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A Statement From Varna

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A Statement From Varna


House Vanir c.o.a’s




A month has passed since my father died and my brother, Vlademar, had taken up his rightful place as Viscount of Varna. Since that time my brother has abandoned the Viscounty where he had left a note of his abdication and that he has joined our cousin, Ivar Brackish, on a voyage of pirating as our ancestors did. With his abdication, it has left me, Britannus Vanir, as the new Viscount of Varna.


My goal as Viscount is to rebuild my family’s presence within the Kingdom of Haense as it has gone dry during my father’s rule as Viscount. Furthermore, I shall seek to rebuild our stance as the natural figurehead of our Kingdom’s navy like we once had them many years ago in our Kingdoms history.


‘The Sea Bows to None’ 



THE HONORABLE, Britannus of House Vanir, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Kraken’s Watch,

Lorentz, Serpenstone, Hallaberg





Edited by Legoboy7984
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Henry Bishop reads the missive from his home as he is cleaning his armor, then giving an neutral shrug. "I wish the new Viscount the best of luck in his endeavors."

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Kazimar Ludovar sips some tea by his crackling fireplace as he reads the missive. "I do wish vy good luck Lord Vanir."

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