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On the Passing of His Majesty King Sven II


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Decree of the Norlandic Crown

On the Passing of His Majesty King Sven II

Issued 13th of Snow’s Maiden, Year 33 of the Second Age









It is with great regret that the Council of King Sven II announces His Majesty’s most untimely passing. The King, along with a contingent of guardsmen and the citizen militia, accompanied the Purifiers into the Temple Catacombs with the goal of eliminating a recently-discovered infestation of giant arachnids. Though the King and his soldiers fought valiantly, a titanic spider was seen to drag the King deeper into the caves. As the soldiers attempted to engage in pursuit, a sudden explosion rocked the caverns, leading to a total collapse in the lower sections of the cave system and forcing a retreat. The cause of this explosion remains a matter under investigation, and excavations are underway to retrieve the remains of the King, to ensure that he is able to receive the proper final rites. As such, the date of his funeral services will be announced in the coming Elven Days. May the Father welcome His Majesty to His Halls with open arms.




In the absence of a willing heir of either King Sven II or his father, King Halvar, the King’s Council has elected Master of Coin Vane Freysson to rule as King Regent in his stead. Additionally, it has been decided that a Kingsmoot, in the traditions of old, shall be announced and held in the months to come.


By Order of,

Vane Freysson, King Regent of Norland


Penned by,

Éléonore O'Hara de Astrea, Chamberlain of the Kingdom of Norland


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"It is with a heavy heart that this news is sent unto our realm, and it is shameful that the kings body is yet to be recovered and given the proper rites, but we will overcome this tough time, as Norland always has. In the coming days the Northguard will conduct a delve into the catacombs when the rocks have settled to retrieve the kings body, so that he may meet the All-Father properly."

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Arthas II would do a stanky leg from beyond the grave.

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Sat within the Vildr Manor within Varhelm, the news finds Edric as he sits before the roaring flames that serve to warm his hall. His son Rune sits with him, tending to the flames as the old warrior tosses treats to the hound curled about his feet.


Edric sighs, as Rune finishes recounting the events. "If only I were with him, it might not have happened." He muses aloud, his son only shrugging in response.


"Yet another Ruric, gone to the grave. A right shame." He notes. "But a new King means a new era for the realm, and my services will be needed."


He rises, upsetting the hound from it's dozing upon the warm stone.


"Fetch my armor, lad. And tell Eydis it is time she was wedded."

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