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[✓] [World Lore] Orcish Bestiary I

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The first piece of the orcish ecosystem, as many animals were lost in the aging of lore or removed due to past powergamers/poor roleplay. Just as a large preface, I’m stealing NikoNiko’s baseline rules, since I find them really useful towards making large lists of animals and plants.


These creatures do not require a CA of any sort and are used explicitly for player or staff events. These must be OOCly coordinated and must be trusted for responsible use. 


May not be tamed or kept as a pet(Colosseum or temporary enclosure [3 irl days] is fine).


May not be used to attack other nations.


May not be used as defense for yourself or other nations.


Player-signed Items and trophies cannot have any extra-special abilities or be exceptional in nature and must follow any rules listed in the lore. Crafted tools or weapons may not surpass their steel counterparts. Items will not warrant an ST signature.



This resource is ONLY allowed for DIY events - meaning that which is run by a player group(s) of people which has OOCly consented, abuse of this will not be tolerated and any queries regarding anything one may be unsure of should be directed to an ST.


Gajarpan Nudit Baum

Snake Vine Plant, also called simply “Gaja”




The Gaja is a hungry system of plant, fungus, and lichen that devour prey that walk into its sticky trap.





The plant, or lichen rather, is a mix of parasite, fungus, and plant. Only found in the parts of jungles where soil is poor and altitude is high, and other fungal competition does not exist,  a strange form of commensalism  and exploitation formed.  A parasite fed on trees, a fungus proliferated with the spread of this parasite, and a separate plant took this opportunity to find nutrients, as well as conjoin itself within the larger system.  Much like pitcher plants, the plant provides the mechanism for which food is trapped. The fungus allows for the reproduction, and the parasite to begin the initial process.


Habitat and Behavior:

Found in the upper elevations of the jungle, the Snake Vine Plant “Gaja'' first grows onto one tree, using it as a source of nutrients, before spreading out into other trees to form a sticky array of vines. Usually large herbivores would eat the Gajarpan, but it evolved to ensnare larger prey and any inhabitants who touch or make contact with the vines.  Once one vine wraps around the target, the rest begin to curl around the target, ensnaring them like a spiderweb. The thickness of their vines makes it strong enough to be able to raise a human if well developed, and maybe even kill an orc if more then six of the vines find themselves wrapped around the target.Once a target is ensnared, the Gaja would wait until the target perished, taking up to two weeks to devour large prey. The process is extremely slow.



The Gaja possesses an extremely sticky coating on its vines as well as a slow coiling feature that would find itself constricting movement over five emotes. Like many other plants, wild thrashing would stoke the plant into further motion, attaching more vines and ensnaring their target further.






  • The vines lose their stickiness once cut or fooled, similarly to venus fly traps. 
  • The plant cannot be trained or tricked to act on behalf of an individual, a false positive would lead to its starvation
  • Communing or trying to manipulate this plant would injure it, or worse kill it, as the multifaceted nature of the animal/plant leaves it fractured and discordant. 
  • This is a tree parasite rather than some creature, understanding the nature of this creature’s reproduction or habits would require microscopes or technologies beyond the scope of LOTC technology. 
  • The “plant”(Vines) have no use in alchemy, and taste like bitter chives.




(Corpse Weed)



This plant is a pestilence akin to poison ivy, spreading out quickly in clusters or in dark and damp caves where it may proliferate, and grow unmanageable.  Thankfully, it lacks the animation of other predatory and mythical plants. Instead, it only serves as a dangerous nuisance to the careless.






A large detritivore within the jungles. The plant feeds in two ways. Smaller herbivores are lured via a sweet enzyme,  and trapped within the jaws of the Glokan. The enzyme then digests the prey. The other way is simply through feasting on dead animals,plants, and rot. Glokan grows  in semi-shady areas, though it seems to tolerate sunlight. It grows  especially well in blood-soaked soil or within the presence of corpses. The plant reproduces akin to dandelions, and loses the ability to eat when reproducing. An individual plant would grow about as large as a snake plant (3-5 ft), growing up to 9 ft in specific situations.



Said to be another creature of Glutros, the Glokan have evolved to survive and proliferate violently. The Glokan’s hunger extends to anything that it can fit into its massive maw, and often leads to quickly devouring the wild-life in the area as it expands. The Glokan is a weed, spreading like dandelions with white cypselae(seeds). Covered in barbed thorns and thick as bamboo, this plant generally grows in large patches, eating, dying, and spreading to other patches in a wild growth that often culls much of the smaller animals within jungles. These plants are seasonal weeds, generally growing within summer and humid seasons, eating the herbivores and laying dormant until conditions are good.  The Gaja are prolific detritivores, eating corpses nearby over the course of 3-5 days. Once the Gaja spreads its seeds and passes on, the soil it previously lived on is extremely nutritious, and useful for farming.

Specific Situations

In specific situations, this plant can find itself underground, especially when in the presence of old corpses.  This plant is often found infesting grave sites, completely drowning out ruins and mausoleums in thick and aggressive weeds. Much like ammonia fungus, the plant favors growing within corpses and sickly areas. This is where the Gaja would grow to full size (9 ft), and often cover the walls, floor and ceiling of caves.



This plant produces an enzyme to digest food, though at its worst would merely irritate skin if exposed to. This is a detritivore rather than an active predator in most situations, and so can wait for the target to rot and digest slowly. The plant is not strong, and could be cut with any variety of sword stronger than wood.  Its bite force would only inflict bruises, rather than dealing any lasting harm or cutting through flesh. Removing them from the body would be akin to pulling leeches. They do not hinder movement, and simply yank themselves off if someone moves away. 




  • These plants do not lunge out at you or are animated, the danger comes more in running through a patch of them, or dealing within an area infested with them. Think of a cave of spiders or large patches of poison ivy.
  • The plant cannot be trained or tricked to act on behalf of an individual, a false positive would lead to its starvation.
  • These plants are weak to fire and other natural weaknesses(blight), burning much like a normal plant would.
  • The bite of a Glokan is mostly a crushing force rather than a piercing one. At its normal size in the jungle, it would struggle to leave more than painful bruises (3-5ft).At its largest size (9ft) it would clamp down strong enough to break the bones of or cripple smaller descendants. 
  • There are no medicinal, nutritional, or alchemical purposes with the Glokan, once the plant is ripped from its source, it would wither away entirely and be useless. 
  • Inedible


(Orcish Child Eater)



The infamous child devourer of the orcish people. Killing one would be seen as a great feat, while Throqal are simple a rite of passage.





The Throdaag is a monstrosity of orcish legend and fear. A beast that scares even the bravest of orcs that lurks deep within the jungles and rivers of the Orcish lands. The few who have witnessed the Throdaag can rarely describe it’s horrors.  Told as a story to frighten cubs and inexperienced warriors, the Throdaag lurks in the shallow and mud filled lakes of the jungle. Where a normal Throqal may grow to the size of a full grown orc, a Throdaag will  often grow to the size of small ologs and has been seen murdering them in isolated situations.Though their origins are shrouded in orcish myth and superstition, the Throqal  simply changes shape and form depending on their environment and season. They abandon their river homes, becoming amphibious and shedding their gills. A tube in their mouth much like lungfish allows the Throdaag to push oxygen into their circulatory system, releasing a horrid sound akin to a child screaming.  



Much like Axolotls, the Throqals within the orcish jungles are capable of transforming and changing shape due to environmental disturbances. A Throqal is like a tadpole,  and can comfortably live out its lifespan in the water, though if that water was challenged, whether through heat or pollution, the Throqal would metamorphose into a Throdaag. A Throqal is commonly found in the rivers and lakes, while a Throdaag may take its refuge in caves, moist places, and dried riverbanks.



It primarily eats large terrestrial life, though it has an extreme fondness for orcish children. It hunts by attracting prey with its disturbing sounds, leading the misguided into a horrible trap,  before leaping forwards and grabbing and biting whatever it sees. It’s arms are covered in an ooze that it secretes akin to a hagfish or reptile. Once latched on, it devours its prey. It is told among orcs that once it consumes a soul, it gains more limbs, more mouths as representations of its greed.  When not in the water, the soft cries and shrieks of pain can be heard from its excess mouths. However, it is rarely found in the water, and only does so at night, adding to its fearsome and terrifying persona.





The Throdaag would match any orc in direct combat, though as a lizard, wouldn’t possess the stamina for prolonged fights. A Throdaag may flee into the water, or require separate conflicts as it seeks to escape a losing encounter. Throdaag are extremely proficient swimmers, and will often drag prey into the water where they have less mobility.  The mouths on the Throdaag are mostly aesthetic, though provide the Throdaag with making a horrible noise by forcing air out from its augmented lung. The sound would stun those in close presence, and often lures descendants to their demise. The Throdaag is extremely slimy and sticky, allowing it to grip opponents easier while wrangling it more difficult.  It’s bite force would buckle or bend metal much akin to blunt weapons like maces, though it would not be able to pierce through it with it’s claws and teeth. The Throdaag could slash and pierce leather with its claws,  though its own skin is only as strong as alligator hide. The tail is the largest and strongest muscle on the Throdaag, being hit by it would be akin to taking a mace blow, potentially breaking bones  or knocking victims off their feet. The Throdaag is also proficient at performing large leaps, either leaping onto targets, or fleeing from targets. The Throdaag would be able to leap 6 blocks vertically, and about 3 blocks horizontally. 




  • The Throdaag is simply a Throqal shifting to adapt to less aqueous environments and a lack of prey in water, it is not actually a magical creature and its myths is simply myth.
  • The mouths are not actual feeding appendages nor increase in amount based on consumed victims. They are simply decoration/used for luring prey and do not possess any unique features beyond having the grip strength of a normal hand/arm. It would be difficult for the appendage to do anything other than hold you in place.
  • None of the Throdaag's parts would prove any use beyond their normal animal counter parts, save for its singular lung/fish bladder, which would emit a horrid scream(no stun), when blown through.




(The Shooting Star)



More an omen or symbol then an actual animal, the Ilztor is a rare and fleeting presence seen as an omen of good fortune. Those that disturb the large reptile are punished with blinding light.





Night flying reptiles with luminescent pigment in the edges of their wings and head. They are massive, though take hundreds of years to reach their full size.  They are nocturnal, and rarely seen, with little known on their mating habits or early life. They are quite large, and difficult to come across unless one has stayed in the orcish jungles in complete silence for long periods of time. They possess excellent hearing and sight, though do not possess any desire for combat or predation. They have been seen eating fish and fruit,  though any attempts to bait them into traps or food have been successful.



Only found at night, these nocturnal fliers light up the sky with its unique blue bio-luminescence. It lurks in high above caves like a bat, sleeping deep within upside down with its wings folded. It is extremely skittish despite its massive size, (15 ft wingspan). They are seen on the beaches of orc lands, diving down into the ocean to consume fish, before bursting out of the water with a flash of bright light. Often migratory, these flying reptiles are seen the passing of the seasons within the orcish Ilzpaak.



They are extremely avoidant of industrialized or natural life. Finding one near a city, even small tents, would be impossible. These creatures are generally found by the ascetic and in rare, seasonal conditions. They do not mind other animals, though it is rare that an Ilztor would interact with them. On one occasion, the Ilztor has been seen dropping chugs from high heights, though it is unsure whether these actions are for nourishment, or for sport.



Those who have tried hunting the beast have reported the reptile increasing the bio-luminescence to a blinding degree through the flexing of muscles, marking the dishonorable fools who wish to hunt the peaceful creature.




  • The Ilztor hates all descendants and signs of civilized life, they are not tamable, communable, or allow people to approach them.
  • The blinding effect will last for a few IRL days, though is by no means permanent.
  • You will not find eggs, younglings, or similarly obtainable versions of this animal, it is merely something to flavor sky-watching roleplay.




(The Big Hermit's Crab)


   *A human atop the largest chull ever found*



Dopey and poisonous crustaceans that line bodies of water, their shells are often used by the orcish people as tent decorations, or large soup bowls.




A small red crustacean that lurks besides large bodies of water and the ocean. About 2 feet tall, they’re quite harmless and friendly, only pinching when threatened or provoked. Their shells are quite sturdy, though the Khrec is able to hunt them by constructing and crushing their shells, before devouring the remains. Chugs contain an extremely strong toxin, eliminating the chance of any predators or hunters from consuming it.  Chugs can grow to very large sizes (5 ft), though would require specific environmental care and husbandry to get them even beyond 3 ft.  As Chugs grow larger, they attract the attention of larger jungle predators, and during this process, are often stolen from their breeders.



Chugs live in the coastal or lakeside regions of jungles. It's common for them to travel in groups, or make migrations to large bodies of water where they eat vegetation. Smaller chugs groom the bodies and teeth of large predators, and have been removed from the menu through their dangerous poison.



Chugs generally are lackadaisical creatures, scuttling about much like crabs or other crustaceans. They are fond of forming large colonies at the ocean, where many trade shells or mate for the season. The home of a chug often varies to what it can fit in, and in rare cases, may serve as a place to mount and ride the creature. It is not uncommon to see flocks of birds or other animals using the crustacean for transport, or to deter predators.  Upon being attacked, the chug would hide in its shell, run away (preferably the water), or if pressed, deter opponents with sharp pincers.  A chug would struggle to pass the defenses of armor, but could easily lop off a finger or cause  moderate bleeding to exposed targets.



Chugs possess a terrible toxin much like pufferfish when consumed. It is not able to be excreted, but would endanger the lives of anyone who consumed it. Little is known about the poison, and methods of trying to extract it have proven useless.



  • There exists no way to extract or utilize the chug’s poison.
  • Hiding chug meat within other food would not work, as it would spoil the food and be clearly apparent.
  • Chug shells are only as strong as things they find.
  • Their exoskeleton is stronger than thick chitin.   
  • Large chugs require experienced breeders.


  • Chug armour and items wrought post-harvest/death are at maximum, as strong as iron and are inflexible.


  • Chugs can be bred by experienced breeders, but by no means are domesticated, or hold any fondness for descendants.




(The Broken Mule)


*Depiction of a former domesticated Jabbernak from within the orcish library. None have been seen like it in centuries. *


The famous orcish mount, broken by indulgence and dependence on a former husbandry. 




Originally the mounts of the orcish people, the Jabbernak served as a fantastic pack animal and traveling mount, capable of surviving in many environments, provided it had the meat to survive.Sturdy and aggressive, they matched the orcish’s bloodlust with a high feeding response. Domestication was a difficult process, although the strength and wit of the orcish people had matched the Jabbernak. To domesticate them, the orcish people used the plant Juluk to roughen the edges of their aggressive nature. With thousands of years of use, the orcish people over-tilled the plant into extinction, and lost the ability to domesticate Jabbernaks. The plant had existed up until Axios, with the majority of Jabbernaks being uncontrollable by the time the orcs had reached Almaris.  The Jabbernaks proliferated in Almaris, with their centuries of domesticating enabling them to be prosocial.



Jabbernaks travel in packs of 3-5, roaming all parts of the jungle to hunt herbivores, fish, and other carnivores. They are commonly found in flatter lands, where travel is not impeded by cliffs or valleys. Jabbernaks primarily dominate the jungle home from which they were released from as an invasive species, though would do equally fine in Almaris deserts.



The Jabbernaks are surprisingly intelligent compared to other lizard-kin, rivaling intelligent birds though they lack the ability to truly communicate with each other. Jabbernaks would struggle to vocalize, as their prosocial behavior is a recent feature of escaping orcish domestication.



Jabbernaks rip and bite through leather with some difficulty, though the larger issue is their size and ferocity. They will fight with an intensity much like the orcish people. A single Jabbernak may weigh up to as much as two orcs, having been the pack mule and mount for the orcish people.  Each jabbernak may range from 9-15 ft in length, and appear in a variety of colors.  A jabbernak can claw through leather and flesh easily. It is the primary means by which they attack. Their bites would be less severe, though still could pose lethal if completely untreated. Their flesh is no different from any normal lizard, and often blends in with their current environment. 




  • Jabbernaks are no longer ride-able mounts, trying to domesticate or breed them would be akin to trying to domesticate bears or similarly large predators. 
  • Jabbernaks will not attack large groups of people, they are very decent at sizing up targets and generally attack feasible prey. A group of jabbernaks would be seen targeting a single or small group of descendants, but large parties chase them off.
  • Pack Mules are not very fast. Although a Jabbernak may possess high stamina, they are far slower than horses, and only marginally faster then descendants in an initial burst.


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I honestly am in love with the idea of giving each descendant race some sort of unique fauna to them. 


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