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A Simple Response


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Keep me out of your affairs.


I could simplify this address with the mere sentence above, however I doubt that shall satisfy any true needs. It is known that my past identity was that of Mariana Dubois, it was made known during the reign of Peter III, when I came forth from my sin in confession under the current vicar of man at the time; James II. However, your statement is laced with lies and a twist of my words in my confession. So, I shall make a few things clear and leave you with that.



- There was no love affair, for James II would not sin. To imply that a beloved vicar of man past or present should be sin itself, while I confess that James kept a place in my heart, there was no lewd nor 'affair'

- The lineage of your family, that came from Nenica, they hated me. They had no assistance from me in their churchly affairs, in-fact Nenica was disowned, and hated me so. Alfred became vicar through effort and his love of the church, no one else. I hadn't spoken to her since she had turned eighteen and ran from Kaedrin to Haense.

- The affairs of Azdromoth were not requested by me, my hatred for the dragonkin is quite publicly known, you may ask any who saw my near-death within the confines of Urguan by the Cloud-breaker. This only caused my hatred to grow from previous matters, which was also expressed as I threw slurs of said lizardkin. I believe no one cares for those foul beasts. The monster threatened the security of the church, life of the clergy, and the existing family of Virosi (for there was a living nephew of blood) and there was no choice left. What are you to do when a daemon comes at your doorsteps? As a friend of James II, I went with him, and protected him. He sacrificed the possibility of his soul for the church, and in exchange, Michael and otherworldly beings of light respected him, and were more inclined to meet him. 

- Why would Aenguls communicate further with James II should he have willingly affiliated with a daemon? How could he have been given the banner of Michael? They granted him gifts for his act of defiance against greater evil.

- James II never faltered in his belief of GOD, that is false. And while I was poised as Beatrice, everything within that statement was true. I had no consent from James II to pose as his niece, he was senile at the time. But the sins of Owyn the Pretender were evident. If such were not the case; other clergy would have not joined beside me, nor the majority of the Canonist faith. But who would believe an elf? It was a necessary evil. 

- I released a paper exposing the sins of Owyn the Pretender, and nothing beyond that. I did not orchestrate the slaughter, that was members of your Canondom and Clergy.

- The Pied Piper was a title of papers, not an entity. It is evident if you read them. It directly translates to; "Pied Piper; the snake in the gardens".

- I have had no contact with any Barclay in the past century besides you.


I think it is clear, grandson, what this publication is truly for. Do not include me within your snide politics to try and overthrow the current vicar of man, I shall not have any of it. I have left the realm of Horen and plan to retire peacefully. I should have expected this much during our final ‘farewell’ where I released to you my past, and you your vendetta of your own bloodline. In a morbid way, it is expected, for you were partially raised by me. Lie and deceive, that is what you had been raised to do. So, in a way I am morbidly proud of you for abiding by those teachings. But I have changed past that, and I hope you do as well, grandson. You have taken my past, my words, and twisted them. And in your path of desperation, you have yourself sinned through fabrication; going even as low as to insult a dead and holy man. Perhaps you should repent, I am unsure, you are grown now. But do not include me in your propaganda, it is a devastating and tiresome reach. 



IMG_8448.jpglhoris enjoying retirement from human affairs




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