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Orcish Phenomonology: The Three Humors


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To an orc, the world is one of unyielding violence. Bound by honor, the lens of the orcish people twists the world into something fierce and reverent. 


From this, orcs have distilled three parts that shape their mentality and being. These aspects determine the orc’s body, and when these parts grow out of balance, the orc grows sick. A misalignment of these humors is what’s believed to make whitewash and dishonorable orcs. Their core concepts (and their punishments) are described below and methods in which orcs employ to cure their unwell kin.





The first part is GLOK, (the spit).


The spit represents the mortal lens in which the world is seen, and the pride garnered by possessing orcish skin. This is the second largest part of an orc’s spirit and within orcish art and culture is represented by Glutros and similar idols. The GLOK is materialistic and greedy. Orcs gave up their form to defend against Iblees, surely they deserve the world they fought for. Orcs do not hate GLOK, but recognize it as something that clouds true enlightenment and the path towards Krug. The orcish people pride themselves in the words they say. To cut or stifle one’s tongue is a sign of detachment. Those missing GLOK are meek and cowardly. They are unable to speak their minds, or refuse to speak the orcish tongue. This sickness is often cured with: a mouthful of sand or cactus green, depending on if an orc has too much or too little GLOK. The sand dries out the mouth of an overly greedy uruk, the price of consuming the material world in excess, while the cactus green induces in a weak Uruk hunger and thirst, a drive to take from the world what he needs.




The second, is the FRA, (the feet).


The feet represent the years accumulated in one’s life; wisdom, combat prowess, emotion and the tales told within the scars of one’s flesh. The desert is the orcish people’s home, and their footprints line the desert. The orcish people have endured many tragedies and continued on. The Fra is not simply knowledge, but the understanding of the world beneath one’s feet.  To signify the growth of their FRA, orcs often etch blood paintings in hopes of capturing their future. Orcs without FRA are short sighted and ignorant. They choose not to understand the world around them and stomp about like wild beasts. This can be cured however, like all spiritual afflictions. An orc made large, can easily be made small. The offending orc is rolled into a mat or blanket, and kicked and stomped upon until the spirits of arrogance and pride are knocked loose. 






The third, is the GRISH (the blood).


Every orc possesses the blood of Krug, and with it, his will. Blood is sacred. It is the core of their very being. Their connection to Krug is a living, breathing part of the orcish people. Every orc seeks to enter the Stargush and yet few are chosen. The orcish people are steadfast in their beliefs, and feel the faith course through their veins. Blood is a font of truth, much like ink or water. It twists and bends, flowing stories and history that the orcish people have venerated in shrines, altars, offerings, and legends.


Lying then mars these truths, and is seen as shameful among orcs.  Blood is a contact, binding the orcs to their word, and their honor. To those that are dishonorable, lie, or steal from other orcs, the punishment is a letting of blood. Blood-letting is often used in small lies and transgressions, often self-administered as a means to atone or mark a sign of change. For those tainted, horrible liars and thieves, a more permanent method is enacted.  To cleanse the afflicted orc, they are lashed until unconsciousness, and their wounds burnt over to leave a permanent reminder of their transgressions.






OOC: A "medical" way to describe dishonorable or whitewash orcs, as well as enacting punishments without outright killing/PKing the offending orc. These humors also expand upon the medical practices of the orcs, both mentally and physically. The medicines provided are but examples, and anyone could extrapolate on the idea of what these different aspects represent to create their own punishments.  This is a cultural post and by no means only orcish perspective. 


Edited by Panashea
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