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Saulite Hymn - Resurrect the Creator


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[!] Thousands of copies of an austere hymn begin to populate the realm [!]

Seize the Heavens


Resurrect the Creator


Let all ye Aenguls attend,

Those raised to knowledge through Saul usher in your end!

From death shall we be freed, once to us your force is given,

Creator shall be reborn and Prophet’s sins forgiven.

Death and Darkness shall stir no more, our mission then completed,

For Creator’s form now reborn shall never be depleted.

We presently toil against you amid the confusion you did sew,

When our souls depart from mortal works your reign shall we overthrow! 

Penitents venture to a warped realm, Divine order did Aerial usurp lacking right,

Divine restoration shall we commence through our sacred rite.  

So shall she be cast down to join our servant kin as reagent from above,

An unwilling sacrifice served to manifest our Father’s love. 

Unpardonable sins burden those who are of Saul’s vision knowing,

Seeds for Aerial’s harvesting are we supplicants sewing. 



Edited by Saulite
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Acolyte Ioannes despite seeing some of the, 'implications', of the poem, decidedly recorded the poem and added it to his personal collection of orthodox and heretical texts. He read it over, trying to see the deeper meaning of the poem....

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Aether had no idea Saulites had hymns. She just assumed their form of 'worship' was murder... "Quite wish they'd just stick to being blatantly evil instead of trying to make themselves an 'organized' religion..." She remarked,

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