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New Neighbors

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New Neighbors


Deep within the waters of Ando Alur, a  powerful force grew tired of waiting, but it would not be long before their power would be unleashed. The Order of the Deep had been preaching for a long time now - the Dweller was growing hungry and it needed more sacrifices - and who better than people of the void.


On the 8th of The Grand Harvest, with the help of two titanic crabs, the entranceway into the city was breached. An alarm was sounded and hordes of shuul began to flood into the depths of the city. 


Though these shuul were quick in their attack, they were met equally as quickly by the citizens and soldiers of Ando Alur - and soon a gigantic battle broke lose. Arrows flew across the cavern towards the waterborne beasts, will’o bottles were thrown upon the wooden platforms, and the sounds of blasting potions echoed across the entire cave. Amid all this fighting, a horde of brave fighters was trapped as a ladder was destroyed.


From this group, two fell into the waters below - one of which drowned, and the other was taken captive. Meanwhile, the other members of the group jumped onto a quartz pillar and were only saved in the nick of time by a dropped rope, as soon after - a small musin blew one of the quartz pillars into the water, marking the end of the fight.


Though many more battles were certainly planned for the future, one thing was clear -the citizens of Ando Alur now had new neighbors. 

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*Vanya Hileia would dry her clothing a few hours after risking her life to save the drowning woman who fell in just before her escape. a faint look of shame would appear on her face knowing something bad might happen over the coming months!

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Becclain, the Hummingbird Druid and the one who in fact fell into the waters, grumbled with anger. He had been captured once again by foreign forces and he had no other choice but to put his faith into others, which was something that often lead to disappointment or pain. "In the Aspects name, why am I always getting captured and held as a prisoner. At this point, I'm going to try and befriend these creatures, maybe I'll get something out of it" He jested, speaking to the iron bars and coral that entrapped him below Ando Alur. At his wits end, he called out for help one final time "PLEASE SAVE ME, I GOT THINGS TO DO BACK HOME!!"

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Maehrir Dovian reads the news from the capital and narrows his eyes, "Hmm... such ill news from the mainland is rather ill to be heard. I do hope Ando Alur will ask the noble Sillumir for aid with such foul creatures trying to overun the pure lands of the High Elves and their subject states"

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