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[✗] [Magic Lore] - Runesmithing, the Art of Creation [Primordial, Utility and Divine Dialects]


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[Magic Lore] - Runesmithing, the Art of Creation

Primordial, Utility and Divine Dialects

Featuring Big Brains, Fancy Shapes, and Shiny Coins


Background / Origin

The Minds of Dwarves


[!] A Dwarven Temple of yore, with a central mask of Dungrimm engraved into the hallowed stone, where acolytes of the Brathmordakin journey to hone their mind.



Since before Urguan set his hammer and chisel upon the mountain that would be the first hall of the mountainborn, dwarves believed. They believed in their Brathmordakin, beings that never entered the realm like the Aenguls nor the Daemons or other deities, but held more reverence than all; perhaps it was because of the dwarves being stubborn and unchanging of mind, or perhaps it was because of the stories of the odd dwarf with proof of the Brathmordakin’s existence. An odd report of amulets blessed with the power of Anbella appearing from thin air, claims that inexplicable power came from the temple's words, all pointing to subtle nudging of the Brathmordakin on the material plane. The dwarves of old’s firm belief was not unwarranted, for their combined faith of utmost zeal indeed caused events that would bring pause in those naysayers of the Faith. Unbeknownst to the dwarves, the subtle remnants of an age long before even the first of their race gave their faith meaning. Known as the Power of Thought, this aspect of reality validated the belief of dwarvenkind, creating inklings of proof which were and are more than enough for the dwarven faith to endure even to the present day. This powerful belief is what caused the Runes, or more accurately, what caused them to work. The Material Alphabet had been with dwarves and their ancestor’s ancestors, giving reality shape and definition. But it was the Thoughts of the Dwarves that caused empowerment of the Material Alphabet into tangible effects through the collective belief of the dwarf’s beliefs on reality, and their gods. To the dwarves, their gods were empowering their runes, but it was something far greater. The sheer will of the dwarves to believe birthed something noble within the minds of those who desired to bring their will into creation, the ability to create and weave Threads of Thought, empowering their work with the collective hopes, fears, beliefs, and desires of the dwarves. 


Magic Explanation


ᚨᚱᛏ ᛟᚠ ᚱᚢᚾᛖᛊᛗᛁᚦᛁᛜ

The Art of Runesmithing




Runesmithing is the magic of creation and creativity, a sacred and powerful magic that is focused on craftsmanship, artisanry, engineering, and any other creative art. Unlike other magical arts which are utilized by their practitioners in the moment and to worship or follow a deity’s purpose/plans/goals, Runesmithing must be done in preparation. Rather than draw from energies like voidal mages or call upon powers from higher beings, Runesmiths bear ascended minds that allow them to manipulate creation itself, weavers of reality and manipulators of existence through runes. They do so by Harmonizing the thoughts in their mind with reality, by means of Threads of Thought, which is explained in detail below.  


The vast majority of the art’s powers have been lost to history, entire dialects of runes remain hidden in the shadows of ruins along with unique tools and methods of harnessing the true workings of Runesmithing. Its current practitioners, the Runesmiths, long for creating works more glorious than their predecessors, while making fantastical works with the tools provided them.


The fundamentals of Runesmithing are rather simple. One simply carves a rune of The Material Alphabet and then summons Threads of Thought to empower the runes. However, the inner workings of such a creative magic are complex. The underlying reason why runes work in the way they do is due to the mass belief of dwarvenkind over the centuries all believing with religious zeal the existence of their gods, as well as the fundamentals of creation. This concerted belief, known as the Power of Thought, creates subtle changes in line with the beliefs of the masses, and gives direction to the rune’s abilities in tandem with The Material Alphabet, giving them definition.



Threads of Thought


[!] A complex tapestry of 2 Threads of Thought, partially Harmonized to empower a rune of average power.



Referred to as a Thread of Thought, shortened to a Thread, this is the term used for what Runesmiths use to empower runes. These Threads are manifestations of thought bent into constructs of light, to be used to harmonize the frequency of specific ideas between one's mind, and reality to empower the rune. While a seemingly complex idea with a lot of jargon, in practice this is quite simple. 


To do this esoteric work, one must focus. The ambient thoughts of one’s mind must be tamed, ordered, done so by focusing one’s exalted mind, and thinking upon what it is they wish to Empower, as well as the results of their Empowerment of the rune. Once the mind is calmed and the idea is created, a Runesmith may summon through hand motions or semantics a Thread of Thought. These initially appear as luminescent shapes, usually circles, hanging in the air, revolving around either the Runesmith or the object. Once the Thread is summoned, the Runesmith must now harmonize this thread with reality, in order for the Thread to produce any results at all. Harmonizing is explained in full detail below. 


Threads themselves are harmless and made of pure light, mainly appearing as circles, though triangles and squares are the only other shapes that may form. One could bat their hand through the Thread and their hand will go right through, as if incorporeal. Threads are what the Runesmith is thinking, with each thought filling the perimeter of the shape through the process of Harmonizing. Threads may appear around the entire body of the Runesmith, before them, around their hands as they work, around their tools, or around the object they wish to Empower. Threads may also be of differing colors, depending on the Dialect being thought of. The Divine Dialect procures blue Threads, while the Primordial Dialect procures red Threads, for example.


T1 Runesmiths can summon a maximum of 1 Thread of Thought, as well as being able to regenerate 1 Thread of Thought per stone week.

T2 Runesmiths can summon a maximum of 3 Threads of Thought as well as being able to regenerate 3 Threads of Thought per stone week.

T3 Runesmiths can summon a maximum of 5 Threads of Thought as well as being able to regenerate 5 Threads of Thought per stone week.

T4 Runesmiths can summon a maximum of 10 Threads of Thought as well as being able to regenerate 10 Threads of Thought per stone week.

T5 Runesmiths can summon a maximum of 15 Threads of Thought as well as being able to regenerate 15 Threads of Thought per stone week.


In effect, a T5 Runesmith may only make 3 T5 Runes a stone week; the full details of this are detailed further in the lore with Harmonizing/Empowerment.


  • Threads of Thought are not mana. 
  • The light from Threads does not provide enough light to see in the dark.
  • Threads of Thought can only be manipulated by those with a mind that has undergone the Ritual of Ascent.
  • One may not exchange Threads in any form or fashion, though one may Harmonize in conjunction with another, akin to lending voidal mana for a spell.
  • One cannot have more than their tier’s amount of Threads unless they are being disconnected in the Ritual of Flooding.



Harmonizing and Rune Empowering


[!] A Master Runesmith Harmonizing 2 Threads of Thought of a forgotten Dialect, preparing to Empower a rune.


With time a Runesmith begins to understand the basics of how Runes are powered, and the moment arrives to Empower their inert carvings with tangible meaning. Through this ability, a Runesmith gives to life their creation, bringing energy to the Material Alphabet runes after Harmonization, causing the effects of the rune to become reality rather than simply thought. 


Creating the blank Threads of Thought one needs to Empower a rune is only half the battle. To actually produce results, one must Harmonize their summoned Threads. This process is a straightforward one, in that one must detail in their mind all the effects and specifications of what they desire. From the size of the rune’s effects, the duration, the item it is going on, and the concepts associated with the Rune of the Material Alphabet; all must be listed. These details of the rune desiring to be Empowered fill up the perimeter of the Thread’s shape in whatever language is most familiar to the Runesmith. These thoughts must be tamed and given definition, as the end result of such is an Empowered rune.


The process of Harmonizing can be done without any movement or semantics on behalf of the Runesmith, but they often help them picture what it is they want their Thoughts to be, similar to those who talk with their hands. As each shape is filled with script, each individual Thread becomes harmonized, and can be depicted as that shape going from spinning, to still. It can also be depicted as an audible chime.


Should a Runesmith think of anything that deters from these ideas and shapes, the Harmonizing will falter and fail, the Threads of Thought muddled and Frayed. This is why a Runesmith undergoes the Ritual of Ascent (detailed below) so that they may hone their mind into pure focus while undergoing the task at hand.


The result of successful Harmonization of Threads is Empowerment. The summoned Threads will dissipate, and leave behind the Empowered rune. An Empowered rune is one that has the capabilities to do anything, as Unempowered Runes are simply those of the Material Alphabet, inert, and unable to do anything.


A rather peculiar effect of Harmonization and the defining of one’s Thought is that others nearby will find themselves catching glimpses of the Runesmith’s intent. This occurs within a 5 meter radius, and is a side effect of pure and raw Thought ebbing from the mind of the Runesmith.


As with any skill, proficiency increases with time. It might take a T1 runesmith 3 emotes to Harmonize a single Thread, while  a T5 Runesmith could Harmonize 2 Threads at a time with ease.


  • The numerical definition of each rune is how many Threads of Thought are needed to Empower it. IE, a T5 rune needs 5 Threads to be Empowered
  • Threads CAN’T be used on Voidally Enchanted objects, due to the two being antithetical.
  • Threads and Runes can be used on Thanhium objects.
  • The sound that emits from Threads as they Harmonize is similar to this sound: 
  • https://youtu.be/QbZy5jSvZ-M
  • Neither Harmonizing nor Empowerment can be done in combat.
  • The Tell of snippets of the Runesmith’s intent cannot be used to learn Runesmithing nor the Material Alphabet.
  • Empowering causes physical fatigue similar to a voidal magi. 
  • Empowering causes mental fatigue, sapping one’s mental focus for a narrative day, after which they will recover back to normal.
  • The Runesmith may not allow any intrusive thoughts into their Harmonizing, or the Harmonizing will fail, and the rune will not become Empowered. Distracted conversation and wordless sounds are the furthest one may divert from this absolute focus.
  • The fraying of a Thread of Thought during Harmonizing will cost the Runesmith one of their Threads that Week, and they may begin the process of Harmonizing that Thread once more.




[Combative] [T5]

This empowerment of one’s craft beyond what is normally possible is what many Runesmiths aspire to achieve, to transcend limits. When in dire circumstances, a Runesmith may Empower their runnic objects with more Threads than they are intended to bear, overcharging the rune itself and extending it’s limits.


Mechanics: While touching the rune or the object that houses the rune, a Runesmith hastily weaves 5 Threads into the object, over the course of 2 emotes, 1 of focus, and then one of Empowerment. The overcharged rune is now then able to last for 4 extra emotes than its allotted time, with the entire object humming loudly and shaking as if it were to burst at any moment with the excess energy. At the end of the four extra emotes of longevity, the rune breaks after the Overcharge is over in whatever fashion is natural for the object; for metals, warping of the metal will occur, and for fabrics, splitting and fraying of the material will happen, with all cases warping the object’s form but not necessarily breaking the object it was carved on. One may repair the rune at a later, non-combative scenario as well as the object itself.


  • Can be done in combat, at the costs listed above, and ignores the redline of focus being needed to summon and Harmonize Threads. It also ignores the redlines of needing a Rune Anvil to summon 5 Threads.
  • This does not do the initial Empowering of runes. Empowerment must be done beforehand, and out of combat. This ability only applies to runes already Empowered, and pushes them beyond their limits for a short time.
  • This takes up 5 Threads and renders all runes carved on an object inert after usage. It also gives a Runesmith physical fatigue for 1 stone week as their body is shot, and halves their Thread regeneration.
  • Only works on combat runes, as most non-combative runes do not have emote counts.
  • The Tell of others being able to see the intent of the Runesmith still applies to this ability. Everyone in a 5 meter radius will know that the Runesmith is Overcharging.



The Rune Aura



As a Runesmith begins to harmonize Threads more often and more intricately, vestiges of the art remain upon their form. Known as the Rune Aura, signs, sigils, shapes and swirls all begin to slowly creep and make their mark upon the skin of a Runesmith, the cost of the Power of Thought marking the Runesmith’s physical appearance. Most find the physical alterations to be rather appealing however, and embrace it as a mark of their ability. These designs grow in progression with a Runesmith, increasing in scale and eventually producing luminescence when a Runesmith focuses to harmonize Threads.


  • The effects of Runesmithing are not skin-deep like normal tattoos, but rather permanently stain the surface of the skin, such that should one be disconnected, they would remain. 
  • An example emote showcasing the Rune Aura goes as follows: “With each stroke of the hammer upon the chisel to the stone, the lines running from the eyes of the Runesmith burn a blaze of blue light, pulsing as they Empower the Rune with their harmonized Threads of Thought.”
  • The Rune Aura leaves a lot of room for aesthetic opportunities, but must follow the listed restrictions:
  • Faint blue designs of any shade are allowed. 
  • Words and phrases are allowed.
  • Swirls and lines and shapes are allowed.
  • Coverage should be no more than 30% of the body.
  • T3+ Runesmiths may have permanent formations of blue upon their skin.
  • T5 Runesmiths may have their entire hands be of luminescent blue while harmonizing Threads.
  • The staining progresses as one progresses through the tiers of Runesmithing.
  • Constructs that are able to conduct independent creative thought such as Automatons and Sorvians that are also Runesmiths will have blue etchings run throughout the surface of their frames.

Some examples of various Tiers of Rune Auras are below: 

Depicted below is a T1 Runesmith’s Rune Aura when they Harmonize. This does not show when they are not Harmonizing.


A T3 Runesmithing Aura looks as such below when Harmonizing, featuring spreading of the blue shapes, with this example being of the veins. When not Harmonizing, these veins will revert back to non-luminescent blue.


A T5 Runesmithing Aura looks as such, in addition to the veins of the prior picture:



Magic Connection and Disconnection


The Ritual of Ascent



To ascend higher than mundane means is the longing of even the greatest of craftsmen. Some find apotheosis through Voidal Artificery, while others through Runesmithing, undergoing this ritual to begin their journey with a Master Runesmith. The Ritual of Ascent is a transformative one, for the Runesmith’s very mind is altered, exposed to the Power of Thought and the harmonizing of one’s thoughts into reality. It provides the Runesmith the ability to singularly focus their mind on the task of Harmonizing, with unnatural focus, for should a single intrusive thought make its way into the act of Harmonizing, the entire Thread will fray.


To do so, an Initiate Runesmith and a Master Runesmith gather in a quiet place, and lock hands, or places their hands upon the Initiate. The Master Runesmith then focuses their mind, and summons a Thread of Thought. With their hands connected, the Initiate will experience this power of Thought firsthand, in a jarring experience of enlightenment. The Thread then dissipates after being summoned in conjunction with the Master and Initiate. 


The brute-forcing of one’s mind into a higher state of awareness is a taxing feeling on the Initiate Runesmith, fatiguing them for a great amount that stone day, as well as mentally. For the next year, the Initiate slowly recovers both mentally and physically.


Beyond this, each Runesmith that is passing down the sacred art goes about it in their own desired way; some having students sacrifice some of their greatest works before Yemekar, others having their students study the foundations of the magic all the way back to the founder Gotrek Starbreaker.


  • Due to the complexity of the magic, the changing of one’s mind, and the numerous runes available, Runesmithing requires two slots. 
  • The opening of one’s mind is solely for Runesmithing at this point in time. It allows one to focus supernaturally and manipulate the Power of Thought in the form of Threads of Thought, and that is the furthest extent.
  • This does not make one smarter, or able to react faster, or any other mental effects beyond those of learning The Material Alphabet such as being more analytical. 
  • One may not invent calculus or know every move of an opponent with this Ascended mind. 
  • The Ritual will fail if interrupted, or any distractions occur.
  • The Apprentice must slowly acclimate for 1 Stone week after the Ritual of Ascent, in which time they feel more tired than normal, and that daily activities take more effort than usual as well as great mental fatigue in the forms of headaches and lack of focus.
  • This Ritual must be conducted by a Runesmith with a valid TA anywhere.
  • Beginner Runesmiths may Empower T1 runes after this despite being fatigued.
  • This process must be accepted by both players oocly, there can be no forceful injections.
  • If the Master Runesmith does not have a Thread of Thought available, they must wait until they do.
  • Anything capable of free, independent thought and able to formulate creative ideas on their own free will are able to be Runesmiths, so long as they do not fall into the categories below.
  • Those from other planes, such as Inferi or Ghosts cannot be Runesmiths.
  • Those who practice Divine Magics set their mind upon their patron, and may not conduct the Ritual of Ascent, barring them from learning Runesmithing.
  • Magics/CA’s that are compatible with Runesmiths: Blood magic, Animatii, Sorvians, Soul Machines, Voidal Magics, housemages, Golemancers, Seers, Chi users, and Kani.
  • Magics/CA’s that interfere with Runesmiths: Druidism, Azdrazi, Voidstalkers that have completed Ascent of Consciousness, Shades, Naztherak, Necromancy, Paladinism, Shamanism, Templarism, any construct that does not have the capability of higher thought such as any golem that is not a Soulbound one, Wonks, ologs, and Mysticism.
  • This means that Soulless beings may learn Runesmithing so long as they are capable of higher thought.
  • Monkeys may not learn Runesmithing, as they do not have the capabilities of higher thought. 


The Ritual of Descent



If a Runesmith is found to be abusing their magic by straying away from the path of craftsmanship, innovation, and creativity, two Runesmiths may commence the Ritual of Descent and reprimand the Runesmith deemed unworthy of their ability to create. During this ritual three Master Runesmiths will escort the assailant Runesmith to a Rune Anvil. The three of the Master Runesmiths will flood the wrongful Runesmith’s body with Threads of Thought similar to how one conducts the Ritual of Ascent, except at an amount above the assailant’s maximum capacity. As their mind is flooded with powerful Thought, their body bottles this up with nowhere to go. This disconnects the user in a bout of extreme pain, as if one’s mind was set aflame. This Descent of the Ascended Mind leaves a permanent mark on the once-Runesmith’s mind. They will not receive any mental or physical differences than where they were before being a Runesmith, but should they connect and be disconnected again, they will be barred from ever undergoing the Ritual of Ascent, and their mind lacking the focus it once had. They would be worn for a stone week, the pain throbbing through their body as they recovered from such a gruesome disconnection. 


  • The Disconnection Ritual must be done by 3 T5 Runesmiths at a Rune Anvil over the course of 4 emotes. Beyond the four emotes of flooding Threads of Thought into the Runesmith’s Mind, the disconnection is free-form.
  • The Master Runesmiths that accompany the ritual will use 5 Threads each.
  • A Runesmith that has been disconnected once will have a perfectly fine mind after the disconnection.
  • A Runesmith that has been disconnected twice will have a slightly scarred mind, with a noticeable lack of focus on tasks.
  • The Ritual must be uninterrupted to be complete.
  • It is the responsibility of the disconnected Runesmith to RP their downsides.
  • One must be able to lay hands upon the Runesmith being disconnected.
  • If the player had a Runesmithing TA it would become null. 
  • Flooding another Runesmith’s mind with Threads is specific to only this ritual. 
  • This ritual does not require OOC consent. 



The Rune Anvil and the Master Rune


[!] A Runesmith Harmonzing 3 Threads of Thought upon a Rune Anvil.



Known as Rune Anvils, albeit oftentimes not an anvil in traditional appearance, these powerful creations are how Master Runesmiths create their greatest work. Rune Anvils bear the Master Rune, allowing greater amounts of Threads of Thought to be weaved, akin to a Voidal Obelisk. This is what allows the anvil to be a greater conduit than simple tools, allowing one to Harmonize more Threads at once, ending up in more powerful runes. Anvils are capable of Empower T1 to T5 runes, whereas without a Rune Anvil, a Runesmith can only Empower a rune of T1 or T2 magnitude. 


The Master Rune


[Non-combative] [T5]

The crux of greater runesmithing, The Master Rune allows greater manipulation of Threads by its presence with a Runesmith.



Mechanics: Once a runesmith carves this rune, they must Empower it with 5 Threads of Thought, just like any other T5 rune. After 2 emotes of attunement, the object, usually an anvil, is now a receptor of Threads of Thought, and may then be used to create grand works of Runesmithing.


  • The Master Rune follows all redlines and rules below, but is placed here for convenience.
  • Requires an ST approval sign upon the anvil, or crafting platform. 
  • The Rune Anvil, or anything carved with The Master Rune, cannot move. Doing so would break the rune.
  • The size must be 2x3 meters or greater, to accommodate the space necessary to host a Master Rune. 
  • The shape doesn’t have to look like a traditional anvil and the form of the platform is entirely up to the Runesmith. (I.E. tables, altars, tailoring sets, or any type of structure that fits in the confines of the given measurements.)
  • A Rune Anvil is susceptible to physical attacks, hitting any Anvil three times with the force capable of denting steel armor is enough to disrupt the ability to accept Threads of Thought, essentially destroying the structure. Vice versa, should the Master Rune be marred in any way, it will cease to work and require a recarving and Empowering with 5 Threads once again.
  • Those who are not Runesmiths would feel a sense of power coming from within 2 meters of the anvil, best explained as a slight tingle of the skin in its presence.
  • The regulation of who knows the powers of the Master Rune will be up to the players to keep track of, as the ST will not be required to keep track of who knows.




The Runes



[!] A unique Goblin who found themselves to be a trusted ally of the Dwarves, Empowering a Rune with their Rune Aura prominent. (Threads of Thought not pictured)



The crux of this magical art is the runes, the focus of the powers of this unique magic. Runes are symbols as old as time that originate from The Material Alphabet, though they do not do anything until Empowered by a Runesmith. Runes may be engraved, sewn, cut, or stonecut, giving the opportunity for a variety of materials for Runesmiths to work with. Runes work as focal points through which a Runesmith directs their Thought. To simply bring their Thoughts into reality is far too lofty a goal for a mortal, and thus Runes must act as the vessel for their Thoughts to hone into tangible results.


Runes do not have to be recharged, but rather recuperate their ability to be used through a set amount of time resting, listed below.

T1 Runes: 5 uses per stone day

T2 Runes: 4 uses per stone day

T3 Runes: 3 uses per stone day

T4 Runes: 2 uses per stone day

T5 Runes: 1 use per stone day


  • Runes can be carved at the same time that one Harmonizes Threads. However, to the detriment of those who lack patience, runes must be carved perfectly; something that has kept Runesmithing in the hands of dwarves and some elven crafters due to their meticulous nature.
  • Runes cannot be carved on living things.
  • Runes are standardized as 2 inches in size.
  • Runes are the Material Alphabet runes, simple as. There is nothing unique about them until they are Empowered with Threads of Thought.
  • Runes lose their power in totality if the shape of the rune is no longer perfect. Any deviation from the shape through scuffing or chipping specifically on the rune itself will have the Empowerment nullified.
  • For simplicity’s sake, you may think of EMPOWERED Runes as Managems. IE, the provider of the power for the powers on the object the Rune is carved into. This doubly serves as the object’s weak point. Anything that can alter the Rune engraved will destroy the rune. UNEMPOWERED runes have no effect on anything whatsoever and are inert.
  • There can only be 1 combat rune per object. 
  • Non-Combative Runes can be active for upwards of a year.
  • Combative Runes all have explicit timeframes in which they will be active.
  • Runes do not require focus, meaning that once they are activated, the wielder/bearer may do whatever they wish while the rune activates.
  • As all runes require a Utility Rune to use, an object may bear 3 total runes. The combinations of such go as follows:
  • 1 Utility / 1 Combative / 1 Non-combative
  • 1 Utility / 2 Non-combative
  • 2 Utility / 1 Combative
  • 2 Utility / 1 Non-combative
  • Upon activation of a rune, the etchings begin to glow a subtle blue or red, of various shades. Runes from the Divine Dialect glow blue, and those of the Primordial Dialect glow red.
  • Only 1 T4-5 rune can be Empowered a day, and only 3 T1-T3 runes can be Empowered a day.
  • Utility Runes cost 1 Thread to Empower but may be Empowered without any cooldown or restriction.
  • Runes may be carved in all sorts of materials, as long as they can keep the structure of the rune itself, in line with The Material Alphabet. Carving a rune into stone will keep its structure, but trimming it into fabric leaves room for the fabric to be stretched and frayed, eventually ruining the true meaning of the rune.
  • T1-T2 runes do not need ST signature. T3-5 need ST signature.
  • Runes do not need to be taught. One may come into learning Runesmithing with already knowledge of Material Alphabet runes.
  • Runes may not be dualcasted, but may be activated at the same time with their own isolated effects. This is most often seen through a Utility Dialect and any other Dialect rune activating simultaneously. This means that one can activate both the Rune of Flowing and Blowing and send water across a flat surface for example, but you cannot create steam through a combination of water and air.
  • Rune’s cannot affect objects larger than 5 meters in any dimension. Anything larger requires a MArt application.



The Utility Dialect



The Utility dialect consists of basic instructions that act as guides or additions. Often seen as the first runes learned by a Runesmith due to their simplistic nature, these allow for the direction of more advanced runes, guiding their activation. 



Rune of Touch


This rune is the easiest to understand of the Utility Dialect, as well as the easiest to create. While weaving the Thread of Thought for this rune, one must focus their mind and call forth the concept of what they want to be the criteria for this rune. Once done,  the rune will simply begin to activate on the slightest touch of that physical object. Touching the rune or the runic object more than once will deactivate the rune.


Rune of Phrase 


A simple rune that allows activation upon the utterings of a phrase. After carving the last etch of the rune, the Runesmith then with his chisel or tool still in the material must speak out what the activation phrase is. Any utterance of this phrase will then activate the rune, along with any engraved upon the same object. Speaking the phrase once more will deactivate the rune. The phrase may be uttered by anyone, so long as they have learned of the phrase to utter, even if they are not a runesmith. If the activation word or phrase is that of a difficult to learn language such as Old Blah or Blackspeach, one may simply speak the word or phrase, as one does not have to understand the phrase, simply one must be able to replicate it phonetically. 


Rune of Proximity 


This rune has traditionally been used for a wide variety of reasons, sometimes for alarm systems, for marking the arrival of enemies, and in the past used by elite prospectors searching for rare ores. The range of this rune is 10 blocks, though the redline of runes only being able to affect areas of 5 blocks still holds true. These turn off after an IRP year, should the one in the proximity of the rune remain. Proximity runes simply begin the activation of runes on the object they are carved on. Runes that deactivate after a set number of emotes do not benefit from longevity due to this rune. The rune will activate upon stepping within this 10 block radius. This gives any who steps into the radius time to leave if they notice the blue light and the dull hum that signifies a rune activating. No insta-traps are possible.


  • Utility runes can be written with each other, but count towards the 3 max runes on an item. 
  • As Utility Runes are not tiered, they may be used as much as needed so long as one has Threads available.
  • All Utility Runes require 1 Thread to be Empowered.
  • When a Utility Rune is activated, all other runes on the object will begin to activate at the same time.



Primordial Dialect


[!] An Initiate Runesmith getting aquainted with their skillset and tools.



The Primordial dialect is Empowerment of the fundamentals of our world, in the simplest of Material Alphabet runes. They are essential for a Runesmith’s understanding of  The Material Alphabet, and the world around them. All of them require a Utility rune to activate, as with all runes. These runes are all red.


INFxQUlcWEWtHcVdYA-qNqmjthqpaozRh8wzl_iOF1Bz5vLC05IBvr6XU2_uS_0Q4RH5KWP1muAhYxCd3XPk0K9Dm9196mcxUnwMCKiefkrV_e-BXiifkehpwQgojqgNsZxipnxt=s0 Tier 1 Primordial Runes INFxQUlcWEWtHcVdYA-qNqmjthqpaozRh8wzl_iOF1Bz5vLC05IBvr6XU2_uS_0Q4RH5KWP1muAhYxCd3XPk0K9Dm9196mcxUnwMCKiefkrV_e-BXiifkehpwQgojqgNsZxipnxt=s0


Rune of Flowing



A very useful Utility Rune, this carving can propagate a supply of water, in amounts measuring about half a cup per second. Dwarves find a use of this rune in bathing, household drinking, as well as filling their cups while out of the mountainhome. 



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of red, and then pure water begins to flow forth from the rune at the pressure of a typical household tap sink in quantities measuring to half a cup per second. This is genuine water, and may be boiled, by normal means as well as voidal flames and those of dragonkin. If activated while horizontal, it will shoot a half-meter outwards harmlessly, and if shot directly upwards, the water will travel a quarter meter.


  • Cannot be sent out at high pressure in the slightest. Putting anything that hinders the flow such as a nozzle on top of the rune will cause the rune to output less, rather than concentrating the pressure, and the greatest pressure that can be produced is that of a modern-day hose pipe. Pressurized water devices are not allowed through this rune.
  • Cannot direct the water once conjured, nor change it's shape or form.
  • If carved into a sealed container, the water will fill the container, and then stop once full. 
  • If carved into an open container such as a cup, the rune will not overflow the container, but rather will replace any water taken, such as a drink. 
  • Takes one emote to activate, and then lasts until 8 gallons of water has been produced, or lasts until deactivated.
  • The production of 8 gallons takes the course of roughly 4 minutes. With the limitation of being able to be used 5 times a day, only 40 gallons of water may be produced from this rune per day, enough to fill a small bathtub. An average living room would take 100+ activations of this rune, effectively preventing flooding of rooms or creation of rivers. 


Rune of Blowing



One of the more refreshing runes to carve, this rune provides a supply of wind in the magnitude of a strong breeze from the face of the rune itself. A rather simple rune, with a plethora of capabilities. A peculiar sight is one of dwarven windmills, turning to process grain through the power of these runes.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of red, and then wind ushers forth in moderate strength from the face of the rune. The wind blowing from the rune bears no temperature, and moves at a speed of 20 mph, beginning to decay at the 5 meter mark, and then decaying at a rate of 4 miles per hour per meter.


  • Follows the same pressure redlines as Rune of Flowing. Covering the surface of this rune can diminish the magnitude of wind blown, but not increase the pressure in any substantial amount.
  • Takes one emote to activate, and then lasts until deactivated.
  • A descendant will find no trouble walking in this wind, unless they are incredibly frail such as voidstalkers or Frost Witch Mothers, as 20 mph winds are only strong enough to sway small branches in trees.


Rune of Grounding



There is nothing more symbolic of dwarves than the very earth they choose to make their homes in. Able to be used to fill holes or create gravel pathways or even stone columns under the mountainhome without lugging it down below, Runes of Grounding serve more application than those who are not Runesmiths might envision.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of red, and then earthen materials form from the face of this rune in a steady solid construction at a rate able to fill a cubic meter over the course of an hour. 


  • Follows the same pressure redlines as Rune of Flowing. Covering the surface of this rune can diminish the magnitude of rock generated but not increase the pressure in any substantial amount.
  • Gems and rare Ores cannot be created from this rune, such as Nodal ores or gold. All sorts of rocks of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks may be propagated.
  • The rocks produced will be of the temperature it is carved around. One cannot create heated rocks in combat, for example.
  • Only solid states of rock may be produced. No magma.
  • The limits of what may pour forth from this rune are rock that is 1 meter in cubic size, aka a minecraft block.
  • The propagated rock will only form if space is allowed for it: it will not destroy or push objects out of the way.
  • Takes one emote to activate, and then lasts until deactivated. Once a cubic meter of rock has been generated, the rune deactivates. This takes the course of a narrative hour. 


INFxQUlcWEWtHcVdYA-qNqmjthqpaozRh8wzl_iOF1Bz5vLC05IBvr6XU2_uS_0Q4RH5KWP1muAhYxCd3XPk0K9Dm9196mcxUnwMCKiefkrV_e-BXiifkehpwQgojqgNsZxipnxt=s0 Tier 2 Primordial Runes INFxQUlcWEWtHcVdYA-qNqmjthqpaozRh8wzl_iOF1Bz5vLC05IBvr6XU2_uS_0Q4RH5KWP1muAhYxCd3XPk0K9Dm9196mcxUnwMCKiefkrV_e-BXiifkehpwQgojqgNsZxipnxt=s0


Rune of Light



This marvelous rune has been used to light up the caverns of the Deeproads without the use of oil or cloth. With the Harmonizing of one's Threads into this rune’s Empowerment, a light equivalent to a torch propagates from the rune of the Runesmith's choice and keeping a consistent luminescence.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of the Runesmith’s choice, and then light slowly propagates, filling the area with a clear, steady light. The specific type of light is determined by the intent of the Runesmith Empowering the rune, similar to that of creative casting of Voidal conjuration spells.


  • Can be any color and luminescence up to the strength of a torch, but must be a single, unchanging, non-undulating or pulsing color or vibrancy
  • Takes one emote to activate, and then lasts until deactivated.
  • It may be represented by an in-game torch. 
  • This rune is not capable of blinding anyone.


Rune of Dark



       In turn with the Rune of Light, the Rune of Dark has the opposite effect. Instead of propagating light, it eats light in the same radius of a torch, to where there is no light within a 1 meter radius of the rune. This is the only rune that does not glow on activation and is rather unique in applications. Dwarven botanists often use these runes spread in a circle around Murkshrooms so that easier cultivation can be managed.



Mechanics: Upon the activation of this rune, the item bearing the rune begins to hum for a short period, and then instead of glowing a blue or red light like the rest of runes, it doesn’t glow at all, absorbing light over the course of 1 emote. Light that enters the 1 meter radius is absorbed, such that if you shone a flashlight upon a wall with an activated Rune of Darkness, there would be a pitch-black bubble of darkness wherever the rune was. The rune lasts until deactivated, and cannot be used in combat.


  • If one were to put their head inside the darkness, it is simple black, and with no light entering. The bubble of 1 meter of darkness serves no other purpose beyond absorbing light as if it were a dome of black material.
  • This rune functions as the inverse of a torch at a radius of 1 meter/1 block.
  • An inch before reaching the edge of the radius, the bubble of darkness tapers off quickly such that a thin haze of dark was around the black bubble.


INFxQUlcWEWtHcVdYA-qNqmjthqpaozRh8wzl_iOF1Bz5vLC05IBvr6XU2_uS_0Q4RH5KWP1muAhYxCd3XPk0K9Dm9196mcxUnwMCKiefkrV_e-BXiifkehpwQgojqgNsZxipnxt=s0 Tier 3 Primordial Runes INFxQUlcWEWtHcVdYA-qNqmjthqpaozRh8wzl_iOF1Bz5vLC05IBvr6XU2_uS_0Q4RH5KWP1muAhYxCd3XPk0K9Dm9196mcxUnwMCKiefkrV_e-BXiifkehpwQgojqgNsZxipnxt=s0


Rune of Heat



        This rune has saved many a dwarf in the frozen expanses of northern lands, as well as being one of the most basic runes to understand. Runes of Heat generate heat in magical fashion, such that an object like a sword would radiate throughout the entire blade the heat of the rune upon activation. As well, two Runes of Heat will add their combined energy to produce a more powerful work.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of red, then emitting heat from the object, sent out radially. This takes 1 emote to activate, and create the effects, lasting until deactivated. With two runes engraved upon an object, the energies from each intermingle and produce greater heat, able to boil water and sear food. This also takes one emote to achieve.


Should one desire to apply this beginner rune to combat, only a single Rune of Heat will provide veritable results, taking 3 emotes to activate and then heat the entire item, and lasting 4 emotes, to where application to raw skin would cause sharp pain, and mild reddening of the skin.


  • Two Runes generates heat hot enough to boil water and radiates in a fashion similar to a stovetop, and would most certainly treat skin in the same manner, burning and searing if touched for more than the smallest moment.
  • Clothing with enough padding bearing a singular rune would function well in cold environments, keeping the wearer warm and safe against the bite of frost. Two Runes of Warmth would be far too hot to insulate for longer than a few seconds.
  • Leather armor would be enough to resist the heat of a weapon with a Rune of Warmth, as the heat of two Runes of Heat is that of an oven top, at 200 degrees Celcius. Linen would however not be enough and cause a lessening of the pain.
  • The heat radiated is not enough to burn skin, but rather cause pain, and slight searing, as if touching a hot plate. It is not capable of burns in combat unless continually applied, in which case it will leave 1st-degree burns.
  • Objects heated up are not resistant to weakening from heat. A steel sword bearing this rune would be slightly more malleable, able to be bent easier, but by no means innefective.
  • After the rune deactives, either by the duration of 4 emotes or by the nullification of cold energies, the object returns to the normal temperature, but does not suffer the material consequences of extreme changes of temperature such as warping. (IE the item does not become more hard like it does during the quenching of a blade)
  • As with all items, only 1 combat rune may be applied to an object. Objects with 2 Runes of Warmth may not be used in combat.
  • The combative usage of this rune only applies to the material it is engraved upon. A blade engraved with this rune will heat up, while the handguard will not.
  • Any form of strong cold, such as a blast of cold water onto an object with this activated rune will nullify the heat. Whether it be Voidally conjured water of T3 or higher or a great deal of mundane in the quantity of a bucket or more, the object will revert from red-hot to its initial heat, with a gout of steam ushering upwards harmlessly from the object cooled. This allows for items with an activated Rune of Warmth to nullify 2 average T3+ cold attacks, be it magic Water Blast, ice-shards sent from ice manipulation from Frost Witches, or a bucket of water from assailants.

Rune of Coldness



The partner to the Rune of Heat, and the aid of many a desert Kadarsi miner, this rune can cause materials to be as cold as ice, both to the touch and in the absorption of heat when activated. It is a very basic rune, with a great deal of applications, from preservation of food, to insulation from heat, to the automated cooling of dwarven steamstacks.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of blue and then absorbing heat from the object and the environment, sucked in radially. This takes one emote to activate, and then lasts until deactivation.


Should one desire to apply this beginner rune to combat, only a single Rune of Coldness will provide veritable results, taking 3 emotes to activate and then chill the entire item, and lasting 4 emotes, to where application to raw skin would cause sharp pain of chill, and a freezing feeling of the skin.


  • After combat the chill leaves the weapon, returning it to the temperature it was at before activation.
  • The amount of ambient heat absorbed is on par with that of ice, such that if a plate of steel bore this rune, it would absorb heat just as much as a plate of ice of equal size.
  • Items with this rune qualify as cold items able to deter and strike true against Azdrazi and Corrupted Azdrazi due to their susceptibility to cold. They find that weapons with this rune bites deeper than other blades, and that a strike drains a single unit of Dragonsflame. Further strikes do not drain any additional units however.
  • Intense heat of any kind including voidal flame of T3 or higher and Azdrazi fire would revert the effects of this rune over the course of one emote. 
  • Slight resistance to melting and heat-transfer is accompanied with activation of this rune. A wooden shield hit with a Fire Blast would resist immediate ignition akin to Athin treatment, but this lasts for a singular emote, and any and all subsequent fire attacks would ignite the shield.
  • Clothing with enough padding bearing a rune would function well in hot environments, keeping the wearer chilled and safe against the woes of heat. This is similar to Athin treated garbs.
  • Leather armor would be enough to resist the chill of a weapon with a Rune of Coldness. Linen would however not be enough, and cause a lessening of the chilling sensation.
  • The cold effect is not enough to cause frostbite in the slightest, no more than simple ice may be able to. The surface of an item carved with this rune would simply be uncomfortably cold to bare skin. It does not stretch bone-deep.
  • The chilled item is not magically resistent to brittleness from chill, and if the object would become brittle in the sharp cold, it would become brittle using this rune.
  • After the rune deactives, either by the duration of 4 emotes or by the nullification of warm energies, the object returns to the normal temperature, but does not suffer the material consequences of extreme changes of temperature such as warping. (IE the item does not become more hard like it does during the quenching of a blade)
  • The combative usage of this rune only applies to the material it is engraved upon. A blade engraved with this rune will being to chill, while the handguard will not.
  • The sapping of heat from the environment is not enough to be noticeable or cause any dire effects, no more than a slight shiver from a small change of a few degrees in the immediate area of the rune, which is 5 meters radius.
  • Any form of strong heat, such as a blast of fire onto an object with this activated rune will nullify the cold. Whether it be Voidally conjured fire or mundane flames, the object will revert from ice-cold to its initial heat, with the water or ice used to cool the object melting. This allows for items with an activated Rune of Coldness to nullify 2 average fire attacks, be it magic Fire Blast, a gout of flame from Azdrazi, or mundane flames.


INFxQUlcWEWtHcVdYA-qNqmjthqpaozRh8wzl_iOF1Bz5vLC05IBvr6XU2_uS_0Q4RH5KWP1muAhYxCd3XPk0K9Dm9196mcxUnwMCKiefkrV_e-BXiifkehpwQgojqgNsZxipnxt=s0 Tier 4 Primordial Rune INFxQUlcWEWtHcVdYA-qNqmjthqpaozRh8wzl_iOF1Bz5vLC05IBvr6XU2_uS_0Q4RH5KWP1muAhYxCd3XPk0K9Dm9196mcxUnwMCKiefkrV_e-BXiifkehpwQgojqgNsZxipnxt=s0


Rune of Durability



The dwarves are fundamentally a stalwart race, with a great constitution. This rune embodies that aspect of dwarvenkind, and brings it into their crafts. When an object bearing this rune is activated, supernatural integrity takes over the material, enhancing its durability to untold heights. Swords and armor can take more of a beating, and softer materials last longer before fraying and tearing.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of red, the material-be it metal, cloth, or leather-will become more durable, and stiff. This does not make materials more hard, but rather magically increases their durability, such that if an iron sword dented from another iron sword in 8 emotes, this rune would extend the lifespan to 12 emotes. This takes 2 emotes to activate and then take effect, the rune lighting up and then the material bearing a slight flash of light (akin to a minecraft enchantment glow) that disappears soon after. This lasts until the end of a combat encounter, and as with all T4 runes may be used twice a day.


  • The rune does nothing to the strength or other physical properties of the material 
  • While this durability will slightly diminish blunt impacts, it does not halve the effect: rather, a mace on horseback hitting a plated helmet with this rune will most likely still kill, but a human suited in armor bearing this rune may survive an additional emote or two beyond that which would concuss their brain or break their bones. The armor itself will deform far less, but the force will still be translated into the one being hit, with a blow to the head with a warhammer still concussing a man in a suit of plate bearing this activated rune.


Rune of Vigour



Another defining aspect of dwarves is their vigor for the fight and family, and this rune directs The Power of Thought to bolster those who fight for others. Dwarven marching banners and gatehouses frequently see this rune carved into the fabric and stone, activated to bolster forces to endure, keep fighting, and to persevere with the great stalwart dwarven stubbornness they are known for.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a brighter shade of red, and then after a second emote of charging, a third emote of activation ensues, a pulse of energy shot in a 5 meter radius that reinvigorates and emboldens all within the radius for 5 emotes. This applies to friend, or foe, allowing soldiers to fight once again with the energy they had at the beginning of the fight, as if they were fully rested. After the effects of the rune are over, one goes right back to where they left off, most likely fatigued, and weary from a fight that has been drawing on.


  • After the pulse at the 3rd emote, those who are not within the radius will not gain the effects of this rune by moving into the radius- it only affects those within the radius at the mark of the 3rd emote.
  • Takes 3 emotes to activate and lasts for 5 emotes.
  • The rune will affect anyone within the radius, friend or foe.
  • The "recharging" of energy does not make one superhuman, or even stronger than they normally are. It permits those who use this rune to persist fighting at full-capabilities for an additional 5 emotes, after which things return to slightly-below-normal, with a bit more fatigue.


INFxQUlcWEWtHcVdYA-qNqmjthqpaozRh8wzl_iOF1Bz5vLC05IBvr6XU2_uS_0Q4RH5KWP1muAhYxCd3XPk0K9Dm9196mcxUnwMCKiefkrV_e-BXiifkehpwQgojqgNsZxipnxt=s0 Tier 5 Primordial Runes INFxQUlcWEWtHcVdYA-qNqmjthqpaozRh8wzl_iOF1Bz5vLC05IBvr6XU2_uS_0Q4RH5KWP1muAhYxCd3XPk0K9Dm9196mcxUnwMCKiefkrV_e-BXiifkehpwQgojqgNsZxipnxt=s0


Rune of Life



While not a rune of creating life, this miraculous rune possesses the ability to create matter for a short period of time. Suits of armor will magically seal off any gaps between pieces of metal, yet still retaining their ability to conduct movement through magical means, as if becoming living armor.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of bright red, and then dimming as metal slowly forms and extends to meet with other pieces on the suit of armor. The same is for any other bodily covering of leather or fibers, able to seal and fuse any opening. This comes at the detriment of no air being able to enter a suit of armor, and creative measures must be employed such as material in-between paths of fusion to prevent metal from closing, or respirators within the suit of armor. This lasts until the end of combat, or a narrative hour. It takes 1 emote to cast.


  • Effectively this seals all possible entry points for daggers or blades, as gapless armor, and far more simple than Maxamillian armor.
  • Takes 1 emote to cast.
  • Blunt damage is still quite effective against those who have a sealed suit of armor. This simply prevents the potential of a sword or dagger to cut through gaps or chainmail.
  • Removing the generated material will cause it to be absorbed back into the metal it originated from. IE, one may not harvest generated material for infinite resources. 
  • Non-combative usage is subject to ST approval or asking the Lore Writer if such would make sense conceptually with the lore.


Runes of Time




       An incredibly powerful set of runes, with the power to manipulate time, or so it seems. These runes are capable of seemingly manipulating the time experienced by objects. This is done through manipulation of momentum, but to the eye it is as if time slows down or speeds up for the object. When either rune activates, the momentum of the object is increased doubly, or decreased doubly. Weapons that bear the rune and that activate it while mid-swing will have twice the momentum behind their swings, or half of the speed, depending on the rune.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of bright red, with the charging of the craft beginning. After 4 total emotes, the object’s momentum is doubled, or halved, depending on the rune used. The rune will do such under any circumstance, IE one cannot wait a set amount of emotes before using the rune.


  • The rune takes 4 emotes to activate, charge, and then be able to be put to use. It lasts for one singular use, after which it deactivates, and may only be used once per combat encounter.
  • One must still be strong enough to wield a weapon with twice the momentum. A miss with a weapon such as a warhammer with a Rune of Progression activated would near-certainly go flying out of all but the strongest of grasps, if not overstressing the shoulder muscles and the back.
  • Swords and other similar weapons cannot cut through metal armor with this rune. Even with this rune, swords will do little damage to armors like plate, not having enough force behind the blow initially to transfer it into the suit to do damage like a polearm.
  • The usage cannot be stored. It will activate upon the fourth emote, regardless if the wielder is ready.
  • If the object is not moving, the activation does nothing. It only doubles momentum, it does not generate speed, nor launch an object.
  • As the rune only affects that which it is engraved upon, one cannot make a line of them and create a railgun.
  • If used outside of combat, the usage may occur freely, and more often, for things such as slowing one’s chisel down for careful engraving or carving strikes for example.
  • If the above redline proves to be problematic by the playerbase receiving freedom, it shall be removed.


Rune of Death



This rune is a peculiar one, such that it does not benefit the item it is upon, but rather brings it detriment. This rune eats away at whatever it is activated upon, tearing away at its structure and bringing physical death. It was long believed that the rune was worthless, for what Runesmith desired to ruin their craft and waste Threads of Thought? However, usability was found, as the decay that it subjects the item to can spread to other objects through physical touch.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of bright red, with the charging of the craft beginning. Beyond this, the object will begin to decay. This takes the course of 5 emotes. The first emote is of activation, in which the rune activates with a hum and a slight shine as usual. On the second emote, a subtle quaver in the material may be found, such as a crack in steel, fraying of threads, or cracking of stone. The third emote of application is that of greater physical deformity, such as rust building on the metal, rocks falling off of greater rocks, threads being completely unraveled, ect. Upon the fourth emote, the Rune of Death goes into proper effect, causing items afflicted by it to feel as if their blade was falling apart, and any blow hitting it at this point surely bending it if metal. This bend would not be to the point of being unusable, but would foretell greater woes upon the material. Upon the fifth and final emote, the object has rust, cracks, and will snap upon any strong blow like a sword strike of steel. The object is unusable at this point for the duration of combat. If of leathers or fabrics, utter fraying as if not sewn or tanned will occur, and with stone the rock will crumble into chunks and dust. 


  • The object that bears the rune will be unusable after the 6 emotes. It is a one-time-use rune.
  • The object that is touched by the rune must be touched for each emote of progression. A breastplate must be hit 5 times for the 5th emote of deterioration to occur. If hit 3 times over combat, the object will stay at that level of deterioration until the end of combat.
  • The object that is touched by the rune will return back to the 3rd emote, the second level of decay after combat if it is not broken by a hit or other means. 
  • These items that revert back to the second tier of decay may be fully repaired after combat.
  • Soulbound items will fully repair after combat regardless if they are broken.
  • This rune does not have any effect on Lunarite, Dracanium or Carbarum in totality.
  • Thanhium and Boomsteel will only be decayed up to the 3rd emote of decay, meaning they will not bend upon being hit (which is the effects of the 4th emote) but rather will rust and tarnish, loosing slight durability.


Divine Dialect


[!] A dwarven Runesmith with an eyeglass carved with the Rune of Sight, appraising the components of a citrine gem.


The Divine Dialect is a more complicated set of runes that embody what the Dwarves believe to be their gods. Each of these runes are more complex, with most of them consisting of mixtures of symbols from the Material Alphabet, to create a conjoined rune. This is done through simply carving the runes into connection physically, in which they become a single, conjoined symbol, akin to cursive writing.  These runes are all blue.


ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0 Yemekar, the Forge Father ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0

Rune of Creation


[Non-Combative] [T5]

Dwarves make crafts as if it were second nature, and they wear them out vigorously. Most often tools are made with longevity in mind, but the constant intense wear of dwarven lifestyles destroys dwarven craftsman’s tools and soldier’s halberds beyond normal repair. When a Runesmith carves this rune upon an object, the next time the object breaks or tears, the activation of this rune will repair it.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of blue, and then a flash of light comes over the item (akin to a minecraft enchantment glaze) for a moment. Both broken halves of the item will slowly repair through fusion over the course of a day, so long as they are pressed together initially.


  • This rune only repairs physically. Voidal weapons (by runesmithing and the void being antithetical and incompatible), Diefic enchantments, Draan Binding, and any other magical effect that might have been on the item will lose said magical properties upon breaking, as magics are beyond the scope of this rune to repair.
  • Threads of Thought are not mana and therefore this rune will work with Thanhium.
  • The rune fuses and then melds broken parts such as chains, blades, shirts, cloth, ect. 
  • Breakage is defined as any removal of mass from each other. 
  • Scratches, dents, and other small physical or chemical defects are not repaired by this rune. Only breakage. 
  • The parts that have broken must be touching for this rune to work. 
  • Parts may only be attached to what they originated from. No fusing two metals into one sword.
  • This rune can not summon broken parts.
  • This rune cannot regenerate parts. A sword cut in half will not magically propagate the rest of the missing sword with this rune.
  • The break must be under 1 foot in any direction.
  • No remains of the break is left behind after repairing.
  • Full destruction of an item is irreparable by this rune. This is defined by 5+ pieces of an object. An explosion of a boomsteel javelin, for example, would break in pieces far beyond hope of repair. 
  • Items that have been broken into up to 5 pieces may be repaired over the course of multiple days, with one activation per day per piece to be fused back. IE if a sword shatters in three pieces, you can repair it over 3 days.
  • The two broken surfaces are weakly bound until the course of a day, at which the repairs have fully completed.
  • The object must break with the rune already on the object, as well as the rune itself cannot be damaged, as this work does not work retroactively. One may not place this rune upon ancient broken items and insta-repair them, but rather nothing will happen upon activation.
  • If carved onto a doorframe, the entire house is not covered by this rune, rather, just the doorframe. A sword would need the rune carved into each individual part if all of the sword was intended to be blemish-free.


ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0 Anbella, The Hearth Mother ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0

Rune of Hearth


[Non-Combative] [T3]

Anbella, dwarven Patron of life, and god of the hearth and home. To those who bear a Rune of Hearth upon their attire, they experience a relaxation of that of the Hearth Mother, a comfort of a warm fire, and homeliness, and more at ease, filled with the joys of their kin. It is a rune of miracles, able to change the course of many a descendant's life to that of the better, encouraging them, and washing away the woes of life.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of blue, and then upon a second emote of activating the item the wearer would feel more confident, and at ease, relaxed. The fear effects from certain entities would also be harder to take hold, as one feels more emboldened from carrying this rune, increasing their inner resolve against whatever the wearer might face in life, in a sort of mental magic. Those who bear this activated rune view life in a more optimistic view. Those who succumb to intrusive thoughts will find the pull of negative ideas weaker, and those who's lives are generally considered negative will fell more drawn to the concept that they may turn it around for the betterment of others and those around them. The rune lasts until deactivated.


  • Fear is not impossible, just resisted, and things like Voidal creatures will still generate deep-set churning of the stomach in most descendants as well as the facing of death at a blade.
  • The rune does not grant one resistance to damage in any fashion, nor a reduced feeling of such, nor reduction of the effects of pain.
  • The effects are not forced upon a person, but rather suggested, akin to that of Refined Titan’s Eyes.
  • One may choose to ignore the total effects of this rune.
  • In the same line of thought, if one so chooses to stay in their negative thoughts, they may do so even while bearing this rune.


ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0 Belka, Lady of Passion ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0

Rune of Lightning 


[Combative] [T5]

Of all the sounds that boom throughout the Mountainhome, it is thunder that is most reminiscent to them of their Creator’s strikes upon the World Anvil. This rune provides an object with electrical energy crackling over its surface, to be discharged in an electrifying zap.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of blue. After 3 emotes total of charging, the item having built up charge during this time, lightning will crackle and jump across the surface of the object, and should a conductor touch the object, the energy will discharge, stunning them for 1 emote and giving them slight 1st-degree burns. However, should this rune continue to build charge for another emote, the discharge will be capable of stunning for 2 emotes, and if the charge is built for a total of 5 emotes, one may stun someone for 3 emotes.  


This rune works on a 3 point charge. It may be used for the 1 emote stun 3 times, or the 3 emote stun for a singular time. The combinations of this are outlined below for ease of reading:

1 3-emote stun

2 2-emote stuns

3 1-emote stuns

1 1-emote stun AND 1 2-emote stun


  • All charge levels cause slight 1st-degree electrical burns at the impact site.
  • While other combative runes are not disrupted by their item being used in combat while charging, this rune will discharge harmlessly if used in combat before the charging is at the 3 emote threshold.
  • This Rune breaks the traditional redline of T5 runes being able to be used only once, and goes by the above table of emotes.
  • This may not be held at any specific charge. If not discharged at a particular emote count, it will progress to the next charge.
  • .If the 3rd tier of charge is reached and not discharged, the object will give off a wild array of non-deafening sounds and non-blinding lightshow of sparks and lightning as it discharges and lays inert, leaving the rune powerless.
  • Anything olog sized needs 4 emotes of charge to be stunned for 1 emote, and 5 emotes of charge for 2 emotes of stun. Anything larger can only be stunned for 1 emote, done so by 5 emotes of charge. 
  • This is fantasy, and electricity from this rune in combat does not follow a few normal rules, such as conducting to others in a chain effect. It also will stun/zap regardless if the target is grounded. 
  • Normal electricity would also conduct straight through plate armor and not affect the wearer, but this rune does, due to it being Fantasy.
  • This rune however is combated by insulation. Thick enough garbs and rubbers will prevent a shock.
  • Can be used noncombative as slight jolts of electrical power if discoveries and inventions are made to harness electricity beyond animii and smoggers.
  • The wielder is not immune to this shock, humorously enough they may shock and stun themselves if they let their item touch their skin or anything that might conduct to them such as their plate armor.


ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0 Ogradhad, the Lore Master ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0

Rune of Sight


[Non-combative] [T5]

The rune of sight is one of the most important runes a Runesmith can possess. It allows a Runesmith to understand the world around them, as their mind begins to notice elements of The Material Alphabet around them. With this carved into a transparent material such as glass or anorum, the constituent elements of an object make themselves known when looking through the item by symbols of The Material Alphabet. 



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of blue, and then dissipates, so that the viewing of the object is not hindered by the glow. The object viewed then procures for just the viewer the constituent elements of the Material Alphabet that make up the object and works with that which is in the center of focus of the viewer, displayed in a Symbol Ring. Complex materials such as potions will show their Symbol Rings, but not the Transmutation Circles. Ferrum being view with a runnic looking glass would procure this symbol, xRHsllWpLoF-rtUcTd5lB0MzwH5ktJFp1bpdZTMziYjAFiiqUPDzfb4fjR1g7wcuYRJ1nqzMshiUX8d6JnMJBYIokKhhXOxUQNdY-HKPg4CjqwdlqJRk-Ok_Do7nw7TFEMlrgBrW for example. Holding it too far away, beyond an arm’s length, would procure the symbol of air instead.


  • This does not inform one on the properties such as strength or conductivity, or how to make an object, but rather shows The Material Alphabet glyphs above or on the surface of the material and the constituent materials.
  • The rune will return after the Runesmith is done using their tool.
  • This rune is strictly for signs & symbols of a material and nothing more.
  • If there is no symbol present, the Runnic object does not display a symbol.
  • The process of how an item is made is not displayed in the object. Therefore, one may not self-teach themselves alchemy or how to craft ST ores through usage of this rune.


ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0 Armakak, the Merchant Father ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0

Rune of Gold


[Non-Combative] [T2]

Like the gold that flows from the coffers of those who follow the Merchant Lord’s teachings does this rune cause objects to appear, as if made of gold itself. An object bearing this rune will appear as if of pure aurum make, coining the term “Fool’s Aurum” amongst snarky working dwarves.



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of blue, and then the item engraved with the activated rune will take on the appearance of pure gold. This lasts until deactivated.


  • This is purely aesthetic. No material properties other than visual ones are changed with this rune.
  • If one desires to make anything that isn't theirs (such as a house) golden with this rune, they must ask for RO consent as this would classify as a Major Alteration under the Vandalism rules of the server. No Golden Vandalism.
  • An item does not gain the ability to banish the ethereal with this like with normal aurum. It is purely aesthetic.
  • As with all runes, this rune may not affect anything larger than 5 meters in any direction.


ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0 Grimdugan, Lord of Avarice ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0

Rune of Greed


[Non-Combative] [T2]

Grimdugan, God of Greed and Lord of Avarice, often is depicted on a mountainous pile of gold and gemstones, sitting portly atop the pile of splendor. With the usage of this rune, Greed is worshiped, for most dwarves believe their Curse to be a blessing, and enact it as often as they may. An object bearing this activated rune will appear to be a particular gemstone. 



Mechanics: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of blue, and then the item engraved with the activated rune will take on the appearance of a gemstone. This lasts until deactivated. Metals would seem to be of a pure gemstone throughout the object, and linens and cloths would seem to be of a uniquely malleable gemstone, visually the same. The specific type of gemstone is determined by the intent of the Runesmith Empowering the rune, similar to that of creative casting of Voidal conjuration spells.


  • This is purely aesthetic. No material properties other than visual ones are changed with this rune. 
  • Follows the same vandalism redline as the Rune of Gold.
  • The surface of the object does not change in feeling, although the object may appear to be different. Facets for example in a cut gemstone will visually appear but not be there physically. 
  • As with all runes, this rune may not affect anything larger than 5 meters in any direction.



ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0 Dungrimm, Lord of the Dead ZQAhNLaWSWbir4A5rQwASYCwz7nSaYRlq5OCmsuIhhbyWiqKH3z08NFUDCafqHQXoiRCkqL-qI5RtNFh0EZ7qjszUXAbi3T3TnYL6F0wQBMTmxkt1vQmW9p-0WG1lYyhiFXdBwTj=s0

Rune of Returning


[Combative] [T4]

Unlike most other runes, the Rune of Returning is split, each half carved into two different items. These items are typically linked together as a pair (I.E. a glove and a hammer) and have seen use in dwarven javelin throwers who could recall their weapons from the shields of enemies.



Mechanics: Upon activation, both of the items bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of blue. Then on the second emote the half not designated as the base begins moving towards the base half of the rune. After 3 emotes total, the runes along with the object they’re engraved upon meet, and then are able to be used in whatever matter wished. Any obstacles in the way will make the runic item lazily arc around it, and the halves of the runes must be within 15 meters. The speed is not too quick, at 30 mph, and may be caught by those with a good deal of dexterity if the object is spinning. 


  • The range in which the runes can sense each other is 15m. This means the range of this rune's activation is 15 meters.
  • This rune is not a weapon summon, but rather a recall.
  • As the Rune is T4, it can only be done twice in combat.
  • The base of the two runes is that which is Empowered first.
  • One can not summon halves of runes that are not of the original creation. This must be designated upon the item itself. If for example a glove and axe were paired, the glove would need something along the line of [Bound to a dwarven steel axe] at the end of the description, or worked into the description in some fashion. 
  • One can actually catch the item before it reaches its other half, to which the rune will tug for a moment and then deactivate.
  • If met with a wall or an obstacle where it can’t easily go around or pass through, it will simply stay there, stuck, and then falling to the ground. Things like thin window panes will shatter however.
  • Line of sight is required.


General Runesmithing Redline



 If a loophole or grey area is seen, contact an LT or the Lore holder, otherwise, the answer is no.


Tier Progression



Runesmithing is similar to other arts in that it requires time to harness their newfound abilities. But unique to Runesmithing is the acclimation of one’s mind to utilizing the powers of Thought. The timescales of such are detailed below.


Tier 1   


The Runesmith has gone through the Ritual of Ascent, and a Thread of Thought has been used to ascend their mind. This change is still weak, with Thread harmonizing being tentatively, and the after-effects being great amounts of physical and mental fatigue. Their Rune Aura is not noticeable at this point.


This stage takes 2 weeks of learning. At this stage, a Runesmith has the ability to manipulate 1 Thread per stone week, as well as summon 1 Thread a week. They learn how to Empower, and learn the Utility Dialect, and the Runes of Blowing, Flowing, and Grounding.


Tier 2      


After active study and practice with carving and Empowering low-tier runes, the Runesmith begins to slowly strengthen their Thread manipulation through use. Having learned a few of the more basic techniques, the power flowing through them is a bit more manageable, however still feels like a small weight pressing on them, unwieldy. Mental and physical fatigue for Harmonizing 1 Thread is lesser than before, but doing 2 at the same time brings the same amount of stress. The Rune Aura begins to show when focusing on harmonizing Threads, subtly blue shapes upon one’s skin.


This stage takes 3 weeks of learning and is after being connected for 2 weeks. At this stage, a Runesmith has the ability to manipulate 2 Threads at a time, as well as summon 3 Threads a week. They learn to carve the Runes of Light, Dark, and Greed.


Tier 3   


At this stage Runesmiths no longer feel burdened by the manipulation of Threads and they can carve runes that begin to distinguish themselves as a learned Runesmith. Mental and physical fatigue for Harmonizing 1 Thread is subtle, and 2 brings lesser fatigue than before, but doing 3 at the same time brings the same amount of stress. Their Rune Aura begins to show passively now as blue shapes or words, even beyond practice of the magic.


This stage takes 5 weeks of learning and is after being connected for 5 weeks. At this stage, a Runesmith has the ability to manipulate 3 Threads at a time, as well as summon 5 Threads a week. They learn to carve the Runes of Heat, Coldness, and Hearth.


Tier 4     


After many weeks of practicing and improving techniques, a Runesmith is brought to their penultimate expertise, able to weave intricate tapestries of Thought and Empower more complicated runes of great power. Mental and physical fatigue for Harmonizing 1 Thread is gone, and subtle for 2 Threads, less for 3 and in full effect for 4 Threads. Their Rune Aura is more prominent when not Harmonizing, and glows to its fullest extent now when Harmonizing.


This stage takes 5 weeks of learning and is after being connected for 10 weeks. At this stage, a Runesmith has the ability to manipulate 4 Threads at a time, as well as summon 10 Threads a week. They learn to carve the Runes of Durability, Vigour, and Returning.


Upon reaching this tier a Runesmith can publish a TA, however, they are limited to teaching and connecting 1 student until they reach T5


Tier 5       


After a Runesmith has dedicated fifteen stone weeks to actively developing their skills, they have mastered the art of creation, and are commonly referred to as a Master Runesmith. They can weave complicated and ornate Threads of Thought into runes. Mental and physical fatigue for Harmonizing 1 or 2 Threads is non-existent, with 3 Threads bringing subtle fatigue and 4 bringing lesser fatigure, but even at this skill level 5 Threads will bring about mental and physical fatigue. Their Rune Aura glows bright and bold when carving and remain blue when not, with their entire hands or eyes being blue when Harmonizing, marking their skill and power.


A Runesmith arrives at this stage after a total of 15 weeks of study past their connection ritual. At this stage, a Runesmith has the ability to manipulate 5 Threads at a time, as well as summon 15 Threads a week. They learn to carve the Runes of Life, Progression/Regression, Death, Creation, Sight, Lightning, the Master Rune, and the ability Overcharge.


Upon reaching this tier a Master Runesmith now has three student slots


TA’s AND MA’S will be wiped upon the acceptance of this rewrite. It has been expressed by nearly every person on LotC that all traces and connections to the old form of Runesmithing should be removed. It is essentially a new magic, was not widespread to begin with, and the last version was problematic.



Purpose (OOC)



Runesmithing has been a pillar of dwarven culture and is famously known as something the dwarven playerbase sorely misses. This is the culmination of many writers' work, compiled and refined to be the best runesmithing can be. I intend to have this be the groundwork for future lore and amendments to Runesmithing, with the basics in place; hence why a great majority of runes are explicitly non-combative. Truly the marriage of craftsmanship and magic, Runesmithing will bring back a unique aspect to the server, with a brand new take on magic utilizing Thought, a powersource never seen on the server.




Material Alphabet:



The Power of Thought: 



2012 Runesmithing (Arbrek):


2012 Runesmithing (like a week later - More Arbrek):


2015 Runesmithing (Lima):


2016 Runesmithing (Dizzy):


2018 Runesmithing (Josh):




TheBlackBobRoss for being the “Resident Big Brain Idea Slave” and refining the beautiful idea of Threads of Thought.

SoulReapingWolf for making the Shiny Coins and the text-dividers.

A bunch of folk for rune ideas.

The Dwarves for thinking so hard that Runesmithing came to exist.




Compiled below are all the changes and considerations made from all given runesmithings rewrites, listed in all the changes made to this document from the last document and the one prior.


Listed below are changes not detailed in the Feedback.

Complete change of the powersource, changing the entire piece. 

Complete removal and change of the Belka Rune, Rune of Shielding, to that of Rune of Lightning.

Complete removal of the Rune of Blood
Swapped tiers of the Runes of Heat, Coldness, Light, Dark, Grounding, Flowing, and Blowing to better balance things.

Reworded the Rune Aura to make it clearer

Removed Awaken ability

Complete overhaul of Sparks into Threads, combining that body of text with others to make the lore overal far more concise.

Rewrote just about everything

Rewrote Rune Carving into The Runes combined with the old body of text.


-The magic explanation doesn’t describe much from an OOC standpoint, and is sort of written in a way which one would describe runesmithing ICly- there isn’t much explanation from a mechanical standpoint.

  • Rewritten to make far more sense.

-Another issue is (again) the powersource. The power of thought is used to justify why there is historically very little new change thematically from what we have seen of runesmiths in the past. With this, the magic delves a lot into various aspects of other magics (Evocations, Telekinesis, Necromancy even, etc.) with minimal drawback or added cost, simply made because sparks are mana, but better- if so, why would anyone do bloodmagic over this? The only thing bloodmagic has over this, as example, is summoning and bloodrifting- does that make it so different when this magic overlaps in so many concepts to so?

  • Powersource entirely changed. Focus set on Artificery instead of abilities, with few exceptions. Necromancy rune removed. Drawback set equal to that of voidal magi exhaustion. 

-Another note (again again) is the powersource. While the liquid mana in all things is alright, although it’s done three (lifeforce, genus, chi) other times with little to defer it other than ‘pure mana’, it requires an innate power added to the soul in the vaguely mentioned ascension. It doesn’t explain why, or how it works, just that there’s a connection needed for what would otherwise be a non-connection based magic- Necromancy details an understanding of lifeforce, bloodmages simply know how to apply genus, chi users much the same- Sparks are not much different than base mana, and requiring a vaguely defined ascension of soul to use so is oddly put. It can then be disconnected from someone, acting like a deity connection- which makes little for sense. It’s mana based, with a deific-like connection and a deific-like disconnection. It has deific magic restrictions, even- acting like one, though it is certainly not.

  • Runesmithing acting similar to a deific connection remains. Powersource changed entirely.

-Terms or phrases in Sparks of Creation such as ‘power of creation’ are heavily overused, as are frequently repeating adjectives- explanations should be done in a more objective and clear manner, as these are difficult to read.

  • Completely rewritten

-’Those who toil and labor endlessly, the dwarves, found the utilization of his ideal, a Spark of Creation…” doesn’t make much sense to say why it’s a dwarven magic, particularly when many elves aswell involved themselves, and would in the future.

  • Phrase removed, poor wording.

-The “Ascension of one’s soul” is mentioned repeatedly but left unexplained, how does this happen, why, what does it mean? Does it only pertain to runesmithing? It describes sort of hand-wavily it makes its own magical mechanic, which needs heavy defining and explanation.

  • Changed completely.

-Sparks are referred to as “more portent mana that resides within all beings”, and ascending ones soul allows them to harness it- could you use that mana in other magics? Does it apply to them? Other ascensions of the soul? What is ascension of the soul? Why hasn’t it been found before? It sort of reads far too similar to Lifeforce, Genus, Chi, etc. as “mana everyone has, but better”.

  • Completely changed to a new content without mana entirely. 

-Sparks are physical, visible objects? It’s listed in the redlines, but undescribed entirely in the lore- it needs to be, if that’s something that’s staying.

  • Sparks replaced with Threads of Thought, explained to be circular formations of light.

-Redlines of the rune aura has a lot of hand-wavey wording, with “Perhaps”, “example”, “in many forms”, “but there is much freedom”, sort of defeats the purpose of redlines- it should just clearly describe what they can/cannot do. The redlines make it hard to envision any scenario in which they’re enforced.

  • Cleaned up significantly, feedback taken.

- "The changing of one’s soul to manipulate Sparks is a far cry from that of Ascended. It is a weak change, and only allows one to be able to manipulate Sparks." This directly conflicts with the descriptions of sparks and their capabilities in above paragraphs, if sparks only affect the use of this magic and the ascension of the soul isnt actually that huge of a deal it shouldn't be described as such a powerful ability to manipulate creation and higher more potent manas.

  • Changed entirely.

-The “Once disconnected, never-again” clause of the ritual of descent should follow the deific two-strike clause, as making something which simply, at least implicatively, just de-elevates you (which still is described), it doesn’t make sense it’d taint your soul- something very few things are capable of, most notably darkmagics.

  • Taint of soul removed, 2-strike clause implemented.

-Rune anvils are rather undefined, a vague gesture at “better channelling of sparks”- akin to a voidal obelisk, which doesn’t make sense. Why does it affect runesmiths negatively within a small radius? It is explained as a large platform, and if unused it makes tools overheat- why is this? It doesn’t make much sense. Anvils acting as a giant focusing machine which heats and cools is odd and left extremely vague.

  • Overheat mechanic removed. Anvil better defined. Explanation for ability to facilitate Threads given.

-Material Alphabet runes requiring to be taught is odd, given anyone knows what they are and could easily carve them. Not a fault of writing, just a fault of it being utilized here with aswell adding on a teaching.

  • Oversight amended. 

-Why do passive runes not need to be overcharged but the rest do?

  • Feedback taken, large oversight of lack of explanation implemented. Non-Combative Runes may last upwards of a year, while Combative runes have strict restrictions.

-Rune of durability mentioned a recharge mechanic, which recharges passively? It seems an odd mention as it’s left out of others.

  • Removed, text was misleading. All runes recharge passively.

-The rune of creation does not define what damage can be repaired, or to what extent. What does ‘under a foot’ entail? Anything? A point of breakage? A broken off piece? It needs a lot more defining.

  • Fully outlined, as well as additional redlines for further understanding and detailing of what the rune is and isn’t capable of.

-Will return and send runes work with eachother? Or just certain pairs?

  • Clarified to explicitly only be the initial set of runes, without mixing and matching.

- "as the creation of a rune upon an object is as simple as putting a symbol of The Material Alphabet which must be meticulously carved; one of the reasons it has been primarily a dwarven craft. " doesn’t make much sense as any race carves, just seems an unnecessary writing

  • Clarified and expanded.

- "Runes may not be dualcasted, but may be activated at the same time with their own isolated effects." This is just saying “you cannot dualcast, but you can dualcast” in it’s current state

  • Edited with clarification and an example.

-10 block range on proximity runes is a bit much, given it takes (over) 2 emotes to fully run through such a space to get into touch range of the rune. In conjunction of the rune, it can lock an area off by blood only, make traps which take 3+ emotes to get out of range, and so on - it can prove problematic, both the proximity rune, and the blood rune.

  • Clarity given to proximity rune, such that one may escape before any combative runes activate.

-Going further into the blood rune, it doesn’t make much sense- it locks off to specific descendants and their lineages, which can get muddled and confusing when people can and will argue about heritage and the like.

  • Removed upon suggestion

-The formatting in the Dialects leaves much to be desired, with a lot of writing jumbled and confusing.

  • Formatting made far better.

-Spells should just say “Combative” or “Noncombative” (rather than both), the list is simply clarifying if it can be used in combat or not.

  • Feedback applied.

-Heat runes being multiplicative rather than additive is a large problem, particularly with something combative. A tier 1 rune should not be able to (at all) null Tier 3 spells of water/ice and more. It doesn’t make much sense why this can’t burn, it’s just odd.

  • Changed to be additive, and of T3 rune.

-The cold affect should be about as effective as athin, not requiring the cancellation achieved by Tier 3+ spells. It aswell states it’s effective against azdrazi, but doesn’t go into details. Does the cold stretch bone deep? Surface frostbite? It can also cause a chill over an area, but never defines a radius. This needs a lot of specifics regarding temperature aswell.

  • Azdrazi effects added. Area reiterated as the usual runesmithign 5 meter radius. Bone-deep added, stated to be skin deep.


-Rune of Life and Rune of Death don’t have much of a place or purpose in the lore, and should be spared given they take the niche of other magics and don’t fit with a magic centred on artifice. Time aswell is odd, seeming misplaced with the rest of the lore.

  • Rune of Life and Death completely overhauled, to focus more on the theme of artifice and affecting materials and objects in the world rather than living creatures. Time is kept.

-Yemekar rune should not extend to items of deific/draan/dark properties, aswell as Thanhium

  • Feedback noted, edited to further detail it does not restore magical properties. Thanhium added due to this magic not being mana-based.

-Belka rune doesn’t fit the magic’s aesthetic and does antimagic better than any other magic on the server. Maybe an addition in the future, but certainly far too imbalanced and without place in the lore.

  • Feedback taken, rune removed and replaced.

-Ograhad rune should be far more defined and refined, it likely would be strictly for signs & symbols of a material and nothing more.

  • Already existing phrasing made more apparent.

-The Rune of Flowing is effectively water evocation without voidal weakness

  • Feedback taken, not entirely applied due to the niche of water propagation not being overcrowded. Further clarity of the large differences added as a redline.

-Without weakness or any form of real cost, it makes it hard to justify why one wouldn’t have runesmithing or wouldn’t have runesmithing items.

  • Large negatives added to Runesmithing, in the form of mental and physical fatigue after creation, as well as permanent defects of the skin in the form of blue veins and skin.

-The blood rune should likely be removed, as it’s strictly a tool for just locking and gatekeeping things.

  • Removed due to Rune of Phrase being able to do the intended goal of the Rune of Blood.

The piece overall comes off as a sort of hodgepodge of ideas, which lacks direction and refining in a lot of places where it may benefit greatly from so. With trimming, refining, defining, and better writing the piece could go far. Cultural reference should likely be removed from the piece as it serves a lot of poor taste and confusion, in recommendation it should be a simple form of enchanting with little for ranged options, alongside utility to creating weapons with proper meaning to them, instead of magical-swords.



Entire rework of the Mana-point system, changed to be more like Chi.

Increased the compatibility of other magics.

New rune process: upon activation, the energies stored within the rune spread throughout the inside of the object. This was unexplained beforehand. 

New activation: Upon activation, the item bearing the rune will vibrate and hum slightly for a second, along with the rune itself glowing a shade of blue. 

Overhaul of the Rune of Heat, allowing more applications of the rune through combative means, with more detailing of the rune’s usage.

Overhaul of the Rune of Chill for more details of the usage, as well as limitations.

Added redline of size limitation in any dimension of 5 meters.

Removed 7 runes total

Overhaul of Rune of Creation

Brand new concept of Connection

Changes to allow Diefic users that still bear unaltered souls and mana to use Runesmithing. 

Lots of edits I’ve forgotten


-The lorepost states it’s using runes of the material alphabet, however no runesmithing rune or set of rune in the entire write actually aligns with the material alphabet

Edited to show each representing rune in the available runes, as well as combinations for new runes in this lore.

-utilizing the power of thought as “Dwarves believe it works, so it does” is a bit odd here, but it’s alright

Feedback noted.

-it has a lot more restrictions than it needs to for a mana based magic running off mana with no real downside, detriment, bind or cost; logically most the magics have no reason to be incompatible here

“More restrictions than needed to be=>no real downside, detriment, bind, or cost” contradicting statement, feedback taken with a grain of salt. Increase in compatibility however.

-The echo system is a sort of non-factor-system given item sign limits, incredibly quick regeneration, and low cost to make items

An example of quantity of runes able to make has been now added, to show that Runesmithing allows for a low amount of crafts, lower than Transfiguration.

-Focusing ones mana into liquid already exists, it effectively acts as liquid mana- there’s nothing that makes it different from what already exists, nor what would happen with interacting with liquid mana, if anything

Changed to be akin to Chi, a form of more powerful mana

-Sparks have no explanation as to how they work, its ill defined and doesnt tie into current lore; it sort of takes the bloodmagic Material Alphabet intent using raw energy (genus), with a reskin that doesn’t quite add up as it’s just a downgraded (in origin, but not in this lore’s usability/power) version

Explained to work as mana points, with a brand new concept of sparks (used to be Echoes) working without a generator in the soul.

-Runesmithing is once again referred to as a "blessing". Should be changed to "believed to be a blessing," but that's a really small nitpick.

Edited to reflect suggestion.

-The explanation of regeneration needs to be reworded and expanded as it’s immensely confusing to read and picture out, and can be interpreted in many different ways because of confusing grammar- the amount of runes regenerated per week should clearly be stated alongside the tier of runesmith

Amount of Sparks regenerated per week stated in both the Tier progression as well as the section with Spark lore.

-Discrepency where it says “Runes do not have to be recharged” but than later in the same redline bubble it says “Runes have a structure based on how many times those of each tier may be used before needing to be recharged for a narrative day”, needs to be fixed to be more clear

Edited to be more clear, and combined into a single sentence.

-Overcharge ability needs to be rewritten as its intended; needs emote counts,effects, defining what the longevity is, it seems powerful so it should cost and require much attention to make sure it is used properly

Further explanation given, rewriting of the main body of text to be more concise and understandable.

-Rune of phrase is confusing, will it only respond to the runesmith speaking the key phrase? If the runesmith makes the key phrase a ddwarven word, could it be phonetically pronounced not understanding the meaning and still speak it? Could the phrase be made from a knowledge locked language?

Edited to answer these questions.

-What happens if the rune of heat/chill is exposed to voidal wter evo/frost witch magic/fire evo/azdrazi? Would the rune be able to cancel or block the effects of the magic? It should be denoted and needs definition

Answered, given the ability to nullify one singular average attack from each, as well as great clarifications. 

-Rune aura is weirdly constricting on aesthetic and creativity to appearance

Expanded on aesthetics, allowing words.

-Echoes are just liquid mana, its weird to attach liquid to the soul

Changed to be more powerful mana akin to Chi

-The disconnection penalty is unnecessarily hard and great, it’s odd having a disconnection to begin being a mana-based miscmagic. It’s far too easy, punishing, and strange. 

Feedback considered but not applied, due to disconnection being in line with 2 other misc mana magics, Golemancy and Chi.

-There is no consequence to the master rune being broken, too big to be moved, can be immediately remade if broken, and again- can just be unnecessarily utilized in combat where it absolutely shouldn’t be, the fae-ring type affect shouldn’t be there- it makes no sense as to why its there to begin with

Feedback taken, most of it being a non-issue such as an anvil not being able to move, and stating it can be used in combat while explicitly being stated to be non-combative. Fae-ring decidedly kept to preserve the gravity of the craft, simply for atmospheric purposes. Radius of discomfort reduced from 5 to 2.

-Rune anvils shouldn’t have any method of weaponization or use of hostile intent

Agreeable feedback, already in place.

-A rune anvil says it happens to channel more echoes, but if you dont use an anvil for higher tier runes it makes the tools overheat- if it was amplifying the powersource, how is it overheating without a rune anvil? It contradicts itself a bit

Clarified to further emphasis Rune Anvils do not empower the tools but rather share the burden.

-It is explained there can only be 3 runes on an object, but near all require a prefix and activation- which means you could have either 2 prefixes and one affect, or 2 effects and one prefix. However it is explained that there can be three noncombat affect runes. It’s messy and convoluted, unnecessarily so

Futher explained, and all combinations have been outlined.

-Rune of heat being able to be applied onto things like clothes can be pretty nonsensical as it is akin to a stovetop, aswell completely vague as to how that works or what happens

Answered through overhaul of the rune in entirety. 

-Rune of flowing doesnt specify how much comes out but 10gal/2inch means it is pretty easy to instantly flood a room, make a river, etc- undefined and overtuned, no pressures, ranges, etc. 

Ranges, quantity, and pressures added, as well as further explanation of the rune to prevent overpowered usage.

Answered through overhaul of the rune in entirety. 

-Rune of grounding suffers pretty much the same issue, although it’s line of “No rare ores, except some gold”, which contradicts itself as a weird exception. It can just be used as an infinite ore generator without detriment. 

Answered through overhaul of the rune in entirety. 

-rune of blowing lacks any quantifiable description and mechanics, its capabilities and limits are undefined

Answered in further redlines and explanation of mechanics.

-Rune of darkness is vaguely written

Additions of usability and functionality added to aid in understanding.

-Rune of durability doesn’t seem to do anything, it exists but that’s about the extent- it doesn’t have any tangible use or affect, or reasonable application

Feedback considered, community asked on whether they desired the rune, to which they liked the rune, causing it to remain in the rewrite.

-Rune of vigor is similar to durability, it doesn’t have much use besides making people have an adrenaline rush- which in battle is already something which occurs

-Rune of life is vague and undefined in its mechanics and capabilities, does it restore consciousness, does it stop bleeding, does it reduce pain, what does it actually do? Could one be tortured further without dying? Could one incur more lethal wounds? Is there a level of lethality it does not work on? It’s undefined

Major additions added for clarification of the rune.

-rune of progression/regression is unchanged mostly as an insta-repair, anti-age, with no limits or defining. Can it be used combatively? It doesn’t have any real mechanics to it, and is entirely undefined

-Rune of creation doesn’t fit the limiting runes thing given as “each part of the swords to be repaired would need a rune of creation”, it just doesn’t quite fit- how is it actually supposed to work? Its vague and undefined


-The rune of form stabilizes heat, stabilizing it at red hot? Until something makes it unstable, but pretty much anything is going to make it not stable, including the air- given that’s how heat disperses. How is it supposed to work? What does it mean?

Removed, due to “too many runes”
-Rune of hearth doesn’t have much of a purpose or point

Kept, fits the theme of dwarven-ness that Runesmithing aims to capture

-Rune of growth should be removed as it has no real place with the theme or magic whatsoever

Removed upon suggestion

-Rune of youth follows the above

Removed upon suggestion

-Rune of tales just sort of crowds the “Using magic to tell stories” niche, and while it’s not something we care much to not have overfilled, it just sort of has no place being here at all, how do you control something with pre written runes to actively impart images and emotions noto objects. It doesnt make sense to be in the magic

Removed upon suggestion

-The rune of sight is weird to actually apply, would this say all the signs and symbols a plant/reagent would have? What if it doesnt have any? It mentions ferrum, but ferrum doesnt have any signs/symbols written as usable

Futher explained to utilize Symbol Rings, as well as an example.

-Rune of agreement has no place in the magic again, and is completely vague and undefined- it makes no sense with the material alphabet

Removed upon suggestion

-Rune of merchants is the same as above

Removed upon suggestion

-Rune of greed is such a highly-specific and niche use case it’s weird it’s included overall, if the box is open or if someone looks in it, does it still give that impression?

Removed, replaced with a brand new rune of the same name.

-rune of thieves should be outright removed, there’s no place it has and serves to just act as a powergamed home security system

Removed upon suggestion

-Rune of shielding is incredibly overtuned and should be outright removed, having no downsides, no counters, lasting far too long- every aspect for the most part

Moved to T5, further emphasis added to the major downside of any mundane means of damage penetrating the shield. Tuned to be worse than both Guardian’s Bulwark and Thanhium.

-Rune of returning is fine but it effectively acts as a weapon summon which many magics have- again, not so much an issue, but this just seeks to improve and be the best of all of them

Redlined to emphasise it being weaker than Templar Bound Armament, as well as not being able to be summoned like Draan binding

-Many runes are lacking in emote count requirements for activation, cheaper and easier to craft versions of bloodmagic runes with no consequence and capability of being stacked, with a highly locked in aesthetic on many; an example is light, which is locked to colour

-The divine dialect is an issue as it’s culture, the Brath aren’t real in lore, and make no real sense to be included here

Further explanation given of “Runes act the way they act due to dwarven belief, not due to the existence of their gods.”

For simplicity’s sake, you may think of Runes as Managems. IE, the provider of the power for the powers on the object the Rune is carved into. This doubly serves as the object’s weak point. Anything that can alter the Rune engraved will destroy the rune. 


The issue with this is that it directly contradicts the material alphabet lore that this piece and other pieces such as Alchemy and Blood Magic are based off of:


-Besides their odd lingual universality, the material alphabet possesses no fundamental power on its own. Other lore must be deployed when giving powers and properties to these runes beyond meagre understanding, such as blood magic which utilises many of these same symbols in its own alphabet, requiring blood mages to write and use them in already written and accepted rituals.


Above is the Material Alphabet lore that this lore breaks. It goes against the lore base and as well invalidates some lore redlines written in both Blood Magic and Alchemy.

Feedback taken, further clarification given in the form of “EMPOWERED Runes” as well as “UNEMPOWERED runes that have not been imbued have no effect on anything whatsoever and are inert.”


Overall, the lore is a step better but still suffers from the same exact issues as the last few writes. Too many runes, the runes are all undefined, vague, and underexplained without concrete wordage or mechanics, confusing writing in a few critical places, non-systems which serve to complicate, along with nitpicks and issues that’re fairly small. The origin is still an issue that contradicts a lot of currently existing lore and this own lorepiece in more than a few spots, and causes issues of theme in more than a few places. Compliments in a few places go to overall theme being a bit tighter and more aesthetically open, although there are a lot of odd limitations placed upon those that are completely unnecessary.



Runesmithing Feedback [SoulReapingWolf]


-Origin is far too long 

Changed to an entirely new origin at about a fifth of the size.

-Deific Connection with an unaccepted deity, besides the unaccepted part, deific runesmithing probably won’t work

Outright removed.

-should not be able to exchange echoes whatsoever

Edited to such, Echoes may not be exchanged.

-Connection has way too many penalties for simply connecting, way too overfluffed and undescribed

Penalties removed in totality. Described in further detail, more redlines, body of text reduced to half of its size.

-Ruhn Spark is an odd and weird requirement and is heavily overfluffed and undescribed, hard to read

Simplification of the Spark has been done

-what is a rune well


- Do echoes endlessly accumulate per week? Do they variably interact with activity (i.e. do the points accrue even when one is longly inactive?). If the answer to the first question is yes, then we have concerns. We can't even begin to list the potential of abuse with echoes (From our understanding, they construe the fuel which allows the creation and sustainment of runes) that generate in indefinite order and without a quantitative cap. Because at that point, they might as well be infinite.

Answered in the redlines for Echoes. They do not accumulate weekly, as per request.

-Runeforges should have lessers only able to carve up to t3 runes

Feedback applied.

-AOE effects on Runeforges are insane and should be removed

Removed, only slight unease is left.

-Greater Runeforge accordance to MAs is kind of arbitrary 

Removed as suggested.

-ritual of chains and the year(s) of rest should be better described if kept

Year of rest removed. 

-ritual of binding and chains are super vague and have levels of unneeded tracking and complexity for something that should be incredibly simple and easy

Explained in more detail, and tracking has been removed.

-ritual of binding must be done at a runeforge, a place described as completely disorienting to someone who isnt attuned, any coherent task is completely unfulfillable

This discrepancy fixed through changing of feeling uneasy near a Rune Anvil

-breaking of chains ritual to necro-drain and summon huge golem disconnect spikes is weird and ridiculous, disconnection being locked behind a feat is unacceptable, undefined disconnection side effects need to be described aswell

Entire disconnection reworked.

-it takes, by opinion, too long to learn this with all the additive time

Time to learn reduced by a total of 3 weeks

-there is way too much documentation for teaching, progressing, learning, using, this magic which makes it a massive headache for ST and players- it allows for such an awful guildlocking (intentional or not) that has plagued runesmithing and will not be repeated

Edited to remove all forms of documentation and tracking beyond the teaching of runes being required to be roleplayed, in accordance to the rest of the lore magics.

-runeforge is overpowered as a complete magical silence to anyone but runesmiths, even when undefended

Edited to remove this aspect.

-there is no listed size for runeforges, their area of affect (which should be entirely removed), or how it is destroyed- it is entirely undefined and undetailed

Given a size, method of destruction, and definition. 

-the echoes read as they arent really required for item crafting because theyre actually from innoms realm? 

Innom removed from the write.

-why are lesser forges required to be a blacksmiths forge, how does that look, does it affect anything else, why a forge

Simplified to an Anvil.

-https://i.gyazo.com/f29346b381ddf557eae997a1e8a09512.png this was not followed through with at all

Line removed.

-Rune scribing is entirely useless it would seem, as it seems to says paper just burns away once a rune is inscribed on it, so this entire 'spell' doesnt do anything.

Feedback taken, rune scribing removed in totality.

-Rune tracing, is additionally, useless, as it is 'oh, it disappears into nothingness also'. Rune tracing and rune scribing could be merged if they functioned

Feedback taken, rune tracing removed in totality.

-the greater soul requirement is very easily oversighted and not in the right place in the lore, we have a format to make this clear

Moved to the proper location, in Connection.

-in the disconnection, what is ‘the order of runesmiths’, why is it mentioned here, should not be 

All mentions of a Order of Runesmiths and Runelords removed.

-ruhn should probably have a different name since its easy to overskip with ‘rune’

Edited to represent such suggestion

-needing a feat to use the items is a small redline which has massive place on the lore and should probably be removed, there’s a reason other lores do not have this at all

Feat removed as suggested.


-Runecarving contradicts itself on whether its material alphabet or not

Contradictions should be removed and more easy to understand.


-3 combat runes per object is an outright no, one at maximum.

Edited to represent such.

-No size requirement for runes is absurd

Edited to represent such, at 2 inches.

-T1-4 runes do need to be signed by staff, that is non-negotiable.

T3-T5 required to be signed, with all runes shifted around in tier to keep those of Player-signage in line with enchantments of Voidal Transfiguration.

- According to the lore, each object, great or small in equal measure, is able only to preserve 5 echoes. Combat runes are said to require 2 echoes each. Non-combat runes require 1 echo each. This means that at most, an object can only ever be carved with 2 combat runes with space left for only 1 non-combat rune. In strange contradiction however, the lore states that an object can occupy 3 combat runes.

This discrepancy has been fixed.

-Ruhn Burst needs to be outright removed

Removed under suggestion.

-Compatibility with Bloodmagic can maybe be considered if a write is ever accepted for Runesmithing. All here should probably be outright removed as currently there is no real connection between the two other than ‘material alphabet’, which is contradicted heavily in this lore.

Suggestion heeded but not removed, if a greater lore reason is given for them to be mutually exclusive then such will be reflected in exclusions.

-Stability makes no sense and is extremely overpowered and need to be outright removed

Removed upon suggestion, replaced with new rune

-Rune of death needs to take significantly longer to activate

Emotecount increased from 3 emotes to 6 emotes

-Rune of World is a straight up buff on cockatrice’s breath, needs extreme nerfing or outright removal

Removed upon suggestion, replaced with new rune

-Rune of youth is a free immortality

Redlined to further emphasis such is not the case.

-Rune of Merchant is extremely easy to powergame and should probably be outright removed

Redlined further to emphasis powergaming with the rune is a reprimandable offense.

-Time-warping needs multitudes of redlines stating it cannot be used to metagame things that happened in the past (such as a mirror, and trying to see what it saw), and that it cant be used on living things.

Feedback taken and applied. Futher explanation of the rune and a stricter application through the restriction of use of a box was added.

-Overall a lot of the Tier 5 capabilities are insane and absurd with no redeemability, at least with their current state and direction. It has a lot of really overpowered and dull concepts with frequent lacking in redlines and definitions, the mechanics being more fluffed than useful and leaving much question to be asked. Most runes have not gotten full breakdown individual feedback as overall they lack massively in description, definition, understanding of powerlevel, and variance, which is consistent across most of them. They’re way too strong, way too undefined, easily powergamed, and affect way too much for what runesmithing should be capable of. 

Every rune added with full mechanics and redlines and descriptions, something that none of them truly had beforehand. Redlines added to nearly every rune to further pull back on their power, based on contemplation on how to abuse the runes and then restrict such.


Independent Changes:

New origin.

Addition of the Power of Thought into the piece.

Addition of Kha being allowed to become Runesmiths as they have Greater Souls.

Confusing aspect of Rune Wells and Forged of varying sizes simplified to a singular Anvil with an optional Master Rune.

Connection and Disconnection changed and made more unique and for deeper RP.

Ruhn changed to Rune.

Rune Spark changed to Spark.

Simplification of the entire piece, made far less wordy.

Removal of the Rune of Passivity, World, Stability, and the Abilities Rune Burst, Rune Etching, Scribing, Tracing, Smithing, Ruhn-Linking, Ruhn Burst, and Drain.

Addition of the Runes Vigour, Form, Durability, Returning.

Progression simplified to an astounding degree.


Unique changes made from consideration of other lore feedback of other pieces:


Runesmithing Feedback [Nooblius]


-Disconnection is vague, not described how long it takes

Edited to add emotecount for disconnection 

-The three items/day rule is left unclear and vague. 

Table of Item's per day added

-Passive is crazy- what? Continually using enchantments and so ? This is crazy, by no means fair, and more overpowered than ever before. 

Passive Rune removed in the current write due to this suggestion.

-More gatekeeping, more hoarding. Touch, phrase, both just making it so nobody else can use the magic. Passive just is undefiend, and as said before, doesn't at all give definition or understanding to what it entails, means, or tries to be, and outright is just insanely, unjustifiably, overpowered and unfair.

Gatekeeping prevented by addition of easy breakage of runes, such that any Utility Rune may be scuffed and broken and replaced with a new rune.

-How do they work with elemental stuff? Can you bind them together? Elemental to effects? It never says

Specification of no dual-casting made in current write.

-Water is insanely broken. Instant draining, actual waterbending, Super high pressure water creation, no range listed, no outlines - techlock breaking machine, aswell as just being incredibly overpowered

Addition of inability to pressurize runes added to current rewrite.

-Repair literally fixes any and everything.

Redlines added to greater degree based on this feedback given to Noobli's rewrite.




-Convert Stone should specify it cannot convert things to precious metals (node based, namely)

Added redline to current rewrite to prevent such in totality.



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im getting grandfathered in yeah 


if not then -1

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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