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An Event of Hallowed Marking


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Circa. 19th of the Amber Cold in the Year 26 of the Second Age




Deep within locked chamber doors did a group of knights gather upon a most hallowed eve. A fraction of their fraternal order, six individuals stood around a spiraling consecrated inferno of ethereal flame in clad crimson armor with draconic embroidered long-cloaks and stern visages that illuminated at the luminosity given off from the crackling fire before them. Long had the journey been through the years for two of the members, one a knight trained beneath combat master in the ways of order and battle and the other a harvester of souls redeemed by newfound purpose within the material realm. Their purpose for this gathering was to take steps forth towards the eternal mission that so continued to dawn onward into the expanse of infinite ambition for these few virtuous men.


The next step was for this duo of sworn templars of the Titan to become marked, inscribed with the blood of two elders that coated their limbs and flesh to permanently bind them to the Great One forevermore. The two had accomplished much, from wars to hunts, uncovering relics to writing scripture, delving into the knowledge of the world to even speaking and sharing dialogue with Azdromoth himself, gaining approval from that of his right hand the Drake. These experiences were shared, pilgrimages were spoken about, support in tandem with acknowledgement from the other members of the order were shared, and nods were given before vile sizzling crimson filled forth two bowls which rested upon the altar in the middle of the room. For one, the guise of mortality fell and with it revealed scale and horns of one ascended to higher existence. So did he, dip forth fingers into the containers of thick ichor, coating claws and digits with the mixture of the substance and inscribing it upon the two Heralds that remained quiet within the space, observing his instructions and word whilst committing it to memory. 


Another, the Herald of the Titan returned the ritualistic blade that was used to render the skin and scales of the two back into his draan with smoldering hand laced with orange-red flame whilst he explained forth the mission and duty which the two marked now were tasked with. For it was upon them that this mission was now officially shared between all those in the room. The ‘kivan ro’ was the goal, for no other duty held paramount over that of which the ordained now served. Marked were they with inscription and blood, higher and higher would they strive as they pressed onward in their duties which they were charged with. Dispersed back into the realms of man did the knights retreat, to hide once more among the populace, hiding and performing in plain sight the will of the Titan.


Edited by _Sug
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So the herald looked on, empowering the sanguine flame through his sheer will that which licked the air in serpentine tongues. The two pupils before him had become greater, and he smiled with the merriment that was this sacrament. Yet, there was still much for them to learn. He would hone them into majesty, a preparation for ascension even greater.

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