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The Media Wizard

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Thunder and lighting. BOOM! CRASH! BOOM!


Amaesil felt the natural world scream out in pain. Phantom lesions opened down his flesh like a tidal wave. He screamed, but found himself choking on a thick, metallic-tasting ichor in the dark vacuum. When all hope seemed lost, the light returned.


The young prince sprang from the forest floor. Cool air rushed in and out of his nose as the panic tempered; his wild eyes looked around the unfamiliar brush with confusion and fear. As he began to calm, his ears flicked. Then, they flicked again. Nature was no longer in pain. In fact, it sounded much different to what he was accustomed to. Where am I? he thought. Amaesil stood at the center of a wet glade surrounded by towering trees. The voices here were softer; nature seemed younger. As he pondered, shouts began to reach him. They came from further in the woodland. He set out to find the source.


“Is this all that returns?” a voice asked. Amaesil broke through the brush to find a group of elves wearing strange armor. They were foreign to him, and none looked his way no matter his attempts to speak. Can they not hear me? Can they not see me?


“Nearly,” a high elven man responded. He strode forward and knelt down beside an injured elf who was propped up against a tree trunk. “The Wardens came just in time, but the Princess wished to stay behind to speak with the Warlord. I pray she is not captured again.”


The Wardens? Amaesil thought. Is this something that has yet to pass? No. These are not my Wardens…


“What do you believe will come of this?” another Warden asked. “Will the Children of Sanjezel and the Elvenfolk finally unite against the northern doom?”


“Ti, they will,” a new voice sounded. The Wardens turned to see an approaching elfess. Her hair was alight with stars and her bright, blue eyes glistened like sea stones. She wore plate armor covered in ash and blood. She smiled, and Amaesil’s heart began to ache with some unspoken love and familiarity. “A new age of resistance began this day, lliran. A pact has been signed and an alliance against Iblees now stands at the ready. There will be time for celebration, but let us focus on the wounded until we reach the city.”


Iblees, Amaesil repeated. Then, he awoke in his bed.






This is a short writing project I am going to do over the break. I hope you all enjoy these short stories. Enjoy!


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