Probably the unwillingness of the server's players to cooperate. Each community wants to create their own story, which itself is not particularly bad; however, it is done with the mindset that they are to be the center of the tale. This, I feel, is the primary reason for so much out-of-character conflict. Sure, people cry out for warclaims and battles, and for the raid cap to be increased. But when it comes time for that conflict to be turned upon them, they want to change the rules. I think if more people realized that LOTC was a more cooperative experience and that they are contributing to something so much greater than themselves, then most of our problems would be rendered null. It's an unrealistic goal, and even I'm not entirely sure how it would be handled, because it's something that's really only up to the individual player rather than something that could be enforced by rules. 



18 hours ago, Ttsim said:

do u remember me ;-;


I do! Hello Ttism! How are you? :D



18 hours ago, NLThomas said:

Why are the voices inside my head so loud?!


Because they got a megaphone on sale at Walmart. Duh.



18 hours ago, audyush said:

what is love?


  Reveal hidden contents











18 hours ago, minty_roses said:

whats ur favourite number and why?



Eleventy-first. It's not a real number, but it's so fun to say, and it's Bilbo's Age at the beginning of the LOTR.



17 hours ago, Roguechaotic said:

Who was your favorite persona to play


Probably my first persona to be perfectly honest. Though I give myself a hard time for how I played him, I recall the days when I would log on the server absolutely ecstatic to discover the world around me on that character. His story, though somewhat misled, was probably one of the more interesting tales I've carried out on LOTC, despite the fact that much of his later life was very OOCly driven and poorly carried out...



17 hours ago, Nozoa said:

omg happy birthday


Favourite lore piece on LOTC?


Do you remember our first interaction? 


1) My favorite lore piece on LOTC is definitely Mysticism. The first iteration written by Zarsies was magnificent, despite its simplicity at the time.


2) It's been so long, but I can't remember if I recruited you outright or kidnapped you or what. But those are very fondly remembered days, despite the edginess I had been engulfed in at the time. 



16 hours ago, Qizu said:

What is one roleplay community you always wanted to try out, but could never force yourself to?



Probably Orcs. They are very interesting to interact with as an outsider, though every time I've tried to get in as an orc myself, I just couldn't seem to engage myself as heavily. Not sure why, but it's something I've always considered doing, just have never carried through in full.



15 hours ago, Evonpire said:

Stop trying to eat my dog. 


😢 but he looks so good



15 hours ago, JustGrim said:



Only cause of you 😉



14 hours ago, latteTM said:

when will you give me space elf


Space elf? I believe that's a question for @SquakHawk :))



34 minutes ago, UnBaed said:

How was your birthday?


What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite book (or series) and why?


What was one of your first medias of inspiration that you used when you first began to write lore?


If you could have the power to change something on the server and have it done efficiently, what would you do?


[[If any of these questions have been asked before, dw about repeating yourself]]


1) My birthday was very fun! I had lots of food and spent some time with my family. It was a bit simple due to COVID restrictions, though it wasn't any less entertaining or memorable! 


2) Red. It's simple, but encompasses so many feelings and emotions.


3) Lord of the Rings. I know it sounds cheesy and like a bland pick, but I honestly just get so lost in the immense world that has been created there. Everything, from the Hobbits, to the Elves, to even the Valar and beyond, are create such an astonishing narrative, which makes me even envy Tolkien slightly for his creativity. However, this is very, very closely tied with The Chronicles of Narnia as well, which captivates my imagination in a similar fashion. 


4) My must confess, my first bit of lore writing was rather limited. I mostly dealt with balancing out evocations for lore games, so much of my inspiration was left at old guides which offered rather little substance as a whole. But as I wrote more and more, and expanded the horizon of genres, I began to use other novels as well, which I think I mentioned earlier on in this response.


5) Personally I've never been a fan of how shallowly players tend to look at things like lore. I'm not saying people need to have in-depth self-reflection on something like fire evocation, but I think that so much lore could be used to a greater potential if more was put into it, and the players actually allowed for that to happen. Many players are very content with simple lore, which I suppose is fair, and it's not my right to dictate what people may or may not enjoy. Still, if I could, I would go through each of the lores and expand upon them, so that they could not only provide more for the user of the lore, but also for those they interact, whether they be mundane or otherwise. 




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@Sorceriomy dogs a she smh. 

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6 minutes ago, Evonpire said:

@Sorceriomy dogs a she smh. 


Even tastier 🤤😍

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