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Treaty of Yong Ping, 1820

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Treaty of Yong Ping, 1820



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Agreed on the 16th of Sun's Smile, 1820 / 16th of Sun's Smile, 24 of the Second Age

By the Holy Orenian Empire and the Jade State of Yong Ping


Article I - Recognition of Sovereignty


The Holy Orenian Empire and the Jade State of Yong Ping (henceforth ‘the signatories’) recognize each other’s Realms as independent lands ruled by their respective leaders, and will make no attempt to subvert those authorities governing them.


Article II - Territorial Boundaries


The territory to the south of Oltremont and the east of Yong Ping will be divided equally according to the borders displayed in the attached map, with the Holy Orenian Empire receiving the easternmost half and the Jade State receiving the westernmost ((Tile 66A/66B)).  


The cost of developing and maintaining the aforementioned territory will be split evenly between the governments of Yong Ping and the Holy Orenian Empire.


In return for the amicable division of the aforementioned territory, the Holy Orenian Empire will not contest Yong Ping’s claim to the territory immediately north ((Tile 67)) and west ((Tile 65)) of her capital.


Article III - Non Aggression


The Signatories will adhere to a pact of strict non-aggression, and will not incite conflict between the two parties. Neither signatory will provide military or economic aid to powers hostile to the other.


Article IV - Trade


Signatories will adhere to the following terms regarding trade:

  • Signatories will receive a market stall free of rent in their respective capitals
  • Signatories will trade specialty goods free of tariff, including in cases of purchase, exchange, or bartering
  • Signatories will reserve the option to host a ferry in their docks to the other’s port.
    • The ferry’s cost will be split between both signatories equally, including the construction and upkeep costs.


Article V - Passage

The Signatories will allow free passage for civilians or refugees through their respective territories, under the law of both nations. The road to Yong Ping passing through Orenian territory will not be obstructed to such individuals. The Signatories will cooperate militarily to keep the region free of bandits.


Article VI - Violations

In the case wherein either signatory is found by the other to be in violation of this pact, all articles shall remain in effect for the next two years, while the signatories search for diplomatic resolutions according to the articles of this document.


Article VII - Duration


This treaty shall expire after twenty years. It may be renewed by mutual consent of both signatories.






His Imperial Majesty, John VIII, by the grace of GOD Holy Orenian Emperor, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Defender of the Faith, Grand Duke of Ves, Duke of Adria, Novellen and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera.

Li Xiuying, Matriarch and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yong Ping





OOC: ((Map is the borders proposed by Llir. We have pursued the split tile deal on the following rulings from Llir:

  • Collectively, the two nations will pay 15,000 mina to acquire and split the tile.
  • Each resulting tile has room for only one tile improvement.
  • Staff will determine the actual borders of the split after consulting with NL's.
  • Each half would be in all ways an independent tile, controlling its own sea access and war paths.))





Edited by Imperial Civil Affairs
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Oijin cheers for Yong Ping Sovereignty recognized worldwide!

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Kiriha reads this with a raised brow, and takes a moment to adjust his glasses before he allows himself to speak. 


“Ees eet even worth maekeeng a treaty weeth a country so close to ve end of eets cycle? Een ve meedle of a war?”

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Tianrui Ren pens his signature below the document. First in Common script, then in tight swooping strokes of Li-Wen calligraphy.


Tianrui Ren, Patriarch and Minister of Defense of Yong Ping


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