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Transcript of the Tribune Debate of 363 ES


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Image result for evergreen art | Forest art, Forest painting, Nature art

A depiction of the evergreen forest outside of the royal city of Karosgrad, c. 363 E.S.



A record and publication of the questions and answers of the Alderman Candidates in the debate of the 363 E.S. general elections.

Scribed and ran by Igor Kort, Lord Speaker of the Royal Duma 








4 - QUESTION ONE: In your honest opinion, what is the biggest development in Haeseni society, law, or politics in the last four years?

5 - QUESTION TWO: What is the biggest problem or issue Haense has or had in the last four years and what will you do to solve that issue?







Candidate Hildebrand Mondblume [incumbent]

Candidate Fionn Castaway [incumbent]

Candidate Konrad Lauritsen [incumbent]

Candidate Mariya de'Draghiscescu [incumbent]

Candidate Rabbit




   1 - Each candidate will be asked for an opening and a closing statement, as well as three questions.

   2 - Each candidate will be permitted to fully finish their answer.

   3 - Rebuttals to candidates' answers will be permitted after the candidate finishes their initial response.

   4 - In order to give a rebuttal, the rebutting candidate will raise their hand, and be called on by the mediator.

   5 - Each candidate may only give a rebuttal once per candidate per question. Rebuttals are allowed to ensue into further debate, if allowed by the host.

   6 - Rebuttals are not allowed on opening or closing statements.






Mister Lauritsen - "Fellow Haeseni. My name is Konrad Terrence Lauritsen. Named after two of the greatest Haeseni statesmen who has ever lived. I aim even higher. I stand here today seeking my second term as Tribune in his Royal Majesty’s Duma and I promise you that a vote on Konrad Lauritsen is a vote to push this country in the right direction. During my first term I wrote five bills and co-sponsored another eight. A combined of thirteen bills have the Konrad Lauritsen signature. More than all the other Tribunes or Aldermen combined during the last four years. This is only the beginning, Duma is not to be about bills its to be about Debate, about progress. Myself and those that I work with have a clear set of goals and that is to continue our work to adjust Haeseni law so that it functions for the common man but most importantly to set up a system to keep a balance and revoke any negligence and complacency for the Duma but also the Aulic Government."


Mister Castaway - "Good evening, subjects of Haense. I am Tribune Fionn Castaway, running to keep my position. I would like to promise, like I did last time, that I will work hard to make Haense a safe place for all, regardless of any factors in your life, be you rich or poor, Human or Orc, Nobility or Commoner. We all deserve a chance to be treated equally, and I aspire to make Haense the place for that. Thank you."


Misses de' Draghicescu - "Greetings all! People of Haense, I am Tribune Mariya de' Draghicescu. I am also running to keep my position. During the debate, I hope that I can bring up points of what I wish to change and what I see as issues in the city. I thank you all for coming tonight."


Mister Rabbit - "Good evening, those in attendence. I'm sure my presence here seems more than a little off-putting, though I assure you all that I am as competent a candidate as any. But I am here because I see a need for representation that is currently unfulfilled... The young people of Karosgrad are just as much a subject as any older than they, and I hope to be their voice in the Royal Duma."


Ser Mondblume  - .


QUESTION 1 - In your honest opinion, what is the biggest development in Haeseni society, law, or politics in the last four years?


Mister Castaway ANSWER - "In my opinion, it would be the progress towards bolstering the HRA and making it more and more prepared to defend Haense and it's people, should a conflict start. Also, the slight progress made towards integrating minorities, though there is still work to be done there."


Mister Lauritsen ANSWER - "The biggest development.. Its a tricky question because in some regards you could argue that there has been very little development. Aye, bills have been passed. Legislation written and trials held. But what actual development has come from this? But within our society you cant deny that our definitions of strength and integrity has further been verified with His Royal Majesty’s wedding and the coronation held. Its an example of Haeseni pride, dignity and a display of cultural traditions steeping back over a century. So I can not, not say that."


Misses de' Draghicescu ANSWER - "From the past four years I have noticed something I see as a huge development... To be honest, I'm not exactly sure if this was this term or not but I have just learned of such. Anyways- the payment of doctors is what I speak of."


Mister Rabbit ANSWER - "I believe that the largest development in these past few years is tied to religion - Many great strides have been made to increase the public's knowledge and practice of the worship of the almighty Godan. This would be a development in society."


Ser Mondblume ANSWER - .


QUESTION 2 - What is the biggest problem or issue Haense has or had in the last four years and what will you do to solve that issue?


Misses de' Draghicescu ANSWER - "Well- I actually have two issues that I see as an issue in which I wish to voice my say and opinion on. I see that the price of housing and the taxes of the city has become an issue. An example I can give on such, some saint-days ago, I went to ask my sister-in-law if she may me and her brother, my husband, to take over the house and place it in our names... She swiftly said that she could not do such due to the rules as a steward and that I would have to come to her or any steward and pay full price for the house... Turns out the house came at a cost. 425 minae, and taxes are 80 minae. I then realized that this was an issue. I've noticed that housing for all people compared to other states and nations come to cost a lot more... Which is fairly odd, as most places such as the Holy Orenian Empire's capital hold larger homes than we do in Haense. So- to fix this issue I will attempt to work with the steward, and such, to begin writing for the home prices and the taxes of homes to be lowered. Secondy, I would like to bring up the issue of people being paid within the city, in terms of people and certain lines of work not getting paid like other lines of work do. For example, I have only seen now that people who work in the fields of the military and in the medical field are getting paid. That being said, I wish to work with the treasury and people around to come up with more jobs and ways for the state to pay them for how they work and do which benefits the city and people. Thank you."


Mister Rabbit's REBUTTAL & QUESTION - "Only a certain amount of money comes from taxes, and that same money is then invested back into the people and the city. Housing is one of the primary sources of income for the Crown. Are there any programs that we currently have that you are willing to see funding taken away from to accommodate the decrease in taxes and housing prices?"


Misses de' Draghicescu's RESPONSE - "Uhm... Of course. I see that goes a little bit with my secondary response to the main question. Adding more jobs that fund the people. More jobs equal to a better income for the people. That being said, when we lower taxes we add jobs after a certain amount of time we slowly begin raising taxes again. Hopefully that is a well enough response for you Mister Rabbit." 


Speaker - "Does this satisfy your question, Mister Rabbit?"


Mister Rabbit - "It does, Lord Speaker."

Mister Rabbit ANSWER - "I have seen - and have been involved in - incidents where the public knowledge of government affairs is left halfway know. That is to say, citizens have some idea of what is happening in the government, but they are left to fill the gaps with their own imaginations. There have been times where conspiracies, misinformation, and out right lies have run amuck and an unwelcome stir in the peoples hearts and minds. I have a simple solution for this problem: I will introduce legislation, that is, should I be elected, that will foster the ability of the crown to release the truth in an easily-obtained format. In the coming days of Karosgrad, subjects can expect press releases of affairs that concern them to dole out the truth, and lay to rest rumors and conspiracies that float around unchecked. That is all.


Mister Castaway ANSWER - "I still firmly believe that more strides could be made to further integrate Haense's minorities and make them feel more welcoming. There have been strides made, but still a lot that could be done. To help further this cause, I will focus on bills and amendments that will protect any and all races from hatred and discrimination, to help make other groups of people more welcomed so they can see how great of a community Haense really is."

Ser Mondblume ANSWER - .


Mister Lauritsen ANSWER - "The biggest issue that has arisen in Haense is a sense of complacency.. A negligence of our duty to this nation. Not by the common man of Haense but by the Duma and the lack of accountability we give towards the Crown’s Aulic council and the Lady Palatine. We need to check one another more frequently, the duma has to act as a bridge of responsibilities for the Palatine and the Aulic Council in order to further align the needs of the Haeseni people. Our work to change this has already begun. Last session I alongside Grand Maer Franz Barbanov wrote an advisory bill which passed to ask the Crown to restructure the Duma accordingly. So that we can once more put pressure on our officials and therefor create a more constructive society that evolves. Our road there has just begun but as the men who came before us once led us here we shall continue to build our own paths for Haense."


QUESTION 3 - SEPERATE INDIVIDUAL QUESTIONS. These are questions that are formulated by the Speaker based on the previous responses given by the candidates.


Ser Mondblume ANSWER - "


Speaker - "Mister Castaway, earlier you said that our biggest issue right now is the lack of integration of the many new minorities that have found themselves migrating to Haense. If a majority of one of these minorities were proven to be a threat and danger to our Kingdom, would you still strive to make that minority welcomed?"


Mister Castaway ANSWER - "Of course. Obviously, many measures would have to be taken to ensure the safety of the kingdom, such as searching members of the minority upon entering and exiting the city, but if it allows the innocents of said minority to continue living here with the same rights and protections as the natives, it would be more than worth such measures, in my opinion."


Speaker - "You mentioned earlier that the biggest issue Haense has is complacency and how the Duma should hold the Aulic Council and Aulic Government more accountable. Which branch of the Aulic Government do you believe is the weakest so far and what advise could the Royal Duma give to that branch in order to improve it?"


Mister Lauritsen ANSWER - "Well, to say that any branch of the Aulic Government is weaker or stronger then one another would at the situation we stand in today be quite unfair. We have seen a recent shift of generations in our government over the last years and many of our current councillors are compared to their predecessors still new in their roles. Such as our Lady Palatine, High Seneschal, Aulic Envoy and even yourself the most honourable Lord Speaker. The issue right now is not the current state of the government, even though I will be the first to admit that its not flawless and it overall has its pros and cons with the current state. Its the state of the Duma itself where we are more content to arrive on time each year, sit in our comfortable benches and simply vote yes or no on bills. We need to hold the councillors accountable for their decisions and put a pressure on them to ensure that both the old and the new members of the Crown’s most esteemed Aulic Government remains on their toes and does not fall into a pit of negligence. This is the most pressing challenge and issue our nation has today because if we do not solve this then our nation will fall deep into a stale state without any proactive work to promote activity, cultural progress and military prowess. And this we can NOT afford."


Speaker - "Mister Rabbit, earlier you mentioned how government affairs in His Majesty's Aulic Government has been kept well hidden from the public eye to the point where there have been conspiracies and misinformation about it. Are you currently aware of the rights of The Crown when it comes to the law and are you also aware of the current laws of slander against the Crown?"


Mister Rabbit ANSWER - "I am aware of both of these things, though I believe you misinterpreted my statement earlier. I understand that the Crown has the ability to keep any information it needs to keep private. However, when such information that causes trouble and has been leaked to the public should be addressed publicly as well. As for slander against the Crown - I believe that this should apply to more than just the crown... Let me elaborate. As an example, let us say that a man believes that a group of bandits has been using a shop as a face for dirty business. It is clearly false, and as such, an official could provide explanations for circumstances that might've lead to this misunderstanding. That is all, though I am welcome to further discussion should it remain unclear."


Speaker - "Misses de' Draghicescu. Earlier you spoke much about alleviating taxes while also increasing government spending on wages. By doing such, the Kingdom could potentially lose much of its profits as taxes are a large part of our income. In the past, this is why the Crown has rejected monetary policies in legislation. How could you solve this issue as a Tribune in the Royal Duma?"


Misses de' Draghicescu ANSWER - "Again, I also seek the addition of jobs that will give portions of their income to the crown, somewhat like taxes do. Jobs like, a miners guild that will mine and such for the military and for other state purposes, such as trading materials around the lands. Jobs like this would keep the income of the crown, but I would also say jobs that are rather independent coming to the money portion of things... Jobs that get paid directly from their customers instead of from the crown... and then giving a small portion of what they make to the crown. Hopefully that answers your question."




Mister Rabbit - "I recognize that I am the odd one out in this election, and most of those attending will have little to no gauge of my political skills. However, this position of Tribune requires more than a strong mind or political skill. My primary goal is not to be the best Tribune to grace the hall of the Royal Duma, but to instead to better listen to the people. Their concerns are more important to me than my own conceptions about the state of this fine city. That is all.


Mister Castaway - "I would like to thank everyone for giving up their time to come listen to me and the rest of these candidates, and I hope I can count on your vote come election day. Danke again, that is all."


Ser Mondblume - "


Misses de'Draghicescu - "I would like to thank you all for coming tonight, and I look forward towards the voting and hope you all allow me another chance to serve you as your faithful and loyal servant. Let us move forward for the betterment of this nation. Thank you.


Mister Lauritsen - "To conclude my part in this debate I will thank all Haeseni people, my fellow candidates, the Crown and his most esteemed councillors and His Majesty the King for granting us the daily life that we have and to note that even though my rethorics against the state of the Duma and risk it has against our nation I am proud to see Haeseni men and women so diligently press on and know that the Kings and politicians of old would be incredibly proud to see where we are today. God Bless this Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and God Bless King Heinrik the Second"




His Excellency, Igor Kort, Lord Speaker of Hanseti-Ruska


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