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A Web of Isolation


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Elara couldn’t help but wonder why people questioned her about her totem, asking if such was fitting. At the time of her attunement, it was, and she never questioned it. Living in solitude for so long and coming back to civilization, feeling distant from those she knew from her past. The ‘ame was in fact The Isolation Druid. But did things change? Something about the conversation she had with her cousin sparked something in her.


“How… How can I speak to The Aspects? How am I supposed to tell them that my totem simply doesn’t feel right anymore? How do I tell them they deemed me The Isolation Druid, but they were wrong?”


Over the next few years the Mali could only really think about that question, was it fitting? It sat in the back of her mind, like the voices of nature... looping but never moving.


The Caerme’onn-Arvellon opened up to Sister Starlight about how something didn’t feel right. She knew that this particular Druid had been given a different totem at the time of her attunement, but she didn’t know how and she wasn’t going to ask either. Elara felt much better after the little chat the duo had because Zaelyn had told her the Aspects weren’t wrong, but simply didn’t foresee change.


Elara continued to spiral and ended up taking a few psychedelics… in a way she thought to contact the Aspects. Why didn’t she just hop into a fae ring is beyond me, but anyways? To no one’s surprise, it didn’t work. But the mali was very determined, so she tried again every night for the next few days… taking a bigger dose each time. 


“This has to work, right?” She questioned herself


One night the dose was just too big for her little body to handle and the ‘ame fell into a deep slumber or so she thought. Dreaming of spiders and only being able to hear voices, that echoed through her mind.


“You believe we have made a mistake, young one?”


“N…No.” She called out in turn


“Then why have you tried to call upon us?”


“I- Ti, it’s my totem… it no longer suits me.” 


“Then we shall try again.”


The ‘ame then began to hear a familiar voice, not like the ones she was talking to previously.


“Elara! Elara!” The voice cries out “Wake up… please! I can’t lose you too! You need to wake up… come on oem’ii” The voice was none other than The Kestrel Druid, attempting to wake Elara after healing her.


Hearing her marmal’onn’ plea she slowly started to gain consciousness, reaching the surface of the “water.” Soon enough her eyes jolted open. 


“W…What? How did I get here?” She exclaimed as she looked around the room, not being in her bedroom… but in fact in the healer’s den. “What am I doing in here? And why are you all looking at me like that?” She huffed “Matter of fact, what are you all doing here?” Her brow perked.


Seraphina now speaking up… “Little Raven, Becclain found you on your bedroom floor. It’s been a few days since then.”


The Serpent Mother sat at Elara’s bedside “Do you know how scared we were oem’ii? We thought you weren’t going to wake up…” She scoffed, a hint of anger in her tone


“Renae that is enough, she didn’t know what she was doing.” Seraphina said firmly to her sister. “What is important is that she is awake now.”


But Elara paid no mind to those in the room, but simply fixated on a Goliath Spider making its way down from the ceiling. 


“That’s it!” She yelled out


“What’s it?” The trio said in unison.


Elara pointed to the spider “That!”


A slight scream would escape The Phoenix Druid “Becky kill it!”


“No, don’t!” She pushed herself up out of the bed and made her way to the spider that continued to lower from its web. 


“I am The Goliath Druid.”


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The Kestrel Druid would have stayed at Elara's side for days. He awaited patiently for her to wake from her deep slumber. A sense of worry and anxiety lingered over him as he was not sure what happened to her or what would happen to her, all he could do was wait... Then, once she awoke from her sleep and shouted out her new totem, a sense of relief washed over him and then he smiled "Blessed be, Sister Goliath... I'm so excited to see what becomes of you my malii'lari. I wish you luck and prosperity with what is to come and if you ever need anything, please come to see us." 

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The Serpent Mother glanced over the young 'ame as she leaped from the bed to protect the spider who made it's web. "Agh! Elara, don't toy with it... Oh- Another drui outburst." The magi sighed then. "Blessed be." She'd hum then. "May you continue to grow young oem'ii." Renae then paused now before lifting herself up and moving off. "Anyway- I'm off. . . Oren is a rather lovely city to be about right now." She'd say with a grin, continuing off

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