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The Hinterland Front


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The Hinterlands.

EVT and Dark Fantasy Forest | wolfgrimdark | Flickr


A deceptively tranquil collection of evergreens and bramble, a trail cutting deep into the valley of the eastern peninsula of the Arm of Malin.


G'eg, (pronounced Gerald), sat within the gatehouse as the far distant march of boots emit from the bustling Amathea. Not an uncommon occurrence, though he was bitter he was sent, yet again, to gate duty.


They'll rue the day they forced him to sit complacently, scanning the outward bound road for trouble.






Fast-paced, rapidly approaching. The guardsman quickly aimed to make ready his weapon. A false alarm. It was four unruly merchants, whom he begrudgingly allowed entrance to the rest of the Elvenessi lands.


The rest of the watch was nothing special either. A halfling, a diplomatic envoy, and a gaggle of 'Thill. He's had better watches. But he has certainly had worse. The man returned to his cards. They, at least, brought comfort in a world so cruel and desolate.


All was quiet on the western front.




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Amaesil Vuln'miruel would smile contently. He had shown mercy to the bandit leader the elven day before and it had paid off seemingly. The Rustlers had not come to raid the fair city the next day. Perhaps the peace was permanent? Who was to say?

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an elder 'ker sighs as nothing happened on this day, he then throws the missive into a fireplace

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Athri blinked. She doesn't know what's going on, but she's being forced to not care right now.

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A certain retired prince takes refuge under a mangrove tree's roots. Having recently survived an encounter with servants of the Titan and all manner of unholy or unnatural things, the irony of his retirement being more eventful than the homeland front was lost on him.

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