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[Eventline] This Isn't Working


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As the Tribesmen of the Raenrland sat within their camps across the mountain ranges, one thing was abundantly clear to the leaders of the different Clans. Their tactics of Terror, which were meant to frighten the Rathonians and Norlanders into submission, was not working. Their ambushes seldom had any success, and their most recent attack on Dunrath City proved that more than ever. And so, the Elders of the Clans convened. They debated, argued, and advocated for how their war effort could improve. They knew that if their tactics did not change soon, Norland would eventually claim victory over them one way or another. Hours passed, the realm of Almaris fell into night, and the Tribesmen reached a conclusion.


In open combat, the Tribesmen had little hope of winning. They could not openly storm their villages or cities, for they would just be driven back as before. However, what they could do was engage in guerrilla warfare. They could pick their fights carefully and not allow the Norlanders to choose the place of battle, and they could squeeze Dunrath of its imports. To achieve this, the Elders sent a team of Tribals into the night to carry out a mission that, if successful, would make trade and travel between the mainland and Dunrath far more difficult than before.





And so these men set out, their torches in hand. They first arrived at the Loch Usaidh Bridge, and tossed their torches upon the wood. The bridge caught fire easily, and soon collapsed into the lake. Despite burning an important entry to Dunrath, the Tribals were not yet done. The men with torches then set off further down the Raenrland roads and began to split up down the different diverging roads. Each man began hacking nearby trees down and constructed road blocks, then tents to accompany them. The Tribals were not just destroying infrastructure, they were making sure none could repair it either. Their tactics truly were changing, and what that means for the Jarldom of Dunrath and other Raenrland settlements remains to be seen.

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On his daily travels, Torstein Eiriksson Ruric began to suffer a few minor cuts and burns from the rougher terrain. While his travel clothing took the main brunt of it, his face would be temporarily scarred from the wounds. Nevertheless, his route running ran on.

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As Scatha made back to Jarldom on horseback, she said nothing as her steed leaped between the gap where a bridge had once been. Her eyes taking mind of the level of destruction that had befallen what she'd come to consider her home.  Oren would never be this crude in  how they approach a war, especially one they did not think they would lose. That left only one culprit.


Their favourite tribe of rats and brutes had come out of their hole and had resumed their war mongering. At that moment only a single thought crossed her mind.

'That entire mountain range was in dire neither of some Trebuchet assisted reconstruction'.

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