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Letter to the Royal Duma: On Ongoing Haeseni internal Feuds


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Issued by


On this 8th of Msitza ag Dargund of 419 E.S.





In light of recent events, Royal Alderwoman Baruch deems it fit to request a special session of the Duma in order to constructively address an issue currently affecting Haeseni society: the feud between the Houses Ruthern and Barclay. Further, it is also requested that the establishment of expectations and precedents is discussed at this session to ensure that the honour of future feuding houses is preserved and upheld in the eyes of the Kongzem and its subjects. Thus, Alderwoman Baruch requests that the Duma debates the following topics regarding the Barclay-Ruthern feud.


The following questions are those which the Royal Alderwoman believe to be the most pressing and in need of answers, while still maintaining openness toward other occurring inquiries:



Given the circumstances of this feud, should an individual holding an Aulic position be required to remain neutral in a state of conflict such as this to uphold fairness within the government?


In the present matter of Houses Barclay and Ruthern, the Peer of each House, namely the Duke of Reinmar and the Duke of Vidaus sit upon the Aulic Council as Lord Marshal and Lord Speaker respectively, two positions which inherently require a large degree of abstention and neutrality.



Likewise, does the Duma deem it just that family members from other nations, particularly enemy nations in this instance, are recruited to join such a duel?


For the present feud, it is well-known that both Houses have cousins within other nations, the Barclays of Freimark, as well as the Rutherns of Reutov. The Rutherns of Reutov have, in this case, declared their desire to aid their cousins in Vidaus, despite this being a foreign intervention in a domestic matter, of which it must be decided whether it is the families or that it remains domestic that weigh highest.



Furthermore, whether the elevation of the scale of the conflict by an Aulic Councillor, moving from that of being directed at an individual to being directed at an entire House, is appropriate?


In ongoing circumstances, the dispute started off initially as being a matter between the Duke of Reinmar and the Baron of Rostig, of which was sooner elevated to becoming a matter concerning the entire Houses of Barclay and Ruthern, whilst it could have simply remained an individual duel between two people.



Additionally, whether there ought to be set in precedent restrictions upon how large a family duel may be in scale, as to prevent greater harm done upon families, and to deter recruitment from outside the Kongzem?


The current scale has, as far as it currently stands, been proposed first to be a five versus five, furthermore unlimited numbers, before finally settling on a twenty versus twenty. It must be considered whether a family duel of such a scale is considered to be excessive, and with potential to cause unnecessary harm upon the future prospects of families, while also encouraging recruitment to come from elsewhere.



Lastly, whether it be the duty of all domestic Peers to respect and maintain the honour of such a family feud, and therefore maintain total neutrality in such feuds, unless there be just justification for their House’s intervention.


It was revealed by the Baron of Rostig that there were allegations of the Duke of Reinmar, which were later confirmed by the Lord Palatine after meetings with a few houses. In this respect, there shall not be much debate, instead the Trozich iv Karos Pact shall be proposed for all uninvolved Houses to pledge themselves to, to further the honour and legitimacy of the ongoing feud, so that it may see a just conclusion at the hands of Houses Barclay and Ruthern.


Alderwoman Baruch wishes to know the opinions of the Haeseni people, both common and noble alike. Should a special session be granted, perhaps this could spark a constructive discussion regarding the behaviour of noble houses, especially during times of conflict such as these.




Her Ladyship, Isabel A. Baruch, Royal Alderwoman

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"Do the Aulic Councillors involved have to abstain from voting on whether or not the Aulic Councillors involved have to abstain?" asks Adelmar, "Were such a vote to pass only by their votes, would it then by invalidated by the very result of that same vote?".

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Filip Amador claps his hands together as he read the letter. He smiled widely for any excuse to spend more time in the duma hall "DOBRY IDEA!" he shouted with the rings of his voice bouncing off of each wall and corridor within Mondstadt.



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bishop viktor sighs "The law is very clear. Feuds may be decided between said houses. Bastards are not part of said houses, and therefore not eligible. The houses of Barclay and Ruthern in foreign lands, be it Orenian and Savoy, though technically of the same family, are of different houses and therefore not eligible.


It is especially distasteful if said houses are of nations that are at war with Haense, and apologies should be made for seeking support from those whose aim it is to kill Haeseni.


The recruitment of others outside of the houses involved in the feud should be, and is forbidden, as not only does it violate the law, it damages the entire concept, setting a bad precedent, and means further escalation outside of the original feuding groups."


the bishop yawns, reading the letter further "It is impossible to do anything official to impliment neutrality in a conflict between houses, for houses inherently, and purposefully, make up the government. Rather, houses must have restraint and show some level of decency to regulate themselves and make an effort not to behave foully."



furthermore it is most distasteful to recruit folk and spawn personas in for them to take part, especially if they don't even rp in haense. fix up. fight w the people you had when you decided to fight the feud. if you don't have the folk, shoulda thought about that before you decided to feud...


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