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The Fangsson Bloodline | The Rats of Skavik


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Besides, rats survived so well because they were rats. They knew when to keep quiet and they knew when to squeal.



The Fangsson Bloodline originates from the island of Skavik. Their bloodline deeply rooted into the lands make them and their appearances well known. Descending from the warrior known as “Fang”, this family seeks to create a thriving populace in any place that they encounter. During the Fall of Skavik they creeped onto the boats as they sailed away often stealing rations from others, enacted upon the disgrace of cannibalism, and revere the superstition of a great plague enacting death upon all descendents of the world in which they seek to survive through building immunity like their rodent idol.

Often covered in grime, dirt, and filth whilst carrying a rancid smell these men are not the most pleasant of foes. With their emblem the rat they praise the foul creature as an idol. Scurrying through sewers into settlement, making friendships for selfish goals, and striving to enrich themselves with the prizes of others. Members of The Fangsson Bloodline are often looked down upon for the levels that they steep to, however like their idol they always win in the end.


[!] A Depiction of The Fangsson Bloodline Shield


Unlike families of the ages, all members of The Fangsson Bloodline are on par with one another in terms of leadership. Whilst some may be stronger, richer, or smarter, they are all one in the same. The lack of a hierarchy and a leadership allows for members of the family to maintain their focus of overall wealth and succession within the people of Skavik.

The tactics of The Fangsson Bloodline are foul and the utmost dishonorable. Often aiming for cheap shots with their family-made crossbows, resorting to the use of poisons and harsh potions and concoctions, and thievery make them good additions to any Skavik combat party. They seek to flank their rivals from below or above and do not fear creeping through bogs and sewers to find a way to victory.

By gnawing through a dike, even a rat may drown a nation.


Members of this family are typically blond and possess green eyes. They adorn themselves with jewels and gold however the excessive filth that they cover themselves in often wears away at their prized possessions. Family members are rather short and wear colors of red and black however always will carry a symbol of a rat whether that be their shield or even tattoos.


Upon the age of adulthood boys and girls of The Fangsson Bloodline must undergo a trial before they may take upon the family name of Fangsson.

The Trial of Filth
Upon their 18th birthday a child of the Fangsson family will be gifted their first blade made by their ancestors. Often possessing sharp, jagged edges they will use this for the following task. The child must approach a settlement and position themself into the sewers below. Here they will seek a victim that they will assault and murder. Upon doing so, they are required to bring the body of the victim to the lands of the Skavik people in which they will hold a grand feast upon the corpse. A vile yet sacred practice will open the mind of the new family member and prepare them for the atrocities they are soon to commit.

Musin Enscapturement
Members of the Fangsson often find themselves approaching the mouse men of their newly found lands of Almaris. When a member comes across such creatures, they are instructed through force or bribery to recruit them into the armaments of the family. These humanoid creatures are often told through tales of being true Fangsson’s, fully submitting themselves to the biddings of the rodents themselves.

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Frank Fangsson grabbed his axe and knife and readied himself to lay waste to the cities of the settled men and elves of Almaris.

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Egil Ormsson goes below deck for but a moment and couldn't help but notice a hunchbacked man covered in mud hiding in his ship. 
"Part of the ship, part of the crew."

He welcomingly said.

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Olaf raised his sword, chuckling as new comrades made themselves known.

"We set sail together my friends!"

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Svulf would welcome new shields for the shield wall. 

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